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Korikane Clan (Crystal Release)

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Korikane Clan (Crystal Release) Empty Korikane Clan (Crystal Release)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:00 am

[Korikane Clan]
Korikane Clan (Crystal Release) Japanese_family_crest_kamon_symbol_classic_round_sticker-r2ba3d0

[Clan Location]
Korikane Clan (Crystal Release) Th_XELWY045

[Bloodline Name & Type]
晶遁, Shōton (Doton & Raiton) Ninjutsu
Korikane Clan (Crystal Release) 2877582770_a7c47fee0b

[Current Clan Leader]
Korikane Konda, the Kessho no Hime 'Crystal Princess'
Korikane Clan (Crystal Release) Th_X81_A5_L75
  • [Current]
  • [Clan]
  • [Members]
    Soh Yagami

Clan History/Description
<p>The exact date of the Korikane Clan's founding has been lost to time, due in no small part to the initial scattering of its members after the defection of its Clan founder. Hara Rei Korikane was an oddity among the Shinobi of Iwagakure, preferring the heavy armor of the Samurai to the more deft Ninja garb designed for stealth. His chosen tactic both for capturing targets and ending foes was to encase them in stone and drain their Chakra with his Salting the Earth Technique.
Even then the Shōton was considered to be little more than a myth, partly due to its oppoising Elements, until Hara Rei took it as a personal challenge to push his 'greatness' to a level closer to the Gods. In 442 AS he traveled deep into a network of natural caverns and all but disappeared from public memory for nearly a decade, though in truth he wasn't exactly missed to begin with. All that is known for sure, is that when he emerged it was with a haggard body and an unrivaled arrogance that dwarfed his original foul attitude. The Korikane Patriarch had somehow managed to merge Doton & Raiton while within the pressure of the Earth itself, create a unique Nature that could create crystals from his own raw energy.
This discovery prompted an immediate inquiry into what comprised this Shōton Nature and what its full capabilities might be in service to the Village. The Patriarch had come into the life he always felt he deserved, and he made sure everyone who would listen knew it. During this uplift with the new Clan's emergence, Hara Rei took several wives and bore multiple children, both as a measure of establishing his place in the Village and to 'let his name mark the annals of history'. Fate proved to have a sense of irony as it was his continued arrogance and self-serving mentality that would be both his own undoing, and the salvation of the Korikane bloodline. As his newfound popularity fell Hara Rei resorted to using the Shōton to create crystalline goods and structures as a means of income and renown, effectively evolving the Clan into a mercantile force.
In 461 AS the Patriarch received notice that many of these crystal crafts had abruptly shattered and broken down into dust without explanation, both those on the market and even those within the storehouses. Believing this to be the work of rival competitors, most like out of jealousy, his paranoia began to become apparent even outside the walls of the family compound. It was not until many months had passed that the truth came to light. News arrived that Hara Rei's eldest son Date, a fine young Shinobi, had been slain while on a Mission and the timestamp matched with the date of the merchandise destruction. This was further confirmed when after a full inventory it was revealed that only the crystals bearing a green hue had shattered, the very crafts that Date had created as part of his training in the Shōton Style as a youth.
The revelation that these crystals would break down with the user's death came as a severe blow, even more so than the death of his son in Hara Rei's eyes. He could not market his family's crafts any longer and income dropped well into the negative, especially after former customers came in drives to demand their money back. A few years later, the Patriarch set off on a 'personal journey', leaving the welfare of the Clan to his daughter Konda and disappearing from the public eye once more. Due to the shifting nature of his travels he was never found, at least officially as his sapphire structures have long since shattered. Despite the overwhelming adversity, Konda was a young woman of the people and far more grounded in reality than her father had been.
While many of the Korikane family splintered off and fled as far as the Land of Wind, Konda stayed and worked to repair the honor of the Clan and make it a name that would grant strength to the people of the Land of Earth. While some families took to the exclusive defense of the Village the Korikane were guided into a more utilitarian role. Things began simply by turning the oft-destructive measures taken by the former Patriarch, and were shifted towards repair and upkeep of Village structures and farmlands. Tunnels were built as a measure against disaster with chambers bolstered by Chakra-enforced stone to protect those taking shelter, while the outer walls and defenses received similar treatments. Research was turned towards developing the Shōton Nature into more than just a weapon or cheap measure of making many, in no small part to repair the poor image brought to it in the past.
It was this intellectual turn that birthed both a new irrigation technique and what would later be deemed the Pylon Network. Irrigation, or more specifically fertilization relocation, is a method in which Doton Techniques such as the Doton: Eruption Jutsu are used to bring healthy, fertile soil to the surface where it can be tilled for the growing of crops and medicinal plants. The Pylon Network is a defensive system of Shōton rods set outward from the Village walls in arcs of set distances, utilizing the inherent nature of crystals to reverberate with different frequencies. The Pylons vibrate depending on what is occurring near them, and Shinobi attuned to them will monitor, gauge and interpret the vibrations to act as an early warning of incoming threats or natural disasters. Much of the Clan's coffers are now kept full by way of general service to the Village; Carpentry, defense, the Pylon network, and irrigation.
Konda's renovations to the Clan's outlook were not met with complete approval as more than once her leadership was challenged, most often due to her perceived inexperience or assumed influence of her father. On one such occasion a young man, a half-sibling of Konda's named Chiziwa, came forward and demanded that she step down so that a Patriarch may lead the Clan once more. It was eventually agreed that a trial of sorts would be put into place, with a condition placed by Konda: The victor would be determined by the entirety of the Clan, whom would have Right of Attendance for the contest of wills. This amendment was agreed upon and a three-part challenge was put forth to decide the leadership of the Korikane Bloodline.
These challenges were set similar to that of the Chuunin Exams, with the first being a measure of intellect. A gauntlet of sorts was created by way of Doton Techniques and set belowground where it steadily grew into a makeshift cavern complex. This labyrinth culminated in a light puzzle with stalagmites of varying crystal hues deliberately placed to create a confusing net of colors that had to be redirected to several set pinions in the far wall. Once the color code was not only cracked by correctly implemented, then the door would open and both contestants would be returned to the surface. Konda's agility served her well until the last chamber, where a well-placed explosive tag and flood of Suiton-propelled mud allowed Chiziwa to steal the victory once Konda had solved the puzzle.
Despite her objections it was taken as her challenger's victory with the statement from Chiziwa that a leader must be willing to do what it takes to succeed. Konda did not agree that values should be sacrificed in the name of progression, and put that fire to use in the second challenge. The task of Understanding was conducted simply, using only the resources around them and their own Techniques, form a piece of artwork that reflected themselves and what the Clan meant to them. Chiziwa initially pulled ahead when he sealed an ancient tree growing nearby in a crystalline film, with the proposal that the Clan stood to preserve that which it had earned and what it sought to gain in the years to come.
Strongly affirmed in respect and honor of the past, Konda was horrified that he would destroy life just to make a point, and triggered something within her long held back. Rage. With an almost feral cry of something that had lived and grown since long before her Clan was even a twinkle in the human eye, she focused the entirety of her powers into forming what would later be developed into the Shōton: Growing Crystal Thorns Jutsu. Her crystalline 'trees' arced outward to form a prismatic, if jagged, grove that encompassed the compound and punched through the walls in several places. Once the shock of the event wore off, the formally quiet and reserved young woman stood proudly and proclaimed that the Clan's purpose was indeed to preserve. Preserve that which has come before, and to create and protect what was to come after, something that could not be done if they continued to be reckless and stomp about with no thought to the repercussions. Every step leaves a mark, a vibration to be felt.
Her heartfelt words, not to mention the sheer display of power, won over the gathered Clan members and marked the score as one to one. It was this same dedication and commitment to preservation and history that would earn her the informal title Kessho no Hime, 'Crystal Princess'. The final challenge would be a spar of single combat, held within a simple dirt ring under the condition that neither participant leave until one or the other was unable to continue. The ring was drawn and a simple barrier of light was put into place that would not block anyone from entering or leaving, but would flare each time either of them crossed the ring's line.
Chiziwa had the physical strength advantage, as well as the experience in combat and with the heavy metal Kusari Fundo or metal chain. Konda, however, was not a fool and had been studying her opponent since the first challenge. By the end of the challenge she was battered but victorious, having used Chiziwa's shortcomings against him. It had been established by Chiziwa himself that the ring was not meant to be crossed, so Konda stoked the man's temper at every opportunity and forced him to become reckless, which caused him to breach his own rule multiple times. By the time he had been worn down into a blindly-swinging mass of spit and threats, the decision had already been made. Cooler heads prevailed that day, and once Chiziwa was subdued, Konda was named the first Clan Matriarch of the Korikane.
Her opponent refused to accept the decision and made to attack her later that evening, only for the attending Clan to strike him down immediately. The new Matriarch had not only shown herself capable during the contests but earned their loyalty as well, prompting Chiziwa to back down for the time being. He remains resentful of the decision and fervently proclaims Konda to be unfit, continuing to be a thorn in the arse to this day.
Whether by proxy or by happenstance, Konda's victory marked a long succession of female leaders in the Korikane. It has been a Matriarchal unit since, with any challengers emerging following a contested trio of challenges as the first had undergone should the challenger's grievance be deemed honorable. Following their newfound mission to preserve history, the Clan has since developed and maintained a vast repository of knowledge for the betterment of the Village. As per decree, Clan Elders are to be treated with the utmost respect from within the Clan, and are privy to council the current Head in the majority of their decisions.
When a child of the Clan first manifests the Kekkei Genkai the 'sample' is brought before the elder Seer, whom divines into its hue, structure, shape, and cut to determine the kind of life the child may lead or the challenges they may yet face in the future. This is more a glimpse into who the child is, or rather, whom they will grow to become and can then be fostered in the right direction. As the crystals formed by the Shōton are comprised of an individual's Chakra, and break down upon that individual's death, it is common practice to save this sample and place it within a small Shrine hidden within the Clan's private holdings. This serves as both a reinforcement of familial bonds, and to give first notice should a traveling Clan member meet their demise.</p>

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics
Highly durable and resilient, the Korikane take great pride in their ability to withstand pressure both within and without. It is believed to be this resiliency to both 'heat' and pressure that refined original Patriarch's Doton Nature into that of the Shōton. Members of the Korikane are born with eye colors that hint to a degree the hue and compositions of their Crystal manifestations, with the current Clan Leader Korikane Konda's Techniques forming crimson crystals in similar grade to her amber irises. Dress typically includes some form of armament for both males and females, not so much for protection as it is to feel the sturdiness of the material. This acts as a constant reminder of the blessing to endure.

Bloodline Description & Abilities
The Shōton is a rare Elemental Nature found primarily within Iwakagure, though members of the branch family have been found as far as the sands of Sunakagure. Borne of the Doton Element when focused to a needle point with Raiton, the Shōton Style allows users to convert most matter into raw or refined crystals as the name suggests. This can be done by way of physical matter to moisture in the air and allowing the Shinobi to forge them into weapons, defenses, or even as a method of escape. Because of this, Doton, Suiton, and Mokuton are at an Elemental disadvantage against Shōton wielded by a competent Shinobi. On a living creatures this method can become deadly, as targets are crystallized down to a cellular level to imprison them within the structure and rendering them vulnerable to being shattered in place and killed. Beginners or children often practice on pre-existing crystals and crystal structures either found naturally or created by others. While the Shōton Nature does not breed true exclusively, it is by far the most common Nature combination to emerge within the Clan with Suiton or Katon coming a close second. Under optimal conditions, the crystals generated will have a hardness factor of A+.

Shard: Investing 250 XP into the Clan and having the pre-requisite Natures allows the character to utilize the Shōton Nature. Physical and mental resilience runs strong in all Clan members, but any Skill must of course be built upon and strengthened.

Prism: Investing an additional 250 XP into the Clan shows dedication and resilience in the eyes of Iwagakure, granting slightly higher standing with the citizens. This is especially true with merchants and craftspeople in the village, whom will be more likely to grant a fair price for their wares and services and will be more willing to work out a deal or give a small discount. Don't expect any free handouts, however, they are still businesspeople.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks
Shōton carries with it the inability to crystalize raw energy or chakra, as they have no physical mass to crystalize, and thus allowing those with good chakra control or the Raiton or Katon Elements to counter it. An additional concern for those using this Style is its susceptibility to a specific wave frequency; because crystal requires a very precise build-up of molecules, the proper sound waves can break down the build-up before the crystal can properly form. This is similar to certain vibrations being able to damage or even shatter glass.

Clan Techniques

Name:Crimson Fruit
Activation Cost:5
Upkeep Cost:3
Element: Shōton
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai, a stable base or platform to build the 'fruit' up from.
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals:Ram
Description:The user creates a dome of crystal to surround the target, and is highly durable from both internal and external attacks. This makes the technique ideal for transporting prisoners or protecting high-profile individuals.

Name:Jade Crystal Blade
Activation Cost:5
Upkeep Cost:3
Element: Shōton
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai. The Dog Sign must be held for as long as the user maintains the technique.
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Horse → Ox → Boar → Snake
Description:The user forms a blade of crystal on their arm similar to the Crystal Lance technique, however at a smaller and more manageable size. With training and practice a Shinobi may be able to form a blade on both arms if necessary.
Weaknesses:Raiton, may crack or shatter under enough blunt force, may crack or shatter when subjected to a specific sound wave frequency.

Name:Crystal Lance
Activation Cost:5
Upkeep Cost:N/A
Element: Shōton
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique:N/A
Hand Seals: Boar → Tiger → Ram
Description:The technique allows the user to form a large and sharp spear-like crystal surrounding their forearm, which can then be used to impale the target.
Weaknesses:The act of moving to impale the target can leave the user open should they miss. The lance itself is large and unwieldy, leaving inexperienced users off-balance and vulnerable. Primarily useful as a one-shot when there is a clear opening or need to punch through a defense. Destroying the lance at its base could also injure the Shinobi’s forearm.

Name:Divine Crossing
Activation Cost:5
Upkeep Cost:3
Range:Maximum distance 100 Meters
Element: Shōton
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique:N/A
Hand Seals:Horse → Monkey → Ram → Boar
Description:The user places their hand on a surface, creating a long stream of sharp crystals to bind and pierce a target. Outside of combat, the crystals may instead be formed to create an impromptu bridge or structure run such as a makeshift roof or barricade.
Weaknesses:Raiton may break the 'bridge', over-exertion may leave the user stranded before they can complete their crossing (Such as over water), the crystalline 'bridge' is not flat and requires some agility ton cross to avoid slipping off or injury.

Name:Jade Crystal Mirror
Activation Cost:5
Upkeep Cost:3
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique:N/A
Hand Seals: Ram → Dog → Monkey → Open Hands
Description:The user creates a large mirror in the shape of a snowflake, whose signature use is to perform the Jade Crystal Clone Technique.
Weaknesses:Raiton, requires both hands to create and may leave the user open to attack while the Mirror is forming.

Name:Jade Crystal Clone Technique
Activation Cost:10
Upkeep Cost:8
Range:Touch, a manifested Jade Crystal Mirror
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique:Jade Crystal Mirror
Hand Seals: Horse → Ram
Description:By using the Jade Crystal Mirror as a medium, the user can make clones of themselves emerge from the mirror. Due to being made of crystal, they can endure more damage than a shadow clone and are able to deceive Byakugan users because of the reflective nature of the clone. However, by focusing their sight, this can be circumvented.
Weaknesses:Raiton, Clones take time and the Crystal Mirror Technique to form.

Name:Crystal Armor
Activation Cost:10
Upkeep Cost:5
Element: Shōton
Skill:Ninjutsu, Chakra Flow
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals:Boar
Description:This technique involves the user covering their skin in a thin sheet of crystal that improves their defense against physical attacks. This armor can also aid in performing stronger physical attacks. The material is transparent save for when light reflects off of it.
Weaknesses:Added weight to armored portion of the body. Aimed towards physical defense and carries the general Doton disadvantage to Raiton. Forming the armor over body joints may limit movement.

Name:Quartz Shard Wild Dance
Activation Cost:10
Upkeep Cost:5 (While upkeep is active, the Shinobi may create more Shuriken)
Range:Maximum 50 Meters
Element: Shōton
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique:N/A
Hand Seals:Ram
Description:The user surrounds themselves in crystal particles, condensing them into numerous shuriken that continuously revolve around their body as they are launched at high speeds. The average maximum number of Shuriken at one time is twenty.

Name:Crystal Needles
Activation Cost:10
Upkeep Cost:N/A
Range:Maximum 25 Meters
Element: Shōton
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique:N/A
Hand Seals:Tiger → Boar
Description:The user creates sharp crystals that launch at a target at extremely high speeds, with accuracy dependent upon their Coordination. Smaller versions may be used in order to trap a target instead of impaling them. The average maximum number of crystals used in the attack and capture aspects of this Technique is thirty.

Name:Giant Crystal Hexagonal Shuriken
Activation Cost:10
Upkeep Cost:N/A
Range:Projectile Rules
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique:N/A
Hand Seals:N/A
Description:The user creates a giant crystal shuriken, resembling a snowflake, and throws it at the enemy.

Name:Burst Crystal Falling Dragon
Activation Cost:10
Upkeep Cost:5
Range:Maximum distance 100 Meters after which the Dragons exit user's Range and crumble
Speed:One Tier below the user's Coordination
Element: Shōton
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Boar → Ram
Description: The user crystalizes material in the area and then shapes it into a dragon, which can then be used as a means to travel or to attack a target. Several dragons can also be made and manipulated at once with time, practice, and sufficient Chakra.
Weaknesses:Raiton, a maximum of three dragons may be created at once.

Name:Jade Crystal Prison
Activation Cost:10
Upkeep Cost:8
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique:Crystal Prison
Hand Seals:Ram
Description: This technique, which is the Crystal Prison on a smaller scale or a minor version of it, allows the user to completely encase a single target in crystal. If the crystal is shattered, the victim disintegrates along with the crystal particles.
Weaknesses:Targets able to surround their body with chakra before they are completely encased can avoid the disintegration effect. Therefore, this jutsu has no effect on chakra.

Name:Crystal Imprisonment Wave
Activation Cost:15
Upkeep Cost:N/A
Range:Maximum 30 Meters
Element: Shōton
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique:Crystal Prison
Hand Seals: Boar → Ram → Bird
Description: A larger scale version of the Crystal Prison, the user can encase a swarm of opponents in crystal. Unlike other crystal prisons where the crystal emerged from the ground, this crystal forms in the air.

Name:Snowflake Shuriken Wild Dance
Activation Cost:15
Upkeep Cost:10 (While upkeep is active, the Shinobi may create more Shuriken)
Range:Maximum 65 Meters
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique:Quartz Shard Wild Dance
Hand Seals: Snake → Dog → Ram → Horse → Rat → Monkey → Bird → Boar → Ram
Description: The user creates crystal shuriken in the shape of snowflakes to launch at the target. They can choose to remotely spin these shuriken in order to increase its lethal power, or to turn the shuriken into multiple crystal shards to surprise attack the target. This is an advanced form to the Quartz Shard Wild Dance Technique.
Weaknesses:While the 'swarm' of crystals forms a minor defensive barrier while this Technique is in use, it is not designed to be a shield and therefore leaves the user open to attack, especially to Raiton Techniques. In order to be used to maximum effectiveness, the user must remain relatively stationary while this Technique is in use.

Name:Growing Crystal Thorns
Activation Cost:15
Upkeep Cost:10
Range:Maximum 40 Meters
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai. The user must remain stationary and in contact with the ground to continue sprouting 'thorns'.
Parent Technique:N/A Hand Seals:
Description:The user creates growing thorn-like crystals that can be manipulate to continuously sprout towards their target’s direction.
Weaknesses:Raiton Techniques are especially effective at breaking the 'thorns'. The user must be in contact with the ground in order to use this Technique and make the 'thorns' sprout.

Name:Crystal Wheel
Activation Cost:15
Upkeep Cost:10
Element: Shōton
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai. The Dog Sign must be held for as long as the user maintains the technique.
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Ox → Dog (Held)
Description:The user creates a ring-shaped wheel out of crystal and has it encircle them, allowing them to keep above water and travel at high speeds.
Weaknesses:This Technique requires the user to remain in motion, as the 'wheel' will dissipate if allowed or forced to come to a stop. Raiton Techniques of C-Rank and above have an increased potency to destroy the 'wheel'.

Name:Crystal Prison
Activation Cost:15
Upkeep Cost:10
Range:Maximum 20 Meters
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Hand Seals:Boar → Ram
Description: The user completely encases multiple opponents in crystal. When the crystal is shattered, the bodies of the victims disintegrate along with the crystal particles. Examination has shown this to be similar to a frostbite pattern. This is an advanced form of the Jade Crystal Prison Technique.
Weaknesses:Targets able to surround their body with chakra before they are completely encased can avoid the disintegration effect. Therefore, this jutsu has no effect on chakra.

Name:Crystal Encampment Wall
Activation Cost:15
Upkeep Cost:10
Element: Shōton
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Snake → Ox → Dog → Boar → Ram
Description:The user sends out a wave of Chakra, which crystalizes into an almost impenetrable wall, as it uses the Shinobi’s Chakra to repair itself when damaged.
Weaknesses:This technique takes a large amount of Chakra to maintain for any great length of time, and may result in leaving the user exposed and exhausted. Significant Raiton damage or matching the wall's sound wave signature can damage the wall beyond what the user can repair with their Chakra.

Name:Jade Crystal Pentagonal Column
Activation Cost:25
Upkeep Cost:10
Range:100 Meter Diameter
Element: Shōton
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique:N/A
Hand Seals: Rat → Snake → Ram → Dog → Tiger → Hands clapped together
Description: By creating five large crystalline pillars around the user, this technique can be used to enhance the potency of lower-level techniques. Using this Technique increases the power of A-Rank Techniques and below by one Rank.
Weaknesses:The columns may be broken by a Raiton Technique of A-Rank or above. The user must remain within the area of the Columns to receive any benefit.

Name:Ruby Crystal Labyrinth
Activation Cost:25
Upkeep Cost:15, if Chakra is focused into the structure to make repairs or changes. Otherwise 0, as the Labyrinth itself is a standalone structure similar to the Doton: Mud Wall or the Mokuton: Four-Pillar House Technique
Range:Maximum 50 Square Meters
Element: Shōton
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique:N/A
Hand Seals: Boar → Monkey → Horse → Dog → Ram
Description:The user first creates a large number of crystal flowers, which they then guide to grow into a massive labyrinth consisting of red crystals. Enemies trapped inside it will mostly be lost because of the fact that the red crystals reflect their personal image as well as generates mirror images of the routes, paths, and details within the labyrinth, confusing and intimidating them. It is even capable of confusing the Byakugan because of its reflective nature.
Because of the crystal's stable molecular structure, a simple attack focused at one point is rendered useless, and its wide surface will disperse the force of wide range attacks, reducing their effectiveness. To overcome this technique, an attack that has impact force both wide and powerful is required to smash through it.
Weaknesses:Raiton Techniques of A-Rank or above are especially effective at breaching the crystal walls and structures formed by this Technique.

Name:Arrow of Light
Activation Cost:25
Upkeep Cost:15
Range:Maximum Range has been shown to be 250 Meters before the 'Arrow' dissipates.
Classification:Group Exclusive (Korikane Clan)
Requirements:Shōton Kekkei Genkai
Parent Technique:Pressure Points of Harm and Death
Hand Seals:
Description: After using the Pressure Points of Harm and Death technique, the user encases themselves in a prism of crystal. The prism can hover in the air and acts as a defensive barrier, but seems to be immobile. In addition, this technique allows the user to attack by focusing their chakra into powerful heat blasts launched through the prism's tip such as in this Technique. Due to the Chakra consumption and the joint Technique requirements to use this Jutsu, it has been labeled a Forbidden Technique.
Weaknesses:The Prism can only be broken by a Technique of S-Rank, as a lower-Ranking Technique will be buffed by the Prism. The Prism leaves the user in a semi-stationary position, and renders them a far easier target.


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