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Tatsuda Clan (Lava Release)

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Tatsuda Clan (Lava Release) Empty Tatsuda Clan (Lava Release)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:59 am

Lava Release | Advanced Element
Akeno Tatsuda
  • Akeno Tatsuda | Current head of the Tatsuda family and a renowned kunoichi within Iwagakure. Gifted in her bloodline and is one of the first users of Lava Release in her family name since the foundation.
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Clan History/Description
Roughly at 800 A.S. the Tatsuda family was found by a man named Suchi Tatsuda. A family that started off normal for the most part while Suchi was training to be a warrior of chakra. This soon led to the discovery of his bloodline that is known today as Lava Release. Suchi was the first to discover this bloodline, and with it accomplished a few feats on his own. Most notable of his feats is recorded on being one of the many clans at the Land of Stone to ally against the Nature Clan. Suchi Tatsuda helped eradicate a few of the Nature Clan and sent even more running away. However Suchi followed these orders of assassinations after the Nature Clan proved to be more brutal and violent to everyone including their own numbers. Thus serving the Bloody Emir until the emperor’s assassination. Even so Suchi served the Kazehana Empire until he hit retirement decades later.

Suchi established himself as one of the feudal lords of the Land of Stone and was successful both career wise and raising his own clan. However, three generations have come and gone yet not one was able to get the Lava Release. A couple of cases were… brutal to say the least as someone had the inhumane idea to implant Suchi’s blood into another’s body. Least to say that body died shortly after Suchi’s bloodline entered the vessel. Suchi passed away at 871 A.S. and ever since his death the Tatsuda family gradually reduced to common rabble in just a matter of two generations.

So it came to everyone’s surprise when someone else in the Tatsuda family, specifically Akeno Tatsuda, was the new user of Lava Release. This wasn’t enough to regain their former status of nobility, but Akeno performed small feats of her own at a young age. The previous head of the family, Liang Tatsuda, kept the clan together to hold its low nobility standing while grooming Akeno as the heir to her family name. It took some time, but eventually Akeno became the new and current leader of the Tatsuda Clan. And that is where major changes started to happen under her leadership.

Through many trials Akeno went through she nearly single handedly raised her clan’s name from a low nobility to feudal lord in a matter of five years. Obtaining strong political standing and bringing Tatsuda closer to its former glory. It is led to believe that not only is Akeno the second user of the Lava Release, but also following Suchi’s footsteps so to speak. Though in truth Akeno has been seeking to establish a stronger root into the clan’s foundation. Where the clan won’t fall apart the moment she steps down or ends up dying at some point.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics
Tatsuda members generally range from dark hair to light brown. General eye color is hazel and amber. Though individuals with Lava Release are recorded to have eyes like molten metal of some kind. All of them generally have fair to porcelain skin color and texture.

Bloodline Description & Abilities
Lava Release
A combined formation of fire and earth nature to shift the environment. An advanced element that others might had obtained, but never got the chance to exploit it. This advanced element combines the two chakra natures to create volcanic materials such as lava or rubber in different properties and usage. The bloodline can take on other forms such as quicklime, ash, volcanic rock, and flame-like matter.

Lava [Requires 250XP to unlock]
Lava is the basic form of this release as the user is able to harness the magma and volcanic rock within the earth itself. Aside from the magma and other volcanic properties. The user can eventually create a small volcano at kage-level, and with it immense drain of chakra as well. Most participants choose this at the beginning of their training for it can used both offensively and defensively. The Lava form is also arguably the safest compared to the other two.

Rubber [Requires 250XP to unlock]
Rubber is a form that serves as mainly a defensive type while holding some utility possibilities. Particularly strong against Lightning attacks as the rubber reduces the attack power from the electrical current. At the same time it is also harmless and easier to manipulate. Allowing it to be used in many situations for combat and outside of combat. In other words it is really up to the user’s creative mind on how to use it.

Quicklime [Requires 250XP to unlock]
Quicklime is the most potent and the most dangerous form this release can ever have. On many occasions practitioners have literally died from the heavy toxic fumes emitting from the quicklime. So while it has a high kill rate the user is just as much in danger of the fumes as their targets. Consider quicklime as a double edged sword for it can be deadly, yet at the higher risk of the user’s own life as well.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks
In most cases water techniques would combat this bloodline heavily. Due to the fire nature the water generally hardens the molten rock and slows it down significantly. Additionally, like every other element, Lava Release is extremely volatile as the magma generally spits molten rock into the nearby area. Not to mention the sheer heat alone will sweat a grown man in just a matter of a minute. In most cases even the user is not safe from this bloodline for the user can easily become the target of their techniques if they’re careless on the placement.

A small note; individuals capable of using Lava Release are considered to be rare. Currently only 2 known users through this clan.

Clan Techniques



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