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B Rank Konoha Missions

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B Rank Konoha Missions Empty B Rank Konoha Missions

Post by Admin Mon Feb 13, 2023 1:35 am

Mission Name: Expose the corrupt
Mission Type: Undercover
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Tail the suspected official into Tanzaku town and gather evidence, if any, to support claims of corruption.
Description: One of the village's political figures has been rumored to be consistently dealing with the underground in order to garner some extra coin by unjust means. Such actions break the standard and moral responsibility to be upheld by those of high rank. This person needs to be taught that no one is above the law. Be wary as the person in question may have guards [2 C-rank level mercs].
Payment: 25,000 ryo
Requirements: Chunin and above
Mission Name: Konoha Police force: Undercover investigation
Mission Type: Infiltration
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Infiltrate a local Bandit group that is working in the woods of Konoha
Description: Lately a local Bandit group has shown increased activity in the outskirts of Konoha. Your orders are to infiltrate the group and gain their trust, gain access to their hideout and gather information about their numbers, locations ect.
Payment: 25,000 Ryo
Requirements: Chunin+ (B class), 2 Chunin (C- class)

Mission Name: Bandit Hive
Mission Type: Scout/Assault
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Locate the bandit hideout/Optional: defeat and apprehend bandits and leader
Description: A number of merchant caravans have been reported to be attacked throughout the Hiyoto province. This is obviously an issue halting a portion of goods from reaching the village. Scout the last known area a caravan was attacked and try to locate their base of operations. If found, return and report your findings or if you feel up to it take care of them yourselves. [2 D-rank Bandits, 1 C-rank Bandit, 1 B-rank Bandit Boss]
Payment: 25,000 ryo
Requirements: Chunin and above [2+ man squad]
Mission Name: Banitry Abounds
Mission Type: Assault
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Dispose of the Bandits
Description: A sizeable group of bandits has made residence on the roads of the land of Fire, exacting tolls and in general causing havoc. Eliminate them.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class
Mission Name: Return of The Shinobi
Mission Type: Assault
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Eliminate the threat, permanently
Description: The assault on the town was successfully repelled and the villagers are safe. Now though the bandits need to pay for the attempt. The town will be in danger so long as this bandit group remains. Track them to their base and eliminate, take no prisoners.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class ‘The Bandits Strike Back’ Completed
Mission Name: Serial in The Morning
Mission Type: Investigation and Assault
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal:  Track the Serial Killer and kill him.
Description: A group of murders has the police baffled, track down the serial killer and either bring him into custody or eliminate him.

The Killer:
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class
Mission Name: Konoha Police force: Coordinated assault.
Mission Type: Assault
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Commence a coordinated assault on the bandit hideouts
Description: The time has come fort he bandit to cease existing. Konoha has gathered a serious amount of firepower in oder to defeat the Bandits and end the threat. You are to lead or participate (depdinding on your class) in clearing the main hideout, defeating them.
Payment: 25,000 Ryo
Requirements: Chunin+ (B class), 2 Chunin (C- class), Konoha Police force: Sabotage

Mission Name: Vipers: Stop the Bandits
Mission Type: Battle
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Stop the assault
Description: After successfully completing the mission with protecting the vaccine from foreign ninja. Upon entering the village they immediately get to work on mass producing the vaccine. While resting before returning the village, the village was given a rude awakening with a message on the towns gates saying to prepare for the attack of the Vipers. It seems it was the same group trying to thwart the vaccine research before. And that they were behind it in the first place.

The Vipers were a group of mercenary ninjas who number as a small group of 5 ninjas that are C-rank level. With the vaccine being mass produced ruined the plans of the Vipers who had made the plague and hoped to sell the cure for a extreme profit. Infuriated the Vipers plan the to burn the small town down. They are much stronger then the forces of the town to handle. Protect the civilians, protect the vaccine, and stop the assault.
Payment:  25,000 Ryo
Requirements:Jounin+ Two Chuunin Team/ Do Mission: Protect the Vaccine
Mission Name: Showdown!
Mission Type: Duel
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Defeat the grieving swordsman
Description: A man who feels he's had everything taken from him by shinobi has trained with a sword for years. His skill with a blade is prodigious and he's considered superhuman with his capabilities. He's laid down a duel challenge for any shinobi willing to accept it. A one on one challenge. Defeat him, kill him, gang up on him if you want just ensure he doesn't endanger anyone.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class

Guard Duty
Mission Name: Protect the Vaccine
Mission Type: Guard Type
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Deliver cure to the Facility
Description: There has been what seems to be a man-created sickness plaguing small villages and towns. What started out as merely a small cough in many people have turned into something much more. Bouts of hysteria and sweating can be found in most victims and even some have succumbed to death. One of the doctors working in the local village, Dr. Inuya Kasi, wasted no time on trying to find a vaccine. However when they were nearing a breakthrough only after a few weeks of studying the crude poison. They were attacked by ninja mercenary and they destroyed most of their work.

However they missed one crucial vial of the actual vaccine. The doctor and her team need help moving the last of their work before they realize their mistake. There is a facility in the another village adjacent to theirs towards the border of the Senju Forest. Where the protection is much better in a town with stable security and their own ninja to help protect the research.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: Two Chuunin+
Mission Name: Defend the Cart
Mission Type: Guard
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Protect the trader's goods.
Description: Mr. Eto has an upcoming trade shipment and he has requested Konoha protection during his travels. He's already lost several shipments to a group of bandits despite hiring help elsewhere, and he would like to avoid this happening any longer, lest he be put out of business. The bandits are small in number, but they are trained ninja, so use caution. More than one shinobi is suggested, though not required. Accompany Mr. Eto to the Land of Wind border at the edge of the Senju Forest while defending his large cart.
Payment: 25,000 Ryo
Requirements: Jounin
Mission Name: Caravan Escort
Mission Type: Escort
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Escort the caravan to its destination
Description: A Caravan needs an escort to its destination. Guard the caravan to the village it's traveling to in the Land of Fire. Expect B rank shinobi opposition.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class
Mission Name: The Hot Dog Eating Contest
Mission Type: Protection
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Protect the noble and save his self esteem
Description: A noble from the Land of Fire has decided to enter himself into a..Hot Dog eating contest. Your job is to enter as well and protect him from any possible threats. As well as ensure his victory.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class


Mission Name: Rampaging Bear
Mission Type: Eliminate
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Eliminate a Savage Bear that has been spotted around Konoha.
Description: A giant bear standing over eight feet in height has been spotted lurking close to the roads leading to Konohagakure. The bear has been terrorising travels, attacking them without provocation. Find the bear and eliminate it.

Bear Stats:
Payment: 25,000 Ryo
Requirements: Two Chuunin, Jonin
Mission Name: Slave Trading? No
Mission Type: Eliminate
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Destroy the Slave Traders
Description:  A group of slave traders has moved into Fire Country. They’ve already assaulted and captured those in one village, find them, free the captives, and eradicate this blight upon our country.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D Class.
Mission Name: Rampage!
Mission Type: Elimination
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Kill the rampaging summon
Description: A summon was sent mad by a genjutsu that caused heavy psychological damage. The summoner was killed and the summons madness has taken it so far that it won’t de-summon itself. It’s rampaging across the Land of Fire, do what must be done!
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class.
Mission Name: Kill The Assassin
Mission Type: Elimination
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Kill The Assassin
Description: An assassin has been rumoured to be in the darkest parts of the forest. She’s a tall woman, who wears a rabbit mask and utilizes throwing axes with deadly efficiency. When she’s near you can hear a haunting lullaby being sung throughout the trees without a point of reference. Survive the assassin, and eliminate her.  
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class.
Mission Name: Bandit Leader Assassination
Mission Type: Assassination
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Assassinate the Bandit Leader.
Description: A local bandit leader manaed to escape the massacre of his crew and looking to recruit new blood. He’d focusing on those with nothing left to their names. The desperate, the poor, those who would do anything. These people have done nothing wrong as of yet to warrant jail time except want food, shelter, and a warm place to sleep. Assassinating the bandit leader will take away this ill contrived meal ticket. Eliminate him and only him, any other deaths will result in mission failure.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class.
Mission Name: Outsiders
Mission Type: Elimination
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Kill the Missing Nin
Description: Three Missing Nin have entered the land of fire and are potentially planning to cause havoc. Track down and eliminate them.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class
Mission Name: Grave Robbers?
Mission Type: Elimination
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Find and eliminate the grave robbers
Description: Graves have been found torn up and the bodies of those resting disturbed. It's happened in multiple villages in the land of fire. Find and eliminate the grave robbers.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class
Mission Name: The Cult Leader
Mission Type: Assassination
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Assassinate the Cult Leader
Description: The leader's power base has been removed, you have his location. The time has come to remove him. Be careful! He's a powerful shinobi whose intention was to cause chaos within the Land of Fire.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class 'Mass Detainment' Completed.
Mission Name: Konoha Police force: Loose ends
Mission Type: Elimination
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Neutralise the the Bandit leader
Description: The Bandit leader managed to escape during the assault on the main camp and flee. However he/she/they were spotted in Konoha, likely in order to find new allies. You are to find and neutralise her. Bringing her in alive is optional.
Payment: 25,000 Ryo
Requirements: Chunin+ (B class), 3 Chunin (C- class), Konoha Police force: Coordinated assault.

Mission Name: Anti-Piracy
Mission Type: Naval
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Destroy the pirates
Description: A group of pirates has begun to loot and pillage villages along the coast, take a Sloop-of-War out and tear them apart.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class, village must own at least 1 Sloop-of-War.
Mission Name: Coastline Patrol
Mission Type: Naval
Mission Rank:  B
Mission Goal: Patrol your area of the coastline for pirates and other such nuisances.
Description: Everyone has to do it eventually, patrol duty, this is naval patrol though. There’s a lot more work involved on a boat and it’s a lot more dangerous than your average patrol. Captain a Sloop-Of-War and keep the part of the coastline you’re charged with safe.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class, village must own at least 1 Sloop-Of-War.

Mission Name:  The Bandits Strike Back
Mission Type: Defense
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Defend the Town
Description: A town in the Land of Fire managed to handle it’s bandit problem on it’s own, a noteworthy feat for a civilian populace. However some of the bandits survived, regrouped, and are preparing to assault the town with overwhelming force. Defend the town, remember your goal isn’t to hunt down every bandit, but just to beat back the attack.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class

Mission Name: Kidnapping? Yeah, No.
Mission Type:  Rescue
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal:  Rescue the Kidnapped Children
Description: A group of notorious kidnappers has made their way to Konoha and are trying to ‘one up’ the shinobi by kidnapping civilian children from out from under their noses and getting away with it. Find the three children they’ve kidnapped, and rescue them.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class

Mission Name: Stop The Man From Getting Wood
Mission Type: Recapture
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Recapture the Lunatic
Description: A lunatic has escaped from the psychiatric ward of the hospital. He was put in from a mission after taking heavy psychological damage from genjutsu. He’s a trained shinobi and unlike most does not have anything holding him back. Generally he only attacks those who try to apprehend him, otherwise he just tends to run around and try to collect..wood. It’s morning, yes the innuendo is on purpose.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class.

Mission Name: Prison Escape
Mission Type: Apprehend
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Recapture the criminals
Description: A prison break has occurred, five shinobi have managed to escape the prison and are currently hiding within the village. Track them down and apprehend them once more.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class.
Mission Name: The Shadows: The Viper
Mission Type: Apprehension
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Arrest a known criminal that goes by the name of Viper.
A known member of The Shadows is seen in the Red Dragon Inn at the secondary market street of Konohagakure. Several people have reportedly disappeared after dealing with the Viper, and he’s suspected to be involved with human trafficking. Be wary that he often uses poison and is surrounded by a gang nearly at all times. The good news he’s easier to discern from a crowd.

The Viper:

The Shadows:
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: 1 Chunin+

Mission Name: Waking Nightmares
Mission Type: Investigation
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Investigate the recurring nightmares
Description: A slew of recurring nightmares has begun within the village. To the point where mental damage is starting to occur. A Genjutsu expert, that’s you, has been called in to investigate and find the perpetrator via any clues or signs you can find. Apprehend them.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class. Genjutsu Skill
Mission Name: Investigate The Cult
Mission Type: Investigation
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Discover everything you can about the cult
Description: A cult has started forming in the villages of the land of fire and is starting to cause concern. Reports of animal sacrifices have been coming in and it's possible human ones will be next. Investigate everything you can about the cult. Including it's leader, their meeting places, and threat level.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class
Mission Name: Hide and Seek
Mission Type: Tracking and Investigation
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Track down the Cult Leaders location
Description: That same cult has become enraged at their first human sacrifice going awry. The leader has begun riling them up and is potentially trying to incite a mass riot. Track down their location and schedule. Do not engage though, their sudden death could kick off the riots.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class, 'Sabotage The Cult' Completed
Mission Name: Black Cat’s: Debut
Mission Type: Investigation
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Investigate the group known as ‘The Black Cats’
Description: A group of skilled thieves has come into the city and has begun to work the place over. No one’s managed to even find a clue as to who they might be or what they’re really after. The police have called you in to investigate and see if you can point them in the right direction.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class.
Mission Name: Black Cat’s: First Act
Mission Type: Investigation/Combat
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Capture or eliminate the member of The Black Cat’s.
Description:  The police have taken the clue(s) you found and now have a lead on where a member of the black cats might be hiding out. Investigate the lead and if it follows through, capture the suspect for questioning.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class
Mission Name: Black Cats: Sudden Finale!
Mission Type: Investigation/Combat
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Capture or eliminate the rest of the Black Cats.
Description: The member of the black cats you caught revealed information, the group known as ‘The Black Cats’ are a trio of sisters who travel the world stealing things and fencing them off for the highest profit. You caught the youngest sister, and she told you where the other two would be hitting up tonight. Capture or Eliminate them.
Payment:  25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class
Mission Name: Earth grudge
Mission Type: scouting/assault
Mission Rank: B rank
Mission Goal: to scout a incoming scouting party. Either report back to the village or stop the enemy your self.
Description: a party of 3 bandits from the land of stone crossed over into fire nation territory, the mission is to scout out there numbers and strength then you can either report in for back up or if you think you can take them apprehend the Bandits and turn them in. ( 2 C rank, 1 B rank.)
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: Chunin or above

Mission Name: Sabotage The Cult
Mission Type: Sabotage
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Sabotage the ritual sacrifice
Description: The Cult from before has started trying to move into human sacrifices. Infiltrate the ritual, save the intended sacrifice and get them the hell out.
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class 'Investigate the Cult' Completed
Mission Name: Konoha Police force: Sabotage
Mission Type: Sabotage
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Sabotage the bandit base
Description: Sabotage the base oft he bandits in any way possible, however so that they wont notice it until it is too late. For this mission a set of sabotage equiment will be issued to you, including explosives (that can only be used for this mission line.)
Payment: 25,000 Ryo
Requirements: Chunin+ (B class), 2 Chunin (C- class), Konoha Police force: Deaddrop

Mission Name: Mass Detainment
Mission Type: Organization and round-up
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Organize and round up the Cult members.
Description: The time has come to take out this cult leader's power base. Organize the capture and detainment of the cult members and carry out the plan. Thus far the members have committed no crimes, no murders!
Payment: 25,000
Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class 'Hide and Seek' Completed

Mission Name: Konoha Police force: Deaddrop
Mission Type: Infiltration
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Relay information to Konohas police force
Description: Your infiltration attempts were fruitious! Your next orders are to relay your gathered information to Konohas police force. Due to the delicacy this mission has, you must not be spotted in any way that would make them distrust you. Because of this you need to bring the information into a deaddrop so the police force can gather it later on.
Payment: 25,000 Ryo
Requirements: Chunin+ (B class), 2 Chunin (C- class), Konoha Police force: Undercover investigation

Mission Name: Konoha Police force: Court day
Mission Type: Chore
Mission Rank: B
Mission Goal: Attend in front oft he court and present it your findings
Description: With the bandit leader taken out and the bandits shattered for now, it is time for Justice to do its thing. You are to appear in front of court and present your findings tot he jury, to make sure they recieve justice.
Payment: 25,000 Ryo
Requirements: Chunin+ (B class), 2 Chunin (C- class), Konoha Police force: Loose ends completed


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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