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C Rank Konoha Missions

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C Rank Konoha Missions Empty C Rank Konoha Missions

Post by Admin Mon Feb 13, 2023 1:35 am

Mission Name: Wild Boars
Mission Type: Eliminate
Mission Rank: C
Mission Goal: Eliminate the group of Wild Boars.
Description: A village to the west of Konoha finds itself in great peril, their crops are being destroyed by a pack of wild boars. These boars are rampaging through the fields, if they are not stopped soon the villagers will starve to death. Head to the village and eliminate the boars. The villagers have counted a total of seven boars in the pack, the leader is a particularly nasty boar larger than the rest.
Payment: 15,000 Ryo
Requirements: Genin with a Sensei, Chunnin+
Mission Name: Deal with the Wolves
Mission Type:  Elimination
Mission Rank:  C
Mission Goal: Eliminate the group of feral wolves
Description: A group of feral wolves has moved into the area, killing livestock and attacking people. They've been driven utterly mad by something but are too much of a danger to leave alive. Eliminate them.
Payment: 15,000
Requirements: 2 genin

Mission Name: Find the Lair
Mission Type: Reconnaissance
Mission Rank: C
Mission Goal: Locate the enemy base.
Description: A large group of bandits is terrorizing several locals not far from the village. Go and investigate as best you can to try and locate the base of operations for the bandits, but do not engage. They are noted to be powerful and large in number, making escape your number one priority if you are discovered. If captured, Konoha will do what it can to recover you.
Payment: 15,000 Ryo
Requirements: Chuunin
Mission Name: Investigate the Feral Wolves
Mission Type: Investigation
Mission Rank: C
Mission Goal: Discover where the rabid wolves came from
Description: Remember the group of Feral Wolves you had to put down? Track down where it was they came from from their last known location. If there are more Feral Wolves, eliminate them as well.
Payment: 15,000
Requirements: 2 Genin, Completion of 'Deal with the Wolves.'
Mission Name: An Introduction To Patrol Duty
Mission Type: Recon
Mission Rank: C
Mission Goal: Shadow the Chunin on Patrol
Description: Hibiki is helping again by taking a genin under his wing for patrol duty to give them a learning experience. This shift has a higher chance of a situation occurring, but follow his lead and everything should be fine.
Payment: 15,000
Requirements: Experienced Genin (750+ Experience)

Guard Duty
Mission Name: Gate Sentry
Mission Type: Guard
Mission Rank: C
Mission Goal: Spend a shift at the main gate.
Description: As a real ninja you now must take on the responsibilities of one which includes partaking in one of the many patrolling and stationary tasks. Spend a full shift at the village gates and hold those who do not have regular business with the village.
Payment: 15,000 ryo
Requirements: Chuunin
Mission Name: Protect the Farm
Mission Type: Guard
Mission Rank: C
Mission Goal: Defend the Farm from attack.
Description: Mr. Asano is a farmer located not far from Konohagakure that enjoys bringing his fresh produce into the village to sell, but lately he's been unable to turn a profit due to a small band of bandits stealing most of his crops! Do what you can to save as much of the upcoming harvest as possible, and if you are able, take out as many bandits as you can.
Payment: 15,000 Ryo
Requirements: Chuunin

Mission Name: Princess rescue
Mission Type: Rescue
Mission Rank: C-rank
Mission Goal: Rescue the land of water daimyo's daughter.
Description:  The land of water daimyo's daughter has been kidnapped by a bunch of...well, kidnappers. She has been taken to their hideout in the Land of Fire. The two allied countries have put together a task force to rescue the princess.
Payment: 15,000 ryo
Requirements: C-class at least. One shinobi from Konoha and another from Kirigakure.

Mission Name: Bandit Highwaymen
Mission Type: Disband/Assault
Mission Rank: C
Mission Goal: Stop a group of bandits attacking and scamming citizens outside in the Land of Fire.
Description: A number of citizens have reported a certain group of bandits who shakedown people into giving their possessions, while other reports indicate they go into disguise to scam citizens of their money, notably as Leaf Ninja to make citizens pay a "toll" to go into the Land of Fire. Your job is to break up this gang of bandits and if the opportunity allows itself, eliminate them if necessary.
Payment: 15,000 Ryo
Requirements: Either two Genin, one Chuunin+ or a Genin with a Sensei.
Mission Name: Team Skills Test
Mission Type: Training assault
Mission Rank: C
Mission Goal: Engage the customer in a training session.
Description: The Son of a merchant wishes to test his skills with his new spear. No one is to be killed or permanently maimed but he wants two genin to come at him at the same time. No jutsu allowed over C rank. (D rank stats D rank spear)
Payment: 15,000 ryo
Requirements: 2 genin

Mission Name: Double team the target
Mission Type: Capture
Mission Rank: C
Mission Goal: Capture the escaped thief
Description: A thief had been identified and captured but managed to pick his own cuffs and escape his captors. You are to track him down as a two man team and recapture him. Alive. (All D rank stats and a D rank switchblade)
Payment: 15,000 ryo
Requirements: 2 genin

Mission Name: The Shadows: Disturbance
Mission Type: Apprehension
Mission Rank: C
Mission Goal: Apprehend a group of thugs who calls themselves The Shadow.
Lately there has been disturbances in the markets in Konohagakure, and it’s the sort where a gang of thugs roam around extorting money from merchants and bystanders. Try to keep the collateral damage to the minimum, but violence is authorized.

The Shadows:
Payment: 15,000
Requirements: 2 Genin+


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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