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Kurama Clan

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Kurama Clan Empty Kurama Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:07 am

Kurama Clan Latest?cb=20090829235615

Genjutsu; Advanced Kekkei Genkai
Kurama, Hōki

Current Clan Members

Clan History/Description
Not much is known of the Kurama clan other than their residency deep within Konohagakure's woods. Kurama clansmen are powerful Genjutsu users on their own accord, but once in a few generations it is said that a member of the Kurama will be born with such incredibly prowess in Genjutsu that they can have their Genjutsu effect victims in a physical level. This power comes at a deep cost, however. The small community of of the Kurama is often protective over these rare generations, despite the fact that they've had to relocate countless times due to the uncontrollable nature of these powerful clansmen. Their current relocation has sent them from the woods of Konohagakure to the high mountains of Kumogakure. However despite their new home it would not be surprising if the bloodline were to appear outside of Kono due to their constant relocation.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics
The Kurama clansmen are not known for the strength of their bodies, but the strength of their minds. While there are no outwardly notable characteristics of their bloodline as they often need outsiders in order to keep their line alive. Whenever their Id takes form it often looks like a more monstrous form of the original person. (The Id doesn't have to look like the user when it manifests as they don't have a physical body, so be creative!)

Bloodline Description & Abilities
The Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai allows greater skill to Genjutsu techniques, from increased range and # of targets to complexity of the Genjutsu itself. The few who are born with the full capabilities of the bloodline are even able to inflict physical harm on the user from just the Genjutsu itself.
Level 1 - Basic Bloodline | 0 XP:
1-Handed Genjutsu | 250 XP:
Level 2 - Lesser Bloodline | 500 XP:
Signless Genjutsu | 500 XP:
Level 3 - Greater Bloodline | 500 XP:
Kekkei Genkai Umare | 1,000 XP:
Kekkei Genkai Ressha | 1,500 XP:

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks
Like any Genjutsu, the Clan's Kekkei Genkai is subject to most of the drawbacks of The Genjutsu Rules. In addition, as one grows in power their Id's personality begins to form. While the Id doesn't pose much of a threat, if the bloodline user has Kekkei Genkai Umare the Id can become a threat to both the user and those around them, attempting to take over the original personality and become a danger to anyone around them. Even without their Id causing problems, Bloodline Users often don't have full control of their Genjutsu, though both of these can be midigated by proper training.

Bloodline Users who have the Kekkei Genkai also are limited in how they can physically hurt someone through their genjutsu. While it is possible to have the body destroy itself this way, doing takes time and specific genjutsu made to deal CON damage instead of INT. Either way, damage dealt with genjutsu leaves wounds and injuries related to the nightmare genjutsu in a lesser form as it's the victim's body harming itself. An example would be a genjutsu that tears the victim to shreds would physically leave tiny cuts all over their body, or a genjutsu that buries them alive physically makes them physically lightheaded and gasping for air. Attempting to inflict damage that the victim's body couldn't do to itself (such as erasing a person from existence a la episode 207) will not work as you can't will yourself out of existence. (tl;dr you can't instant kill someone with a quick E-rank tech as it'd only do E rank damage. In the end, be mindful of your fellow RPers and what ninjas can do with their body/chakra.)

Clan Techniques
(Link to Techs waiting for approval)
E-Rank Tech:
D-Rank Tech:
C-Rank Tech:
B-Rank Tech:
A-Rank Tech:
S-Rank Tech:


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