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Chinoike Clan (Ketsuryugan)

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Chinoike Clan (Ketsuryugan) Empty Chinoike Clan (Ketsuryugan)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:08 am

The Chinoike Clan
Dojutsu: The Ketsuryugan
[Current Clan Leader]

Clan History/Description

The Chinoike Clan is an ancient clan said to have matured and developed completely seperate and somewhat parallel to that of the Konoha Doujutsu (Sharingan/Byakugan). The exact timing of the manifestation of the Ketsuryugan is a mystery to even the members of the kekkei genkai although many clan scrolls lead historians to believe that it came into existence after the Era of the Sage and his disciples. The Chinoike have kept to themselves for many generations and have stuck to the iron rich mountains of the Lightning Country.  They were a vassal clan of the Inazuma and helped extract precious iron to fuel the Storm Release Clan's commercial ambitions. The Chinoike also provided ninja for conscription although they were scarcely used owing to the Inazuma's wish to only use them when absolutely necessary. As time wore on, the Chinoike Clan had a more visible role in government and commercial activity. The clan had married into the Inazuma at various levels over several generations and they are currently considered the Inazuma's right hand. After the founding of Kumogakure, the Chinoike were granted several coveted positions in the village's leadership. No longer confined to the mountains of the Land of Lightning the Chinoike Clan enjoys a status of wealth, power, and influence within the new shinobi village.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics
The Chinoike Clan has intermarried with various clans throughout the Lightning Country as a result their appearance ranges from dark skinned with afro textured hair to pale with long white hair and everything in between. Chinoike are historically known for coming into maturity at a fairly young age and often have odd growth spurts. This manifests in a Chinoike looking like they are thirty despite the fact that they are only ten. This same genetic mutation also allows for a very slow aging process as well. While it afflicted a substantial part of the Chinoike population many years ago, it is quite rare in today's generation. These defects were due to the bizarre diet and inbreeding that was rampant within the clan during its isolation. Since its contact with other clans and the diversification of gene pool and diet, the Chinoike have largely eliminated this undesirable trait. The Chinoike Clan do not have particular style of dress or customs but they do seem to venerate the mountainous regions of Lightning from which they hail.

Bloodline Description & Abilities
Chinoike Clan (Ketsuryugan) 200?cb=20161216133420

The Ketsuryugan is a Dojutsu that focuses on the manipulation of blood and iron-rich liquid for use in its specialized techniques or in the casting of Genjutsu, in which it is powerful to be compared to even the Sharingan. The Ketsuryugan's abilities are illustrated by its techniques, which yields less natural power to its users than the Sharingan does the Uchiha, but it is easier to learn how to wield. By investing 1500 experience points, a member of the Chinoike Clan can unlock the Ketsuryugan, and immediately gains the added benefit of an additional tier to their perception and to their intelligence for the purposes of seeing through and creating Genjutsu. Additionally, with the eye unlocked, the Chinoike member will gain access to the unique techniques of the clan.

Once the Ketsuryugan has already been purchased a member of the  Chinoike Clan may invest an additional 1000 experience points in order to unlock the ability to free form manipulate iron-rich liquids, including their own blood. The liquid moves at a Speed and Coordination one tier lower than the user's base Coordination stat. Freeform manipulation costs five points of stamina per post.

This ability covers a vast range of offensive and defensive maneuvers although there are some maneuvers that are special enough to be classified as stand alone techniques. These techniques normally provide defenses that have their own stats and as such afford more protection than the substance itself normally would. These techniques can sometimes move at the user's freeform manipulation speed or the speed listed by the technique itself, whichever is more advantageous to the user. There are a few exceptions to this however so be sure to check the technique as written. Techniques that are restricted to the Speed as written in the technique will explicitly say so.

Hand movements are not necessary for control of the iron rich liquid although using their hands helps the user track the liquid if it moves faster than the user's Perception normally would permit. The user can freeform manipulate 0.5 cubic meters of the liquid for every tier of stamina that they have (only the user's base stamina is counted for this). This freeform manipulation has a range of 25 meters.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks
The Ketsuryugan is limited in its use to certain levels of exposure. Where the Sharingan functions based on eye contact, the Ketsuryugan functions on eye contact and skin contact, using the natural passage of blood through the skin to infect the enemy with their chakra, which can pass through epithelial layers without much trouble. This does mean that a clothed target is harder to infect with certain techniques, though the Dojutsu is still capable of casting its powerful Genjutsu via eye contact.

Because freeform manipulation is only attached to the user's base Coordination, techniques, unique abilities, or items that increase the user's coordination do not affect one's freeform manipulation speed. Techniques, unique abilities, or items that wish to boost one's freeform manipulation capabilities most specify that they are doing so and are thus evaluated on that basis.

Clan Techniques

Name: Genjutsu: Ketsuryugan
Rank: A
Power: Varies
Activation Cost: Varies
Range: Sight; Touch
Speed: Instant
Element: Inton
Skill: Genjutsu
Classification: Group Exclusive (Chinoike)
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: None
Hand Seals: None
Description: The mainstay Genjutsu of the Chinoike Clan that solidifies their comparability to the great Dojutsu Clans, this technique is a versatile Genjutsu that, like the Sharingan's primary Genjutsu, has many different uses based on the amount of chakra put behind it.
C: Catch the target in a generic illusion whereby the world changes to fit the user's will. Like the Sharingan, this incorporates reality and illusion, blending them together, but bears the same weakness in that real world attacks must always have illusory counterparts, so that attacks may be disguised but cannot be invisible. This can be broken by a Genjutsu: Kai or physical pain, should the target realize he is caught in it.
B: Construct a mental barricade within the target's mind that prevents any sort of mind reading technique, such as the Psycho Mind Transmission, from affecting the target's mind in any way. This only be broken by the Genjutsu function of a Dojutsu, most notably the Sharingan, by spending 10 points of chakra; this only works if the breaker's Intelligence or Perception are higher than the user's Intelligence.
A: Set the target into a dreamlike state, where they remain conscious, but in a euphoric, surreal condition, unaware of anything happening outside of the illusion. The illusion is constructed entirely by the user, and has no inherent limits, save only the imagination of the user. It can be broken by Genjutsu: Kai or physical pain.
S: The highest level suppresses the target's will and issues to them an order that they will mindlessly carry out. Like most forms of mind control, this can be resisted to the extent that no PC target can be given any sort of suicidal order or any other order that might directly lead to their death, or the permanent removal of a limb or organ. It can be broken by Genjutsu: Kai or physical pain.

When the user's Perception or Intelligence (depending on the type of Genjutsu in play) is higher than an enemy's Intelligence, the user can incite the D-Rank function of this technique to immediately dispel the enemy's Genjutsu. The user also has the option of encapsulating the foreign and invasive chakra with blood and then secreting it from their pores into a small orb. The orb can be thrown at another person to inflict them with the Genjutsu (can't be the person who created the Genjutsu).

Weaknesses: The method for catching a person with this technique is by either making direct eye contact or direct skin contact; both methods require the Ketsuryugan to be active. If the target's Intelligence is two tiers below the user's, then the effects of this technique decrease by one rank, until it hits D and is rendered ineffective. One tier lower Intelligence can reduce the ranks by two, while equal intelligence can negate the illusion altogether. Additionally, for every post that a PC is under the influence of this technique, their Intelligence will increase by one + every post, until they are eventually freed of the technique's effects.

Name: Blood Transformation Technique
Rank: C
Range: Touch
Speed: Instant
Element: None
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Group Exclusive (Chinoike)
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: None
Hand Seals: None
Description: By making direct skin contact with the target, which can also be the user, the user will expand the blood of target in such a way that it causes a passive and near permanent transformation, morphing the body into a larger version that has some similar features but is overall completely different from their true appearance. This process is done only once, leaving it with no upkeep and therefore no tells, so that even a sensor is unable to take note of this technique's use. The transformation is undone by large cuts that leak the extra blood, returning the target to his normal form.
Weaknesses: The large cuts can be done by anyone, making this technique inadvisable for combat situations.

Name: Exploding Human Technique
Rank: A
Range: Touch
Speed: Instant
Element: None
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Group Exclusive (Chinoike)
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: None
Hand Seals: None
Description: By making direct skin contact, the user can infuse some of his chakra into the target. This chakra spreads throughout the bloodstream and becomes poisonous over the course of five posts, making the body unstable. Should the target bleed after that point, the chakra will be set off like an explosive, consuming the target's body in a black substance before inflating it in a grotesque manner. Finally, the inflated body will explode with the concussive force of an exploding tag and an effective radius of three meters.
Weaknesses: Rendering the target unconscious will nullify the explosion; this cannot be in such a way that might set the explosion off, like a hit to the head -Genjutsu is the suggested method. This only lasts until the target regains consciousness, so it is suggested that an Ijutsu user extract the poisonous chakra during this time.

Name: Blood Dragon Ascension
Rank: S
Activation Cost: 20
Upkeep Cost: 10
Range: 25m
Speed: B-Tier
Strength: S-Tier
Element: None
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Group Exclusive (Chinoike)
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: None
Hand Seals: None
Description: After clasping the hands together, the user can call upon a large source of blood or other iron-rich liquid to form a gigantic eight-headed dragon. The base of this creature is the origin of its creation, which can be no more than fifty meters from the user at the time of creation, and each of the heads can strike on their own up to twenty-five meters from the base, growing and retracting as necessary. These heads are all capable of near-instant regeneration when damaged, so long as their source is not depleted, and can release hot steam with their bites that has the approximate power of a B-Rank Futton technique.
Weaknesses: The use of this technique requires a rather large source of either blood or an iron-rich liquid and when that runs out, the regeneration ability fails. Because of the make-up of this dragon, it is considered similar to a Suiton technique in that it can conduct electricity, even Raiton, and can extinguish Katon, but it bears enough Strength to break through most Doton. Particularly solid constructs, like those made by Koton or very high ranking Doton, might be able to block the creature, but its real weakness is in its source. By moving the earth or using Suiton to manipulate the liquid out of the source, the enemy can drain all of the liquid away, leaving only the dragon and rendering its regeneration null.

Name: Sanguine Centrifuge
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: N/A
Upkeep Cost: .5
Range: 0m-
Speed: Varies
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Chinoike Clan Technique
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: Sanguine Centrifuge is a central Chinoike Clan technique designed to be used in tandem with the Clan's latent blood/iron-rich liquid manipulation. The technique takes advantage of the user's freeform manipulation abilities vibrating and swirling the blood/iron-rich liquid to create a small centrifugal force. This manifests in the appearance of sharp circular blade that the user can manipulate to cut their opponent in similar appearance to a Chakram. The size of the Chakram as well as its speed is wholly dependent upon how much and how quickly the user is capable of manipulating as consistent with the clan's freefrom manipulation rules. The cost of this technique is quite low because it relies on the clan's free form manipulation ability which costs 5 stamina points per post thus for every post in which this technique is created and used it only costs an additional half a chakra point with up to five capable of being spawned in a single post.
Weaknesses: The blood Chakram is not very durable. It is essentially as strong as a C-Grade weapon and can be countered by weapons, armour, and techniques C Rank and higher.

Name: Iron Mitosis
Rank: D
Power: D
Activation Cost: D
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-40m
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Technique
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Tiger
Description: This is a technique used by those who wield the Ketsuryugan to garner more iron liquid for manipulation purposes. The user drops their blood onto the ground and makes the Tiger seal. Their blood will slowly absorb the iron that is naturally present in the outer crust of the earth from up to seventy meters away. This will increase the size and volume of the liquid until it reaches critical proportions. The iron is absorbed into the liquid until it almost completely dilutes the presence of blood until it is almost entirely iron liquid thereby adopting a dark silver color. This technique allows the user to generate up to one cubic meter of iron liquid per post with a maximum of three cubic meters total. As the volume of the liquid increases it tends to naturally rise in the air as large droplets or spheres which endlessly go through a process of dividing akin to cellular mitosis. This technique can also be used on iron tools and weapons although due to their complexity and refinement the process takes two posts instead of one however.
Weaknesses: N/A

Name: Quick Clot
Rank: E
Power: E
Activation Cost: E
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Self
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Technique
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: This is a technique allows a Chinoike to heal from minor wounds. It is an innate ability in which their body naturally stymies the flow of blood preventing bleed out when making use of their kekkei genkai. It also allows the to rapidly replenish blood cells making it fairly hard for them to die from blood loss.
Weaknesses: A Chinoike must know the blow is coming on an intimate level. This technique is primarily designed to heal self-inflicted wounds althought it can be used to heal and restore blood from an enemy attack however they must spend 1 precognition save when healing in response to an enemy attack.

Name: Shugenja Orb
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: C
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-30m
Speed: Varies
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Ram-> Dog-> Boar
Description: The user concentrates blood into their hand via their Ketsuryugan and is able to actually secrete a generous amount of it through their pores, enough to form a small orb that is roughly the size of their closed fist. The orb can then be thrown at other opponents and can be remotely guided by the user at a speed consistent with their freeform manipulation capabilities. When the orb makes contact with a living being it seeps through clothing material and armour and aims to penetrate the skin. The blood then relentlessly attacks the surface area (7 inch radius) of whatever body part they have struck causing a moderate amount of internal damage. The afflicted area becomes blackened and several cuts will be produced with blood leaking out. These negative effects lasts for three posts.
Weaknesses: The orb can be countered and destroyed by any other C-Grade projectile or technique.

Name: Sanguine Octopus Form
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: A
Upkeep Cost: C
Range: 0m-40m
Speed: Varies
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Tiger->Boar->Dog -> Snake -> Rat -> Rooster
Description: The user concentrates blood or iron-rich liquid around them and forms a large circle (5 meters in diameter) with 12 7 ft tentacles protruding from the ground. These tentacles can be used offensively or defensively to lash opponents. The tentacles move in a manner consistent with the user's freeform manipulation capabilities however this technique increases the user's Coordination by a Tier and a plus for the purpose of manipulating the Octopus Form tentacles. The tentacles can strike or restrain opponents at B-Ranked Strength.
Weaknesses: If a person has greater than B-Rank Strength they can break out of being restrained. Also the weak spot of this technique is a pool of blood/iron rich-liquid this is a single meter behind the user from which the Chinoike uses as a control hub for this technique. If the pool is dispersed or destroyed then this technique will end. The hub (along with the circle and tentacles itself) can be moved via blood/iron-rich liquid manipulation but ultimately it tends to be a meter behind the user when not actively being controlled.

Name: Red Rose Cyclone
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: C
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Self
Speed: Varies
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Rat -> Rabbit -> Snake
Description: The user manipulates iron-rich liquid/blood to form a small tornado of blood which elevates the user and carries them in any direction they want to go albeit at a much faster pace using the increased flow and speed of the rapid spinning liquid. The user's Speed is enhanced by 1 Tier for up to 3 posts using this technique. The user can elevate their height to up to 10 meters using this technique as well.
Weaknesses: This technique can be dispersed by another jutsu C Rank and above.

Name: Erasure
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: B
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-45m
Speed: Varies
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Ox-Dragon-Tiger-Boar-Ram-Rat
Description: The user manipulates iron-rich liquid/blood to form a series of elongated and ultra sharp circles that are 1 meters long in diameter which are propelled and guided towards the target. These blood circles are capable of complete bisection of flesh, wood, stone, and can even dent metal. Up to five can be created per casting. While the liquid general moves at the user's freeform manipulation speed, if the user waves their arms they can increase the speed of the attack by a ++.
Weaknesses: The circles can be countered and dispersed by another B-Rank technique. When sped up the ability to control them is weakened and as such they have a -- to their Coordination for the purpose of guiding them with precision.

Name: Iron Geyeser
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: C
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-45m
Speed: Varies
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique:
Hand Seals: Dragon -> Snake -> Boar
Description: The user manipulates iron-rich liquid/blood created through the Iron Mitosis technique and concentrates it underneath the ground of an opponent or group of opponents. At a moment of their choosing they may cause an eruption of iron-rich liquid in a 5 meter diameter. This can upend the surface of the ground upon which an enemy or group of enemies are standing. The force of the eruption is equivalent to a C-Rank attack and thus is capable of doing mild to moderate but not serious injury.
Weaknesses: The ground will become wet and muddy as the earth becomes saturated with liquid iron, this can serve as a warning to opponents of what is to come.

Name: Kesshōraiton
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: 10
Upkeep Cost: 5
Range: 0m-60m
Speed: Varies
Element: Raiton
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Chinoike Clan Technique
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/At
Hand Seals: Dragon -> Dog -> Rat -> Tiger -> Snake->Monkey->Dragon
Description: The user utilizes Raiton to coat a thin layer of electricity throughout their iron-rich liquid/blood. The name "Blood Plasma Lightning Release" being more of wordplay in misnomer as the liquid is not actually heated to the same degree as plasma but is instead a mere coating/conduction akin to a water technique conducting electricity. The user's blood/iron-rich liquid will deliver B-Rank Raiton burn damage against opponents and barriers.
Weaknesses: The user is unable to affect the entirety of their maximum amount of liquid that they can control. They may only apply this technique to half of the maximum total amount of blood/iron liquid that they can manipulate.

Name: Plasticity
Rank: B
Power: C-S
Activation Cost: Varies
Upkeep Cost: Varies
Range: 0m-60m
Speed: Varies
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Chinoike Clan Technique
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to add greater density and concentration to their blood/iron-liquid such that it is capable of trapping, holding, and restraining people. It is also capable of doing blunt force damage to opponents and serving as a barrier against physical and chakra based attacks. The strength and power of this technique is determined by the amount of chakra that the user puts into it. At C Rank, the the user's blood/iron-liquid can restrain, strike, and defend with C-Tier Strength for an activation cost of 5 and an upkeep of 1, At B Rank, the the user's blood/iron-liquid can restrain, strike, and defend with B-Tier Strength for an activation cost of 10 and an upkeep of 5, At A Rank, the the user's blood/iron-liquid can restrain, strike, and defend with A-Tier Strength for an activation cost of 15 and an upkeep of 10, At S Rank, the the user's blood/iron-liquid can restrain, strike, and defend with S-Tier Strength for an activation cost of 25 and an upkeep of 15. One of the key strategic abilities of Plasticity is that because it is a liquid brute force strength is not a possible means of extricating one's self from its grasp. The liquid merely shifts, displaces, and reforms when one uses raw strength to remove themselves from capture. However, the technique can be dispersed by any chakra based offensive technique that is of equal or greater rank than the level being used against it.
Weaknesses: Plasticity is uniquely vulnerable to Fire Release. Fire Release techniques of equal rank and above the level of Plasticity used causes the blood/iron-rich liquid to coagulate and become thicker. While this doesn't destroy the the thickened blood/iron-rich liquid in of itself it causes it to lose its extreme fluid properties allowing one to extricate themselves from via brute force as though their Str were 1 tier higher than normal. Techniques manipulated via plasticity take a 20 meter decrease to range.

Name: Bloodsight: Mosquito's Intuition
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: 10
Upkeep Cost: 3
Range: As far as the user can see
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Innate
Classification: Chinoike Clan Technique
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: Bloodsight
Hand Seals: Tiger->Dragon->Ram->Tiger->Snake-> Monkey
Description: This is an extension of Bloodsight which relies on the user's innate ability to track the movement of their own blood via muscle movement. The user focuses chakra into the Ketsuryugan specifically the muscles and tissue within their eyes. Using this technique they will receive a boost of 1 Tier and ++ for the purpose of tracking their own movements along with that of their enemy's so long as either they or their opponent has the user's blood/liquid iron on them.
Weaknesses: This technique requires the user's blood to be on their own body (in order to track their own movements) and/or the user's blood to be on their opponent (in order to track their opponent's movements).

Name: Hemochakraspesis Infection Stage I
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: C
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Close Contact
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Chinoike Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Ram-> Rat--> Rooster
Description: Hemochakraspesis Infection Stage I is the first stage of a bloodbourne illness caused by exposure to Chinoike blood. Upon being exposed to Chinoike Clan blood (the blood gets on the target's skin or is directly introduced into their blood stream) the user will manipulate their own blood to spread throughout their opponent's body. The incubation period happens over the course of a single post before the damage sets in. The user increases the iron content of the target's blood such as to poison them and cause a mild case of sepsis. This inflicts a tier debuff to coordination along with muscle pains, headaches, fatigue, and the distinct taste of blood in the target’s mouth. This lasts for a total of 3 posts.
Weaknesses: The user must get their blood onto or into their opponent's body. The user's blood can be flushed out using any generic Ijutsu healing technique of C-Rank or better.

Name: Hemochakraspesis Infection Stage II
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: B
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Close Contact
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Chinoike Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Rat->Ram->Rooster->Horse->Tiger->Monkey
Description: Hemochakraspesis Infection Stage II is the second stage of a bloodbourne illness caused by exposure to Chinoike blood. Upon being exposed to Chinoike Clan blood (the blood gets on the target's skin or is directly introduced into their blood stream) the user will manipulate their own blood to spread throughout their opponent's body. The incubation period happens over the course of a single post before the damage sets in. The user increases the iron content of the target's blood such as to poison them and cause a serious case of sepsis. This inflicts a tier debuff to coordination and one minus to Constitution along with cluster headaches, throat paralysis, and vomiting blood. This lasts for a total of 3 posts.
Weaknesses: The user must get their blood onto or into their opponent's body. The user's blood can be flushed out using any generic Ijutsu healing technique of B-Rank or better.

Name: Hemochakraspesis Infection Stage III
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: A
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Close Contact
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Chinoike Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Ram->Dog->Ram
Description: Hemochakraspesis Infection Stage II is the third stage of a bloodbourne illness caused by exposure to Chinoike blood. Upon being exposed to Chinoike Clan blood (the blood gets on the target's skin or is directly introduced into their blood stream) the user will manipulate their own blood to spread throughout their opponent's body. The incubation period required is two posts before the damage sets in. The user increases the iron content of the target's blood such as to poison them and cause a severe case of sepsis. The blood is accumulated strategically at key points within the target's body (the user can sense their own blood traveling to major arteries and organs). The user also forces their own blood to displace that of the host which results in severe bleeding. This inflicts a tier debuff to coordination and two minuses to Constitution along with cluster headaches, seizures, blindness and bleeding from every orifice including their pores. The effects last for 6 posts ending with the opponent's death via blood loss if not treated.
Weaknesses: The user must get their blood onto or into their opponent's body. The user's blood can be flushed out using any generic Ijutsu healing technique of A-Rank or better.

Name: Hemochakraspesis Infection Stage IV - Hemokinetic Shock
Rank: S
Power: S
Activation Cost: S
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Close Contact
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Chinoike Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Ram
Description: Hemochakraspesis Infection Stage IV is the final stage of a bloodbourne illness caused by exposure to Chinoike blood. Upon being exposed to a massive amount of Chinoike Clan blood (the blood basically covers 90% or more of the target's body) the user will manipulate their own blood to spread throughout their opponent's body. The incubation period occurs over a single post. The user increases the iron content of the target's blood such as to poison them and cause near immediate death. The blood is accumulated strategically at key points within the target's body (the user can sense their own blood traveling to major arteries and organs). The user also forces their own blood into the target's brain causing multiple aneurysms along the way. This inflicts a two tier debuff to Constitution along with immediate coma. The effects last for 2 posts ending with the opponent's death via brain damage and lethal iron poisoning.
Weaknesses: The user must get a large amount of blood onto or into their opponent's body. The user's blood can be flushed out using any generic Ijutsu healing technique of S-Rank or better.

Name: Blood Echo
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: A
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-25m
Speed: A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Chinoike Clan Exclusive
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The user manipulates their 10 cubic meters of blood into a rough outlined shape of their body, a clone or echo of sorts. The echo then rushes forward in a single direction up to a maximum of fifty meters. The blood is extremely concentrated and dense and is propelled via chakra at A-Tier Speed allowing it to smash through concrete and easily eviscerate flesh upon collision.
Weaknesses: The echo can only move in 1 direction and cannot change directions.

Name: Bloodwave
Rank: B
Power: B
Activation Cost: B
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: 0m-45m
Speed: A
Element: N/A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: KKG Exclusive
Requirements: Ketsuryugan
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: Rabbit->Snake->Ox->Monkey->Dragon->Snake
Description: After making the necessary handeals, the user will manipulate up to 6 cubic meters of blood to form a bubble-like dome exploding outwards with the user at the center. The blood wave will inflict blunt force damage capable of breaking bones and knocking the enemy back several meters. It also serves an excellent generic defense for attacks of B-Rank and lower (both physical and chakra-based).  
Weaknesses: N/A


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Chinoike Clan (Ketsuryugan) Empty Re: Chinoike Clan (Ketsuryugan)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:09 am

Chinoike Clan (Ketsuryugan) NHvpOrW

Hachidora Ketsuryugan

Physical Description

The Hachidora Ketsuryugan takes the form of two light purple concentric rings with a total of eight tomoe. The four outer tomoe being larger than the four inner tomoe. The white horizontal bar that makes up the normal Ketsuryugan shrinks but retains its position in the center of the eye.


The existence of the Hachidora Ketsuryugan is shrouded in mystery and to understand where it came from, one must know the true origins of the Chinoike Clan. Clan scholars have only been able to trace their ancestors existence as far back as 300 A.S. It is at this point that documented evidence of the Clan cannot be found. This evidence is concentrated in the mountains of the Lightning Country suggesting that this was in fact the birthplace of the Chinoike. However, this is inaccurate. The true origins of the Chinoike Clan can be found in the Land of Hot Water.

During the time of the Sage, a young man and devout follower of Hagoromo traveled to the Land of Hot Water to deliver the glorious message of the Sage of Six Paths. The man's name was Ozari and it was said that he had such a positive and vibrant life-force that many mystical and foul creatures could not stand to even be in his presence. Around this time, the Land of Hot Water was besieged by monsters and ghouls some of whom worshiped dark Gods that aimed to frustrate Hagoromo's mission. Seeking to bring peace and understanding, Ozari ventured into the boiling springs that dotted the nation. It was there that he had a run in with a Clan of Vampires. After a lengthy and violent battle, Ozari was grievously wounded. He had managed to escape and was brought under the care of a beautiful nurse.

Ozari had been bitten by the vampires and their strange power threatened to consume him. He simply was not strong enough to fight off their influence by his own power. He feared that if he turned, then the forces of darkness would have a new and powerful ally in their crusade against the light. Ozari wrote a letter to the Sage of Six Paths begging for his assistance and sent it to a trusted friend. A few days later a quart of Hagoromo's blood was sent to his bedside. A transfusion was successfully performed and the power of the Sage's otherworldly blood purified Ozari and restored him to life. He would go on to marry the nurse and live in the Land of Hot Water. He was invigorated by the power of the Sage and used his newfound strength to destroy the evils that had plagued the land. Fearing imminent destruction, the Vampires begged for clemency. Ozari accepted and thus a truce was born. To seal the agreement, the Head of the last remaining Vampire Clan sent his daughter to marry Ozari's son. The couple had a child named Chenzo who would inherit the power of the Sage (from his father's blood) and the power of the Vampires (through his mother's lineage). When he came of age, Chenzo awakened a new Doujutsu. One that the world had never seen before: the Ketsuryugan.

Chenzo's descendants would soon continue to marry into the Vampire Clan. Eventually, the number of pure blooded Vampires became fewer and fewer until they were more or less a distant memory. Their thirst for blood abated and their ability to walk around in daylight was enhanced. These children of Chenzo were renown for the heavy amounts of iron in their blood and their inherent affinity for darkness and violence. Generations of breeding with Vampires had all but extinguished the influence of the Sage's blood and while his power remained in their genes, it was largely expressed through their fearsome doujutsu rather than his ideals. Chenzo's descendants took on the surname "Chinoike" and ruled the Land of Hot Water for many years.

The Chinoike were split into two main factions: those who identified more closely with their Vampiric ancestors and those who tried to maintain the legacy of their fore-bearer Ozari. The Vampiric faction began to obsessively prey on the populace. They believed that by drinking the blood of the innocent and communing with dark Gods, they would reawaken their dormant powers. The Ozari inspired faction attempted to stop them and a civil war broke out. The people of the Land of Hot Water grew to despise their overlords. Supported by the common-folk, a group of wealthy merchants conspired with foreign powers to eliminate the Chinoike once and for all. A joint contract involving the Uchiha and the Senju was brokered and the two powerful clans worked together to invade the Land of Hot water. The people had decided they'd rather have the Uchiha rule them than the Chinoike. The two factions within the Clan could not agree on a leader to get them out of the crisis and so they faced extinction. A member of the Vampiric faction by the name of Shem decided to take matters into his own hands.

He tracked down one of the last living malevolent creatures in the country and asked them to help him. He transversed a secret passageway into the very bowels of the Earth's crust where he came face to face with the Eight Headed Hydra of Hell. In exchange for the bodies of his parents,  the multi-headed serpent would use its power to reawaken the Vampiric blood within him. Diluted and dormant for centuries, only through the sacred magic of this being could he finally bring their power to bear. The Hydra unlocked the true potential of his Doujutsu and thus the Hachihidora Ketsuryugan was born. The newly empowered Shem returned to his Clan and brought them all to heel using the awesome might of his Doujutsu.

Shem Chinoike was able to organize his brethren and fight through the invasion. The Uchiha and Senju had aimed to wipe out the Clan but fortunately the Chinoike were able to stave off genocide. If it had not been for Shem's ability to unite them, they would have perished and become a mere footnote in the annals of history. The initial invasion was broken and thoroughly destroyed. The conspirators were annihilated. But when all was said and done, the Chinoike had sustained heavy losses. They no longer had the ability to hold the Land of Water, especially not with the people so vehemently against them. The Chinoike got wind that a second expedition was being prepared and so they left their small empire behind and escaped to the mountains of the Lightning Country. Over time, the Land of Hot Water would expunge all records of the Chinoike's existence in their country. The clan had left nothing but painful memories behind and the subsequent occupiers of the nation did not wish to preserve the memory of a clan that had once ruled the land they now held. The Chinoike retired to the secluded and then scarcely populated mountains of the Lightning Country for survival purposes, and over time they stayed there. They subsisted off of a strange diet, married within the family, and extracted iron ores to trade for medicines and small luxuries.

Shem Chinoike ordered that all records and memories of their Clan's origins be destroyed. He did not want his descendants to look back to the Land of Hot Water. He knew only ruin and destruction lay for the Clan should it ever choose to go back. Worse yet, he had learned of the terrible secret behind the Hachidora Ketsuryugan. The Hydra had awakened the Vampiric blood within him, but in doing so, the creature had also brought it to a boil. Shem's blood may have had traces of Vampire lineage but his body was not of a Vampire. He had used the Hachidora Ketsuryugan frequently so as to save his people, but each time he activated it, it burned at his mind, body, and soul. By the time he had gotten them to the Takoyaiba Mountain range, there was nothing left. He died a painful and agonizing death, as his blood consumed his life essence leaving nothing but a corpse behind. Shem knew that if his descendants learned of how he had obtained such a power they would seek it out for themselves. They'd kill their own mothers and fathers and feed them to the Hydra then, they'd perish after frequently using it. Unwilling to allow his Clan to consume itself, he died without telling a soul of the Hachidora Ketsuryugan.

Over time the true origins of the clan became lost. Scholars of the modern era assumed that the Clan had always been in Kumo and if you ask even the most learned professor of Lightning Country history, they will tell you that the mountains were the true birthplace of the clan. There are some in the clan that believe otherwise. Mountain elders who speak of hidden passageways within Wangchuk Mountain. Passageways that lead to secret rooms. Secret rooms that contain writings that cryptically reference a lost history. It is through this avenue that one may rediscover an ancient and lost power.


The Hachidora Ketsuryugan's power lays dormant within the blood of all Vampiric descendants of the Clan. There are two slots for Vampiric descendants of the Clans and thus only two slots for the Hachidora Ketsurgan. To be eligible for the Hachidora Ketsuryugan a memember of the clan first has to unlock all the base abilities of the clan before they can move on.  

Once eligibility is determined, the character must pay 1,500 Experience points to unlock the Hachidora Ketsuryugan. They will pay the requisite amount and then they will have to learn the secret history of the Clan by speaking to the right Elder, they will have to travel to the Land of Hot Water, then find their way to the lair of the Eight Headed Hydra then present the dead bodies of their parents to the being. It is not required that they be the cause of their parents deaths merely that the bodies/remains (could be something as minute as ashes) are gathered and taken to the Hydra. The Hydra will then consume the remains as a sacrifice*. The Hydra will then set to the task of unlocking the dormant power within the Chinoike. The process is painful and causes them to bleed from their nose and eyes as they utter the lost language of the Vampires. A secret dialect that is so ingrained within them that the words are seared into their DNA. The process looks something like this.

*Note: Not even Shem knew this but by eating the remains of one's parents, the Hydra can call their souls back from the Pure World. These souls are then absorbed by the Hydra so as to increase its power and longevity. This in effect eliminates the very souls of a Chinoike's parents.


The Hachihidora Ketsuryugan is the pinnacle of power for any Chinoike. It represents the absolute union of power between their Sage and Vampiric heritage. Merely by virtue of having the ability to access the Hachidora Ketsuryugan, the Chinoike is gifted a slight boost to their Stamina reserves. They receive a passive + to Stamina even when the Doujutsu is not active (does not replace boosts granted by other Restricteds). The Ketsuryugan grants eight powers in total, each power corresponding to the head of the Hydra which awakened it, this is in turn represented visually by one of the eight tomoe present in the eye. Every time a power or set of powers are used by the Chinoike, the appropriate tomoe, normally purplish white, flashes red.

This ability takes up a Restricted Enhanced State slot.

Kuzuryu: This power amplifies the speed of the blood/iron-rich liquid manipulated by the Chinoike. The liquid now moves at their base Coordination as opposed to being one tier below. (Cost: 2 CP per post of usage)


Janjanbi: The user's is granted a +1 UQ Tier to Perception (Cost: N/A | 500 Experience Requirement)

Mikaribaba: The user is granted +1 UQ Tier to Coordination.

Mōryō: The user is granted a +1 UQ Tier to Intelligence.

Chimimōryō: This ability grants 1 UQ Tier to Speed  (Cost: N/A) | 500 Experience Requirement

Binbōgami: This grants the user the ability to control and manipulate Bats on a massive scale. The user can passively manipulate up to 500 bats at once on a national level. It is assumed that every country has at least 10,000 bats in it at any given time. The user is capable of manipulating these bats to attack, defend, or otherwise behave in accordance with the user's will. However, the user can only manipulate bats within the country that they are residing. (Cost: 3 CP per post of usage)

Chinoike Bats - Pet Registration

Samebito: The user can increase the amount and range of blood they can freeform manipulate. They may now manipulate up to 2 cubic meters of blood for every base tier of Stamina that they possess and their range for freeform manipulation is increased to 60 meters.

Jorōgumo: This ability is the one most associated with vampires. The user is capable of biting an PC and draining their blood. When done over the course of two posts, the user can drain some chakra from a PC to restore their own reserves. They can drain a flat 50 CP in this manner. This ability cannot be used to increase their total maximum pool just replenish whatever they may have lost, if they are at max chakra then it does nothing. If they continue draining the person's blood for four posts then the PC will die.(Chakra Cost: N/A | 500 Experience Req.)


The Hachidora Ketsuryugan is not without its drawbacks. Aside from the fact that it requires the death and desecration of one's parents, this advanced Doujutsu engenders a constant thirst for blood. The Doujutsu awakens the Vampiric blood that resides within the Chinoike. This blood is brought to a boil every time the Hachidora Ketsuryugan is activated and because the user does not actually have the physiology of a Vampire, they can only sustain the eyes for a set amount of time.

Every ability costs a certain amount of "charges" to use per post. The boosts cost 5 charges per post. The increase freeform manipulation ability costs 3 charges per post. And the usage of the bats cost 1 charge per post. The user starts with a pool of 50 charges but has a maximum of 100 charges.

Charges are obtained by drinking a person's blood Vampire style. 10 charges are regained from drinking the blood from a Generic NPC (although they immediately die as a result). If the blood is sucked from a PC, 10 charges per post will be gained up to a maximum of 4 posts. A penalty of -1 Tier to Constitution per post of blood sucking is inflicted on the enemy. This debuff lasts for a total of three posts. If someone's Con goes under E-Tier via this method then they die. Additionally, one's maximum pool is increased by 10 for every Unique NPC that is drained to death in this manner and 20 for every PC.

The absolute maximum that the user's pool can grow to is a total of 200 charges. Note that draining charges and Jorōgumo are treated separately. The user must choose one or the other when drinking someone's blood.


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