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Yoru Clan | Blood of The Dragon

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Yoru Clan | Blood of The Dragon Empty Yoru Clan | Blood of The Dragon

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:21 am

[夜 - Yoru (Lit. Night)]

[Clan Location: Scattered]

[Bloodline Name & Type: KKG - Dragon's Blood]

[Current Clan Leader: Lamina Night (Loyalist)]

  • [Lamina Night]

Clan History/Description

Rumored to have descended from ancient beasts that roamed the land in the days long before Man, The Yoru have a long and storied history that often presents them as feral monsters in the eyes of others and as unfortunate recipients of a curse that has plagued their family for generations.

The Ancient Times:
Stories from the Ancient Times are nearly impossible to come by, as all of the Clan Elders who had once held such knowledge of these days of old have since passed away or disappeared, never to be seen again; however, some accounts still survive through their children which tell of what the Yoru believe to be their history during the Ancient Times and the origins of their clan and their Bloodline.

It is said that the Yoru had made a pact with ancient Dragons when such beasts were supposedly more than the mythical beings that they are today. They swore themselves to the service of the Dragons in exchange for their children and future generations being granted the power of the Dragons themselves, to a lesser extent of course, but nonetheless an amount of power that would place them far above the abilities and capabilities of ordinary Man.

Both sides upheld their respective promises, with the Yoru serving the Dragons faithfully and the Dragons, in turn, bestowing their blood upon the children of the Yoru clan which granted them the features that they are known for to this day, such as their yellow eyes and draconic scales that appear over their bodies in varying scarcity depending on how well-attuned the individual Yoru is with their draconic heritage.

The Gift Of Ninshū:
Several hundred years after the pact had been sealed and generations of Yoru had been sired by their draconic ancestors, Ninshū was shown to the world and many Yoru saw it as an affront to their dragon masters as it was an art which threatened to rival their own bloodline in power and would soon begin to surpass it – the undeniably God-like power of the Ten-Tails only further reinforcing the inferiority that many Yoru had begun to feel and shook their faith in their masters who were unable to rival the power of the Bijuu who had been bestowed upon the disciples of Hagoromo after splitting the beasts from the original Ten-Tails.

As a result, some Yoru defected from their masters and found themselves homes within the nation states that soon found themselves arising among the ashes and destructions of the wars that came following the rise of a new generation of Shinobi. These Yoru would integrate themselves as either ordinary civilians within society, or find themselves homes within any clan that would adopt or accept their draconic heritage – hoping to leave their past behind and live simple lives in which they could sire children that did not have to suffer the ‘Dragon’s Curse’ as these defectors came to call their bloodline.

Others remained faithful to their ancestor’s original promise and remained by the side of their masters, fighting to keep their name and bloodline alive through whatever means were necessary. These Yoru often clashed against their defecting brethren and had quickly grown to resent those that had abandoned their masters and often refused to even acknowledge that they had once been members of the Clan at all.

All Feuds Must End:
The intense distrust and even skirmishes against the two halves of the Yoru continued to escalate until, eventually, the Loyalist Yoru managed to coax the Defector Yoru into open battle where the two met with all those that they could muster who were capable of fighting: This final battle was fought atop the mountains of Kumogakure, at a place which the surviving Yoru refer to as ‘Dragon’s Tooth’ in a solemn remembrance of the day in which former members of the same clan, or even the same families in some cases, fought against one another until only one side was left standing.

The Loyalist Yoru had claimed victory due to their attunement with their heritage granting them powers and abilities that the Defectors were unfamiliar with or unable to properly counter with their own techniques that had been taught to them within the villages.

All Defectors that were present were put to death, their blood offered up to their draconic masters and the bodies burned in Dragon Fire so that nothing would remain of those who turned their backs on the promise of their ancestors.

To this day, the battle is seen with mixed feelings from the remaining Yoru, with some seeing the battle as a just death for those who turn their backs on the promises their ancestors had made while others see the battle as a stain on their history due to the merciless treatment of the defeated Defectors and do their best to abstain from remembering the cruelty of their ancestors.

The Modern Yoru:
The Yoru of the modern day differs little from their surviving ancestors, with the major exception being that the Dragons who they had supposedly served for so long no longer being present in their lives, at least directly. The remaining Yoru still follow the promise of their kin, however, as they are no longer able to see the Dragons physically for guidance or orders, many Yoru erect shrines within their homes or dwellings and give prayers or offerings to these shrines in order to continue appeasing the spirits of these ancient beasts in the belief that doing so will continue to see that their power is kept in their blood and that they will be blessed for continuing to honor their word even to this day.

The Yoru do not hold the belief that the Dragons are Gods in their own right, and as such, some may forgo the shrines in favor of other Gods while upholding their promise through their actions alone by following self-made honor codes and placing themselves on either a diet that represents that of their ancestors or by striking down those they believe to be their ancient enemies.

No matter how a member of the Yoru chooses to worship or to honor their ancestors, or even if they choose to forsake them entirely, all Yoru still alive to this day still possess the ancient curse and gift that is their Dragon’s Blood and how they choose to use it is up to them, they may write the next chapter of their history as they so please.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics
Many of the Yoru clan share the same traits: Bright colored eyes that have piercing stares which seem to bore through anyone they gaze upon, scales which vary in their amounts depending on how advanced the individual Yoru is or chooses to be, as well as an often sickly or pale complexion when not under the influence of one of their Clan Techniques that strengthens them.

There is no set appearance to a Yoru, however, as the ancestors that sired them were as varied as their ancient masters - as a result, it is easy for most to tell Yoru apart as it is rare for them to appear similar to one another unless they belong to the same family or parent.

Another way to differentiate a Yoru is that their Chakra Signature, as Loyalist Yoru often have darker colored auras while their Defector brethren have more natural signatures, this is due to the purer Dragon’s Blood affecting the Chakra Signature itself and altering it depending on the user while those who are less pure in their Dragon’s Blood are unable to achieve this same effect.

Bloodline Description & Abilities
Dragon’s Blood is the Bloodline which was granted to the Yoru clan by their ancient masters and manifests itself as both a curse and gift depending on the view of the individual who holds it. The end result of this Bloodline is often a reduced lifespan due to the intense strain it places on the body, however, in exchange it offers the potential for great power if honed properly and trained.

The Curse:
The curse of Dragon’s Blood is seen by many Defectors as their reason for abandoning the Clan and attempting to form their own families free of the Bloodline before being slaughtered in the battle of ‘Dragon’s Tooth’.

The Curse affects the individual as follows:

At birth and throughout their early childhood, the Yoru is almost always bedridden, the Curse weakening their bones and their unique blood rejecting Ijutsu and other medicines that are not tailored especially for them. Later in life, they may learn to overcome their sickness partially with their own medicines or home remedies, however, they will always suffer from this sickness and it will eventually result in an early death so long as the Blood is within them.

The Curse will also prevent the user from being able to adopt another Bloodline into their body, due to their Dragon’s Blood fiercely rejecting anything that is not naturally present within their own body as a threat and attempting to kill any implanted organs that are not from another member of the Yoru Clan.

The Gift:
While the Curse is a daunting prospect, the Yoru also possess what they view as a great Gift from their ancestors that some believe is enough to offset the terrible side-effects of their Bloodline and has allowed for them to remain relevant even in a world where those who do not actively practice all manner of Ninjutsu may not be.

Without training their Bloodline at all, the Yoru is capable of still receiving a few benefits that help to offset the terrible cost that their Curse has placed on their head:

Draconic Resistance:
Despite their sickly nature and often weak physical forms, all Yoru possess scales on their bodies that reside either outside or just below the flesh of the individual that allow them to absorb an amount of damage dependant upon their training with this ability.

At the base level, this manifests as a passive plus (+) to Constitution against physical attacks of any type. This does not apply, however, to Genjutsu or techniques that are not physical in nature due to the fact that their scales cannot affect chakra outright or disrupt illusions in any way.

The Choice:
The second benefit that a Yoru possesses upon creation is a decision that must be made and stated as part of their Bloodline, these two benefits allow for a Yoru to either sacrifice a bit of power in exchange for the ability to wear down an enemy passively and harm them, while the other option allows for an immense amount of additional raw power befitting of someone who comes from the blood of Dragons.

Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed.

Draconic Aura:
Yoru who choose this path, at creation, may choose one basic element to make their Ancestral Element. This is the element that their draconic ancestor possessed and once chosen, is permanent and must be chosen when the character is created.

Yoru may utilize this element as a visible aura which extends from their bodies and is able to passively debuff an enemy's Constitution, however, this can be altered by separate abilities into another effect if the Yoru chooses - so long as it does not exceed the power of the base ability or attempts to circumvent an already existing weakness.

The base form of this Aura, untrained, may be activated at the cost of a D-Rank technique and kept active by paying the cost of a C-Rank technique for each post after the first that it is active. An opponent who is within a 1 Meter radius from the user at this rank will suffer damage equal to a D-Rank technique and suffer a single minus (-) to their Constitution.

Draconic Strength:
Yoru who value strength above all else are those who often choose this path in their development. Focusing upon nothing more than using raw power to compensate for their naturally lowered Constitution and frequent illness, those who follow this path begin, untrained, with an additional plus (+) to their Strength which increases the further they train their Bloodline to a maximum of an additional Tier of Strength at the highest rank.

Draconic Awakening (500 EXP)
It takes many, many years and intensive training for a Yoru to reach the physical and mental capability to achieve this level. They have managed to attune themselves more thoroughly with their Draconic Heritage and, as a result, have allowed themselves to access Techniques that many Yoru are incapable of unlocking - perhaps in their entire lifetime. Those who have managed to achieve this rank are seen as prominent members of their communities, or even as leaders of small groups of other Yoru who seek guidance from those more experienced than themselves.

These individuals grant the following benefits:

- Both Draconic Resistance and Draconic Strength (If possessed) bonuses increase by an additional plus for a total of two plusses (++).

- Draconic Aura (If possessed) cost is increased to that of a C-Rank technique with an upkeep of a D-Rank technique. Draconic Aura damage is increased to C-Rank and range is increased to 2 Meters in a radius beginning at the user. Draconic Aura now debuffs opponent Constitution by a double minus (--).

- Access to all Techniques labeled with “Draconic Awakening” as the parent technique.

- Draconic Healing:
Utilizing the fierce nature of their own Dragon’s Blood, The Yoru may now spend the cost of a C-Rank Technique in order to stop bleeding from small wounds during battle. This can be used up to three times per thread, and cannot heal wounds from a weapon classified as Heavy, or a wound larger or equivalent to such.

True Son/Daughter Of Dragons (500 EXP)
This is the pinnacle of a Yoru’s training, many spend their entire lives in order to reach this level of ability while others seem more innately destined for such power. No matter the case, or how one has reached this level of power, any Yoru that has reached this Rank is revered within their Clan and commands massive amounts of fear and authority. They lead entire Families of Yoru into battle and are typically the Elders of the community, though occasionally a younger member manages to access this level through great trials and effort.

Those who have managed to achieve this rank have access to the following benefits:

- Both Draconic Resistance and Draconic Strength (If possessed) bonuses increase by an additional plus for a total of plus one Tier (+1 Tier).

- Draconic Aura (If possessed) cost is increased to that of a B-Rank technique with an upkeep of a C-Rank technique. Draconic Aura damage is increased to B-Rank and range is increased to 5 Meters in a radius beginning at the user. Draconic Aura now debuffs opponent Constitution by a full Tier.

- Access to all Techniques labeled with “True Son/Daughter Of Dragons” as the parent technique.

- True Draconic Healing:
The Yoru may now spend the cost of a C-Rank Technique in order to stop bleeding from any non-fatal wound during battle up to three times per thread. Or heal from one fatal wound once per thread. All three uses are required to heal from a Fatal Wound.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks
- Due to their Dragon’s Blood and sickly nature, the effects of Medical Jutsu and Medicines provided by other Players or not specifically tailored to someone of their heritage is lowered by One Tier.

- The Curse's Weakening of the Yoru's body manifests as a double minus (--) to their base Constitution for the purposes of, Illness, Poisons and non-physical attacks.

- Implants from anyone not a member of the Yoru Clan suffer a -20 Penalty to the roll on top of any other penalties present.

- All elements associated with this clan's ability must be purchased via skill points as per usual.

Clan Techniques



Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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