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Kamizuru Clan

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Kamizuru Clan Empty Kamizuru Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:58 am

Kamizuru Clan Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTjPWyX8sRa1fGox9AiEHvQzpm0YKJNdT7dLQj0jB5d32bA7SOk

Kamizuru clan
Bee Summoning Hidan
Clan Members

Clan History/Description

The Kamizuru clan were once considered to be the weakest clan within the land of Wind, most commonly bullied by the Nature clan and their brutish ways, the Kamizuru clan where one of the few clans that helped over throw the Nature clan when independence came to them as the state of Iwagakure, it was during this time that the Kamizuru clan began to make a name for themselves once the land of stone no longer held its desert appearance and had begun to blossom greenery in to the large cracks of the snow, the bee's of the Kamizuru clan pollinated all the greenary within Iwagakure helping the new Village in the Stone to literally blossom. During this time as Iwagakure the Kamizuru clan's battle experience and hardness began to form, they no longer simply pollinated or remained passive but under their Tsuchikages care and tutelage they grew into a fearsome clan filled with skilled fighters.

Alas though the Kamizuru clan would suffer a defeat during a mission given to them by the senile first Tsuchikage, with their abilities and bee summoning skills, they where experts at espionage and could even infiltrate villages with ease, though the clan argued against taking such a mission, Hòu Zhuān's dust release was used to murder the current clan leader Evelynne Kamizuru, the beloved leader of the clan. This did not sit well, but upon threat of this happening to the entire clan, the large fighting squad of the Kamizuru took up the mission to infiltrate Getsugakure and take it over. This was the belief within the village that though the mission was indeed dangerous, the Kamizuru clan would be able to succeed due to their abilities.

What they did not forsee was a clan far superior to them when it came to wielding bugs, they infiltrated Getsugakure easily enough and even managed via their bee like jutsu to take out a large amount of its shinobi, its difficult to fight something so small yet deadly, and with the vast amount of Kamizuru clan members whom had take up the call, victory for one clan to take over the Village hidden under the moon looked assured. Until the Kikachu came. Call it luck, fate, destiny, whatever but for some reason Konoha's big users the Aburame clan burst forth from deep within the hidden village and via their chakra absorption, soon lay waste to the bee's surrounding the village, able to follow this chakra back to the source, the vast amount of Kamizuru clan well over two hundred members where wiped out to a mere fifteen within one night.

Only three members returned to Iwagakure, to report to the senile Tsuchikage, though it would seem by their return their fears of the old dust user eradicating their clan would be unfounded though with such a failed mission, the clans name was in disgrace and their numbers and practitioners began to dwindle within Iwagakure.

With only three returning to the land of Stone, this meant twelve members of the Kamizuru clan would leave their village behind, turning to the life of a missing ninja, four of which swore revenge on Konohagakures Aburame clan for their defeat, while eight of the remaining members wished to simply live. It was these eight whom would find themselves in many other villages, spreading information on the Kamizuru clan to bolster its reputation.

The four members whom angered by Konoha would one day return, believing themselves to be stronger, went after one of the most unique bugs in history though where defeated by a Hyuuga a Senju and an Aburame. News travelled which angered Iwagakure that four more of this clan had been defeated by mere konoha ninja.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics

There is no unique traits or characteristics of this clan.

Bloodline Description & Abilities

Stage 1 [500 Experience]

A common misconception of the Kamizuru clan is that they are summoners, that they utilize the summoning jutsu to bring forth their insects. To those not trained in the Kamizuru way this would be how it seems. This would be wrong, for you see the Kamizuru clan members are somewhat proficient in the use of Yin release, gaining the ability to create something out of nothing. This ability to tap into Yin only applies to the creation of bees.

Stage 2 [500 Experience]

Capable of using all and any part of the bee, the users of these techniques gain the ability of wielding honey and wax. The wax in particular has a naturally high resistance to heat, namely Fire release. Bees wax is commonly used for candles for that very reason. As such, all wax technique are naturally +1 rank stronger than Fire release. Like the Aburame clan, the Kamizuru are able to interact with bees to gather information and perform simple tasks. In order to gather information with these bees the user must create the bee themselves or be present in the thread the bee is being used. Bees not created by the user are treated as generic NPC and thus can be autohit.

The Bees used by the Kamizuru Clan contain the following properties:

Species: Apis Cerana (Asian Honey Bee)
Strength: Negligible
Constitution: E
Stamina: D
Speed: B
Coordination: B
Intelligence: D
Perception: A
Range: 0 - 500 m.
Cost: .1 CP per bee
Ability: The Asian Honey Bee is known for its strong venom which can be delivered per sting. This venom functions like an A-rank poison, however, unlike normal poisons this venom does not have a countdown timer for the effects to kick in. If a basic Apis Cerana, that is not being used in a technique, is smashed while on a person leaves a chakra marker that can be tracked up to two miles. This marker lasts until the area is cleaned to remove the presence. The bees are revealed to be largely unaffected by Genjutsu given their hive mind, however they can be influenced by commands of from a creator who is trapped in a Genjutsu (their ability to effectively command them depending on the nature of the Genjutsu in question). The maximum amount that can be used is 750 bugs. When the user creates a bee they can be created no further than one meter from their own body.

Venom Reg:

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks

The Aburame clan has the advantage against the Kamizuru if wielding Kikachu, Kikachu chakra absorption skills act as two ranks higher when used against any bee skill.

Fire release does +1 damage to bee's.

Clan Techniques

Clan Specific:


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