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Otsutsuki Clan

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Otsutsuki Clan Empty Otsutsuki Clan

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:19 am

Otsutsuki Clan Latest?cb=20180407042123
The Otsutsuki Clan
of The North Continent
Doujutsu: Rin'negan

*Note: There can be no more than two Otsutsuki starting in any given village at any given time. If and only if each village has two members, the final Otsutsuki can break the cap and choose which village to go to. This bloodline is considered a starting Restricted and a character may not start with it until they have passed 1 site-wide activity check.

1. Azgodon Zaelious Vernizin Wyllt (Naraka Path)

1. Arisu Otsutsuki (Outer Path/Animal Path)
2. Zoe Zor-El Otsutuki  (Preta Path)

1. Seid Otsusuki (Deva Path)

1. Chen Kimyōnakama (Human Path)

Clan History/Description

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics
Otsutsuki have skin tone varying from fair to ghostly white, and generally possess white hair, though this is, too, can vary. Those that enter this world at a younger age are more susceptible to adapting their adoptive surrounding's nurturing, while older ones tend to exhibit a distant attitude, at least initially, as they are more apt to remember the place from which they originally came. These places span a great many locations, and two Otsutsuki may not even originate from the same dimension.

Bloodline Description & Abilities
The Rin'negan's easily recognizable appearance is that of concentric circles over a light violet canvas which spreads over the entirety of the eye. This Samsara Eye, as it's sometimes called, grants its host one of seven distinct abilities, outlined in the Clan Techniques section. Each Path contained by a Rin'negan bestows upon it one circle, beginning with one and eventually reaching seven.

A character beginning as an Otsutsuki will choose his power at registration and can unlock it with the amount of experience indicated below. Beyond that is a curse of completion, for no Rin'negan is begun whole. Each of the powers must be reunited under one eye; only then can it truly be mastered. This is done by one Rin'negan user absorbing the power of another by means of the Six Paths Technique, outlined below.

Beyond the Otsutsuki’s chosen power they have also have quite a few options to spend experience on. For example an Otsutsuki Clan member can choose to give up 3 skill points and pay 500 experience points to gain access to all 5 basic elements. Other options require chakra costs to utilize and as such will be specified below in jutsu format.

Passively, Otsutsuki gain a +1 Tier buff to Stamina. Keep in mind that this buff along with the Perception buff granted by Chakra Visualization are both generic. Even though the bloodline is an Enhanced State Restricted, it grants generic stat boosts thereby allowing it to be stacked with Unique Boosts. Otsutsuki also don’t require oxygen to function, although they often breathe for efficiency's sake. Should an Otsutsuki choose to cease breathing, they will receive a -- to stamina until they begin to do so again.

For Clan memebers Rin'negan techs (both the  general and path) can be learned irrespective of class requirements

Finally, Otsutsuki gain a bonus of +10 for the purposes of any implant roll that involves one of the following clans. Senju, Hozuki, Inazuma, Hyuga, Tetsudashi and Kazehana.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks
Registering as an Otsutsuki with a Rin'negan Power costs 1 Skill Point, as all Doujutsu do.

Accordingly with the curse of completion, the Otsutsuki are constantly at odds with each other in an endless effort to complete each of their Rin'negan. Fortunately, it requires no implantation, but because of the lack of risk involved, members are more likely to hunt each other for their powers.

Once a Rin'negan power is absorbed, the slot remains full until that power no longer exists in this world- usually by destroying the eyes or allowing them to decay. Once this occurs, the slot opens up and another Otsutsuki is sent to this world. This does mean that there is a maximum of seven slots for Otsutsuki registrations, which can be reduced to as low as one. To be clear, all powers from this bloodline come from the eyes. The boosts, the general abilities, the specific abilities, the passive perks, the whole enchilada comes from the eyes. You lose the eyes you lose it all. Your ES slot is basically empty and you are considered clanless.

Due to the power of the Rinnegan, it is -or will become- a highly desired Kekkei Genkai, leading to implant hunters seeking it out. Unfortunately, it bears some side effects for those that implant it:
-It remains permanently active, regardless of the level of the surgery's success, though it does not have an associated stamina drain.
-An Otsutsuki can still absorb the power.
-Only Otsutsuki can absorb other powers, meaning that an implant will remain with the powers it had upon implantation, without the ability to gain more unless it is put into a natural-born Otsutsuki.

The Rinnegan is revealed anytime an Otsutsuki uses or maintains any of their abilities (both General and Path specific). The only exception to this is use of the Elemental Mastery ability.

Clan Techniques

General Techniques


Rin'negan Powers -Unlocked with 2000 Experience Points



Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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