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Uchiha Clan

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Uchiha Clan Empty Uchiha Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:06 am

Uchiha Clan 200?cb=20150323000713
The Uchiha Clan
of The Hidden Leaf Village
Doujutsu: The Sharingan
Zenaku Uchiha

Clan History/Description


Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics
Uchiha are most often born with black eyes and black hair, with fair skin and complexion, similar to the royalty of real world ancient Japan. In clothing, Uchiha often prefer the colors of black or blue, with the symbol of their Clan crested somewhere on the back.

The overall personality of the Uchiha is one shadowed in darkness. Their past puts them at odds with the Hyuga, a strained relationship that persists in many members to present day. Their Doujutsu, a power based on emotional pain and loss, propagates throughout generations a subconscious attachment to general pain and loss, causing most Uchiha to exhibit a darker, more troubled personality.

Bloodline Description & Abilities
The Sharingan is a powerful Doujutsu greatly feared by those few that have witnessed it and lived. It progresses through a number of stages marked by the amount of tomoe present within the eye.
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Tomoe 1
The initial stage of the Sharingan is born of powerful emotions regarding a person precious to them. This can be negative, as in the suffering of the loss of a friend or ally, or even positive, as in the strong desire to protect or reunite with that friend. It is perhaps because of this requirement for their innate power that Uchiha are known as an emotional Clan, with eyes that reflect the heart. Tomoe One requires 250 Experience to unlock, after which point the period of activation can be described at the player's whim. The actual scenario does not need to occur In Character for the Doujutsu to be awakened, and in fact may not be mentioned at all, should the player so choose.  The abilities granted by this awakening lay the ground work for the more powerful potential unleashed at later stages: when activated, the Tomoe One Sharingan increases Perception by two + and affords visualization of chakra. This Perception increase relates only to the Uchiha's ability to see higher speed movement and affords no other perks, such as additional Perception Saves. Eyesight with the Sharingan is as though seeing through a shade of red. All colors can still be made out, but it may prove initially difficult to sort through, especially with the luminous and varying shades of blue that chakra presents.
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Tomoe 2
Ascending beyond the first level awakens a second tomoe. It is not born of such need as Tomoe One, rather is generally unlocked with increased use and pushing the limits of the Sharingan. 250 Experience is required to attain the second tomoe, which builds upon the abilities of the first: beginning with the ability to clearly make out and understand any movements within the Uchiha's improved Perception, even things as small as lip or pencil movements, and then by granting access to the Copy Technique, one of the fundamental attributes of the Sharingan. Visualization of chakra improves to discernment, separating chakra into colors varying in shade by the person's natural alignment and in color by the element or style being used. These colors may appear slightly different to each individual Uchiha, but all are able to determine the nature all the same.
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Tomoe 3
The penultimate form of the Sharingan is Tomoe Three, commonly considered the final step in an Uchiha's maturity. Those with Tomoe Three unlocked are the ones known and feared in battle, rivaled by few and envied by many. It adds the final building block to the Sharingan's arsenal: the infamous Genjutsu: Sharingan technique. Additionally, chakra can now be seen through small barriers, such as the human body or most obstructions not particularly thick, as well as being able to distinguish most chakra constructs. The eye of insight, as it's commonly known, heightens to the point of capturing all movements up to one tier of Perception higher. This insight even affords an unnatural prediction ability: the Sharingan is capable of detecting even the smallest muscle movements within its Perception range and determine precisely what the target is about to do, allowing the user to react accordingly. 500 Experience is the cost of progression. Most will find that it is well worth the price.
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A mature, powerful Uchiha may find a peak at Tomoe Three, with abilities of tremendous power in their own right, but a select few find themselves walking a much harder path. The path to power is paved with heartache and troubles, as the Mangekyou, the height of Uchiha prominence, comes only with the greatest of pains, of witnessing the death of one that the Uchiha truly loves. While this is a power that many would surely seek, it's cost is often considered far too great, and so the eyes reflecting a pattern of the Uchiha's inner turmoil are looked upon not as a fearful weapon, as those outside of the clan see them, but as a sign of the intense pain that the Uchiha has suffered. The Mangekyou's pattern is unique to the individual and may be similar to another, but is never quite the same, for it is based wholly upon the pain of the loss, which affects every individual differently. This can come upon investing 1000 Experience points, after which the situation may be described at will, if at all, by the player, as with the Tomoe One. Alternatively, if an Uchiha with at least Tomoe One witnesses the death of a loved one that is also a Player Character, the Sharingan will instantly mature to Tomoe Three, any loss of sight will be restored, and the Mangekyou will be unlocked, regardless of how much Experience has been invested or what caused the (near) blindness. However, if the Sharingan is not Tomoe Three, 3000 Experience Points will need to be invested before it can be used. While no new inherent abilities are afforded, the Mangekyou does grant access to one unique technique per eye, in addition to one dual technique per two Mangekyou: Susano'o. The techniques vary upon users and can be mixed and matched, and though Susano'o is the most common dual Mangekyou technique, some Uchiha may develop an alternative technique.
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Eternal Mangekyou
So long as there are limits, there will be those seeking to overcome them. This extends even to the blindness of the Mangekyou, where individuals seeking to restore what they have surrendered for power may seek out the eyes of others to restore their sight. While this works, it can be a complicated process. Once blind, the Mangekyou loses access to all of its abilities save only the dual technique, assuming it, like Susano'o, does not explicitly require sight. That technique can be used with any eyes or none at all, so in essence, those eyes are useless and will need to be replaced. Any Sharingan that is not Mangekyou, as in Tomoe One, Two, Three, or Eternal Mangekyou, will not be compatible and, therefore, will not result in the creation of a new Eternal Mangekyou. Rather, the new eyes will function exactly as they have in their original owner. A Mangekyou combined with the old eyes and then implanted into the blinded Uchiha will form a bond, overriding the new eyes' abilities with that of the Uchiha's original Mangekyou and restoring sight completely, combining patterns to create an Eternal Mangekyou. Even Mangekyou that have been blinded can be used for this process, as the advancement of stages functions as restoration, as seen in the case of the Mangekyou. There are two ways to achieve this, the first is by taking the Mangekyou of another Player Character. Eye swapping is not allowed. The second Option to unlock EMS is that an Uchiha can pay 2K exp to unlock a Uchiha NPC fight roll. If they emerge victorious from this battle, they will be able to use the NPC's eyes to unlock EMS.

Furthermore, upon unlocking the Eternal Mangekyou the user will be allowed to allocate 5 unique tiers of stat boosts. For the cost of 20 CP a post the user can activate those 5 unique tiers to increase their prowess in combat. One the boosts have been allocated they cannot be changed. No more than 2 unique tiers can be applied to a single stat. Should the eyes of one with the Eternal Mangekyou be taken and transplanted the recipient of the transplant will be able to re-allocate should they have never had the opportunity to before. 

Uchiha NPC EMS Unlock Modifiers:

Roll Table:

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks
Even the mighty Sharingan of the Uchiha Clan, once feared as the most powerful group in existence, is not without fault. The Doujutsu itself drains the Uchiha 0.2 points of Stamina per post. This is insignificant for most users, but it can make using the Sharingan tricky for those with smaller reserves.

Another tricky aspect that none can avoid are the adjustment periods for the rapid changes made when a tomoe is added. With chakra, it becomes difficult to discern from the new red-based color palette through which Tomoe One perceives the world. Even once that adjustment is complete, different shades of chakra relating to alignment will yet be impossible to truly discern, only guess at, until Tomoe Two is unlocked. Once that happens, the colors divide again to represent elements, style, and nature, in addition to alignment. The sheer amount of colors will be overwhelming for a while, but eventually the user will adjust, given enough time. Tomoe Three is perhaps the hardest change to accommodate, as the varying potency and brightness of chakra colors that represent their distance from the Uchiha and any obstructions between the two can be extremely difficult to accurately determine.

Perception is more dangerous than chakra visualization for the simple fact that seeing everything in the world with more acuity will, logically, cause everything to look slower than before. Things that once moved faster than the Uchiha could follow with his eyes suddenly appear to become slower once the Sharingan advances. The disparity in what was seen as opposed to what is now seen with a new tomoe naturally causes the Uchiha's brain to act as if the body as a whole is faster than it really is. They will try to react to things their eye can follow, only to realize their body can't keep up and inevitably fail, which can sometimes have fatal consequences. This is a major change with Tomoe One, but is even more significant with Tomoe Three, when the Uchiha experiences the most changes.

These adjustment periods last longer for some people, but generally take a few days In Character to complete.

What doesn't end is the fallacy of prediction. The Tomoe Three Sharingan may be able to predict any movement with the most deadly accuracy using only the faintest of tells, but it is accurate to a fault. When one target appears to be moving in two or more separate directions, the Sharingan will accurately predict both movements, but at the exact same time. The eyes become confused and cannot discern which movement path belongs to the target, relying solely on the Uchiha's natural Perception for prediction. Note that the Uchiha can still see with the improved Perception of Tomoe Three, but as that improvement does not grant anything beyond following speed with the eyes, it does not aid in the prediction of movements. Normally, the eye of insight's ability to predict all things seen compensates well for this, but seeing more than one future for one target skews that.

Using the Dual Mangekyou Technique may not require a pair of Sharingan to use, but does necessitate that the Uchiha have awakened a pair of Mangekyou, a pair being two that specifically belong to each other and were awakened together. Additionally, without the eyes to which that Dual Mangekyou Technique belongs, no further progress can be made in the technique; it will remain at whatever stage it was when the eyes were removed.  

Once an Eternal Mangekyou has been created within an Uchiha, it cannot be again. If an Uchiha loses those eyes and implants another, regular Mangekyou, it will not become Eternal and will simply function as it did in the original user, complete with whatever deterioration has occurred. Additionally, if a Mangekyou has not been created at all, then an Eternal Mangekyou is impossible until that happens, though the eyes that awaken need not be their own.

Further Progression:
Those that wish to progress beyond the norm of Tomoe Three's Eye of Insight may train further to unlock the powerful, unique abilities that follow:

Name: Discernment
Rank: A
Activation Cost: None
Upkeep Cost: 0.1
Range: Sight
Speed: Instant
Element: None
Skill: Doujutsu
Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
Requirements: Tomoe Three Sharingan
Hand Seals: None
Description: Advancing the Sharingan's natural perception of chakra to a greater extent affords the user keen discernment not normally present in the Doujutsu's Eye of Insight. Whereas most ocular Kekkei Genkai, including even the Byakugan, cannot recognize the difference between constructs as complex as shadow clones and real people or things, particularly those that create such constructs, a fully matured and further developed Sharingan can. By simply looking upon the chakra of any such creation, the Tomoe Three Sharingan can immediately identify the chakra make-up and thus determine the difference between even shadow clones and actual people.
Weaknesses: This is a progression ability and is gained after achieving Tomoe Three Sharingan.

Name: Precision
Rank: A
Activation Cost: None
Upkeep Cost: 0.1
Range: Sight
Speed: Instant
Element: None
Skill: Doujutsu
Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
Requirements: Tomoe Two Sharingan
Hand Seals: None
Description: Where Discernment emphasizes perception of chakra, Precision emphasizes reality, seeing the finer details not in the makeup of energy, but in all things that are corporeal. With enough training, the Sharingan can perceive on a continuously smaller level, until eventually it can clearly see even the cells that make up all living things, an ability previously exclusive to such insightful Doujutsu as the Byakugan. Unlike the Byakugan, this ability cannot be used to see things outside of one's range of vision, but it grants near unparalleled vision all the same.
Weaknesses: While this ability is being used, the user's vision shifts to the enhanced level desired, preventing sight in any other zoom, such as basic vision, potentially making the user blind to things happening around him. This is a progression ability and is automatically learned after obtaining the Tomoe Two Sharingan

Name: Extraction
Rank: A
Activation Cost: 5
Upkeep Cost: 2
Range: Sight
Speed: Instant
Element: Inton
Skill: Genjutsu
Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
Requirements: Tomoe Three Sharingan
Parent Technique: Genjutsu: Sharingan
Hand Seals: None
Description: The parent technique emphasizes the infiltration of enemy minds to cause one of a number of effects, including the compulsive divulging of information. With enough practice in this function, the eye becomes more acclimated to sifting through the minds of its prey, to the point that it no longer needs to enact an illusion that yields information, but can find that information itself. Similar to the Psycho Mind Transmission technique, Extraction allows a Sharingan to comb through the memories of the target. As a perceptive Doujutsu, the Sharingan is slightly more effective in that it can more quickly identify key memories, finding anything relating to the user's query near instantaneously. This is a more specialized version of mind reading, however, in that it only yields information being sought, and unlike Psycho Mind Transmission, will not disclose anything not actively being sought. Information is processed via this technique at the following rates based on the user's Intelligence, though note that it will immediately find the source material and the user need not comb through all memories, meaning this technique usually finishes within a post.
C-Tier: a day per post
B-Tier: a week per post
A-Tier: a month per post
S-Tier: six months per post
If the target of this technique is conscious and able to mentally fight the user, this technique will take much longer, reducing those rates by one level and making C-Tier Intelligence unable to even use this technique.
Weaknesses: As a progression ability this ability is learned automatically after achieving Tomoe Three so long as the other requirements are met.


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Uchiha Clan Empty Re: Uchiha Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:08 am

Clan Techniques


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Uchiha Clan Empty Re: Uchiha Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:08 am

Mangekyou Techniques
The Mangekyou Sharingan possesses in each eye a powerful technique that, when used, strains and weakens the eye, but calls upon tremendous power that places these jutsu among the greatest in existence. Whenever a Mangekyou technique is activated, the user's Perception will weaken. This reduces the Perception stat by a + for every two times a Mangekyou technique is used, but only in the eye that uses the technique. Each eye will generally only have a single technique, either selected from the ones listed below or created as a custom jutsu in the Technique Registration board. The Perception loss is permanent and can eventually blind a person, but the deductions are first taken from the bonus provided by the Sharingan itself, which is generally two tiers, giving some time before the user's natural eyesight begins to wear away.

In the case of Dual Mangekyou techniques, those, like Susano'o, that are born from both eyes but require neither to use, will do the same, but to Constitution as well as Perception (in both eyes). Every two posts of using such a jutsu removes a + from the user's Constitution and Perception, but luckily, this is only temporary. Reductions are recovered at the rate of one + per topic, as the damage occurs on a cellular level and take quite a while for the body to heal. Should the user's Constitution ever be reduced below E-Tier in this way, the user will die. The minimum reduction is always one +, even if the technique is only used for one post. Should the technique be deactivated and reactivated in the same post, it will count as an additional post for the purposes of the drawback.

These negative effects are generally worth the power of the technique causing them, but can also be cancelled by achieving an Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, though this will generally require one Uchiha to steal the eyes of another, trading in the bonds of family and friendship for power. Even this level of Doujutsu, however, will not reduce the chakra costs of these techniques.


Derived Techniques


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