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Kazehana Clan (Magnet Release)

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Kazehana Clan (Magnet Release) Empty Kazehana Clan (Magnet Release)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:01 am

The Kazehana Clan
Kekkei Genkai: Magnet Release (Jiton)
Current Clan Leader Here

Current Clan Members:

Clan History/Description:

The history of the Kazehana starts with the teaching of the Sage when that glorious man still walked the earth. The Kazehana pride themselves on having the most extensive and complete family history within their clan estates, preserved in a library meant specifically for that purpose. This first Kazehana, the man who would give his children the means to create such a prodigious clan, was Miniku Kazehana. Within Miniku Kazehana, a powerful bloodline was awakened upon receiving the Sage's blessing that he used to help fellow men as his sensei wished; Magnet Release.

He had three sons, each inheriting their father's incredible bloodline and each following in their father's footsteps. Nothing inherently great belonged to these first two generations, and the couple directly beneath them did not do much either. However, one man born to the sixth generation of Kazehana would abruptly change all of this. Shisho Kazehana, a descendant of the second brother, was blessed with a particularly powerful strain of the clan kekkei genkai. When he was but a small child, he could lift and maneuver various amounts of particles to a greater extent than seasoned kinsmen with decades of practice.

Shisho was expected to be the next clan head after his uncle Shinjo, and fulfilled these expectations by crushing his uncle in a ball of iron upon turning sixteen years old. From that day forward, he assumed command of his clan. He reigned with raw power alone, destroying any who challenged him swiftly and mercilessly. The newest clan head consolidated power quickly and then struck out at surrounding clans. His power alone was enough to conquer a small duchy in the Land of Wind within a few years. In response to this, one of the last remaining disciples would come personally to stop this rapid expansion in a bid to fulfill that which he promised the Sage so many years ago.

Harikēn, the Sage of Wind and last living disciple after Hihoni, confronted Shisho in the battle that would claim his life. Harikēn was the host of the Ichibi and brought along Chomei, the Seven Tailed Demon, to ensure his victory. He had been indecisive about his skills due to his advanced age, though the truly veteran sniper was still one of the deadliest men in the world at this point and time. Shisho took an arrow from Harikēn from a very long distance to start the confrontation, putting the Kazehana clan head at even more of a disadvantage. Despite this, he managed to combat the old Disciple as well as a second tailed beast on relatively equal footing.

Shisho reported upon his return to the clan that he had managed a lucky strike upon the old man, landing him a small advantage that he seized upon immediately. The battle had raged for a few hours with Chomei retreating after some of Shisho's clansmen found their bravery and went to aid their leader in his suicidal battle. He lost his left arm and left leg to the savage battle, along with his left eye and most of the flesh from the left side of his body. He had survived thanks solely to his capacity with what was becoming basic Ijutsu as well as lots of drugs.

This damage greatly impeded his abilities as a shinobi, reducing him to only average levels of combat ability than his previous unmatched level of skill. These wounds killed him early, leaving the clan to his only son. The Kazehana would remain in the background during the next couple centuries. They supported various causes that they felt would benefit the clan and directly interfered only a handful of times. Instead of direct combat, the clan focused on establishing and maintaining connections across the Land of Wind and inside the Land of Fire's south western territories. Selling information to the highest bidder is how they made their living, and the power hungry warlords around them were all too happy to oblige. They influenced events from the shadows, manipulating things within the state to their advantage whenever possible.

The clan would spring into their fame under the leadership of Hōpukuro Kazehana. His ascension as the Kazehana's clan head occurred in 440 A.S when he was twenty-nine years old and was still burning with passion. He was described as a rather short man with a lighthearted disposition. He remained young looking until the last decade of his life, when disease brought him down relatively quickly. However, he also possessed a vast intelligence and incredible precognitive skills. This coupled with his insatiable pride drove him to desire more than what he currently had. His passion was obtaining a name that would forever stain the writings of history and was not afraid to get his hands dirty to accomplish that wish.

He schemed for over two decades with the elders and veterans of his clan, using every possible contact the clan had at its disposal. He came close to emptying the clan treasury in this planning, but he constantly assured his followers that everything would fall into place when the time was right.

In 465 A.S, Hōpukuro decided that the time was right and executed the order that would forever change the course of history. He was just shy of fifty-four years old when agents of the Kazehana eliminated the heads of those clans who had always proved difficult to their desires. A few clans were driven out of the Land of Wind completely, while others were bribed into accepting whatever may happen afterwards. Hōpukuro led his clan into the disorganized clans of the Land of Wind and either seized power with force or through fear. Within the first year, fully two-thirds of the Land of Wind had come under his possession with the Fujio clan resisting heavily in the north.

The bloody civil war came to an end in 469 A.S when Hōpukuro was two years from turning sixty. It was good he managed to live so long, as he became the first Emir of the newly formed Kazehana Emirate. He worked tirelessly this first year to try and stabilize the new kingdom and forcibly quelled any hint of a revolt to aid in accomplishing this. Much more work would be needed of course, and Hōpukuro dedicated himself to doing it for the remaining decades of his life. He would rule for twenty-three years, managing to bring the Emirate into a period of stability around 490 A.S. He died two years later of disease caused by the stress, aged eighty-one.

His grandson inherited the throne, as his son was assassinated by poison when Hōpukuro was seventy-three. His grandson was named after his grandfather, a show of the utmost respect Hōpukuro's son had for his father. Hōpukuro II would ascend the throne and begin assembling the pieces needed for an invasion, as he inherited his grandfather's hunger to be remembered. He invaded the lands to the north and conquered them after an inefficiently led war that cost many more lives than it should have. Hōpukuro II would add minor territories to his realm, and it was his son that would lead the first charge into the longtime desire of the Kazehana.

The war against the clans in the Land of Stone was launched in 541 A.S and lasted for four years, going absolutely nowhere due to the staunch defense of the united clans in the Land of Stone. This failed leader died, leaving the Emirate to his son. Shinji Kazehana would not long be clan head, as he was assassinated by one of his sons unexpectedly in 565 A.S. The death of the monarch drove the land into a three way civil war, with one part of the land supporting a different brother. The one who performed the assassination would be the one to assume control of the Emirate in the end, the middle brother, Yin Kazehana.

The clan did little for the following decades other than recovering the northern territories that had split during the civil war and a failed attack on the Uchiha in the Land of Fire. The Land of Wind needed to recover from such a bloody span of time, a recovery that would take quite some time. It was during this recovery and time of peace that the Kazehana began to fund extensive spying operations in a throwback to their clan origins. They focused on the Land of Stone, infiltrating every level of the Republic of Stone's administration.

These spies worked tirelessly for more than three decades to accomplish by stealth what force could not. In 643 A.S, the Republic of Stone had a coup attempted by these planted spies. This coup is successful, relinquishing the southern half of the Land of Stone to the Kazehana Emirate. The current Emir, Shisho Kazehana, took after his namesake and put together a plan to invade the remains of the Land of Stone. The Tetsudashi still opposed them, and their sway over other clans meant that the upcoming war would be just as difficult as the first time the Kazehana had invaded the Land of Stone.

Still, the course of history cannot be altered. The Kazehana conquered the remains of the Republic of Stone and brought two major lands and a handful of minor ones under their complete domination. Shisho declared his new title "Emperor of the Lands of Wind and Stone" and began his reign as the first Kazehana Emperor. The empire's joy was short lived, with a serious of unfortunate events leading to a regency for an infant emperor. When he came of age, he was forced to deal with a massive rebellion by the Land of Stone that was funded by the Inazuma in the Land of Lightning.

This rebellion led to a decades long rivalry between the Inazuma and the Empire that escalated into two separate wars. The empire focused its attentions almost entirely on the northern sea and fighting the Inazuma which led to missed opportunities in the Land of Fire with the constant warring of the Uchiha and Hyuga. At the end of the eighth century, the two forces would declare a final official peace.

At the beginning of the ninth century, the most infamous emperor in the Kazehana's history would ascend to the throne. Anihir Kazehana, better known to history as the "Bloody Emir", had always been thought to be a little off by some of his kinsmen. The rest thought he was completely batshit crazy. He talked to things that weren't there, claiming he heard voices playing in his head. He even named them and frequently expressed he felt lonely if they weren't speaking to him. Hallucinations plagued his daily life, and to further complicate things he was a fairly talented user of his kekkei genkai.

One of Anihir's favorite pastimes was impaling people, often times just choosing a random bystander on the street and decreeing that they were to be impaled on the spot. The torturing of prisoners of war, or any prisoner really, was expanded greatly under his rule with Anihir personally participating at times. He was truly a cruel man, forcing mothers to kill their children and fathers to eat their cooked flesh later in the day. His political policies were just as bad, leading to near bankruptcy and a complete lack of loyalty and respect, replaced by fear.

His most infamous act was in 810 A.S, the fateful year in which he ordered the assassination of fully two-thirds of the clan heads within his empire. Many succeed, leading to widespread dissent and spreading ideas of revolt among everybody in his dominion. Assassins tried to take his life on more than a handful of occasions, failing twelve times before finally accomplishing their goal in 823 A.S.

After this, the empire would never approach the same power it once had. Rebellions, funded by the Inazuma again, would break the empire and release the Land of Stone from the control of the Kazehana. This shattered their power and reduced their control to the Land of Wind, and they didn't even have complete control of that for some time.

Now, the Kazehana have reformed themselves and the Land of Wind into a land with its own shinobi village. They retain almost complete control over everything that happens within the Land of Wind and Sunagakure, but without this change in appearance and titles many previous subjects would not support them. Without that support, they would eventually be conquered by someone stronger and more centralized.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics:

The Kazehana are a fairly diverse clan owing to their rulership over a vast quantity of land. Many branches of the clan had intermarried with populations as far as the Land of Earth as as a result there isn't a typical "look" to any one individual member. Many Kazehana genealogists, however, contend that red hair is the mark of a relatively pure member of the clan. Classical depictions seem to show a prevalence of blood red hair amongst the clan's greatest leaders although some contend that this may have been an artistic exaggeration. Nevertheless those who do have the mark are usually held with high regard int he clan. One universal quality shared by the Kazehana is the appearance of dark rings around their eyes when using Magnet Release. It is this defining characteristic that many have come to associate with great skill and power. The Kazehana customs are wide ranging but tend to value authority, respect, and leadership. The clan's historical control over the region has given them an air of confidence and entitlement but many in the new generation have taken on the qualities of humility and modesty. Given the Empire's tragic fall there are some who felt that the Kazehana ought to have been more aggressive and dominating while others argue that zealotry was the reason for their fall and insist on the clan taking a gentler tone.

Bloodline Description & Abilities:
The Kazehana are a fairly diverse clan owing to their rulership over a vast quantity of land. Many branches of the clan had intermarried with populations as far as the Land of Earth as as a result there isn't a typical "look" to any one individual member. Many Kazehana genealogists, however, contend that red hair is the mark of a relatively pure member of the clan. Classical depictions seem to show a prevalence of blood red hair amongst the clan's greatest leaders although some contend that this may have been an artistic exaggeration. Nevertheless those who do have the mark are usually held with high regard int he clan. One universal quality shared by the Kazehana is the appearance of dark rings around their eyes when using Magnet Release. It is this defining characteristic that many have come to associate with great skill and power. The Kazehana customs are wide ranging but tend to value authority, respect, and leadership. The clan's historical control over the region has given them an air of confidence and entitlement but many in the new generation have taken on the qualities of humility and modesty. Given the Empire's tragic fall there are some who felt that the Kazehana ought to have been more aggressive and dominating while others argue that zealotry was the reason for their fall and insist on the clan taking a gentler tone.

Bloodline Description & Abilities:
The Kazehana Clan derives its power from Magnet Release. Magnet Release is an advanced element comprised of the Earth and Wind elements. Magnet Release allows the user to create magnetize objects for a variety of techniques mainly revolving around remote manipulation. The power of the kekkei genkai lies within the fact that using Magnet Release, the Kazehana can magnetize and manipulate almost any substance via touch. Their techniques tend to revolve around magnetizing large quantities of particle-like substances such as sand, iron sand, and gold dust. This specialty is the result of the Kazehana's geographic location where they could find these minerals in abundance although certain Kazehana have been known to magnetize their puppets and weaponry. Through the use of the Conserving Bee Twin Blades technique, the user can magnetize people. Many Magnet Release techniques are named and described with specific particles but the particles themselves are interchangeable (ie The technique known as Shield of Gold Dust can just as easily be used with iron sand or regular sand).

300 Exp: For 500 Exp the user gains the ability to control sand which is considered D rank quality. In addition to this the user can choose to control any metal material that is D rank or lower on the hardness chart. However the material will never be considered tougher than D rank hardness unless utilized with a jutsu to do so.

300 Exp: For 300 more exp the user gains the ability to control any metal material listed as C rank or lower in hardness on the hardness scale linked above. The same drawbacks apply in that the hardness of the material cannot be greater than C rank unless buffed by a jutsu or created via chemistry.

300 Exp: For 300 more exp the user gains the ability to control any metal material listed as B rank or lower in hardness on the hardness scale linked above. The same drawbacks apply in that the hardness of the material cannot be greater than B rank unless buffed by a jutsu or created via chemistry.

300 Exp: For 300 more exp the user gains the ability to control any metal material listed as A rank or lower in hardness on the hardness scale linked above. The same drawbacks apply in that the hardness of the material cannot be greater than A rank unless buffed by a jutsu or created via chemistry.

300 Exp: For 300 more exp the user gains the ability to control any metal material listed as S rank or lower in hardness on the hardness scale linked above. The same drawbacks apply in that the hardness of the material cannot be greater than S rank unless buffed by a jutsu or created via chemistry.

This totals out the bloodline at 1,500 experience but allows the user to progressively increase the defensive quality of their particle. One can utilize lower ranked materials at higher levels of the bloodline and the materials will count as if they are at the level of the bloodline one has unlocked. A user does need a way to transport their particles. This can be done via seals or by having a special container designed to do so. This means a user could have S rank level of the bloodline unlocked and have sand that is considered base S in terms of hardness which would allow them a powerful tool for defensive jutsu. However in order to use this sand on the ocean they would need to carry it with them.

The user can opt to create or gain a custom material that gives an additional property. Such a material would be a compound under the chemistry guidelines. It is important to note that while you might be able to obtain a custom compound that has a base hardness higher than the level of bloodline you have unlocked will allow. You will be unable to utilize it until you have unlocked the required level. I.E. You cannot use a custom S grade compound while you can only control up to A grade substances. You could however use an A grade compound at that level. One Unit of material is enough to cover a one meter diameter from the user.

The user is allowed free form manipulation of the object(s) and it moves at a Speed and Coordination one tier lower than the user's base Coordination stat. If the user utilizes the Light Weight Rock technique they receive a ++ to their coordination for the purpose of manipulating their object(s) speed and coordination. If the user utilizes the Ultra Added Light Weight Rock Technique they receive a tier to their coordination for the purpose of manipulating their object(s) speed and coordination. Freeform manipulation costs 5 CP per round.

Magnet Release manipulation is unique in that it covers a vast range of offensive and defensive maneuvers although there are some maneuvers that are special enough to be classified as stand alone techniques. These techniques normally provide defenses that have their own stats and as such afford more protection than the substance itself normally would. These techniques can sometimes move at the user's freeform manipulation speed or the speed listed by the technique itself, which ever is more advantageous to the user. There are a few exceptions to this however so be sure to check the technique as written. Techniques that are restricted to the Speed as written in the technique will explicitly say so.

Hand movements are not necessary for control of the magnetic forces that allow for the object(s) manipulation although using their hands helps the user track their object(s) if they move faster than the user's Perception normally would permit. The number of sand/granules a user can freeform manipulate depends on their base Stamina. Each unit of material represents a one meter radius from the user. Below is a chart that represents both the volume of material and its unit comparison as well as the maximum range they can "pick up" using their Magnet Release. This does not impact their maximum range, which is 70 meters. However, they must begin controlling the material within the below listed range first before manipulating it out at further distances.

E: 0 - 1m | 1 Unit
D: 0 - 2m | 2 Units
C: 0 - 3m | 3 Units
B: 0 - 5m | 5 Units
A: 0 - 10m | 10 Units
S: 0 - 15m | 15 Units

If the user utilizes the Light Weight Rock technique they are able to double the amount they can manipulate and range. If the user utilizes the Ultra Added Light Weight Rock Technique they are able to triple the amount they can manipulate and range. The max range for freeform manipulation is 70 meters.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks:

Magnet Release is one rank weaker against Lightning Release due to the way that it interferes with the magnetic forces responsible for controlling magnetized objects. Lightning Release techniques that are two ranks stronger than a Magnet Release technique after this weakness is considered, nullifies the magnetic charge of the object in question. This however does not apply to the freeform manipulation of the user's substance of choice. Magnet Release however is one rank stronger than Steel Release given its ability to exert control over the chakra infused metal that is inherent within Fire.

Magnet Release is generally restricted to non-living substances with the Conserving Twin Bee technique being the sole exception to this rule. Any object under the influence of Magnet Release still retains whatever structural weakness it had previously along with any other undesirable properties. For example, a sand technique hit with a sufficiently powerful Fire attack will erode and turn to glass. It is for this reason that many Kazehana use Chemistry to create special particles that when mixed with their substance of choice minimizes such weaknesses. Sand used for Magnet Release and other grainy substances are usually kept in a gourd although the relative weight and amount of sand used by a Kazehana forces them to seal it on their person somehow. Should a Kazehana ever require more they can create 1 ton of sand from soil by crushing it with the substance they have available, however doing so costs an B Rank amount of chakra. However sand created from this method will only be D rank in hardness. Technique can still buff this but it's base hardness will be D for all intents and purposes.

Because freeform manipulation is only attached to the user's base Coordination, techniques, unique abilities, or items that increase the user's coordination do not affect one's freeform manipulation speed. Techniques, unique abilities, or items that wish to boost one's freeform manipulation capabilities most specify that they are doing so and are thus evaluated on that basis.

Clan Techniques:

Name: Iron Sand Drizzle
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: B
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-60m
Speed: A Tier
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Ram
Description: This technique is a gunshot-like attack which uses Iron Sand hardened into minuscule grains to attack simultaneously across a vast range. The bullets are so fast and small that they are difficult to see. The moment the user has finished preparing the attack, evading it becomes extremely difficult. Using the repellent force of magnetism, the speed of the bullets is rapidly increased after they are shot. Furthermore, the user can also use an attack pattern where the Iron Sand bullets are shaped into sharp needles, increasing their ability to wound or kill the opponent. Since the Iron Sand has a magnetic force defending against this technique can be difficult. This technique is especially threatening to puppet users, since the puppets can be rendered immobile if the sand gets lodged into their joints.
Weaknesses: The bullets move in a straight line unless they are homing in on a magnetized target.

Name: Iron Sand Gathering Assault
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: A
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-40m
Speed: D Tier
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Ram
Description: This technique greatly increases the hardness of the Iron Sand, creating a gigantic steel-like weapon in an instant. The weight and size of these shapes are so great, they can easily shatter bedrock and break through most defenses with a single hit. The objects have A Tiered Strength. Because the weapon is made out of Iron Sand, the shape can be whatever the user wants, and can even be changed during the fight. This allows the user to create the best weapon for the fight, by taking into account the opponent's abilities and the surrounding environment.
Weaknesses: The objects in question are quite slow due to their density and as such are restricted to D Tier speed in terms of movement. This technique does not benefit from possible increased speed via freeform manipulation.

Name: Iron Sand World Method
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: A
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Speed: C
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: This technique uses Iron Sand to create a gigantic sphere of branching spikes. The user first creates two masses of Iron Sand of opposing magnetic fields and then merges them together. This causes the magnetic forces to instantly increase and the repellent force created by the two opposing magnetic fields scatters the Iron Sand across a vast area. The Iron Sand spreads in spikes that branch off irregularly, making it almost impossible to get a clear overview of what is happening. Opponents receive a 1 Tier debuff to Perception for the purpose of tracking the spikes. Even if the opponent has managed to evade getting hit, the Iron Sand spikes will have filled the entire surroundings, hindering escape With the opponent trapped, the user is free to attack in person.
Weaknesses: The repulsion of the spikes via magnetic forces makes it impossible for the user to remotely guide where the spikes will fall once they explode outwards unless the opponent(s) body is magnetized at which point the spikes will automatically be attracted to them. This technique does not benefit from possible increased speed via freeform manipulation.

Name: Conserving Bee Twin Blades
Rank: S
Power: S
Activation Cost: A
Upkeep Cost: B
Range: 0m-40m
Speed: D Tier
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: Through the Magnet Release kekkei genkai, the user is able to magnetise anything they touch, and then subsequently anything that touches something they have already magnetised, and so on. However, the magnetic force weakens from object to object. Every additional object magnetized as a result of coming into contact with a prior magnetized object operates at a Tier lower Speed/Coor than the object that magnetized it. Once a person has been magnetised, the user can manipulate the magnetic field in such a manner as to make any subsequent attack using a metallic weapon extremely difficult to evade as it homes into their location. The opponent's Speed receives a one tier debuff for the purpose of avoiding such weapons. This technique is more often used with shuriken and other projectiles.
Weaknesses: The magnetic field created by this technique is extremely powerful but localized as such it can only be applied to dense, solid, and relatively hardy materials like shuriken, kunai, arrows, etc etc. The user cannot use this technique on loose Iron sand, sand, gold dust or any other grain-like and malleable substance used in freeform manipulation. This technique does not benefit from possible increased speed via freeform manipulation.

Name: Lightning God Self
Rank: S
Power: S
Activation Cost: S
Upkeep Cost: B
Range: Self
Speed: C Tier
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The user absorbs the mass of iron sand around themselves, expanding their body's scalar appearance and taking on the shape of a giant. In a nutshell, it's a technique that creates a huge human form out of Iron Sand. The iron sand giant created from this technique is about as large as a Bijuu. The sand giant's Strength is set at S Tier and it can withstand blows of up to S Rank Strength.
Weaknesses: The mass is vulnerable to a variety of S Rank elemental ninjutsu. Large enough Suiton techniques of S Rank can force the sand to clump together thereby bringing down the giant. Raiton destabilizes the magnetic forces holding the giant together. Fire can erode the giant, wind can blow it away, and earth can reverse the giant's momentum. Attacks greater than S Rank Strength can also destroy the giant. The giant also moves extremely slow and has its Coordination and Speed set at C Tier. This technique does not benefit from possible increased speed via freeform manipulation.

Name: Shield of Gold Dust
Rank: S
Power: S
Activation Cost: S
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-70m
Speed: A Tier
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The user uses Gold Dust and raises it above him to create a thick barricade in order to block incoming aerial attacks, whilst using hand gestures to dictate the shape that the barrier adopts. This ability is strong enough to guard against even the Sand Hail technique and it can withstand S Rank Strength.
Weaknesses:The mass is vulnerable to a variety of S Rank elemental ninjutsu. Large enough Suiton techniques of S Rank can force the sand to clump together thereby bringing down the shield. Raiton destabilizes the magnetic forces holding the giant together. Fire can erode the shield, wind can blow it away.

Name: Quicksand Waterfall Flow
Rank: S
Power: S
Activation Cost: S
Upkeep Cost: B
Range: 0m-80m
Speed: B+
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description:  The user creates a massive amount of sand in the forms of giant waves, covering and "drowning" the opponent in an ocean of sand. The user creates a large sea of sand and manipulates it like a tsunami that engulfs absolutely all the things in his line of sight. This raging sea deals a lot of damage by itself, but one can further take advantage of the sand for a second and a third consecutive assault. The user can control the sand, allowing them to attack his opponent while they attempt to outrun the wave. This technique has the added effect of changing the landscape. It is usually followed by an area crushing technique to kill the trapped opponent.
Weaknesses: N/A

Name: Sand Waterfall Imperial Funeral
Rank: S
Power: S
Activation Cost: S
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-80m
Speed: N/A
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: This technique is identical to Sand Waterfall Funeral in that the stream of sand crushes the enemy. But as far as scale goes, this is in a totally different league. The user slams both hands down onto the sand, creating powerful shock waves that compress the sand. Anything buried in the sand is subsequently crushed with the force of S Tiered Strength.
Weaknesses: N/A

Name: Sand Hail
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: B
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-40m
Speed: C+
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: A larger scale version of the Sand Drizzle, the user gathers his sand into large clumps in the shape of massive boulder-like formations and then drops them from the sky on to his opponents. It covers a large range, making it difficult to dodge. Like the Sand Drizzle, the technique can distract the enemy with the aerial assault, leaving them open to an attack from below.
Weaknesses: The bullets move in a straight line unless they are homing in on a magnetized target.

Name: Prison Sand Burial
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: A
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-40m
Speed: N/A
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Ram
Description: The user loosens the ground below his enemy and catches them in a maelstrom of sand. The swallowed enemy then sinks up to two hundred metres underground, while completely unable to move a muscle. After that, the sand glued onto their limbs applies pressure on their whole body, so they can't even twitch a finger. The pressure resulting from being buried at such an extreme depth would surely kill any normal human, if not from suffocation, then from the fact that all their bones would break. It takes the opponent three posts to reach the two hundred meter depth described by this technique, however the descent will become increasingly painful as more and more sand is heaped on their body.
Weaknesses: N/A

Name: Sand Binding Prison
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: Varies
Upkeep Cost: C
Range: 0m-30m
Speed: C+
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description:  Using ordinary sand, a perfectly airtight space is created, in which the enemy is captured. An enormous quantity of sand completely envelops the target from every direction and captures them. The speed, hardness, and scope of the sand depend on the amount of chakra poured into it. The user can fine-tune the sand's properties to the target's size and characteristics but the overall size is restricted to that of Deidara's large clay bird. No matter if the target is on the ground or flying in the air.  However, even if someone successfully escapes from it, the user can easily use one of his offensive techniques, like the Sand Binding Coffin, to immediately attack the target.

B Rank: The sand captures with B Rank Strength.

A Rank: The sand captures with A Rank Strength

S Rank: The sand captures with S Rank Strength

Weaknesses: If the opponent has a Strength level higher than the rank being used to capture them, they can brute force their way out.

Name: Sand Drizzle
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: C
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-25m
Speed: D+
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: After clotting together sand into countless small lumps, the user uses them to attack an enemy from every direction. Because all the sand lumps are controlled by chakra, it is possible to commence an attack without any blind spots. This technique is often used as lure in battle, distracting an opponent and leaving them vulnerable to an attack from below. In order for this to work, the enemy is first made to face upwards with the sand rain, simultaneously bringing their field of activities under the user's control. Then, a bold move is made from underfoot. To make sure the rain hits its mark, it can be combined with Sand Binding Coffin to immobilize the target.
Weaknesses: N/A

Name: Sand Clone
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: C
Upkeep Cost: D
Range: 0m-1km
Speed: N/A
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: Using sand as a medium, the user can create clones of themselves or others. The clone's form can be changed instantly into sand, and the enemy's body can be trapped. Unlike other clones, it does not dissolve or vanish when hit once, but can reform itself. Its many applications with long-range attacks can have it act as a lure and a decoy. Due to the properties of the sand, the user may use it as a trap, hiding Gold Dust inside of it.
Weaknesses: This clone cannot perform any ninja techniques.

Name: Third Eye
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: C
Upkeep Cost: D
Range: 0m-30m
Speed: N/A
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Snake → Monkey → Rat → Monkey → Bird → Monkey → Dragon → Monkey → Rat → Monkey
Description: With chakra, the user connects an eye made of sand or Gold Dust to their optic nerve, which enables them to know what happens in the artificial eye's field of vision, this is genuinely a third eye for its user. The user can control the size of the eye depending on its use. Its main purpose is spying, since it can form and disperse in any location on command. The user also uses it when he completely surrounds himself with his Shield of Sand so he can see what's happening outside of the protective dome.
Weaknesses: In order to activate this technique the user must close one of their eyes.

Name: Desert Layered Imperial Funeral Seal
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: Varies
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-70m
Speed: N/A
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Ram
Description: Using a large quantity of sand, the user covers the enemy with several successive layers of the material, before compressing it into the form of a huge pyramid which serves to imprison the target upon its completion. Sealing tags can be placed onto the pyramid to increase its sealing power. The amount of chakra placed into the technique determines the relative size of the target it is attempting to capture.

C Rank: This version will hold a target about the size of an average human.

B Rank: This version will hold a target about the size of an truck

A Rank: This version will hold a target about the size of two story building

S Rank: This version will hold a target about the size of a Bijuu

Weaknesses: If the opponent has a Strength level higher than the rank being used to capture them, they can brute force their way out. Unlike Sand Prison Binding where the sand actually restrains and holds the target's body, this technique is a pyramid style entrapment meaning that inside the structure the user can potentially have free reign of motion.

Name: Concealed Sand Picture Cat
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: C
Upkeep Cost: D
Range: 0m-60m
Speed: D
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: By dispersing specialized sand into a specific area, the user is able to discern the presence of bodies that comes into direct contact with it. This sensing sand can be spread across a wide terrain, or even float in the air allowing aerial foes to be detected.[2] Once the sand comes in contact with a person, it will wrap itself around them, rendering even invisible targets, visible.
Weaknesses: N/A

Name: Desert Suspension
Rank: D
Power: Varies
Activation Cost: N/A
Upkeep Cost: Varies
Range: 0m-20m
Speed: Varies
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: This technique creates chakra-enhanced sand to support their own weight and float in mid-air and to use as a method of transportation if needed. By increasing the size of the platform the user can transport others along with him or even grant some one else their own platform of sand to fly on. The user can create a total of three platforms with this technique and each platform can support the size of two average humans. There are two versions of this technique. The first version is a mere extension of the Kazehana Clan's innate freeform manipulation of sand via Magnet Release. This version costs the standard 5 stamina points per post and moves at whatever speed and coordination their freeform manipulation normally operates at (one tier below the user's Coordination stat).
Weaknesses: N/A

Name: Sand Armor
Rank: S
Power: S
Activation Cost: S
Upkeep Cost: B
Range: Self
Speed: N/A
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals:
Description: Using this technique, the user can cover themselves in a compacted layer of sand, providing an additional defense should their Shield of Sand fail. The Sand Armour provides an S Grade general defense against physical attacks and ninjutsu below S Rank.
Weaknesses: This technique lowers the user's Speed and Coordination by one tier. Attacks that are S+ in Strength and higher can shatter the Sand Armour. Additionally, certain S Rank ninjutsu may be able to penetrate the Sand Armour (Katon erodes the sand into glass for example).

Name: Shield of Sand
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: N/A
Upkeep Cost: Varies
Range: 0m-20m
Speed: Varies
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to form a shield of sand that can block attacks. The technique is versatile in that the shield can take a variety of shapes and sizes only being restricted to a range of 20 meters from the user. The shield can even take on minor offensive characteristics like protruding spikes. There are two versions of this technique. The first version is a mere extension of the Kazehana Clan's innate freeform manipulation of sand via Magnet Release. This version costs the standard 5 stamina points per post and moves at whatever speed and coordination their freeform manipulation normally operates at (one tier below the user's Coordination stat). Its defense is restricted to whatever grade substance that the user chooses to manipulate via Magnet Release. The second version is designed for high speed movement and rigorous defense as such this version's shield moves at S Tier Speed and Coordination and provides an S Grade defense, however it costs 20 stamina points per post.
Weaknesses: If the user uses the freeform manipulation version of this technique they are restricted to the defensive properties of whatever substance they are using. Note for example that if the user was manipulating regular sand like Gaara with this version, a Chidori would be able to pierce through the shield. Certain techniques of S Rank and higher as well as physical attacks with higher than S Tier Strength may be able to penetrate the Shield.

Name: Sand Bullet
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: A
Upkeep Cost: C
Range: 0m-65m
Speed: B Tier
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The user forms a small sphere made of sand and compresses it to increase its hardness. The sphere can strike opponents with such speed and force that it hits at A Tiered Strength. The user can also change its trajectory, to strike down multiple targets. The sphere moves at B Tiered Speed and Coordination.
Weaknesses: N/A

Name: Sand Binding Coffin
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: B
Upkeep Cost: D
Range: 0m-20m
Speed: D
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The user encases his opponents in a large amount of the special chakra-infused sand immobilizing them. It can be used to suffocate an opponent or in preparation for a deadlier technique, the Sand Waterfall Funeral. The user is trapped with B++ Tiered Strength.
Weaknesses: If the user has A Tiered Strength or greater they can escape the grasp of this technique via brute force.

Name: Sand Waterfall Funeral
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: B
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-20m
Speed: N/A
Element: Magnet Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Magnet Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: After wrapping an opponent with sand with either Sand Binding Coffin or Sand Drizzle, the user will cause the sand to implode and crush whatever is within it. When used to kill a person, the death is so quick that there isn't even time for the victim to feel any pain. The pressure also produces a sizeable fountain of blood. The user can control the pressure used in the attack, which allows him to either break bones or completely liquefy an opponent
Weaknesses: N/A


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