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Tetsudashi Clan (Steel Release)

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Tetsudashi Clan (Steel Release) Empty Tetsudashi Clan (Steel Release)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:02 am

The Tetsudashi Clan
Kekkei Genkai: Steel Release (Kōton)
Masaru Tetsudashi


Clan History/Description

The Tetsudashi is a shinobi clan that lay claim to the Steel Release (Koton) bloodline limit. The Tetsudashi Clan traces its origins to a craftsman named Tetsuyasha who is said to have studied under the Sage Disciple Yaburenai. Tetsuyasha was a peaceful man and a humble smith who through Iron Will, Discipline, and Perseverance manage to refine his natural element of Doton into that of Koton. Tetsuyasha was capable of transfiguring the simplest and weakest of metals into that of platinum, gold, and steel. Although he used his talents mainly for altruistic purposes such as building homes for the homeless or creating hardy tools for the poorest of peasants, he would go on into business for himself. In time, Tetsuyasha would build a rather large family and take several wives. The wealth and prosperity that his household had created allowed him to own several large tracts of lands. The man's descendants would eventually take the surname Tetsudashi in honor of their Iron Willed patriarch.

The secrets of Steel Release were closely guarded and through selective breeding the clan became the sole source of the highly coveted Koton kekkei genkai and its various hidden techniques. Eventually The Tetsudashi Clan would lose the original altruistic purpose of their forefather's abilities and instead use it to monopolize the metal working industry. Almost every mine in the Land of Stone was connected to the Tetsudashi and was forced to pay homage to the mighty Clan. In those days it was governed by a council with each direct descendant of Tetsuyasha holding a seat of power. Once the sage and his disciples had passed, many shinobi clans would go to war in order to take more land and wealth for themselves. The Hyuuga's incursions against their neighbors forced the Tetsudashi into weaponizing their kekkei genkai in preparation for battle. Although the clan allowed others to repel invaders, they were quick to use their bloodline limit to conquer adjacent weakened clans.

Once the Tetsudashi had a taste of all the spoils brought by war it did not take long for the council to perfect their art of war. The Tetsudashi had applied their early concepts of perseverance, patience, and iron will into the craft of ninjutsu and were rewarded with an Empire in the heart of the Land of Stone. The Tetsudashi's rule was firm but fair with many clans acquiescing with the understanding that the clan would not interfere too closely with their affairs and would assist in future invasions by foreign enemies such as the Hyuuga. The Tetsudashi Clan council at this time had arrived at a historic crossroads. A faction of the council wanted to do away with all pretense of commercial craftsmanship and fully devote its power to the ways of war. This faction cited the Hyuuga and Uchiha's budding Empires as proof that a clan singularly committed to the art of war could achieve far more financial prosperity and peace than one that kept a foot in both arenas. Another faction insisted that the Tetsudashi return to their roots as craftsman and instead use financial coercion to maintain their position of power. A smaller third faction demanded that the Tetsudashi remember the way of their founding patriarch and instead relenquish their Empire. They sought a return to charity, altruism, and small business founded upon community friendship. For much of the Tetsudashi's reign over the Iron Empire, the first faction was dominate. The led incursions against other lands and silently assassinated those who had possession or knowledge of many Steel Release craftsman techniques. It was said that they would rather those arts die so that the clan could never truly go back to relying purely on its craftsmanship roots. After various clans rebelled against the divided Tetsudashi, the clan was forced to dissolve their Empire. While the Tetsudashi remained in control of a sizable tract of land in the Land of Stone they would be forced to contend with a resurgent Nature Clan and Dust Release clan.

The Tetsudashi had by this time fully involved themselves as a shinobi clan. They maintained a network of craftsman and quality control experts for mines they owned but by and large the average clansman was a fully trained shinobi. Many of its ancient and superpowered transmutation craftsman techniques were lost and replaced with devastating Steel Release ninjutsu. The clan hired martial arts experts and Taijutsu instructors to further increase their fighting capabilities so that they could defend their land and plot to regain their Empire. The fierce competition and militaristic mindset that had taken over the clan led to the dissolution of the council. Disputes were settled not through debates or crafting competitions but by combat. The council was replaced after a single Tetsudashi named Keisan grievously injured all of his colleagues in a bid to bring them under his control. The council members recognized him as a Clan Leader and accepted their new position as strictly an advisory body.

Keisan Tetsudashi was an essential shinobi in bringing the Tetsudashi Clan in line with the newly founded Republic of Stone. This would put Steel Release in a subordinate role to the Dust Release clan but would give them the power and influence to mount a successful challenge when the time was right. While the Tetsudashi Clan plotted to overthrow their rivals and transform the Republic into an Empire, the Kazehana had placed spies throughout the nation. It is said that the Nature Clan was its chief weapon in bringing down the Republic from within and as such many of the Tetsudashi would come to hate them. Before Keisan could execute his plan, the Kazehana Empire activates their sleeper cells and causes so much chaos that the Tetsudashi Clan is forced to respond to the chaotic climate. In the midst of all the infighting the Kazehana invade and force the Tetsudashi to become vassals underneath the Nature Clan.

The Tetsudashi Clan grew extremely vicious and cruel under the Kazehana Empire's rule. The Nature Clan had been given authority over the Land of Stone and the only language they understood was violence. Keisan Tetsudashi had died in the early fighting and the fragmented clan had cycled through a few leaders until another great leader emerged: Meri Tetsudashi. After a major rebellion broke out after a particularly brutal massacre by the Nature Clan, Meri Tetsudashi gave aid to some of the rebels. While publicly declaring the clan's loyalty to the Empire, she sought to plant spies and fund proxy minor wars to destabilize their rule. Although the rebellion was crushed the Kazehana would remember Meri's betrayal and though they lacked the ability to retaliate in full force they would notate the clan's insubordination.

Meri Tetsudashi's son Omi Tetsudashi would ascend to the clan's leadership position once he came of age. He was even more skilled than his mother and was said to be one of the greatest warriors the clan had ever produced. He had inherited his mother's hatred of the Nature Clan and their masters the Kazehana. The feeling was mutual and as such the Kazehana's Bloody Emir placed him as one of the 43 Clan heads to be assassinated. Omi would secure his position in history as part of the Divine Nine who survived their assassination attempts and would go on to commit the Tetsudashi to ending the Kazehana's rule in the Land of the Stone. Omi would then help the other clans organize several assassinations against the Bloody Emir which would eventually succeed. The resulting instability would lay the groundwork for a war of independence in the near future. Although Omi died of poison before he could live to see this day, he is hallowed as one of the greatest Tetsudashi in the clan's history.

In the years leading up to and during the Stone independence movement the clan would cycle through various leaders who would help fight in the struggle. Eventually the Nature Clan would be overthrown and with them gone the Kazehana lost a foothold in the country. The Tetsudashi had learned from their enemies and had incorporated the art of puppetry into their fighting styles giving them a much needed edge. The Nature Clan was deemed responsible for a host of atrocities committed on behalf of the Kazehana Empire and even in some cases committed despite the Empire's protestations. Many clans began to see them as "Cursed Ones" that could not be cured of their affliction and so they were hunted until they were almost extinct. The Tetsudashi expelled them from their lands and would attempt to instill within future generations a sense of hatred towards them.

The Tetsudashi clan had achieved widespread popularity and prominence for their efforts in defeating the Kazehana Empire. The mythos of the Divine Nine clan heads that worked together to defeat the foreign occupation of the Land of Stone brought the country together. The Dust Release clan however enjoyed the largest amount of support as their clan leader Hòu Zhuān had single handedly won many battles against the Nature Clan. Hòu Zhuān's father was said to be the "first among equals" with respect to the Divine Nine and as such he played an early role in the formation of a united Land of Stone independence movement. This respect and deference was extended to his son who had lived up to his father's legacy. The Tetsudashi supported his bid as the man was wise, strong, and extremely generous to his friends. He had taken on one of their own as an aide. After Hòu Zhuān became the first ever Tsuchikage, he gave a speech known as the Will of Stone Address where he laid out his vision for the country and spoke on what he felt was its national character. The special thanks and recognition that he extended to the Tetsudashi would go a long way towards cementing the stability of the new Iwagakure government. With two of the country's most powerful clans in lockstep agreement, the others would fall into place and so Iwagakure would quickly rise to prominence as a national force. The Tetsudashi Clan would remain chiefly a shinobi clan but the relative peace in the Land of Stone after its independence created a small movement to re-explore the art of Steel Release craftsmanship.

Unfortunately, Hòu Zhuān's old age would catch up with him and even though he was one of the most astute tacticians for his time, dementia would set in. The elderly man would make increasingly embarrassing commands and his senility grew too obvious to be kept away from the public. He was became ill tempered and foul mouthed to the point where the only person that could reach him was his aide and trusted adviser Neisan Tetsudashi (affectionately known by the Tsuchikage as Nee-san). The Tetsudashi's influence and power over Iwagakure grew as he became the last remaining tether between the Tsuchikage and sanity. Hòu Zhuān would eventually resign and the Dust Release clan would allow the Tetsudashi Clan to have a large say in who his successor would be in a bid to preserve his legacy of cooperation between the two clans. At the time Nee-san Tetsudashi's brother Reisan Tetsudashi had become the Clan Leader. Whereas Nee-san was thoughtful, mild mannered, and committed to the "higher arts" of shinobi combat such as Kugutsu and Ijutsu, his brother Reisan was loud, brash, and dedicated to Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. Reisan had developed Iwagakure's Academy curriculum and had personally trained their strongest shinobi. He had used his influence and bullish spirit to push the remaining clans into accepting his brother as the new Tsuchikage. With Nee-san Tetsudashi as the Tsuchikage and his brother Reisan as the clan head, the Tetsudashi are posed to permanently secure their position in history alongside the Dust Release Clan as guardians of the Land of Stone and heir to its magnificent history.

Clan Traits & Characteristics

The Tetsudashi Clan is a very traditionalist and conservative shinobi clan. They uphold values such as hard work, perseverance, and determination. The clan is patriarchal with most of its leadership consisting of men although it has been known to recognize exceptional aptitude in kunoichi as well. Tetsudashi men tend to shave their heads when they come of age in honor of their clan's crafting roots. The smiths of old were said to have shaved their hair to avoid it interfering with their work. While head shaving was a staple of becoming a full fledged shinobi for many Tetsudashi, recent families have eschewed the tradition as being outdated. While the Tetsudashi Clan has been a warrior clan for most of its history, there has been a recent resurgence in the art of craftsmanship. Many Tetsudashi choose to develop their skill in the art or at the very least collaborate closely with other smiths in designing new weapons and armours. Tetsudashi Clan members do not wear a distinct uniform but they are known to favor leather fabrics, mesh, and plated armour emblazoned with the kanji for the clan's aforementioned values.

Bloodline Description & Abilities

The Tetsudashi Clan is heir to the mighty Steel Release bloodline limit. Steel Release is the refinement and hardening of Earth Release to the point where all impurities are purged producing a dense metallic substance that rivals the sharpest of swords. The inherent color and makeup of Steel Release tends to be black or silver in color with certain variations depending on the user's heritage and unique genetic makeup. Manifestations of Steel Release are graded on an E to S scale akin to craftsman constructs. Steel Release requires a several payments of experience in order to unlock the bloodline limit's abilities. Steel Release: Impervious Armour is a foundational technique from which many of its clan jutsu stem. The transformation of the body into Steel Release is an important prerequisite to transforming other objects. It is through mastery and proficiency with this technique that Steel Release users are able to slowly transfigure the Earth itself into metal.  Many Tetsudashi hone their skills in Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Bukijutsu, and Kenjutsu although the clan is also known to have branched out into other areas of combat such as puppetry in order to bring out the full power of their kekkei genkai.

Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 1 - 500 EXP
This stage of the bloodline's ability is a quite basic. Impervious Armour essentially allows the user to cover up to 50% of their body in Kōton. This generally covers up to two limbs and a sizable portion of the user's trunk and/or face. Impervious Armour as a technique instantly transforms the user's body into a metallic substance that set's their skin at B-Rank quality. The coating is thin but extremely dense with the main sign of activation being a change in the user's skin color.  Impervious Armour  is considered "skin deep" meaning the coating does not extend far past the skin itself making it a powerful yet limited. Impervious Armour at this stage costs 5 Stamina points per post.

Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 2 - 500 EXP
The second stage of the kekkei genkai allows the user to completely coat 100% of their body in Kōton. The metallic coating can be generated instantly and it sets the user's skin at A-Rank quality. The Amour's metal coating is also dense enough to absorb and displace physical force exerted on it which can protect the user's internals from blunt trauma. The Amour at this stage applies a one tier debuff to the opponent's strength for the purpose of weakening physical blows to the user's body. The Armour's offensive capabilities are enhanced as the second stage brings greater control and manipulation of the Steel Release chakra grafted into the user's body. While Stage 2 is relatively limited in its capacity to formulate offensive capabilities, (mere claws, nails, spikes, and the like can be generated from the Armour's metallic coating) the defensive component of the technique is still formidable. Unlike the Steel coating of the user's body, these weapons are counted as C Rank. Impervious Armour at this stage costs 10 Stamina points per post. It is also at this stage that the user has attained sufficient knowledge and control of Steel Release to generate the metallic substance outside of their body. This gives them access to an assortment of Steel Release jutsu that hinge on the ability to manifest the metal outside of their body. It also is a tactical boon in that they do not have to maintain the Impervious Armour ability in order to bring the power of Kōton against their enemies.

Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 3 - 500 EXP
This is the final stage of Steel Release and is considered the pinnacle of the bloodline's power. This level sets the user's skin at S Rank quality making it one of the greatest defensive techniques in shinobi history. The Armour at this stage applies a two tier debuff to the opponent's strength for the purpose of diminishing physical blows to the user's body. Impervious Armour's second stage can be considered an "absolute defense" in its ability to protect the user from harm. The full potential of Kōton is released and the user may generate traditional weapons such as katana, warhammers, shuriken, kunai, shields, staffs and generic shinobi weaponry. Unlike the Steel coating of the user's body, these weapons are counted as A Rank.  Impervious Armour at this stage costs 15 Stamina points per post. Those who have mastered Impervious Armour Stage 3 are often well respected within the Tetsudashi Clan and are considered eligible to learn its most powerful techniques.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks
Katon and Shakuton is a rank stronger than Kōton due to the intense amount of heat that they generate. Even more troubling, an A Rank Katon attack has the ability to severely damage and disfigure a Tetsudashi Clan member using Impervious Armour. This creates a significant amount of risk when facing those who are strong with the Fire Element. Raiton is not particularly strong against Kōton but Kōton's high conductivity can prove extremely dangerous in many tactical situations. It is also important to note that while Impervious Armour is a powerful defense against raw force and physical damage, it does not inherently increase the user's pain resistance (a critical part of Constitution). Thus those who lack the pain resistance can find themselves significantly hurt by a host of elemental or environmental attacks where durability in of itself does not provide adequate protection. One of Impervious Armour's many strengths is its ability to resist cutting and piercing weapons but due to the fact that its protection is only skin deep, it leaves the user's bones and internal organs vulnerable. If the user's constitution is not high enough to survive an opponent's physical blows after the Armour's debuff is applied then they will incur damage. Although Impervious Armour is known to be the bane of most Taijutsu experts in that the direct application of force against the S-Tiered hide is likely to achieve nothing, it is uniquely vulnerable to the Gentle Fist style or any technique based on internal damage. All weapons and manifestations created via Steel Release may exist external to the user however they are naturally impermanent and will often rust and break apart after some time has passed (usually in the time in between topics that do not occur in rapid succession). 

Clan Techniques

Name: Iron Curtain
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: 10
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-45m
Speed: B Tier
Element: Steel Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Steel Release/Impervious Armour Stage 1
Parent Technique:  N/A
Hand Seals: Ox-Boar->Dragon
Description: Upon performing the necessary handseals and channeling their Steel Release chakra, the user constructs a ten foot wall of steel from out of the ground that can be used for defensive maneuvers. The wall can roughly take different shapes and appearances but overall its purpose is defense and it cannot be more than ten feet tall. The wall is considered A-Tier in terms of its defensive capacities. The user can protrude spikes (with a maximum length of two feet) from the wall for an additional D Rank amount of chakra, the spikes can then be fired at a speed of B Rank for an additional C Rank worth of chakra.  
Weaknesses: Like the vast majority of steel release techniques, this jutsu is uniquely weak against Katon which will melt it in correspondence with the advanced element's limitations.

Name: Impervious Exo-Skeleton
Rank: A
Power: B-S
Activation Cost: Varies
Upkeep Cost: Varies
Range: Self
Speed: Instant
Element: Steel Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Steel Release/Impervious Armour Stage 1-3
Parent Technique: Impervious Armour
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: Upon channeling their Steel Release chakra, the user is able to externalize and build upon the thin layer of defense provided by Impervious Armour. Whereas Impervious Armour only extends as far as the skin, this techniques creates a full suit of armour that increases their strength. The Exo-Skeleton works in tandem with the body's physical form so that it does not slow the user down but instead increases their Strength as the technique creates a series of steel gears and pulleys that increases the user's physical power depending on the stage of Impervious Armour they are using. Stage 1 costs an upkeep of 3 stamina points per post and increases the user's Strength by ++, Stage 2 costs an upkeep of 5 stamina points per post and increases the user's Strength by a Tier, Stage 3 costs 10 stamina points per post and increases the user's Strength by 2 Tiers.
Weaknesses: Like the vast majority of steel release techniques, this jutsu is uniquely weak against Katon which will melt it in correspondence with the advanced element's limitations. This technique requires Impervious Armour to be activated.

Name: Impervious Tendrils
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: 5
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-20m
Speed: Varies
Element: Steel Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Steel Release/Impervious Armour Stage 1
Parent Technique:  N/A
Hand Seals: Dragon -> Tiger -> Rat -> Dog
Description: Upon performing the necessary handseals and channeling their Steel Release chakra, the user constructs up to twenty steel tendrils that are anywhere between three to five inches thick and can reach up to twenty meters away. The tendrils are extremely dense and are considered as having B-Grade quality in its integrity and physical structure. The tendrils move at the same speed as the user's Coordination and can be used to bluntly attack an opponent. The edges may also be sharpened and they can be used for stabbing as well. The tendrils tend to appear from the user's back although they can sprout from any portion of the body.
Weaknesses: Like the vast majority of steel release techniques, this jutsu is uniquely weak against Katon which will melt it in correspondence with the advanced element's limitations. They only last for 5 posts before the activation cost must be paid again.

Name: Dragonfly Swarm  
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: C
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-30m
Speed: B Tier
Element: Steel Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Steel Release/Impervious Armour Stage 1
Parent Technique:  N/A
Hand Seals: Ox->Dragon
Description: Upon performing the necessary handseals and channeling their Steel Release chakra, the user spawns up to twenty steel dragon flies from out of their skin. These dragonflies have C-Grade defensive quality to them and can be used to stab and maim opponents from afar. A single dragonfly by itself is no problem but a swarm can do serious injury to an opponent. A single dragonfly is one rank weaker in terms of power. The dragonflies themselves are controlled via the user's will.
Weaknesses: Like the vast majority of steel release techniques, this jutsu is uniquely weak against Katon which will melt it in correspondence with the advanced element's limitations. They only lasts for 4 posts before the activation cost must be paid again.

Name: Mecha Terra Infirma
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: B
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-20m
Speed: B Tier
Element: Steel Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Steel Release/Impervious Armour Stage 1
Parent Technique:  N/A
Hand Seals: Ox
Description: Upon performing the necessary handseals and channeling their Steel Release chakra, the user slams their hands into the ground and converts the earth beneath them into solid metal. The change is gradual and will grow outwards from the area struck by the user's hands. The metal transfiguration is five meters deep and has a B-Grade defensive quality to it. The user may also change its consistency to be uneven, elevate certain sections to a mild degree, or even protrude major hazards from it including spikes, caltrops, and literal stumbling blocks. Any change to the consistency of the ground (spawning hazards, elevating certain sections) costs an additional 2 stamina points.
Weaknesses: Like the vast majority of steel release techniques, this jutsu is uniquely weak against Katon which will melt it in correspondence with the advanced element's limitations.

Name: Total Transfiguration
Rank: A
Power: Varies
Activation Cost: Varies
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Varies
Speed: A-Tier
Element: Steel Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Steel Release/Impervious Armour Stage 2
Parent Technique:  N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: Upon channeling their Steel Release chakra, the user is able to transfigure their Earth Release techniques into Steel Release versions. The power and hardiness of the Koton is of the same rank as the Doton technique being transfigured. Transfiguration occurs of a single post. The transfiguration means that any elemental weaknesses that the technique Doton are now changed to fit the elemental nature of Koton instead. For cost, the user pays a one rank higher activation cost for the technique that they are transfiguring.
Weaknesses: Like the vast majority of steel release techniques, this jutsu is uniquely weak against Katon which will melt it in correspondence with the advanced element's limitations. Note that the power of the Earth Release technique being transfigured is the same, it is only of a different element.

Name: Reinforcement Technique
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: A
Upkeep Cost: C
Range: 0m-70m
Speed: A-Tier
Element: Steel Release
Skill: Ninjutsu/Kugutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Steel Release/Impervious Armour Stage 2
Parent Technique:  N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: Upon channeling their Steel Release chakra, the user is able to transfer Steel Release chakra into their puppet via puppet strings or through casual contact. This allows them to reinforce their puppets with the advanced element increasing the puppet's durability and power. The puppet's Strength is increased by a ++ and the puppet's Constitution is increased by a single tier.
Weaknesses: Like the vast majority of steel release techniques, this jutsu is uniquely weak against Katon which will melt it in correspondence with the advanced element's limitations. Note that such techniques would only melt the Steel Release reinforcement but may not damage the puppet itself depending on its composition and structural integrity.

Name: Overt Deconstruction
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: B
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-40m
Speed: A-Tier
Element: Steel Release
Skill: Ninjutsu/Kugutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Steel Release/Impervious Armour Stage 2
Parent Technique:  N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: Upon channeling their Steel Release chakra, the user is able to transfigure metal into Earth, this process is quite rapid and can be used to weaken the structural integrity of entire buildings.  
Weaknesses: This technique cannot be used against Steel Release techniques.

Name: Total Reverse Transfiguration
Rank: A
Power: Varies
Activation Cost: Varies
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Varies
Speed: N/A
Element: Steel Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Steel Release/Impervious Armour Stage 2
Parent Technique:  N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: Upon channeling their Steel Release chakra, the user is able to transfigure their Steel Release techniques into Earth Release versions. The power and hardiness of the Doton is of the same rank as the Kouton technique being transfigured. Transfiguration occurs in a single post. The transfiguration means that any elemental weaknesses or strengths that the technique had are now changed to fit the elemental nature of Doton instead. For cost, the user pays the same activation cost/upkeep for the technique that they are transfiguring. The user keeps any cost reductions from Steel Release that they would get due to the technique being denoted as Steel Release.
Weaknesses: Note that the power/durability of the Earth Release technique being transfigured is the same, it is only of a different element.


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