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Fisei Clan

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Fisei Clan Empty Fisei Clan

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:14 am

[Clan Name] Fisei Clan
[Clan Location] Land of Iron | Tetsumura
[Bloodline Name & Type] Blade of Self-Control
[Current Clan Leader] Yamashiro Fisei


Clan History/Description: The Fisei Clan, or the Blade of Self Control have a long and storied history tracing back to before the founding of the Iron Country. Originally from a place called the South Kingdom they took it upon themselves to instruct those they cared for on the morality of the world. More than anything the Fisei believed that there was only good and evil, no muddled grey or compromise. Their unwavering dedication to the clear distinction between right and wrong frequently put them on the more aggressive side of conflicts and this was never more pronounced then during the War of Iron. Many rumors floated through the South Kingdom before the first strike, of selfishness and hoarding of the land's resources. And hotheaded as they were, the Fisei could not stand by and let even the chance that people may suffer go unanswered.

The War of Iron, as it was eventually named, lasted for one hundred years. Throughout that time the Fisei came to realize that in their efforts to preserve the morality of the land they had torn at it’s very soul. Eventually the time came when a meeting between the leaders of the four main clans was called; The Fisei, The Meiyo, The Makato and the Gi. They met in a region known as the Three Wolves Mountains and here they discussed peace, to put an end to the suffering of the land’s people and to return to harmony with the world around them. It was at that time that the leader of the Gi clan proposed a code that all clans would adopt to ensure the happiness, peace and prosperity of the Samurai well into the future. It was at this time that the Bushido Code was created; also called They Who Serve. The Samurai were created to protect the people of the newly renamed Iron Shogunate; The Land of Iron.

At that same meeting the first election for the position of Shogun was held, the leader of the Makato clan, Kiyoko being the appointed. The leader of the Fisei Clan, Tatsumaru Fisei was the first to swear fealty to the newly appointed Shogun, the action being both a true representation of the Clan’s devotion to their ideals and as a way of making restitution for their unintended crimes against their people. It was decided then that the title of Shogun would always be passed down to an apprentice from a different Clan, so as to ensure that the leadership was always fairly handled and that no one Clan had more power than another.

The Land of Iron held their peace until quite recently, as the rest of the lands outside took up practicing the Shinobi arts. Although the Fisei were furthest from the influence and subsequent invasion from the Land of Water they were stirred to action upon the first whisper of the force. They fought long and hard in the Northern Region, seeking to defend the lands they held so dear and purge the evil from it. Sadly they were unable to stop the onslaught and the Iron Country was razed, flowing with the blood of their people. They swore to eradicate the Shinobi; viewing them as an affront to all that was good and pure in the world, their tactics wreathed in villainy and corruption. After these events when a new leader was supported by an outside organization, The Society, the Fisei clan were again the first to swear fealty to the new Shogun. They gladly welcomed any who follow the Code of Bushido and help protect the Iron Country from the invading Shinobi. It took time for all the Clans to agree, though they would eventually and the Fisei Clan would aid in the rebuilding of their lands beginning with the Iron Country’s new capital, Tetsumaru.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics:  The Fisei clan is the living embodiment of all that is good. Everything that they do is towards this goal; to see evil stamped out and good prevail. The Fisei see only a clear line drawn between right and wrong a line that surpasses most often even logic or reason. They are self control incarnate - they do not compromise or barter with their character. They teach their children the same from as young as they can comprehend actions. They are quick to judge and quick to punish, making them confrontational and aggressive. However their compassion and empathy knows no bounds for those afflicted by wrongness.

Bloodline Description & Abilities:

The Fisei are the moral compass. They actively seek to rid the world of evil and doing so over hundreds of years has allowed them to hone skills and abilities that make them well suited to the self appointed profession of Champion of Virtue. Their approach to their cause is usually combative and when it is they strike with fury and decisiveness.  As such all Fisei Clan members must take Kenjutsu and Katon. The way of the sword is ingrained within them from a young age as with most Samurai, and the righteousness of their character leaves them naturally connected to the element of fire.  

These abilities may be taken in any order provided that any requirements are met and the experience cost is paid.

Truth’s Gaze {500 exp}
Knowing a person's intent is paramount to passing judgement upon them. Guided by years of training and the influence of their ancestors the members of the Fisei Clan are especially adept at knowing the true intentions of those they interact with. The true power of this ability is not always active however, if it were it is doubtful any they spent enough time with would survive their wrath. This gives the Fisei Clan the confidence to say that they always know when someone is lying.

Truth’s Gaze:

Virtuous Ardor {750 exp}
The term ‘Fire in their Blood’ is used unironically within the Fisei Clan. The ardor with which they approach all situations lends them an intensity that is difficult to miss. The Fisei are naturally attuned to the Element of Fire and as such are able to manipulate it with ease. All techniques that they use which include both Katon and Kenjutsu in the same technique are applied at 1 Rank higher for the purpose of determining Power.

Ancestral Strength {1000 exp}
The history of the Fisei Clan is steeped in combat. They are almost always the first to battle and they stay to defend until either combat is concluded or there are none left standing. Through devotion and reverence to their Ancestors the Fisei Clan members are able to draw on their Strength and Endurance to aid them. This equates to a permanent ++ (2 advantages) to Constitution and a 1 tier boost to Strength. This is considered a generic boost and follows all rules associated with Stat Boosting and Stacking order.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks:
All Fisei Clan members must take Katon and Kenjutsu upon character creation.

Members of the Fisei Clan are people of action and are therefore more hotheaded. This is represented by a permanent - (1 Disadvantage) to their Intelligence Stat, owing to their impulsiveness.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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