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The Haya Clan

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The Haya Clan Empty The Haya Clan

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:56 am

[Haya 剣 (Lit. "Blade")]
[Clan Location: Kirigakure]
[Bloodline Name & Type: KKG - The Way]
[Amaya Taira]
  • [Amaya Taira]

Clan History/Description
The Haya clan has their roots within the founding of Kirigakure, their early days mainly spend providing protection to the Hozuki clan as the village was in its early days and continuing to utilize their Kenjutsu specialty to carry out any tasks that were asked of them while being able to remain nearly undetectable due to their lack of Chakra use - making them excellent Assassins and Hitmen. The Clan had not taken their separate family names at this point and had been known as the Haya through their many dealings with the Hozuki.

Several years later, a split would occur within the clan as a leader by the name of Kaito shocked the clan by announcing his intention to split the Clan into three and renaming his own as the "Taira" after his idea that Kenjutsu should be used wholly for protection and for achieving peace rather than utilizing it for murder and easy money as he believed that the Haya had been since the village of Kirigakure had been formed.

Many disagreed with the notion, arguing that splitting their formerly large clan into three pieces would significantly lower their political influence and weaken their status as a whole due to the fact they were fighting among themselves. Kaito simply told his former family that it was better to split the clan and have three families rule over themselves so that each may follow their own Way rather than be shackled to one set of ideals that they may not agree with.

And thus, over the course of several years, the clan was slowly broken into three families who each followed their own "Way" of Kenjutsu while still honoring their ties by collectively coming together under the banner of the "Haya" through a small council formed from the head of each family who then elected a leader to represent the clan as a whole.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics
Each formerly connected family of the Haya now follows a separate Way of Kenjutsu and as such, they each vary from one another individually, however, all of these families share a common trait between them in their affinity for Kenjutsu and their remarkable talents with blades in general, allowing them to easily branch out into other weapons if they choose to develop their abilities in a new direction; making them versatile in weaponry despite their relative shunning of Chakra in most cases.

The "Way of the Taira" involves focusing upon disarming or wounding an opponent rather than killing them. Their style of fighting is considered 'noble' in that they shun those who use tricks or deception on others in combat, preferring open and honest combat between two individuals with one another being on equal terms. This can also be considered a weakness of their family as there are many tales of Taira aiding an enemy in order to fight them on equal terms, only to have said enemy catch them off-guard and wound or kill them.

They remain, however, mostly stalwart in the belief that a fight between individuals does not need to lead to death and that one who may be considered an enemy one day could become your ally the next. Members of this family generally abhor murder in cold blood and consider themselves staunchly opposed to the Aikawa who have made their living through murder and 'violence without honor' as the Taira call it.

One can easily identify a Taira as they often have a habit of dressing in garish clothing and seeing themselves as 'heroic', going so far as to adopt their own extravagant titles and proudly wearing the kanji for their Family Name either as a tattoo or upon a piece of clothing. They do not, however, appear disingenuous in their beliefs and seem to truly believe themselves to be heroes of the shinobi world - whether or not that really is true.

The Aikawa is in stark contrast to the Taira in that firstly, their "Way" is focused entirely upon exploiting an enemy's weaknesses and using every possible condition of both the enemy, the terrain and their own weapons to their advantage in order to end a fight as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The Aikawa do not believe in giving others a 'fighting chance' as it were, they believe that every moment of hesitation is weakness and that by showing compassion for your enemies such as the Taira - you are allowing yourself to be deceived and killed for no reason other than what they believe is 'worthless honor'.

The fighting style of the Aikawa revolves around quick strikes and utilizing feints as well as other methods of deception in order to force an enemy to open themselves for an attack. They are also quite fond of poison, stories often being told that they coat their weapons freshly in vials of poison before each battle in order to cripple an opponent even before they could strike back.

As for their attire, Aikawa typically choose to wear nondescript clothing and blend in with the crowds of citizens or shinobi of their chosen village as to stand out as little as possible. They do, however, carry an identifying patch bearing their Family Name in kanji on their persons at all times in order to prove to another member of the family that they are who they say they are.

The Ikari are those who believe themselves to fit into neither the Aikawa or the Taira and as such see themselves as the outcasts of the Clan. These individuals have no set fighting style, like the other two, however, their versatility shows in their ability to forgo the typical benefits of either Way in order to focus their power on their abilities rather than their Style as a whole.

The Ikari wear their family name on a small patch located on their breast pocket and often dress in varying clothing styles, however, they still dress like ordinary ninja unlike most of the Aikawa and lack the garish appearances of the Taira.

Their fighting style is a mix of both of their sister families, although, unlike other families, they encourage the use of Chakra alongside their techniques - giving them a slight edge in some respects yet ostracizing themselves further from the rest of the Clan.

Bloodline Description & Abilities
Way Of The Taira:

Way Of The Aikawa:

Way Of The Ikari:

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks
- Each Way has its own weaknesses.
- Each individual is limited to one Way.

Clan Techniques


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