Spatha Naruto Roleplay
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Hyuuga Clan

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Hyuuga Clan Empty Hyuuga Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:47 am

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics:

Most Hyūga are born with black hair and the pale eyes of the Byakugan. It is a very rare exception that a Hyūga does not possess their clan kekkei genkai, and those who do not are often shunned. The Byakugan does not possess a visible pupil when not activated and is pale enough that clan members are mistaken as blind by those who don't know of their bloodline. When active, the veins around the eyes bulge and the invisible pupil receives an outline and becomes visible, though the color does not change.

The clan as a whole wears more formal clothing in the public setting, believing themselves to be superior to most other clans in a general sense. Before founding Konohagakure, clan members would dress in light armor for combat. Many still do even with the introduction of flak jackets, preferring to stick with what they know. The clan knows their history of strength and dominance in the past and consider themselves to be akin to royalty in Konohagakure, though the new generation does not follow this belief quite as religiously as their parent's generation does.

Clan members can be counted on to be calm and rational in most situations, as they're brought up essentially from the time they're toddlers on being masters of the Gentle Fist. Members are often utilized on missions as scouts, providing the clan with abundant amounts of veteran warriors. This makes them used to the rigors of combat both physically and mentally as a whole, with their pride making up for whatever lack of experience they might have. Members are fiercly loyal to their clan, believing themselves to be the greatest out of any in the Land of Fire and perhaps even the world.

The Uchiha hold a special place of contempt in the hearts of most Hyūga due mostly to the centuries of war between the two clans. Most clansmen hate their red-eyed cousins with a burning passion kept in check by their unwillingness to hurt the tenuous unity of Konohagakure. If they had the choice however, the Hyūga would jump at the chance to rid the village of the Uchiha whether by driving them out or by other more... brutal means.

Bloodline Description & Abilities

The Hyūga possess the innate ability, due mostly to their training with Gentle Fist, to emit chakra from every tenketsu on their body with equal ability. Alongside this ability, they also possess the fabled Byakugan of legend. The Byakugan comes in five different stages, with additional training resulting in increased abilities as the clan member's eyes mature. All levels grant the user nearly 360 degrees of vision around them which penetrates all physical objects and smokescreens, with overall range and focus increasing throughout the user's life. The Byakugan is capable of seeing chakra to a degree above that of the Sharingan, granting it its unique abilities to see the chakra circulatory system . Its capacity is great enough that it can discern chakra emitted by different people and also possesses the ability to tell if somebody is trapped in a genjutsu as well as its nature and when it was used. The Byakugan's ability to discern genjutsu results in their Perception boost being counted towards recognizing Genjutsu. Clones that are not Shadow Clones can be differentiated easily from the original by the Byakugan as well, as Shadow Clones have chakra circulatory systems just like the original does.

Each Spoiler represents everything that the level of Byakugan looking at can do. It is not additive, this is so one doesn’t have to open every spoiler to add ranges, or +’s and such. Just open your level of Byakugan and that’s what you can see.

Stage One:
Stage Two:
Stage Three:
Stage Four:
Stage Five:

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks:

The Byakugan gives the user a near 360 degree diameter field of vision, with one blind spot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra. This can be utilized to the advantage of one perceptive enough and coordinated enough to do so. When transplanted, the Byakugan is the only Dōjutsu which can be activated and deactivated at will by the transplantee.

Certain barrier techniques and ninjutsu, such as Four Black Fogs Formation or the Hiding in Mist technique, block the vision of the Byakugan.

Clan Techniques:
C Rank Techniques:

B Rank Techniques:

A Rank Techniques:

S Rank Techniques:


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