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The Nara Clan

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The Nara Clan Empty The Nara Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:52 am


[Clan Name] Nara
[Clan Location] Konoha
[Bloodline Name & Type] Kagemane Hiden (Shadow Imitation Secret Art)
[Current Clan Leader] Nara Shikake

Clan member name
Clan member name
Clan member name

Clan History/Description
The Nara clan dates back to the Age of Warring Clans, although they did not play any serious roles in the consolidation of power between the fighting clans. In fact, it is said that they tended to avoid war, and developed various complicated stratagems to do so. People believe that the need to devise crafty means to escape conflict led to the higher than average intelligence boasted of by some of the clan members. They were among the first clans to rally to the Senju clan, when the latter called for peace, and they helped to build the village that is currently known as Konoha.

Currently, the clan is run by a head, who is also in charge of the Nara forest, a woody area highly populated with deer, which are usually friendly with only members of the clan. The antlers of the deer are used for various medicines, implying that the Nara clan has strong affinity for medicine and healing arts. Of course, not every member of the clan is mandated to follow that path.

The symbol of the clan is a circle with three wavy lines running diagonally within it, and three short straight lines connecting the wavy lines to each other, or to the circumference of the circle.

Nara Ichizoku 200?cb=20110330225002

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics
The Nara clan members do not have any serious striking characteristics. However, most of them have black hair (which is usually tied in a ponytail), and deep hues of eye color. They tend to wear their clan symbol on clothing articles (it is usually on the back, where it is very visible).

Bloodline Description & Abilities
Not necessarily a bloodline "blessed" clan, the Nara clan is a family native to Konohagakure that utilizes the Yin Release in unique secret techniques to manipulate shadows, an art known as the Kagemane no jutsu (Shadow Imitation Technique). Only the Nara clan knows the secrets of performing these special techniques; thus no one can learn such techniques unless they are taught by a Nara clan member. Shadow Imitation techniques revolve around manipulating the user's shadow to connect with the shadow of the target. Once this is successful, the target is unable to move at will, and instead mimics the movements of the Nara. Advanced techniques have been developed that interact a bit more physically: a technique is known to create shadow spikes that pierce the target and hold it in place, while another technique has utilized a shadow appendage to choke a target. Some special techniques can also be used to pin the target's shadow, without the Nara having to use their shadows to do so. Members of the Nara clan are also usually noticed to have a naturally high intellect, able to come up with master strategies in the thick of battle.

Uncanny Strategist Level 1
The Nara clan has always been known for its quick thinkers and military tacticians. All Nara clan members naturally receive a + to Intelligence and a + to Perception.
Uncanny Strategist Level 2 | 250 XP
As a shinobi grows, so does their mind. At this point, the Nara receives an additional + to Intelligence.
Uncanny Strategist Level 3 | 250 XP
The legendary intelligence of the Nara is improved further with training and study. An additional + goes to Intelligence. At this rank, the Nara is one tier higher in Intelligence, and a + to Perception.
Analytical Genius | 500 XP
Due to their honed attention to detail, and having an almost eidetic memory at this point, it is easier for the Nara to identify when things are out of place. This makes it easier for them to recognize a Genjutsu. Intelligence or Perception requirements for recognizing a Genjutsu are lowered by 1 tier.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks
- The Nara must maintain physical contact with their shadow when utilizing most of their Kagemane techniques, except in special conditions, or where an item is used to pin the target's shadow.
- The Nara techniques cannot work in complete darkness, as there must be at least the faintest shadow for the techniques to be utilized.
- Physically powerful opponents can use their superior strength to force their way out of a Kagemane technique.

Clan Techniques
Name: Kagemane no Jutsu (Shadow Imitation Technique)
Rank: C-S
Activation Cost: C=5; B=10; A=20; S=30
Upkeep Cost: C=3; B=5; A=10; S=20
Range: C=10 m; B=30 m; A=50 m; S=50 m
Speed: Same rank
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Nara clan exclusive
Requirements: N/A
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Rat
Description: The primary and signature technique of the Nara clan. The user's shadow distorts beneath them, once the Rat hand seal is performed, and the shadow extends towards the target's shadow. The extending shadow can be manipulated in any way the user desires, to curve around obstacles, enter holes and emerge through other openings, or even split apart to connect with multiple targets. This technique must be mastered before any other Shadow Imitation technique can be accomplished. Note that the shadow does not have to directly touch the target's shadow. Once it connects with any other shadow that is directly connected to the target's shadow, the target is bound, and the target is forced to imitate the user's physical movements throughout the duration of the technique, except speech. The user can split their shadow to connect to 5 targets at C rank, with an addition of 5 targets every higher rank.
Weaknesses: The user is unable to move from their position. If they do, the technique is canceled. Also, a target can physically break out of the technique, if their base strength stat is one tier higher than the user's base coordination stat.
Name: Kage Shibari no Jutsu (Shadow Bind Technique)
Rank: C-S
Activation Cost: C=5; B=10; A=20; S=30
Upkeep Cost: C=3; B=5; A=10; S=20
Range: C=10 m; B=30 m; A=50 m; S=50 m
Speed: Same rank
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Nara clan exclusive
Requirements: N/A
Parent Technique: Kagemane no jutsu
Hand Seals: Rat
Description: A variant of the Kagemane no jutsu, the user connects their shadow to that of another target, but this time, the initial target is allowed to move freely, even though the user's shadow is still connected to their own. Once the initial target gets close to an intended target, the Nara can then spring their shadow from the initial target, as a surprise attack of sorts (if the final target does not notice), to snag the final target's shadow. Both targets can then be bound, or the initial target can be detached from the user's shadow, while the final target remains bound. Like the parent technique, Kagemane no jutsu, the user can target multiple objects.
Weaknesses: The user is unable to move from their position. If they do, the technique is canceled. Also, a target can physically break out of the technique, if their base strength stat is one tier higher than the user's base coordination stat.
Name: Kageyose no Jutsu (Shadow Gathering Technique)
Rank: B
Activation Cost: 10
Upkeep Cost: 5
Range: 30 m
Speed: A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Nara clan exclusive
Requirements: N/A
Parent Technique: Kagemane no Jutsu
Hand Seals: Rat
Description: This technique transforms the user's shadow into materialized tendrils for various uses, most of which involve ensnaring, grasping and pulling. These shadow tendrils can pull objects to the user, trip up moving opponents, and lift and throw light weight objects (C-rank Strength). It is possible that a more advanced technique can be used to lift even heavier objects.
Weaknesses: The user is unable to move from their position. If they do, the technique is canceled. Also, a target can physically break out of the technique, if their base strength stat is one tier higher than the user's base coordination stat.
Name: Kage Nui no Jutsu (Shadow Sewing Technique)
Rank: A
Activation Cost: 20
Upkeep Cost: 10
Range: 50 m
Speed: S
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Nara clan exclusive
Requirements: N/A
Parent Technique: Kagemane no Jutsu
Hand Seals: Rat - Bird
Description: This is arguably the only direct offensive technique of the Nara clan techniques. As usual, the shadow extends towards its target, but when it gets close, it bursts forth in many sharp needles which can be controlled separately. The needles pierce through their target(s) and hold them in place, causing B rank damage.
Weaknesses: The user is unable to move from their position. If they do, the technique is canceled. Also, a target can physically break out of the technique, if their base strength stat is one tier higher than the user's base coordination stat.


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