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Kotoshura Clan (Explosion Release)

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Kotoshura Clan (Explosion Release) Empty Kotoshura Clan (Explosion Release)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:01 am

The Kotōshura Clan
Kekkei Genkai: Explosion Release (Bakuton)


Clan History/Description:

The Kotōshura Clan find their origins in a vicious terrorist who was reformed by Fire Disciple Hihoni. Kotō was a notorious bomber for hire in the Fire Country who had been sentenced to live in solitary confinement for his crimes. Hihoni had visited him occasionally over the course of several decades and was able to reform him. After petitioning for his release, Kotō was freed and then subsequently taught how to channel his innate elements to produce Explosion Release. Hihoni is said to have taught him this ability to assist in his new trade of blasting mines to unearth precious minerals thereby bypassing the need for other workers to handle dangerous primitive explosives. Kotō would go on to have a family and teach his progeny the art of Explosion Release. He instructed them to use it solely for good and to the benefit of peasants whose lives might be spared as a result of this innovative form of ninjutsu. Unfortunately, over the years his descedents would unearth his history as a notorious terrorist and glorify his days of mercenary work. Explosion Release became a feared weapon in the Land of Fire and Kotō's family would name themselves the Kotōshura Clan. The clan would mainly serve the interests of the Hyuuga and Uchiha depending on who was paying them. This would go on for centuries resulting in the Kotōshura becoming quite rich in the process. Internationally, they were known as the Blast Corps. and they would catch the attention of the Inazuma who sought to use them in their proxy war against the Kazehana.

The Inazuma convinced then clan leader Keidara Kotōshura to move the clan from the Land of Fire to the Land of Stone in what would become the biggest mercenary contract in history. Greedy, impetuous, and eager to live up to his progenitor's namesake he took the contract and inflicted a heavy degree of civilian and enemy casualties. The Nature Clan was permanently crippled as was the Kazehana's position in the Land of Stone. Many of the resident clans in the Land of Stone did not trust the Kotōshura and viewed their tactics as wild and unpredictable. Their assistance in damaging the Kazehana was poisoned by their callous disregard for civilian casualties and they were shunned by the country for years. Marginalized and yet exceedingly wealthy, the Kotōshura began to perform experiments on themselves to increase their effectiveness. They could not move back to the Land of Fire as their reputation as terrorists had become so vile that even the Uchiha and Hyuuga agreed to eliminate them should they ever return. They were tolerated by the Stone Country only because of their opposition to the Nature Clan and the Kazehana Empire and as such they sought to take their abilities to the next level to ensure the survival.

Riyashi Kotōshura developed a secret technique that would become known as the Kotōshura Kinjutsu. By melding his Explosion Release chakra with inanimate objects he could create remotely detonated bombs out of the most mundane of substances. The Kotōshura at this time lived in a deserted clay rich area and as such they farmed the substance to use. By placing mouths on their hands and chest, they instilled fear from all clans around them and their enhanced bloodline abilities propelled them to a new level prestige. The Kazehana Empire under the Bloody Emir marked Riyashi too dangerous to live and ordered his assassination with the hope of destroying knowledge of the Kotōshura Kinjutsu. Riyashi survived the attempt cementing his position as one of the Divine Nine who survived their assassinations. He responded by detonating a series of unimaginable explosive techniques in Kazehana controlled areas. Riyashi detonated a technique known as C4 at an Kazehana military encampment and then C0 at another critical Empire command station. The latter was a suicide blast so powerful that it killed everyone on site. It delivered a fatal blow to the Empire's grip on the region. Recognizing that the Kotōshura was more valuable to the Land of Stone as a friend than as an enemy, the Muramatsu Clan leader who would go on to become the country's first Tsuchikage made an alliance with them. Riyashi's son Kaizen was the only person who knew of his clan's kinjutsu and as a sign of good faith turned it over to the Muramatsu lest its power become to tempting for the Kotōshura to manage on their own. Kaizen reformed the clan to be more service oriented and returned it to its origins of helping workers unearth minerals to lessen workplace casualties. This pivot earned the Kotōshura the respect of many clans and civilians alike as they turned their techniques to the benefit of the nation as a whole. The clan became known as the Iwagakure Blast Corps and its kinjutsu was known as the Iwagakure Kinjutsu. Kaizen toted the renaming as evidence that the clan had turned a corner and was done as a mercenary outfit. It would continue to exist solely to the service of the nation. The Kotōshura clan of today enjoys the position of being a noble Iwagakure clan and maintains a strong allegiance to its village. With the days of mercenary work behind it, the Kotōshura are committed to preserving their nation and cement their legacy as its protector.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics:

Years of mercenary work have made the Kotōshura a bit more unorthodox in comparison to many other clans. Because they are from the Land of Fire they tend to have Fire Country customs and dress. The Kotōshura's position as being a nomadic and counter culture family have given rise to an appreciation for bizarre dress, hairstyles, and tastes. They are naturally blonde and blue eyed and of medium build. Kotōshura have a strong appreciation for postmodern art and a longstanding tradition of rebelliousness and outlaw behavior. While the clan has begun to crack down on these tendencies many Kotōshura see it as part of their heritage and it is no coincidence that the clan has a slightly higher than average proportion of criminal activity connected to it.

Bloodline Description & Abilities:
The Kotōshura Clan's kekkei genkai is that of Bakuton, or Explosion Release. Explosion Release is an advanced element made of Lightning and Earth chakra. This combination gives the user the ability to form powerful explosions that are capable of inflicting terrible blast damage against opponents. Explosion Release can be used in conjunction with Taijutsu to perform lethal close contact attacks or as Ninjutsu for long range combat. At higher levels this bloodline can be combined with the Iwagakure Kinjutsu. The user infuses Explosion Release into clay using the Iwagakure Kinjutsu and is therefore able to access a range of artistic yet deadly explosion techniques.  

Explosion Release: Explosive Combat - 250 EXP
This is the beginning stage of Explosion Release at which point the user learns to meld the advanced element in their body and expel it outwards. Close quarters Bakuton techniques detonated in this manner always blow outwards so as to prevent the user from taking damage from their own attacks. This stage requires a modest investment in experience which gives the user access to their bloodline's base ability. At this stage the user is restricted to applying Bakuton to Taijutsu, Bukijutsu, and Kenjutsu. This require some sort of physical catalyst (such as a punch or stab) to detonate their blasts. This largely restricts them to close quarters combat although creative Kotōshura have been known to use archery in order to increase the range of their attacks.

Explosion Release: Explosive Clay Stage 1 - 250 EXP
At this stage the user may utilize the Iwagakure Kinjutsu to meld Explosive Release with a malleable solid substance in order to detonate it remotely from a distance. While there are many acceptable substances to use, the Kotōshura Clan specialize in using clay. The ability to use such a substance as a medium means that the user does not need physical or armed combat as a catalyst to detonate their attacks. This stage gives the user the access to C1-C3 Explosive Clay techniques. While the ability to infuse Explosion Release chakra into inanimate objects is powerful it is limited at this stage to malleable solid substances only (clay/mud).

Explosion Release: Explosive Clay Stage 2 - 500 EXP
This is the final stage of the Explosion Release bloodline. At this stage the user can learn C4 and C0. Additionally, the Kotōshura may utilize the Iwagakure Kinjutsu to infuse Explosion Release chakra into any solid inanimate object. This gives the Kotōshura a massive tactical boost in that they now detonate from near or far with a wide variety of substances as a catalyst. Those Kotōshura Clan members that reach this stage are often considered masters of destruction and demolition.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks:

Bakuton is weak against Lightning Release as the electricity inherent in the element can sometimes short circuit and nullify the reactive components in Explosion Release. Blast Release is thus one rank weaker than Lightning Release. Generally, Lightning Release techniques one rank above that of an Explosion Release technique after this weakness is applied will delay detonation for a single post. Lightning Release techniques two ranks above will nullify Explosion Release techniques entirely such that the explosion will not occur at all and chakra spent on the technique is lost. Kotōshura clan members have an unlimited supply of free clay due to their family's line of work, however they must find a way to carry and store large quantities in order to use Explosive Clay techniques. Generally a fair amount can be carried on their person but massive quantities are usually sealed so as to prevent them from running out in the midst of a prolonged battle. While close quarters Bakuton techniques generally prevent the user from being harmed by their own attacks, those techniques that utilize a catalyst for remote detonation (such as Explosive Clay techniques) do not afford the user such protection. As a result, the user must take care not to blow themselves up with their own jutsu.

Clan Techniques:

Name: Landmine Fist
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: A
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Close Contact
Speed: N/A
Element: Explosion Release
Skill: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Explosion Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: After establishing direct contact with their opponent's body through a physical blow, the user channels Explosion Release into the relevant body part striking the opponent and it will glow orange.  subsequently generate an enormous explosion from the opponent's insides. This explosion is powerful enough to completely obliterate an opponent far larger than the user. Due to the directionality of the blast, the user minimizes any potential repercussions, such as being struck by resultant debris and even recoil appears to be completely negated.This technique can also be able to use the technique on the ground to create a shockwave of upturned earth and debris to throw the enemy off balance. When used like this the shockwave has a range of ten meters and hits with the force of A Tier Strength.
Weaknesses: This technique requires physical contact with the opponent's body and as such armour or sufficiently dense protection (excluding generic clothing or flak jackets) will block the execution of this technique. This technique is weak against Raiton.  If the user performs a Lightning Release technique of A Rank they will delay detonation for a single post. If the user performs a lightning Release technique of S Rank they will nullify the explosion release chakra and prevent detonation altogether.

Name: Exploding Palm
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: D
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Close Contact
Speed: N/A
Element: Explosion Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Requirements: Explosion Release/Earth Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals:
Description: The user creates a small explosion in their palm to deflect projectile. If properly timed and angled, it can be used to send thrown kunai back at the enemy.
Weaknesses: The strength of the blast will knock back thrown projectiles but the technique has very little offensive power. Weapons infused with Raiton techniques C Rank and above will be able to power through this technique.

Name: C1
Rank: D
Power: D
Activation Cost: D
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Close Contact
Speed: N/A
Element: Explosion Release/Earth Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Explosion Release/Iwagakure Kinjutsu
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Preparation: Snake → Tiger | Detonation: Seal of Confrontation
Description: The user feeds clay into the mouths grafted onto their hands via the Iwagakure Kinjutsu and then perform the necessary handseals. The user will then meld Explosion Release chakra with the clay to create sculptures that are primed to explode  upon the utilization of the Seal of Confrontation. Creations of C1 almost always take the form of insects or animals. Some even share the abilities of the creatures they are modelling after, such as those resembling birds are able to fly. This feature makes them excellent for covert operations. The explosive power of these clay creatures are the low in that a single creature is unlikely to kill or serious injure an opponent, however swarms of them can prove extremely effective in incapacitating and in some cases killing an opponent. Generally, a wide variety of creatures can be created from C1 alone although it is possible for the user to derive and refine their creations through separate technique registrations. As long as they have sufficient advancement within the bloodline, C1 allows for countless creations.
Weaknesses: This technique requires that the user reach the appropriate level of progression with the Explosion Release bloodline. While users may register specific iterations of C1 that contain their own properties, effects, and stats for movement the overall power inherent in the technique may not exceed above B Rank nor may its size exceed that of an average dog. Additionally, all creations of C1 are beholden to Explosion Release's weakness to Raiton. Lightning Release techniques one rank above that of an C1 will delay detonation for a single post. Lightning Release techniques two ranks above will nullify Explosion Release techniques entirely such that the explosion will not occur at all.

Name: C1: Explosive Clay Dolls
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: C
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-60m
Speed: C+
Element: Explosion Release/Earth Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Explosion Release/Iwagakure Kinjutsu
Parent Technique: C1
Hand Seals: Detonation: Seal of Confrontation
Description: The user feeds clay into the mouths grafted onto their hands via the Iwagakure Kinjutsu. The user will then meld Explosion Release chakra with the clay to create humanoid sculptures that are primed to explode  upon the utilization of the Seal of Confrontation. The user releases a glob of explosive clay onto the ground from both his hands, while having a cord of clay attached to it from his hands. The clay then rises and molds itself into human-like figures. The user then runs their chakra through the clay cords, manipulating the clay substances to attack the opponent using their club-like arms and forming spikes from their bodies. While having their minions fight their opponent, the user can detonate them at any given time or have them attach themselves to the target, spreading their clay body over them, and then detonate them. Their bodies are sticky, as a sword couldn't slice through them by normal means and only got stuck, but, a lightning-infused sword can. However, when their body parts are sliced off, the user simply connects clay cords onto those fallen pieces and forms more clay figures, albeit more deformed. The figures move at 25 meters per second and have D Rank Coordination and C Rank Strength.
Weaknesses: This technique requires that the user reach the appropriate level of progression with the Explosion Release bloodline. The technique requires knowledge of C1.  While Raiton chakra flow attacks can slice up the sculptures it is ineffective in rendering them inert. However raw Lightning Release techniques one rank above that of this technique will delay detonation for a single post. Lightning Release techniques of two ranks above will nullify Explosion Release techniques entirely such that the explosion will not occur at all.

Name: C2
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: A
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: N/A
Speed: A+
Element: Explosion Release/Earth Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Explosion Release/Iwagakure Kinjutsu
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Detonation: Seal of Confrontation
Description: The user feeds clay into the mouths grafted onto their hands via the Iwagakure Kinjutsu. The user will then meld Explosion Release chakra with the clay to create sculptures that are primed to explode  upon the utilization of the Seal of Confrontation. This technique requires the use of both of his palm mouths, creating a large dragon. The dragon itself is capable of flight, and, while the user is safely on its back, the dragon can spit out smaller clay figures that attack the opponent like guided missiles. These figures are extremely potent and explode with enough force to kill anyone with an 10 meter diameter of the explosion and severely maim those within a 20 meter diameter. These independent missile-like creatures take the form of a greatly reduced version of the larger dragon that created them, however, despite this decrease in size they are still relatively larger than a normal person. Each is capable of tracking their intended target and they consume a substantial amount of clay from the original dragon, initially extracting it from the creature's tail. This ultimately limits the number that each C2 "Dragon" is capable of creating, before clay must be sacrificed from more vital areas, such as the body or wings (the dragon has enough clay matter to allow 20 projectiles to be created before its structural integrity is compromised to the point of collapse). By using more clay, the missile's size and explosive power can be substantially increased. C2 refers to the creation of the clay dragon specifically although creative minded Kotōshura have been known to derive other large scale creations of similar size and explosive power. These derivations may be registered separately.
Weaknesses: This technique requires that the user reach the appropriate level of progression with the Explosion Release bloodline. While users may register specific iterations of C2 that contain their own properties, effects, and stats for movement the overall power inherent in the technique may not exceed above A Rank nor may its size exceed that of the C2 Dragon. Additionally, all creations of C2 are beholden to Explosion Release's weakness to Raiton. Lightning Release techniques one rank above that of an C2 will delay detonation for a single post. Lightning Release techniques two ranks above will nullify Explosion Release techniques entirely such that the explosion will not occur at all.

Name: C2: Explosive Landmines
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: A
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Varies
Speed: N/A
Element: Explosion Release/Earth Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Explosion Release/Iwagakure Kinjutsu
Parent Technique: C2
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The user has their C2 Clay Dragon spawn a series of thirty round clay mines. This technique creates 30 mines each with enough explosive power to potentially remove a limb and incur severe blast injuries. Being hit with two mines is considered extremely lethal. The mines are triggered by an opponent stepping within a two meter radius of them.
Weaknesses: This technique requires knowledge of C1 and the appropriate advancement within the Explosion Release bloodline. Unlike most explosive clay techniques, the user does not detonate these themselves and they are primed to explode based off of close contact. This means that they or their allies are vulnerable to being hurt by their own explosions. Lightning Release techniques one rank above that of an C2 will delay detonation for a single post. Lightning Release techniques two ranks above will nullify Explosion Release techniques entirely such that the explosion will not occur at all.

Name: C3
Rank: S
Power: S
Activation Cost: S
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-70m
Speed: N/A
Element: Explosion Release/Earth Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Explosion Release/Iwagakure Kinjutsu
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Detonation: Seal of Confrontation
Description: The user creates an enormous 20 meter statue of themselves that can be sealed and dropped on a target from above. The explosive power covers a range of 70 meters and can do significant damage against sections of a village or a large creature. The statue can be shrunk to the size of the user's original size and then expanded at the moment of detonation. C3 refers to the creation of this explosive statue although creative minded Kotōshura have been known to derive other large scale creations of similar size and explosive power. These derivations may be registered separately.
Weaknesses: This technique requires the appropriate advancement within the Explosion Release bloodline. This technique takes quite a while to prepare (at least a week IC) before it can be used as such it is often pre-prepared and then stored for use. While users may register specific iterations of C3 that contain their own properties, effects, and stats for movement the overall power inherent in the technique may not exceed that of the C3 statue. The massive range of the blast forces the user and its allies to get clear lest the destroy themselves with this technique. Lightning Release techniques one rank above that of an C3 will delay detonation for a single post. Lightning Release techniques two ranks above will nullify Explosion Release techniques entirely such that the explosion will not occur at all.

Name: C4
Rank: S
Power: S
Activation Cost: S
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-90m
Speed: N/A
Element: Explosion Release/Earth Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Explosion Release/Iwagakure Kinjutsu
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Detonation: Seal of Confrontation
Description: The user uses his own mouth instead of the ones on his hands to create a giant doll in his image. Once the doll has been created, it slowly begins to inflate until it is 40 meters tall. This process takes at least three posts to complete. If it is prematurely ruptured, the range of the technique is lowered. Destruction in a single post lowers the range to 20 meters and destruction in two posts lowers the range to 50 meters. When the doll ruptures, it releases a cloud of microscopic bombs that enter the bloodstream of anyone who inhales them. After the Seal of Confrontation is performed, the micro-bombs' detonation causes the victims' bodies to disintegrate at the cellular level; literally turning them into dust. The user is naturally immune to the effects of this technique although there allies aren't. Even if the bombs are not inhaled, exposure to the micro-explosions will be sufficient to cause 3rd degree burns. The user may also perform this technique at maximum range in a single post by turning themselves into a clay doll. This can be done by feeding clay into the mouths on their hands and performing the confrontation seal. The microscopic bombs will then automatically detonate in the second post albeit with the unfortunate side effect of killing the user.  C4 refers to the creation of microscopic explosions although creative minded Kotōshura have been known to derive other micro scale creations of similar size and explosive power. These derivations may be registered separately. C4 is also unique in that it and its derivations largely skirt the element's traditional weakness to Raiton.
Weaknesses: This technique requires the appropriate advancement within the Explosion Release bloodline. This technique takes quite a while to prepare and unlike C3 it must be prepared in the same topic that it is being detonated. While users may register specific iterations of C4 that contain their own properties, effects, and stats for movement the overall power inherent in the technique may not exceed that of the C4 micro-bombs. While the technique by itself has the capacity to annihilate an opponent, it can only be done should the opponent inhale the bombs. If they do not then blowing them to dust will not occur. Although exposure to the micro blasts will erode and burn skin to the point of producing 3rd degree burns. C4 and its derivative techniques are a notable exception to Bakuton techniques in that the bloodline's standard Raiton weakness does not apply. Because the bombs are microscopic, hitting the clay doll during its expansion phase or hitting the cloud of explosive micro bombs with Raiton will not delay detonation nor defuse the bombs as normal. If the user inhales the bombs and has a mechanism for recognizing their lethal nature, they may electrocute themselves to to stop detonation although doing so may cause severe injury. The performance of an S Rank Raiton technique that imbues the body with Raiton at a cellular level (ex: LRA would work but not Chidori Nagashi) is also an acceptable means of diffusing C4 with the added bonus of not having to wound themselves.

Name: C0
Rank: C0
Power: S
Activation Cost: S
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-10km
Speed: N/A
Element: Explosion Release/Earth Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Requirements: Explosion Release
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: This technique is the highest form of the Explosive Clay set of techniques. C0 is a suicide-bomb technique used as a last resort. The user reveals a mouth on his chest, which is normally stitched up. After undoing the stitches, the user feeds it a large ball of clay. The mouth on his chest has a direct connection to his heart so a large amount of chakra is built up. It then kneads chakra directly from the meridians of the heart and keeps doing it without interruption until the moment of the explosion. His explosive chakra then manifests itself in his veins, flowing through his body. These "veins" then condense into a sphere that slowly cracks open and detonates, producing a unique explosion that covers a ten kilometre blast radius. Unlike other Bakuton techniques it is not weak against Raiton.
Weaknesses: The build up process occurs over the course of a single post but if it is interrupted before then the detonation will not occur. The user will also die as an result of this technique. This technique requires that the user reach the appropriate level of progression with the Explosion Release bloodline.

Name: Clay Clone
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: B
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-20m
Speed: N/A
Element: Explosion Release/Earth Release
Skill: Ninjutsu
Requirements: Explosion Release
Parent Technique: Shadow Clone Jutsu
Hand Seals: Tiger Seal
Description: A highly convenient technique, characteristic of the Kotōshura Clan. Above most other "clone techniques", this clone has the double role. It acts as a substitute and a trap for capturing the enemy. Made from clay, this clone can take attacks and capture the enemy by taking them into its own body. The clone shows its natural shape the instant a body goes through. While the clay changes in hardness, the enemy is skilfully immobilised. If explosive clay is added to the clone, it can then make itself explode, taking the enemy with it. This type of clone is subject to general shadow clone rules.
Weaknesses: This type of clone can be stunned with delayed detonation with B Rank Raiton and can be destroyed entirely via A Rank and above Raiton. This technique requires knowledge of C1.

Name: Blast Launch
Rank: D
Power: D
Activation Cost: 3
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: N/A
Speed: N/A
Element: Blast
Skill: Blast/Ninjutsu
Classification: Open/Blast
Requirements: Kotoshura
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: Using the clans bloodline the member of the clan will Focus chakra into their feet alowing them to blast forward at a high rate of speed any taijutsu technique while using this will be enhanced by D rank damage this will also increase their Speed by ++

Name: Blast Strikes
Rank: D
Power: C
Activation Cost: 3
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 5 Meters
Speed: C+
Element: Kotoshura
Skill: Taijutsu/Kotoshura
Classification: Open/Kotoshura
Requirements: Kotoshura
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The user of this jutsu will be able to hit their opponents with punches and kicks at a five meter range, this is a cone effect of two meters wide by five meters in a cone striking out from the strikes. The cost is per strike.
Weaknesses: Unless using a device to focus the blasts this can potentially hit allies or people they were not aiming at as the blast radius from the blows in several meters two meters wide five meters in length cone.

Name: Greater Blast Strikes
Rank: C
Power: B
Activation Cost: 5
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 10 Meters
Speed: B+
Element: Kotoshura
Skill: Taijutsu/Kotoshura
Classification: Open/Kotoshura
Requirements: Kotoshura
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The user of this jutsu will be able to hit their opponents with punches and kicks at a ten meter range, this is a cone effect of five meters wide by ten meters in a cone striking out from the strikes. The cost is per strike.  
Weaknesses: Unless using a device to focus the blasts this can potentially hit allies or people they were not aiming at as the blast radius from the blows in several meters five meters wide ten meters in length cone.

Name: Greater Blast Launch
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: 5
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: N/A
Speed: N/A
Element: Blast
Skill: Blast/Ninjutsu
Classification: Open/Blast
Requirements: Kotoshura
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: Using the clans bloodline the member of the clan will Focus chakra into their feet alowing them to blast forward at a high rate of speed any taijutsu technique while using this will be enhanced by C rank damage this will also increase their Speed by a tier

Name: Burst Blast
Rank: C
Power: B
Activation Cost: 5
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: N/A
Speed: B+
Element: Blast
Skill: Blast/Ninjutsu
Classification: Open/Blast
Requirements: Kotoshura
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: Using the clan's bloodline the member of the clan will Focus chakra into their hands before thrusting forward releasing a powerful blast from both hands directly in front of them. This releases a powerful straightforward blast that can travel 20 meters and is often used at close range for the maximum damage. They will place both palms together and thrust forward to add more focus to the blast making the blast narrow but able to travel farther.
Weaknesses: This has a narrow width only measuring about a meter wide and if someone is fast enough to sidestep they can avoid this attack at range. This is due to them placing the palms together making it clear they are using an attack.

Name: Greatest Blast Strikes
Rank: S
Power: S
Activation Cost: 30
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 40 Meters
Speed: S
Element: Kotoshura
Skill: Taijutsu/Kotoshura
Classification: Open/Kotoshura
Requirements: Kotoshura
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The user of this jutsu will be able to hit their opponents with punches and kicks at a ten meter range, this is a cone effect of 20 meters wide by 40 meters in a cone striking out from the strikes. The cost is per strike.
Weaknesses: Unless using a device to focus the blasts this can potentially hit allies or people they were not aiming at as the blast radius from the blows in several meters five meters wide ten meters in length cone.

Name: Greatest Blast Launch
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: 25
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: N/A
Speed: N/A
Element: Blast
Skill: Blast/Ninjutsu
Classification: Open/Blast
Requirements: Kotoshura
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: Using the clans bloodline the member of the clan will Focus chakra into their feet alowing them to blast forward at a high rate of speed any taijutsu technique while using this will be enhanced by A rank damage this will also increase their Speed by a two tiers.

Name: Kotoshura Kinjutsu
Rank: C
Power: S
Activation Cost: E
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Self
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Kotoshura Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Ninjutsu | Ijutsu (for application)
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: This kinjutsu, which was passed down through generations within the Kotoshura Clan, allows the user to knead chakra into materials. Through a secret and carefully guarded process, a mouth is grafted into the hands of the subject's as well as their chest. The mouths can remain sealed so as to conceal the appearance of any abnormality (except to those possessing certain Dojutsu) and they can be activated via a payment of E Rank chakra. The technique has a close relationship with the Explosion Release utilized by the Iwagakure Blast Corps. The Kotoshura Kinjutsu allows one with Explosion Release to perform techniques related to Explosive Clay although it has other potential applications in the area of Ninjutsu.
Weaknesses: Significant damage to the mouths while active may result in the process needing to be performed again. In order for someone to apply the Iwagakure Kinjutsu on themselves or someone else they must have the Ijutsu Skill.


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