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Gi Clan of The Land of Iron

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Gi Clan of The Land of Iron Empty Gi Clan of The Land of Iron

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:14 am

[Clan Name] Gi Clan
[Clan Location] Land of Iron | Tetsumura
[Bloodline Name & Type] Sword of Justice
[Current Clan Leader] Satoshi Gi


Clan History/Description: The Gi Clan, or the Swords of Justice, are a clan whose origins can be traced back to the founding of the Bushido Code. Originating from the area that is now known as Tatsumura, at the time the East Kingdom, they were the law of the land for many centuries, keeping peace and prosperity. They kept to their areas for a long time until the Southern Kingdom decided that they wanted to take over the land, and the remaining three kingdoms would all respond in kind, leading to the War of Iron. The four clans were all fighting over influence and resources, knowing that whoever controlled the iron would control the future of the country.

The War of Iron would last for one hundred years until the leaders of each of the four main clans, The Fisei, The Meiyo, The Makato and of course the Gi Clan met at the central point of the Country, a region known as the Three Wolves Mountains. Here they would discuss peace, as it had been too long that the land and its people had suffered through the toils of war. Masaru Gi, the eldest of the four assembled, suggested that the four of them adopt a code that would include the tenants of all four clans, as well as other important beliefs that they would agree should rule the land, and it was from this meeting that the Bushido Code was created. This is cited as the official creation of the Samurai in the way that they exist now, also referred to as They Who Serve. The Samurai were created to protect the people of the newly renamed Iron Shogunate, or The Land of Iron.

The meeting included the election of the first ever Shogun of the country, which was the head of the Makato Clan, a woman named Kiyoko. It was decided that she would rule the Land of Iron, and that eventually it would be passed onto an apprentice of hers, who could not be of the same clan. This would ensure that the land would always have a fair leader, and that no one clan’s influence would ever rest too heavily on the land.

Until recently the Land of Iron enjoyed a period of peace, while the rest of the continent had taken up the Shinobi path, they had allowed the Bushido Code to govern them, and their samurai would stay neutral in all dealings between their more underhanded kin. The Gi view the Shinobi as a lawless people, and look down upon the constant crimes of their ways. They were the first clan to rush to the aid of the Northern Region of the country when the Shinobi from Kirigakure attacked. Unfortunately they did not manage to stop the flood of the land of water, and they were defeated, and the land raised. After the sacking of the Land of Iron, and the naming of the new Shogun by the leader of The Society, Nozomi, the Gi were the most hesitant, not liking the idea of an outsider being given control of their village. Eventually the four clans would agree, however, to back the new Shogun and they would assist in rebuilding the country, starting with the new capital of Tetsumura...

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics:  The Gi Clan above all else values reflecting on what is fair and right, and upholding the values of upstanding moral character. They are the truest blade, never wavering from their mission as they wish to ensure that the world is brought into compliance within that justice. They tend to be extremely empathetic and compassionate, taking into consideration the situations of others before deciding upon what is fair or right in a certain circumstance.

Bloodline Description & Abilities:
Living Weapon
The Gi clan are the sharpened blade of Justice, and that fine honed edge is reflected in the weapons that they carry. Each member of the clan begins with a C-Rank weapon of their choice. The weapon begins as a standard weapon, nothing particularly special. If the choice is a bow, you still have to buy arrows and follow the projectile rules...What makes these special is their ability to grow with their user...

First Tier: 250 exp
The first tier of the Living Weapon is unlocked by paying 250 exp. It is increased to B Rank and gains a 1 Tier increase to any stat that you wish while you use it.

Second Tier: 500 exp
The second tier of the Living Weapon is unlocked by paying 500 exp. It can only be unlocked after the First Tier has been unlocked. This will increase the rank of your weapon to A-Rank and will allow you to add an elemental affinity to your weapon, giving you a CP reduction to that element.

Third Tier: 1000 exp
The third tier of the Living Weapon is unlocked by paying 1000 exp. It can only be unlocked after the first and second tiers have been unlocked. This will allow you an additional effect, such as armour penetration, healing prevention, etc. and the weapon will be classed as S-Rank.

Final Form: 1500 exp
The Final Form of the Gi clan's living weapon is unlocked by paying 1500 exp. It can only be unlocked after the other three tiers have been unlocked. The user must be A-Class in order to unlock this. The weapon will be classified as X-Rank, and will be allowed to be given one final enchantment. This can be anything the user wants that follows the Enchantment rules, and, as all other updates, must be approved by staff.

In the hands of anyone but the user, the Living Weapon is simply a weapon, none of the abilities able to be used without interacting with the Chakra (or Ki) of the user. It will have basic properties akin to the rank of the weapon itself, but with none of the additional benefits.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks: Members of the Gi clan spend their entire lives bonding with one weapon and only one. If they ever try to use another weapon they will take a negative tier of coordination when using that weapon. This reflects that they are only comfortable with their own weapon. They only weapon spec that a Gi Clan member can take is the specialization of their specific weapon, meaning a bow user could never take Bukijutsu or Kenjutsu.

Clan Techniques n/a


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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