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Matsubara Clan

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Matsubara Clan Empty Matsubara Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:53 am

[Ku Mono Haaku(Spider's Grasp) & Bloodline : Physical/Advanced Element(Not Elemental Combo)]
[Tsukiko Matsubara]


Clan History/Description

Long ago, this clan was one of many under the control of the Kazehana empire. They, like many, served disgruntledly, but dared not disobey for the sake of their clans lives. This did not mean, however, they would sit back idly as history happened, and when the empire began to crack, the Matsubara were some of the first to fight back, eventually seeing success in pushing them out of the lands of stone.

However, this puppet state that was left was crueler than the empire, and instead of staying to fight, the Matsubara left while the borders were not watched, and found themselves in the lands of fire. It was here that they found the clans at war. Their first instinct was to stay out and move on, but the Uchiha offered an alliance with them against the Hyuuga, and after some dicussion, the Matsubara agreed.

They fought Hyuuga and their allies, including the Senju even if they were at times their allies. However, when the Senju of all clans called for peace, the Matsubara did not trust them, and advised their Uchiha allies against trusting the Senju, though the Uchiha forged peace with them anyway, knowing that the world was changing and seeing the wisdom in the Senju's words. This distanced the Matsubara for a time, but at the encouragement of the Uchiha and Senju clans, they eventually did join them and the other minor clans, but only after new alliances and agreements were made, including a few marriages into at least one of the major clans to garauntee there would be no betrayals.

The Hyuuga refused, stating they would never sully themselves with such filth, at which the Uchiha stood and rebuffed the Hyuuga by declaring they would be honored to wed several of their own to the Matsubara clan. The Senju, in good faith, also agreed, on the condition that the married individuals would reside within the houses of Senju and Uchiha respectively, to which the Matsubara agreed.

Today, these children are rarely seen, though may be granted permission to join the ranks of Shinobi if deemed skilled enough.

The Matsubara served the newly formed village alongside the other clans, finding amoung the minor clans the Nara to be their closest allies, while the Yamanaka and Aburame distancing themselves, though little reason has been stated aloud, the Matsubara bitterly claim they see them as lesser than the other clans due to their physical forms. This has not stopped them from working together in the betterment of the village, though their clanhouse is further away from most of the other clans, and many tend to keep to themselves when not training or preforming duties for the village.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics

The Matsubara are easy to spot in a crowd, due to their multiple sets of arms, totaling six. Though not odd on their own, the fact they have three full sets of working arms is unusual enough to make them stand out.

Other than this, they tend to have darker complexions, and darker hair colors ranging from blacks, purples, sometimes blues, even grey hair isn't unusual either among the young, oddly enough. The men tend to stand between 5'06 and 6'01", while the women stand just under at around 5'03 to 5'11" on average, though there are some exceptions to both of these in eithe direction.

The family is Matriachal in nature, though if a male individual is deemed strong and smart enough, he may rule instead.

Tattoos are not unusual among the members of this clan, some even among the elders it is commonplace, though obtaining tattoos is often an honor bestowed upon their own who excell and bring honor to their clan. They are not so prideful as to not share their art however, having a tattoo parlor in Konoha run as a family business. Most tattoos tend to be on the arms, back, and chest, keeping certain designs within their clan, and only upon certain spots of the body, each having their own special meaning.

Bloodline Description & Abilities

Spiders Prowess 1(Free, All Matsubara Start with this) :
All Matsubara learn one way or another to make use of and handle their many limbs, more out of necessity than anything, but they end up stronger and better coordinated than those around them. A Matasubara member starts with a passive +1 advantage which can be applied to either Strength or Coordination.

Spiders Prowess 2(500 XP) :
The Matsubara has trained and improved upon their coordination and strength, reaching exceptional levels of physical power and coordination even by the standards of most Matsubara. At this level they gain an addition +2 advantages which can be applied to either Strength or Coordination.

Silken Web(250 XP) :
A sleek, sticky substance, the Matsubara is able to generate this from any part of their body with training, and are able to make use of this unique substance in many ways, even in harsh weather, though it is flammable. This web has a Quality and Hardness of B Rank. Anything caught in the web requires at least B-tier Strength to break free or a means to cut themselves loose. The user can spin up to 25 meters of web for 3 CP.

Golden Web(500 XP; Requires Silken Web): This unusual Golden Web is not sticky, but hardens quickly when in contact with air and can be formed into many shapes the individual can use, from weapons and armor, to even tools if the user is skilled enough. To obtain this takes an extreme amount of training and dedication. This web has a Quality and Hardness of A Rank. The user can spin up to 25 meters of web for 3 CP. Once at this stage the user can willingly toggle between Silken Web or Golden Web.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks

Weird Phyisiology - Any healing members of this clan receive is reduced by 1 Rank due to the individuals strange biology.

Clan Techniques

(Coming Soon!)

Yoko(Me; Wanting to start this in the first place!)
Raph(helped me bounce ideas!)
Short_Stack(Helped me establish base abilities!)
Lily(Bounced ideas around, including clan weaknesses!)
Nyg and Xurious (helping me with the finer points of balancing abilities and keeping lore straight!)
Everyone else(For being excited to see what comes out of this weird concept!)


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