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Amandi Clan

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Amandi Clan Empty Amandi Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:49 am

[Clan Name] Amandi
[Original Clan Location] Iwagakure
[Bloodline Name & Type] Kyanton (Candy Release)
[Current Clan Leader] Mizuki Amandi (NPC)
Current Clan Members:

Clan History/Description

The Amandi Clan was a nobody clan for centuries, one that kept their amazing Kekkei Tota hidden for fear of persecution. The ancestor of theirs that awakened this ability was unknown to them, and at the onset of their appearance in history most clan members with the ability cursed him. The first clan head to recognize the potential of his clan's abilities was Nao Amandi. He took a loan out with the Republic of Stone to open a business in the Republic's capital, the first candy shop in the entire continent.

Only his two daughters and himself were willing to work there at first, and for years nobody was really interested in the candies that were being offered. So Nao stepped his game up, investing more chakra into the same candies and creating highly concentrated balls of diabetes that soon found a place in the upper class of the Republic as they were the only ones who could afford the candies.

This new item, this "candy", came in all manner of different forms and was by far and away their most popular item though they had many more. Soon, the candies they made with less chakra began to sell fairly well with the middle class of the Republic. This is when their business took off, and a clan legacy began.

The next generations of Amandi would work closely with the Kazehana Empire, shifting resources from their candy business into making provisions and medicine for the budding Empire at the start. Soon, their skills were requested in the more utilized fields of Chemistry; Poisons and Drugs. Their candy made the perfect medium for both of these things, the sweetness expected hiding the undertones of cyanide and chakra enhanced adrenaline. More conventional chemicals were also requested quite frequently, turning a couple of the stores in the Land of Earth into chemical factories.

This partnership lasted for centuries, with many assassinations and other plots thought up by the Kazehana backed by Amandi chemicals and provisions. They were one of the richest clans in the entire empire, clear up until the Kazehana Empire fractured and the Land of Earth wrenched itself free from its grasp. Their investments into the Kazehana had been well known in the Land of Earth, and upon this severance of ties their mercantile empire would crumble into a shadow of what it used to be.

Various small shops dot the Land of Earth with their primary shop located in Iwagakure. They have never been able to gain back the fortune once held, nor have they been able to secure even a glimpse of the power they once had. All that remains is their bloodline and their talent in Chemistry, a combination that made the clan rich once before and will make it rich again.

Due to the distrust of the clan, as of 937 A.S. most of the Amandi had relocated to Konoha, where while they are still distrusted, they have been able to still make a semi-positive name for themselves by working with the Akimichi clan.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics
The Amandi typically have brown hair and eyes, with builds favoring slenderness over bulkiness. Their clan has centered themselves of selling sweets and producing chemicals to ensure their survival, as they have ensured that people have wanted their goods for centuries. Their choice of clothing for most days is usually a uniform suited towards whichever craft that member has taken up, there's no real standard among the clan. Most members are good tempered and don't want to directly harm anybody, they prefer to make money off of other people doing that with their goods.

The Amandi are not typically combat shinobi, preferring to spend their time crafting and making money. Stores ran by an Amandi see a profit of 15% rather than 10%, though their tainted history with the Kazehana makes people hesitant to help them. This makes the initial cost of the store cost 100,000 ryo more than usual.

The Amandi are natural chemists, with most clan members specializing in one area of chemistry over the others to give the clan its domination over the field. Amandi clan members may reduce the Intelligence tier required for one class of Chemistry, though this will increase the intelligence costs for another. If the user reaches a point where they could reach maximum level without this ability, The user gets twice the yield then what they normally would get. The user may change or remove this this feature whenever they Class up.

Bloodline Description & Abilities
Candy Release is made of Earth, Suiton, and Katon elemental chakra. Though the name is "Candy Release", this title is a bit misleading. Candy Release users are capable of creating anything sweet, from chocolate to jawbreakers to taffy, as long as it has sugar in it then it can be made. This also means that Candy Release has a huge variation in the forms and flavors it may take, with durability and natural abilities changing depending on what the user is creating. This is similar with how Lava Release may make rubber, lava, and quicklime all within the bounds of one kekkei genkai.

Candy Release techniques are also all edible, even the ones that are rock hard, as they are made from hard candy that may be whittled down like a sucker. The more chakra one puts into a technique, the sweeter and/or larger that technique will become. Some members have made cakes as big as a table with a decent taste, while others have gone so far as to pour a single S rank amount of stamina into one piece of candy for the ultimate sugary bliss. Candy Release chakra is also very good to mix together with things, such as with chemistry, where its usage in creating sweet tasting poisons, drugs, and medicine has gone a long way towards helping kill targets and heal patients.

Candy Release Chakra comes in two stages:

Stage One: Requires Doton and Suiton- 500 experience

Stage One of Candy Release gives the user access to the most basic ability of Candy Release users; the ability to create raw sugar with Sugar chakra. This sugar is produced by combining Doton and Suiton together in effigy of the sugar cane plant. Manipulating the chakra allows the bearer to create sweets which do not require heat to make, such as divinity and no bake cookies, or they can use the sugar to make sweets by hand. Very little clan techniques are available at this stage, and influence over the taste of those that can is not possible.

Stage Two: Requires Doton, Suiton, and Katon- 1,000 experience

Stage Two mixes the element of Katon into the Sugar chakra made from Stage One, providing the last missing element to create such things as fully baked cakes, caramels, jawbreakers, cookies, chocolate bars, etc. This is the true "Candy Release", and is what the clan is known for. The flavor of the sweets may be entirely controlled by those who possess this level of the kekkei tota, mostly by the amount of chakra put into each individual candy. This is also where the clan's techniques and secrets open up, allowing for the scope and variety of the clan to shine.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks

Candy Release is weak to Raiton element attacks, as electricity is easily capable of burning the candy chakra away with its intense heat in such a short period of time. It is highly resistant to Katon and Fuuton elemental attacks, however.

Candy= -Raiton, -Storm, =Suiton, =Doton, +Katon, +Fuuton.

Much of Candy Release's individual techniques have weakness to specific elements, as the wildly different forms of Candy Release gives it strengths at times and weaknesses at another.

Candy Release users must either start with Chemistry and follow in the clan's footsteps or have to begin with one less Skill Point than usual. This skill point is gained back upon reaching 4,000 experience.


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