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Muramatsu Clan (Dust Release)

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Muramatsu Clan (Dust Release) Empty Muramatsu Clan (Dust Release)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:01 am

The Muramatsu Clan
Kekkei Tōta: Dust Release (Jinton)

Clan History/Description

The Muramatsu Clan had existed for ages prior to the coming of the Sage and his disciples. They were a family of alchemists and apothecaries dedicated to studying matter and its various means of change. The clan's knowledge was closely guarded and it was said that they were mathematically eons ahead of their time. The clan had a keen interest in geometry as well and many of its members had become architects and engineers for the primitive civilizations that lived in what would become known as the Land of Stone. While they enjoyed an elevated position of status and power for decades, the Muramatsu lacked the ability to bring their most fantastical theories into practical usage. However, after the arrival of the Sage and the proliferation of Ninjutsu the clan began experimenting with various elements to create a style capable of deconstructing matter. It is said that one of the Sage's Disciples, Yaburenai gave the Muramatsu clan leader at the time a lesson that would eventually form the basis of Dust Release. Yaburenai did not realize it at the time but his teachings would form the foundation for one of the most powerful kekkei genkai in existence. Through the teachings of his sensei Yaburenai, the Muramatsu Clan Leader Yashi Muramatsu had surmised the answer to years of experimentation and research. The answer came in the form of a careful combination of Earth, Wind, and Fire that was capable of creating prisms that could obliterate anything that they captured. With the secret unlocked, Yashi Muramatsu kept the knowledge to himself and encouraged specialized breeding of clan members with the necessary elements such that by the time the era of the Sage was over, the Muramatsu Clan was the sole beneficiary of the Dust Release bloodline.

Yashi Muramatsu only taught a few members of the clan at a time and restricted its usage to only the most dire situations. The difficulty in its performance, the focus required, and the heavy restrictions made it an ability that only the best of the clan could master. The uneven distribution of the clan's power however would prove disastrous in the coming wars against the Hyuuga and again during the clan's subjugation by the Tetsudashi. Yashi's tenure was marred by infighting as Muramatsu demanded that he begin instructing the clan's children in the art of Dust Release at a far younger age. He acquiesced and his successors would carry on the tradition of shinobi education at a young age so that by adolescence most Muramatsu could effectively wield Dust Release. The new policy gave the clan the strength it needed to overthrow the Tetsudashi and claim hegemony over much of the Land of Stone. It was from this position that the clan was able to deter further military conquests into the region earning them the respect of many lesser clans.

The clan leader at the time was L Muramatsu. L was more of a philosopher and politician than a warrior. The man's skill was undeniable but even more impressive was his ability to rally the common people to his side. L founded the Stone Republic on liberal ideals of equality, freedom, and justice. He used the Muramatsu's might and influence to bring other clans to heel but granted them the ability to elect representatives. The unified Republic of Stone was strong enough to deter outright invasion however L Muramatsu's relatively democratic regime became a hotbed for spies and subversive activities. It is rumored that even the Tetsudashi plotted to overthrow the Republic and re-institute their Iron Empire. The Republic's downfall however did not come by the hands of the Tetsudashi but rather the Kazehana who used the Nature Clan to destabilize the nation before invading. L Muramatsu was killed in the fighting and the clan was put under the subjection of the Kazehana Empire.

The Muramatsu Clan would prove stubborn in working for the Kazehana but the Nature Clan's brutality was sufficient to suppress an open rebellion. A variety of clan leaders came and went each emphasized adherence to the Empire's regulations. Taxes were paid, conscription quotas were fulfilled, and the clan was permitted to retain some of its influence. Eventually, the Nature Clan pushed to far however and the elimination of an entire town forced the clan to action. The Muramatsu supported various rebel elements against the Empire alongside the Tetsudashi. The Kazehana grew weary of the back stabbing nature of the Iwagakure Clans and thus demanded assassination of several clan leaders.  The Muramatsu Clan leader at the time was Xīn Zhuān, a man of honor and extreme skill. He was one of the nine clan leaders that would survive their assassination attempts and go on to change the Muramatsu Clan's policy of one of strategic patience to immediate preparation for rebellion. Xīn Zhuān's charisma and skill gave him legendary status in the Land of Stone and elevated the clan's position.

Xīn Zhuān's son Hòu Zhuān would go on to finish his father's work. He secured funding from the Inazuma and was able to lead the independence movement to victory. The Muramatsu were at the height of the power as Hòu Zhuān was widely regarded as one of the best tacticians and fighters that it had ever produced. After the war for independence was won, the Muramatsu helped install a Daimyou to rule part of the Land of Stone. From there, the Muramatsu rid the Land of Stone of the Nature Clan who had by this time been universally reviled by the people of the country. The warlords were also brought to heel and the various Stone clans accepted Hòu Zhuān's leadership of the newly independent and united nation. Hòu Zhuān assumed the newly created position of Tsuchikage and gave a historic speech known as the Will of Stone Address. It emphasized the nation's character, its turbulent history, and the bright future to come. The Muramatsu Clan enjoyed 18 years of unchallenged rule via Hòu Zhuān. During this time it would cultivate a close relationship with the Tetsudashi. Hòu Zhuān's close friendship with his aide Nee-san Tetsudashi formed the basis for a sense of mutual trust and respect between the two clans. Unfortunately, Hòu Zhuān's old age would catch up to him and the symptoms of dementia would soon set in. The man had been a veteran of many battles and though his mind had remained sharp for years, he would succumb to delusions occasionally. As the bizarre commands and decrees became more frequent, the Muramatsu Clan conspired to have him quietly removed so as to preserve his positive image and that of the clans. The clan's most respected members urged a challenger to step forward knowing that Hòu Zhuān would not refuse an open challenge to his position as Kage and clan leader. Unfortunately, the first Tsuchikage was mad but no less of a fighter than he was in his prime. Many of the Muramatsu clan's top choices for the position were reduced to nil by the Kage's proficiency in Dust Release. The man had no children of his own and had obliterated the cousins, brothers, and even uncles that dared challenge him. All the while Hòu Zhuān's madness was becoming increasingly apparent to the public. Desperate to preserve his legacy, the clan pleaded with Nee-san to urge him to step aside. After a few days of prodding, Hòu Zhuān agreed to resign as clan leader and Kage to live a quiet life in retirement. In order to maintain their close relationship with the Tetsudashi, they would allow Nee-san to become the second Tsuchikage. While the clan appreciated Nee-san's ability to persuade his mentor to resign, his brother's hawkish demands for greater influence is said to have rubbed the Muramatsu the wrong way. The clan is currently in a rebuilding phase and is eager to elect a new leader when the time comes. A new generation of Dust Release users are preparing to step forward to carry on the clan's legacy and uphold the Will of Stone.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics

The Muramatsu Clan is a traditional clan generally favoring cloaks and robes as their manner of dress. While many point out that they tend to have large noses, this is more of a historical stereotype than a present day reality. Muramatsu tend to be short and stocky with black hair. Muramatsu are a diverse bunch in general but are respected for their qualities of leadership and national service.

Bloodline Description & Abilities

The Muramatsu Clan's power is derived from an extremely unique bloodline ability known as the Kekkei Tōta. It combines Earth, Wind, and Fire to create a pulverizing force capable of molecular disintegration. The effects of its jutsu are said to destroy matter as though it were being smashed into dust, hence its name: Dust Release. Jinton's power is manifested through the technique known as Detachment of the Primitive World. The user creates a three-dimensional shape with a white sphere in the center and within moments the sphere expands outwards filling the three dimensional shape and obliterating anything inside. The technique's speed and destructive power has made it a fearsome tool in the Muramatsu's arsenal, and thus it serves as the foundational technique from which all Muramatsu Clan member's hone their skill.

Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique -
1,000 Exp

This stage requires a massive amount of experience for investment as the path to understanding Jinton is fraught with difficulty and danger. The technique requires considerable chakra control, timing, speed, and fairly large chakra reserves in order to make it a viable technique in combat. Once fully learned and mastered however, it reigns supreme as one of the most powerful offensive jutsu in the shinobi world. This stage of the bloodline allows the user to perform the Detachment of the Primitive World Technique. The technique as essentially allows the user to create a structure, with a sphere located at its centre, between the palms of his hands. The structure expands rapidly in size when being propelled towards its intended target and traps them inside its confines. The sphere then seems to explode with a tremendous amount of force, while the exterior walls of the structure effectively restrict the size of the blast radius, resulting in the destruction of everything and anyone caught within as they are pulverized into minute particles of dust. The technique isn't limited to just affecting physical matter; it can also be used to destroy chakra based creations like  Susanoo. The expansion phase of the technique is incredibly fast and moves at one hundred and fifty meters per second once fired. The user can give the three dimensional figure any shape they choose, but the range for the technique is limited to 30 meters at this stage. Although there is no functional difference between the shapes generated by the user it is said that different generations of Muramatsu favor certain shapes thereby making the geometric choice a mark of the clansman's age and attitude. A single use of the Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique costs 30 Stamina points to use. The user's knowledge of Dust Release at this stage is good enough to perform their signature technique but they lack the skill to create new custom techniques of their own.

Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique: Pillar -
1,000 Exp

This stage brings out Dust Release at its maximum potential and such it requires another tremendous expenditure of experience. This stage includes the ability to create three dimensional geometric shapes capable of utter pulverization except the Muramatsu can now extend the range and speed of their geometric shapes. This second level is known as Detachment of the Primitive World Technique: Pillar. The range of use is extended to 60 meters at the attack now moves at two hundred meters per second making it exceedingly difficult for an opponent to dodge once fired. This version of Detachment of the Primitive World Technique costs 30 Stamina Points per use. The user is now familiar enough with the Kekkei Tōta to where they can create custom techniques of their own outside of Detachment of the Primitive World and its stronger version Detachment of the Primitive World: Pillar.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks
Both versions of Detachment of the Primitive World must be aimed before fired as one of its main weaknesses is that it requires to know where the enemy is and thus be capable of firing at their direction before they move. The speed at which it is fired means that an opponent's best chance for avoiding destruction is to move before the technique is cast. This usually requires that the user's Coordination and Perception are high enough in order able to assist in the accurate firing of the technique against hidden or quick moving opponents. An opponent can escape from the Dust Release shape once caught inside but they must have X-Tier Speed or a teleportation ability. Dust Release is extremely chakra intensive and thus no custom technique may cost less than 15 Stamina Points for activation or upkeep. Additionally it is not possible to reduce stamina costs related to Dust Release jutsu via Special Abilities or other means.

Clan Techniques

Name: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique
Rank: S
Power: S
Activation Cost: 30
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 30 meters
Speed: A++
Element: Dust Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Group Exclusive (Muramatsu)
Requirements: Dust Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Rat → Boar → Snake
Description: The user performs the necessary handsigns and extends their hands outwards. The user will place the target in their sights most often by using their hands as visual aids to home in on the target's position. The user uses Dust Release to create a three dimensional structure, with a sphere located at its center, between the palms of his hands. The structure expands rapidly in size when being propelled towards its intended target and traps them inside its confines. The sphere explodes with a tremendous amount of force, while the exterior walls of the structure effectively restrict the size of the blast radius, resulting in the destruction of everything and anyone caught within as they are pulverized into minute particles of dust. The technique isn't limited to just affecting physical matter; it can also affect chakra-based defenses, including Susanoo. The expansion phase of the technique is incredibly fast making it fairly difficult to dodge.
Weaknesses: In order to learn this technique the user must invest 1,000 experience points into the Dust Release bloodline. This technique also requires a large amount of chakra to perform which discourages continuous usage by even those with massive chakra reserves The speed at which it is fired means that an opponent's best chance for avoiding destruction is to move before the technique is cast. This usually requires that the user's Coordination and Perception are high enough in order able to assist in the accurate firing of the technique against hidden or quick moving opponents. When two users utilize this technique against each other, a destructive explosion is created.

Name: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique: Pillar
Rank: S
Power: S
Activation Cost: 30
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 60 meters
Speed: S
Element: Dust Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Group Exclusive (Muramatsu)
Requirements: Dust Release
Parent Technique: Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique
Hand Seals: Rat → Boar → Snake
Description: This technique is essentially a stronger and faster version of the original jutsu. As such it's mechanics operate in the same manner albeit with a greater chakra cost, range, and speed.
[b]Weaknesses: In order to learn this technique the user must invest 1,000 experience points into the Dust Release bloodline. This technique also requires a large amount of chakra to perform which discourages continuous usage by even those with massive chakra reserves The speed at which it is fired means that an opponent's best chance for avoiding destruction is to move before the technique is cast. This usually requires that the user's Coordination and Perception are high enough in order able to assist in the accurate firing of the technique against hidden or quick moving opponents. When two users utilize this technique against each other, a destructive explosion is created.


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