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Yokai Clan

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Yokai Clan Empty Yokai Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:05 am

[妖怪 - Yōkai]
[Clan Location: Kumogakure]
[Bloodline Name & Type: Demon Ancestry | Doujutsu/Body Mutations]


The Yokai believe themselves to be descendants of ancient spirits from whom they claim their name, spirits of various abilities and supernatural powers who, the clan believes, became their Mothers and Fathers. The Yokai have, as a result, also considered themselves to be separate from ordinary Humans and often refer to themselves as "Autosaidā" or "Outsider" when speaking about their relationship with the rest of Humanity and the Shinobi World in general. It is only recently that the Yokai have chosen to attempt integrating themselves into ordinary society, mainly due to a sharp decline in their numbers due to many members venturing off into unknown lands and never returning or persecution from a populace scared of those unlike themselves. As a result, Yokai of all 'Paths' as they call their separate Bloodlines have begun to congregate in Shinobi Villages - namely Kumogakure - and have begun to make themselves known and assert themselves as valuable members of their respective communities and prove that unlike the legends that have tainted their names for generations, they can coexist with normal Humans if given the chance.

Political Structure

The Yokai Clan is generally ruled on two levels – a global level and on a branch level.

On a global level, it is the clan leader who has the last words. This Yokai is often the eldest member of the group, though there have been exceptions to this rule where the strongest or collectively elected member has taken up the mantle.

On a branch level, it is often the highest esteemed yokai of a singular path which commands the whole branch, but what makes up the respect required to fill the role is dependent on the branch in question. These count three in total and serve as advisors to the Clan Leader and as captain of their branch. Their title is generalised by adding the prefix ‘Great” or “Dai” – Dai-oni, Daitengu and Daibaku.

[Clan Leader] Ashtoreth [NPC]

[Path of Oni] NPC leader
- Yoko Lunastra Oni (†)
- Valris
- Andariel Bloodworth

[Path of Tengu] Hua Li, Daitengu
- Axi Tengu-no
- Yoshitsune (adopted)

[Path of Baku] NPC leader
- Asami (†)
- Akari (†)
- Teitsumi


There are few physical traits that are shared among all yokai and somewhat give them their identity as non-humans.

Horns. All yokai have horns by birth, growing out of their heads in a variety of numbers and shapes. Some are born with a singular horn, others come with the more common two-horn looks and a rare few come into life with a crown of horns like they were born for royalty. These horns can be as simple and straight-forward as a tower rising to the skies, or curls up in an almost decorative form akin to those of goats. While it is common practise for yokai to take great pride in their horns, it is not unknown that some have cut it off in an attempt to look more ‘humane’ – a sacrifice many frown upon but remains existing even today.

Eldritch eyes. The eyes of a yokai are beautiful in their alien nature and are the most universal manifestation of their ancestral bloodline. Some sport a breath-taking palette of hues, others boast a most mesmerising stare and yet other yokai walk around with what seem to be mini-galaxies of stars within ink-black pools. No two pair of eyes ever look the same, and it is commonly believed that these are pretty much the fingerprints of a yokai.

Bloodline Traits

The Yokai’s bloodline is mostly one of bodily mutations, resulting in the development of a doujutsu and some physical traits inherent to the dominant branch within their demonic heritage.

The price to gain the powers of each tier is as following:
- Tier I: 250 XP
- Tier II: 250 XP
- Tier III: 500 XP

The Demon’s Eye – Doujutsu
A universal given to all yokai are their eyes and the latent power it grants them. While their doujutsu hardly rivals that of the Uchiha or Byakugan, they remain nonetheless useful for any and all yokai in some way as they further evolve within their own dominant paths.

The Yokai, being supernatural in heritage, have a natural affinity when it comes to perceiving their reality. It is something beyond that of the five inherent senses; easily defined as a sixth sense. When chakra fuels their eyes, this slumbering sense is enhanced and increases their ability to perceive minute details within the fabric of the living world. At the same time, the Yokai are more knowledgeable about eldritch existences than humans do, which grants them practically a natural ability to pierce through the fabrics of falsities – genjutsu. As a clan bound to supernatural deceivers by heritage, their active doujutsu is further capable of ‘piercing the veil’ of genjutsu created perceptions. In effect, this is an increase in the power of an already active 'Demon Eye' by fuelling it with even more chakra.

The Devil's Eye appears, at its base activated form, as if the corner of the user's eyes were leaking out an ethereal flame which dissipates into the air near them. This flame does not produce heat nor is tangible, however, it is a representation of the owner's demonic ancestry.

Demon's Eye - Tier I:
Demon's Eye - Tier II:
Demon's Eye - Tier III:

The Demon’s Blood – Mutations
These physical mutations are passives. They gradually grow into maturity as the yokai taps into, and masters, the dormant power of their bloodline according to old rites. However, every yokai manifests this power differently and in the course of time three particular paths have come forward:
- Path of Oni.
- Path of Tengu.
- Path of Baku.

Each of these paths grant different passives to its yokai. A yokai must choose one of the paths upon character creation, and may never change that path afterwards. The bonus granted by the paths does not stack; they are the total cumulated bonuses granted at each tier.

Path of Oni:
Path of Tengu:
Path of Baku:

Full credit to the original creator, Asami Yokai

Clan Jutsu

Yokai Jutsu - These jutsu are available to all Yokai of the clan, no matter the path they have taken.

Demon School Martial Arts:
Tengu School Martial Arts:

Demon Arts, Demon Form:
Demon Arts, Dread Gaze:
Demon Arts, Heaven Step:

Oni Jutsu - These techniques require the hardy blood of the Oni. It is their supernatural resilience and fury that allows them to fully enjoy these techniques; passed on from one oni to another.


Tengu Jutsu - These techniques require the cunning and finesse of the craftsman caste; the Tengu. It is the sort of power too physical for a Baku to deal with, yet too subtle for an Oni to make use of. The techniques are often passed on from Tengu to Tengu under the guise of games and riddles.

Tengu's Eye, Auspex:

Baku Jutsu - The techniques shared among the Baku are old traditions and Hiden calling upon their eldritch affinity and their natural mental ability. They are often ethereal in their nature, and of such delicate nature the other paths hardly measure up the worth to be taught the true value of these old secrets.

Devil's Eye, Human Guise:
Devil's Eye, All-Encompassing Void:
Devil's Eye, Confusion:
Devil's Eye, Devil's Charm:
Devil's Eye, Dream Devouring Technique:


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