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Osaki Clan

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Osaki Clan Empty Osaki Clan

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:17 am

Osaki Clan
Kekkei Genkai: Hunter Spirit
Clan Leader: N/A
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Clan History/Description

Members of the Osaki are not of a particular clan, though they share the origin of being part beast. They could be comparable to the Yokai or Ryuutei where they are not considered human entirely, but a subspecies to them.

The Osaki are descendants of the great Fox Spirit, Sara Ōsaki. During the creation of humanity she fragmented her spirit and divided it among hundreds of humans from different parts of the world. Those blessed with her spirit find themselves sharing similar traits to a fox. Sharing their soul with Sara Osaki they find themselves having similar traits, whether it be her love for food and drink, hunting, or playful nature.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics

People born into the Osaki clan share some physical characteristics of a fox, which may include ears, a tail, both, or rarely, neither. Aside from this many members of the Osaki clan have varying characteristics just like a human, having different background depending where they were raised.

Bloodline Description & Abilities

Base Abilities

Members of the Osaki possess the most basic traits associated with foxes. They have natural weapons in the form of retractable canines and claws, canines capable of growing up to an inch in length and claws up to two inches. These appendages have a base hardness and quality of C-rank, and scales with the user's base Constitution up until A-rank. Naturally their sense of smell is similar to that of a canine being able to cover incredible ground based on their perception. Below is the effective scent range according to the clan member's Perception stat.

E-Tier: 5m
D-Tier: 25m
C-Tier: 50m
B-Tier: 125m
A-Tier: 250m
S-Tier: 500m

Level One: 250 EXP

After investing this much experience into the clan the member begins to hone their natural traits and become more in touch with their abilities. While not tapping into their Hunter Spirit yet, they are a lot more adept utilizing and switching between their beast senses and their human senses. The Osaki benefits from +1 advantage to Speed and +1 advantage to Perception.

Level Two: 250 EXP

Level two grants the Osaki clan member a feel for their Hunter Spirit, the spiritual connection which binds all Osaki members to their single ancestor, the Fox Spirit. They can now tap into the Hunter Spirit's energy granting a +1 advantage to their Stamina by spending a 5 CP activation. This stage also allows access to some of the more basic clan technique.

Level Three: 500 EXP

Level three further enhances the clan member's connection with their Hunter Spirit granting access to higher ranking clan technique and abilities. At this point the clan member masters their fox senses granting an additional advantage to both Speed and Perception providing an overall passive boost of +2 advantages to both stats.

Level Four: 500 EXP

At the last stage of development the clan member masters their Hunter Spirit energy allowing them to tap into this power by spending a 5 CP activation to boost their Stamina by +2 advantages.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks

The hyper-sensitive sense of smell, hearing, and sight could be used against the Osaki. This makes them vulnurable to powerful smells, loud noises, or incredibly bright lights.

Clan Techniques

Clan Technique:


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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