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Aburame Clan

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Aburame Clan Empty Aburame Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:56 am

Aburame Clan 200?cb=20150802160958

Hiden: Parasitic Insects
No Current Clan Leader

Makoto Aburame

Clan History/Description
Not much history for the Aburame clan. They are a small group but work efficiently. They were brought into Konoha [Land of Fire] by the Senju clan who needed the aid to draw up a truce for the Hyuga and the Uchiha. The truce was successful and the Aburame claimed a small part of the village in the southeast corner. They are allied with all the clans of Konoha, but more so the Senju because they offered the invitation of stay.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics
Most members cover up their bodies due to not wanting to gross anybody out with the insects, seeing that the clan are literal hosts of the insects. The Aburame doesn't speak much unless its within the clan. A boring cloak and goggles is how most Aburame are found to appear

Bloodline Description & Abilities
Aburame are in tune with all insects no matter the species and are able to communicate. They can have any combination of the insects they unlock and hold up to 1,000 of them, total. This would exclude the Rinkaichu, since they are rather small.

Insect Name: Bikōchū
Constitution: E
Speed: D
Range: 100m from the user
Skill: N/A
Requirements: 100 EXP
Abilities: They are able to remember the first scent they detect upon hatching and, for their entire lives, can track that scent. The tracking extends to 1 kilometer
Drawbacks: They can only track the scent that is captured when hatched meaning you can only use this bug's hatching every 2 weeks IC. Also weak to Katon.

Aburame Clan 180?cb=20140821154504
Insect Name:Kidaichū
Constitution: E as a small beetle, A after Matured
Speed: B as a small beetle, C after Matured
Range: 100m from User
Skill: N/A
Requirements: 500 EXP
Abilities:Insects that are bred and utilised by select members of the Aburame clan as part of their Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique. Though initially small in size, if provided with the incorrect amount of chakra, these insects immediately begin to devour the flesh of their host, causing them to undergo rapid growth to ultimately giant proportions. The bugs eat 5 chakra from their victim per post and reach full growth once it reaches 30 chakra total per insect .
Drawbacks: To keep the bugs from devouring the host however the host must feed chakra into the bug. .1 chakra per Kidaichū. Weak to Katon

Aburame Clan 180?cb=20150304201032
Insect Name:Kikaichū
Constitution: E [but it would be hard to swat them all seeing they mostly travel in swarms]
Speed: B Rank
Range: 100m
Skill: N/A
Requirements: E Rank Genin [Starter Bug]
Abilities: The kikaichū ( Literally meaning: Parasitic Destruction Insects) are a species of small, beetle-like insects that are bred and utilised exclusively by the Aburame clan, forming the basis for their unique techniques. The most common use of the kikaichū in combat is to silently ambush an opponent and drain them of their chakra before they notice the bugs at work using the Mushi Dama technique. This process can leave the victim with so little chakra that they are unable to move or fight back. In the anime, with proper control from the Aburame user, the kikaichū are also shown able to transfer their accumulated chakra to others targets, replenishing them. Other uses include simply tracking down a target, serving as a protective shield and as a prison to hold and detain a target in place.

A female bug can be left on a target and then they can be tracked by smell, or scout bugs can be sent out and return to tell the host information about the area. The male bug can track the female out from a maximum of 500m. Thanks to the kikaichū, Aburame clan members are experts in espionage and search-and-seizure missions. The kikaichū are revealed to be unaffected by genjutsu because of their simple nervous systems. The kikaichū are also shown to possess the ability to quickly mutate and evolve, making them better equipped for a battle. The host can then cultivate these specific bugs to increase their numbers, improving the swarms' overall survival rate should the same opponent be encountered again. Seeing that the Kikaichū have short lifespans and they are always reproducing, just not as fast as they would should you use Secret Technique: Insect Cocoon, this results in the Kikaichū reproducing 50 by themselves no jutsu needed each post.
Although with this, an Aburame cant reproduce more than they are able to equip so if they only used 975 bugs the will not receive a full 50, only 25 seeing that the max is 1000. This trait is also nullified if the Aburame is using a specific jutsu that requires the use of the bugs. 1 Kikaichū drains .1 chakra within each post attached to victim
Drawbacks: The life span is only the course of a few hours. Weak to Katon

Aburame Clan 180?cb=20170523172047
Insect Name: Rinkaichū
Speed: B rank
Range: Touch
Skill: Ninjutsu
Requirements: Clan Leader & 750 EXP
Abilities: These bugs destroy their enemies' cells, causing excruciating pain in the process. Unlike the standard kikaichū, which are able to act independently of the user, the nano-sized insects can seemingly only be transferred onto a victim's body by direct physical contact; though only a mere touch from the user's skin is required as the bugs can circumvent most forms of clothing. However, this apparently does not apply to the user's own clothes, who must instead remove items in order to effectively increase their chances of hitting the target. The rinkaichū are akin to viruses, spreading rapidly and multiplying as they thrive on living cells. They require living flesh to survive on, and will die shortly if their hosts do, or if they leave a body for a period of time. These insects are considered to be rare, even amongst the Aburame clan.

After making contact the bugs begin to start takeover immediately. Mostly depending on where they are first hit.

Each post the bugs move a foot in every direction. So if the bugs are connected through the victims arm it may take 2 posts to take over but for a chest/back area it may take 4 posts to complete a takeover but at that point its almost a for sure death.
Drawbacks: The user needs to make direct contact by using their own skin, as in, the bugs can't exist on the user's clothing; when living on the host body, they will kill any other insect, meaning that they are the only type a person can use; they can be killed by specific antibodies that can be created by any Aburame Chemist that can use them. Weak to Katon

Aburame Clan 180?cb=20170726221855
Insect Name: Shōkaichū
Constitution: E Rank
Speed: E Rank
Range: 30m within user, Sensory is up to 300m
Skill: Sensory Ninjutsu
Requirements: 200 EXP
Abilities: They resemble worms. They can dig into the ground and locate chakra signatures that they then report to their respective Aburame. They are only able to sense for 2 posts maximum.
Drawbacks: Weak to Katon, They are only able to sense chakra touching the ground so if a target were to fly they would not be very affective.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks
All bugs are weak to Katon

Clan Techniques
Name:Human Cocoon Technique
Rank: D
Power: D
Activation Cost: 3
Upkeep Cost:N/A
Range: Touch
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive (Aburame)
Requirements: Kikaichū
Parent Technique:N/A
Hand Seals:N/A
Description:The user creates a cocoon around themselves to use it as a waterproof "sleeping bag". It can also be used to hide from enemies or to spy on them.
Weaknesses: Weak to Katon.
Name:Insect Clone Technique
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: 5
Upkeep Cost:1
Range: 100m (kikaichū)
Speed: User Speed
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive (Aburame)
Requirements: Kikaichū
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: A secret technique exclusive to the Aburame clan, where hundreds of kikaichū are gathered in one place to take on the appearance of the user or anyone else the user wishes. The technique is elaborate enough to be mistaken for the original, and therefore may be used as a decoy or as part of a diversionary tactic. Furthermore, since one can put the insects in standby somewhere beforehand and then have them assume the form of the clone, this technique is arguably even more effective than the Shadow Clone Technique, depending on the task. When struck, the clone falls apart into its component, bugs. It can be risky for the foe to go into close combat with an insect clone since the kikaichū can drain their chakra on contact. Also, because it's made of bugs, it can reform almost instantly. They clone cannot talk and you must use at least 500 kikaichū to make the clone. It can only use Aburame clan jutsu and Taijutsu. The C-Rank Insect Clone would be able to withstand all D-Rank Ninjutsu (if its power is listed as C), but would be dissipated by a C-Rank or destroyed by a B-Rank.
Weaknesses: Weak to Katon.

Name: Insect Deception Technique
Rank: C
Power: N/A
Activation Cost: 5
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 20m
Speed: B Rank
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive (Aburame)
Requirements: Kikaichū
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Tiger → Technique specific seal
Description: The user sends his insects underneath the opponent before springing them upon the enemy, feeding on their chakra. The technique isn't as effective if the opponent has chakra reserves which surpass the kikaichū's capacity to feed on said chakra. 200 kikaichū are the minimum used in this technique. Boosts each Kikaichū drain to .2.
Weaknesses: Weak to Katon.

Name: Insect Jamming Technique
Rank: C
Power: N/A
Activation Cost: 10
Upkeep Cost:
Range: 100m
Speed: B Rank
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive (Aburame)
Requirements: Kikaichū
Parent Technique: Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The user has a large amount of their kikaichū and has them spread out over a wide area around themselves. The insects then emit a small amount of the their host's respective chakra that they usually feed on. This confuses sensor-type shinobi's chakra-sensing ability, as the insects' irregular distribution and grouping together result in the creation of numerous false 'images' or chakra signals, making it more difficult to distinguish the user's actual location. Seeing that the insects feed off the host before being spread out the cost is expensive this technique lasts 7 posts.
Weaknesses: Weak to Katon

Name: Insect Jar Technique
Rank: B
Power: A-Rank
Activation Cost: 10
Upkeep Cost: 5
Range: 100m
Speed: B-Rank Speed
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive (Aburame)
Requirements: Kikaichū
Parent Technique: Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: A technique capable of protecting against attacks by using kikaichū to fly in a dome shape at high speed, similar to the Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven. While proving defensive, a sufficient amount of explosive force can break through it. A- Rank strength to break through it. As far as other jutsu are concerned, the immense speed of the kikaichū and the amount of kikaichū involved boosts this technique to the power of a Rank-A.
Weaknesses: While Rank-A jutsu is needed to break through this, Katon only needs rank C to burn through it.

Name: Jar of Poison Technique
Rank: S- Rank
Power: S
Activation Cost: 5 points per corpse
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 10m per corpse
Speed: A-Rank
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu. Fuinjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive (Aburame); Clan Leader
Requirements: Rinkaichū
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Ram
Description: Using his rinkaichū, the User gathers multiple infected corpses (can be NPCs) and contains them within a barrier where the decaying flesh will release a gas that in time will ignite an explosion and release the venomous insects in a huge swarm that could cover the surrounding landscape. The barrier accelerates the insect's multiplication. This technique is making it cost 5 points of Stamina per corpse and having each corpse add 10m to the range. After completing the barrier over the corpse it will take 4 posts for the Barrier to ignite
Weaknesses: Chakra Expensive

Name: Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique
Rank: B
Power: N/A
Activation Cost: N/A
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: N/A
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive (Aburame)
Requirements: All Aburame Bugs
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique is a practice exclusive to the Aburame clan. When children are born into the clan, their bodies are offered to insects to be used as a nest. Over the years, as the child grows up, they are instructed in the secret techniques of the clan, and learn how the insects may serve them in combat. Although this is a clan ordeal, one may go through a series tests that the Aburame Clan leader must put them through to be accepted into the Aburame Clan and obtain the Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique.Every Aburame Clan member has this technique to start with.

Name: Parasitic Giant Beetle Infestation
Rank: A
Power: N/A
Activation Cost: 15
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: N/A
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive (Aburame)
Requirements: Kidaichū
Parent Technique: Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: Following an Aburame clan member placing a number of kidaichū onto the skin of an enemy, these insects immediately burrow into the victim's body and begin to devour its flesh and chakra. This process causes the insects to grow rapidly in size, until the host body is completely eaten away from the inside out. This increases the drain effect to 15 chakra per post . Seeing that the threshold is 30 it would take 2 posts for full maturement.
Weaknesses: Weak to Katon

Name: Poison Cloud Technique
Rank: A
Activation Cost: 15
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 10m
Speed: A Rank
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive (Aburame); Clan Leader
Requirements: Rinkaichū
Parent Technique: Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The user puts his hands together to form a small poisonous smokescreen sphere from his rinkaichū between his hands, he can then blow the smokescreen across the area in front of him, the poisonous smokescreen when spread gets bigger. If touched or inhaled, it is a guaranteed fatality.
Weaknesses: The technique does not go very far and the bugs die after 2 posts

Name: Secret Technique: Insect Gathering
Rank: E
Power: N/A
Activation Cost: 1
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: N/A
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive (Aburame)
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Ram
Description: By simply touching a surface with their palm and fingers, the user releases a small web of chakra that draws bugs to that location. Since the Aburame member can communicate with insects, it can be useful to gain information by gathering local insects.
Weaknesses: Weak to Katon

Name: Secret Technique: Insect Sphere
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: 5
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 100m
Speed: B Rank
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive (Aburame)
Requirements: Kikaichū
Parent Technique: Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The user sends their kikaichū to spread over a wide range, and the moment they locate the target, the insects gather at once, forming a sphere around the target. They then attach themselves to the target and begin eating away at their chakra. Even if the target manages to escape, the insects will immediately follow. At least 400 Kikaichū must be used in this jutsu.
Weaknesses: Weak to Katon

Name: Secret Technique: Insect Tornado
Rank: B
Power: N/A
Activation Cost: 10
Upkeep Cost: 5
Range: 100m within the user
Speed: B Rank
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive (Aburame)
Requirements: Kikaichū
Parent Technique: Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: This technique covers the enemy's entire body with the kikaichū living inside the Aburame clan member's body. The chakra-sensing kikaichū spread over a wide range, and the moment they locate the enemy, the insects, following the user's orders, gather at once completely surrounding the target creating a fast-moving tornado that will seemingly disintegrate the target. Takes 2 posts to completely disintegrate the target, if only 1 post is let through the target will suffer deep cuts and chakra loss. Just like the Insect Sphere the Kikaichū follow the target. 800 Kikaichū are used for this technique. This drains 80 chakra per post seeing that the bugs drain .1 .
Weaknesses: Weak to Katon

Spindle Formation: TBA

Name: Secret Technique: Insect Cocoon
Rank: D
Power: D
Activation Cost: 3
Upkeep Cost: 3
Range: N/A
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive (Aburame)
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Ox → Dog → Bird → Ram
Description: This unique technique allows the user to accelerate the growth of their insects. As the user's body is already a hive of sorts for the insects, the user will encase themselves in an actual cocoon to further aid the insects. This is an extremely useful move for Aburame clan members, since their attacks mainly focus on the usage of insects. Generates 200 Kikaichū each post. It also halves the time it takes for the Bikōchū to hatch.
Weaknesses: However, using this in the midst of a battle can be potentially dangerous as it leaves the user static and vulnerable. As such when this technique is being employed, the user generally finds a safe location or otherwise can be guarded by their teammate.


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