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D Rank Konoha Missions

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D Rank Konoha Missions Empty D Rank Konoha Missions

Post by Admin Mon Feb 13, 2023 1:33 am

Mission Name: Dog Walker
Mission Type: Chore
Mission Rank: D
Mission Goal: Walk the dogs
Description: The 'Happy Puppy' Dog Groomers has a group of dogs that need to be taken for a work, but the manager doesn't have the room to free any of his staff. The Manager is willing to hire someone to take the dogs out for a walk. Be sure to clean up after them if they leave any little messes.
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements: Genin+
Mission Name: Dog Grooming Service
Mission Type: Chore
Mission Rank: D
Mission Goal: Help to wash and groom the dogs.
Description: The 'Happy Puppy' Dog Groomers are overwhelmed due to overbooking and lack of staff. The manager is requesting urgent aid for a shinobi or team of shinobi to lend a hand and held out for the day.
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements: Genin+
Mission Name: Feed Billy Jo
Mission Type: Chore
Mission Rank: D
Mission Goal: Feed Suzuki Suzuru's Ox Billy Jo
Description: One of the local farmer's surrounding Konoha named Suzuki Suzuru has had an accident breaking one of his legs and is in hospital. Mr Suzuru has put in a request for someone to go to his farm feed his beloved Ox Billy Jo.
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements: Genin+
Mission Name: Paint Scrubbing
Mission Type: Chore
Mission Rank: D
Mission Goal: Remove of the graffiti from the Hokage Rock monument.
Description: Some children have seen fit to deface the Hokage Rock with paint depicting crude pictures and choice words. Mr. Eguchi cares deeply for the history of the village and wishes the paint to be removed, as well as any other graffiti found near the Hokage Rock. If you happen across the children responsible, you may reprimand them with care.
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements: Genin
Mission Name: Weed Pulling
Mission Type: Chore
Mission Rank: D
Mission Goal: Remove all Weeds
Description: Miss Hasegawa's garden is overrun with weeds and she needs them removed. Take care not to destroy any of her flowers or vegetables while you're there.
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements: Genin
Mission Name: Shop for Mrs. Shizuka
Mission Type: Chore
Mission Rank:  D
Mission Goal: Go to the store and get the items for Mrs. Shizuka
Description: An elderly woman by the name of Mrs. Shizuka has too much trouble getting to and from the store on her weekly jaunts. Help her out by taking her grocery list and doing the shopping for her.
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements: N/A
Mission Name: Spring Cleaning
Mission Type: Chore
Mission Rank: D
Mission Goal: Clean out the home
Description: Mr. Okimura is spring cleaning and needs some assistance. Help him clean out his home.
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements: N/A
Mission Name: Find The Animals!
Mission Type: Chore/Capture
Mission Rank:  D
Mission Goal:  Recapture the animals that have escaped from the shelter
Description: Someone fell asleep on the job at the animal shelter and accidentally let a bunch of animals escape. Each one has a collar with Konoha’s tag on it. There’s ten animals missing, recapture them.
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements:  N/A

Mission Name: Advertise!
Mission Type: Assist
Mission Rank: D
Mission Goal: Help the local shop owner advertise his new shop to bring in customers.
Description: A new sweets shop has opened up in Konoha and the owner would like assistance in spreading the word. Who better to help than a couple of fast genin. Pass out or post flyers all around the village to help out.
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements: Genin and above
Mission Name: Motivation at the Academy
Mission Type: Teaching/Assisting
Mission Rank: D-Rank
Mission Goal: Help motivate the up-coming Genin at the academy.
Description: The motivation of certain students in the academy are dwindling and the teacher is worried that this might result in them going lazy and failing to graduate as Genin. For this job, you will come to the academy and do what you can to motivate the students, experienced Genin are preferred but not absolutely required.
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements: Genin+

Mission Name:  Postal Service Support
Mission Type:  Delivery
Mission Rank: D-rank
Mission Goal:  Spend a day delivering parcels.
Description: Konoha's postal services is severely understaffed these days, and they decided to hire ninjas to help to deliver packages, parcels and envelops to people's houses. You are required to spend the day working there, delivering as many parcels as you can.
Payment: 10,000 ryo
Requirements: Genin

Use Ninjutsu
Mission Name: Make it rain!
Mission Type: Use Ninjutsu
Mission Rank: D
Mission Goal: Use Ninjutsu to water the farm fields
Description: Many farmers are complaining that the recent drought is harming their fields. You are required to use Ninjutsu to water their large fields. It's a 20km squared area. Be caredul not to use too much water and drown the plants!
Payment: 10,000 ryo
Requirements: Genin+

Guard Duty
Mission Name: On the Job Learning
Mission Type: Guard Duty
Mission Rank: D
Mission Goal: Spend a shift at the Main Gate.
Description: Hibiki is a Chuunin in Konoha and actively enjoys teaching the next generation. Spend a shift with him on Guard Duty at the Main Gate and learn what you can from him. Nothing important is expected to happen, but you never know what kind of surprises you'll find walking in the village's front door.
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements: Genin
Mission Name: Blues Clues
Mission Type: Guard
Mission Rank: D
Mission Goal: Guard the Jazz bar
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements: A new jazz bar has opened up in town. They need guards to make sure nothing crazy happens. Many of the patrons are nice and simple folk so you should only need to deal with the occasional drunk if anything.

Mission Name: Lost Pet Chinatsu
Mission Type: Recovery
Mission Rank: D
Mission Goal: Retrieve the lost pet!
Description: Mrs. Fukimoto's dog has run away. Last sighting of the small animal placed it heading towards the Training Grounds. Track it down as fast as you can and be careful, it's surprisingly strong for its tiny size.
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements: Genin

Mission Name: Apprehend The Junkies
Mission Type: Capture
Mission Rank: D
Mission Goal: Apprehend the junkies
Description: There’s a group of junkies causing trouble in the backstreets, some low level counts of breaking and entering and robbery. No one has been hurt yet thankfully but that’s not expected to last. Apprehend them and call the police to take them in
Payment: 10,000 Ryo
Requirements: N/A

Sponsored Donation
Mission Name: Leaf Village Blood Drive!
Mission Type: Sponsored Donation
Mission Rank: D (B)
Mission Goal: Donate 1 pint of blood to the Konoha Hospital.
Description: There is a war going on, and people are dying! The ones that aren't dying are coming back severely wounded and short necessary body parts and fluids. Our doctors can work miracles, but only so many at a time. They need as much help as they can get. Wealthy residents of Konohagakure are making financial donations toward a blood drive mission to provide that help. The Senju Clan Head is offering a bonus to members of his clan who have Regeneration unlocked who make this contribution from his personal funds.
Payment: 10,000 Ryo (25,000 for Senju w/ Regeneration). Cookies and juice available from hospital staff upon request.
Requirements: None (or Senju w/ Regeneration). Limit 1 pint of blood per month, or you risk serious physical detriments!


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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