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Ryuzoji Clan

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Ryuzoji Clan Empty Ryuzoji Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:05 am

Ryuzoji Clan YHkNRJj

Clan Name: Ryūzōji Clan - Ryuzoji Ichizoku | 竜ぞじ一族 (lit. Dragon-Bond Family) ~ "The Self Devouring Clan"
Clan Location: Kumogakure
Bloodline Name & Type: Current Perception - Denkanryū | 電感流
Current Clan Leader: Ryūzōji Natsuki (NPC)


Clan History/Description: A clan with history nearly dating back to time its self or so it seems. The Ryūzōji have long been established as a well organized samurai that took on mercenary work or at least that was the case until the clan came to the realization that the era of samurai and mercenary clans ended with the warring states period. After much discussion amongst the clan's elder council the leader declared that they would be joining a Shinobi village and adopting the ninja lifestyle. There were however dissenters and the cycle of the clan repeated its self.

You see the Ryūzōji has been a long standing clan, however almost as long as it's been alive there's almost always near constant infighting within the clan whether it be struggles for power, or side branches of the clan disagreeing with the main branch the clan constantly seems to be at odds with its self, through-out all times in history. Three times this has lead to civil war within the clan. Of the first two times, the dissenters were slaughtered. Women and children all, leading to the unshaking belief that the main clan stood as though a mountain, unmoving in it's wake. It was this philosophy that nearly lead to the main branch's downfall when the clan head decided to imposed his will to join the village of Kumogakure. Many saw this as forsaking the clan and it's ways and tensions eventually lead to conflict and then war. For five years this war has been going on within the clan where in the final clash, the Main branch still held firm but lost the leader in the process. It's for these three conflicts that the clan has earned it's namesake "The Self Devouring Clan" and the meaning behind the oroborus symbol they wear on their back. What was left of the clan after the latest war joined Kumogakure, leaving the young and inexperienced daughter of the former clan head in charge.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics: While the clan may no longer be a samurai clan, most if not all members of the clan have involved themselves with kenjutsu in some form over another. Additionally seeing as how meditation is basically a requirement to learning the kekkei genkai nearly all clan members do meditation in some form, though the most common is with their unsheathed sword across their lap to display their "openness" with the blade.

Bloodline Description & Abilities: The Ryuzoji's Current perception Is a closely guarded secret of clan, being punishable by death for the both the informant and the informer if it is told to anyone outside the clan within clan laws. The special ability to typically unlocked around the ages of the 12-14, although members of the main branch have been known to unlock it earlier, with those unlocking it by the age of ten being seen as prodigies within the clan.

The current perception allows one to passively sense all electrical signals within a certain range depending on one's class. This starts at 10m and grows each time the user increases their class. C-class is 15, B-class is 20, A-class is 25, S-class is 35, and X-class is 50. This sensory includes the electrical system within a person's body, and most living things but also Lightning style jutsu. There is an important distinction to be made with this and that this is not however a chakra sensory but a sort of sixth sense that allows the user to detect all electrical currents within their range. This means that the sensory bypasses most forms techniques that cloak themselves form chakra sensory and other types of sensory not specifically suited to countering it.

Additionally powerful raiton can be sensed outside of one's typical range.
B-rank raiton techniques can be sensed 5m outside of one's normal range.
A-rank raiton techniques can be sensed 10m outside of one's normal range.
S-rank raiton techniques can be sensed 15m outside of one's normal range.
X-rank raiton techniques can be sensed 25m outside one's normal range.

Furthermore for those who possess both the Kanchijutsu (sensory) and Kenjutsu skills can spend 500xp to train their sensory through a form of battle meditation to be better in a variety of scenarios listed under each range below. The ranges require 5 CP per post to keep active, and while only one can be active at a time the user can switch to a different one once each post if they so choose, including back to the passive range.

Finally, the Current Perception has the added benefit of making the clan members adept at dealing with genjutsu users as Current Perception can still sense peoples' electrical signature (and thus position) regardless of the effects of the genjutsu. This does not negate the genjutsu or remove it's effects, but allows the user to somewhat bypass certain aspects of it.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks: Despite their clear and notable affinity for Raiton, and the fact that it seems they have a perfectly apt defense for it, Raiton is actually the clan's biggest weak point, and in an essence, short circuits the Ryuzoji clan member when they are struck by it. First and foremost all Raiton based attacks are considered one tier higher in damage when the user is struck. Additionally when they are hit, the clan member can no longer use Raiton techniques nor their current perception for 2 posts plus an additional post for each rank above the user's constitution that the jutsu is. Meaning if the user has C-tier constitution and is hit by a B-rank Raiton jutsu, they cannot use Raiton techniques for 3 posts.

Additionally, all clan members must begin with the Raiton element and must always possess it. Furthermore, no clan member can ever possess the Fūton element.

Clan Techniques: ~none yet~

~In loving memory of Jean (Bokuden)~
May he rest well, and a piece of his spirit live on in this clan
Miss you man <3

Credit for this clan goes to Natsuki, I just moved it over here and cleaned it up.


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