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Yamanaka Clan

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Yamanaka Clan Empty Yamanaka Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:50 am

Hiden: Mind Body Switch
Inogami Yamanaka(NPC)


Clan History/Description: The Yamanaka Clan was often known as the Mind Clan, directly reflected in their techniques. It is said that they developed a deep relationship with the Nara Clan in their aligned interest to avoid war, utilizing their unique capabilities to act as elite politicians, ambassadors, and spies for the shadowy strategists. Like the Nara Clan, they rallied behind the Senju Clan when the time came and are of the founding clans of Konohagakure. In particular they are valued as Sensory Nin in tracking those entering and exiting the village, acting as the first line of defense against covert infiltrators. Many Yamanaka tend to do more mellow side-work while acting as part of Konoha’s Barrier Squad, such as running a flower shop.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics: Yamanaka clansmen tend to have “Ino” in their first name and are known for their blonde hair and blue eyes. They often are empathetic and sensitive to noticing the Moods of others.

Bloodline Description & Abilities:
Mental Strength: Yamanaka are incredibly introspective, gaining awareness of themselves and into others, giving them a + in Perception. In addition, they are capable of ignoring a single - to their Perception from any source at a given time.
Mental Shield (350 XP): With further training of their focus to fend off distractions, Yamanaka gain an additional + to their Perception and are able to ignore an additional - to their Perception.
Mental Fortress(350 XP): The Yamanaka willpower and sense of their surroundings come to a peak at this stage of their training. They gain another + to their Perception and may ignore another - to their Perception. Prerequisite: Mental Shield

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks:
-Mind Body Switch Techniques are often difficult to land due to their speed, accuracy, or range. In addition, they often carry high risk in putting the user into an unconscious state.
-Many techniques are utility-based, making direct combat less favorable for a Yamanaka.

Clan Techniques

Name: Mind Body Switch Technique
Rank: C
Power: B-Rank
Activation Cost: 5
Upkeep Cost: 2.5
Range: 25 meters
Speed: B-Rank
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Yamanaka Exclusive
Requirements: N/A
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Special Clan Seal (Circle)
Description: The signature technique of the Yamanaka, they utilize a special hand seal by making a circle with their hands to aim at their target before using it to eject and launch their mind out of their own body and into a straight line. Should this invisible psychic entity strike a living creature, the Yamanaka will forcefully hijack its body, allowing free and unhindered control over it as if it were their own. The duration of this possession is dependant on the difference in the user and the target’s Perception, indicating their ability to remain aware within the mindspace and assert their will. If the target’s Perception is greater than the user’s, the possession will last for a minimum of a single post after landing. If equal in Perception, the User may maintain the possession for 2 posts. If the User’s perception is greater in rank, they may maintain the possession for 2 + [difference in rank] posts.
Weaknesses: This technique is quite risky due to being difficult to land and that by ejecting your mind out of your body, you are leaving your body unconscious. Should you miss, your mind requires 1 post to return to your body, during which your body is limp and defenseless. In addition, any damage done to the target while the Yamanaka is possessing them is done onto the Yamanaka’s body as well.

Name: Mind Body Transmission Technique
Rank: C/A
Power: ---
Activation Cost: 5
Upkeep Cost: 2.5
Range: Varying
Speed: Instant
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Yamanaka Exclusive
Requirements: Sensing Technique
Parent Technique: Mind Body Switch Technique
Hand Seals: Ram
Description: While performing the Sensing Technique, the Yamanaka is capable of forming a telepathic link with an individual that they can sense with it. With this link, the linked Yamanaka and target may speak directly into the head of their target.
At C-Rank: This technique can reach any individual within the Yamanaka's Sensing Technique range.
At A-Rank: This can reach a target the Yamanaka knows the chakra signature of up to 50 kilometers away.
Weaknesses: The Yamanaka must concentrate and become immobile if using this at A-Rank.

Name: Mind Body Disturbance Technique
Rank: B
Power: B-Rank
Activation Cost: 10
Upkeep Cost: 5
Range: 10 Meters
Speed: B-Rank
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Yamanaka Exclusive
Requirements: N/A
Parent Technique: Mind Body Switch Technique
Hand Seals: Special Clan Seal (Rectangle)
Description: A variation on the Mind Body Switch, this technique allows the Yamanaka to take control the bodies of those within a conical area, but does not expel the minds of the targets thus allowing them to stay conscious and take limited actions such as speaking.
Weaknesses: It requires 1 full second after creating the handseal to charge this technique before firing it.

Name: Mind Clone Switch Technique
Rank: A-Rank
Power: B-Rank
Activation Cost: 20
Upkeep Cost: 10
Range: 5 meters
Speed: B-Rank
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Yamanaka Exclusive
Requirements: N/A
Parent Technique: Mind Body Switch Technique
Hand Seals: Snake, Tiger, Ox, Ram
Description: An evolution of the Mind Body Switch, the Yamanaka can now shoot out their mind and clone it so they can possess two targets at the same time. The possession duration for each target functions the same as Mind Body Switch, however the Yamanaka’s consciousness does not return until both targets’ possession ends.
Weaknesses: This technique adopts all weaknesses of the Mind Body Switch Technique.


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