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General Organization and Village Rules

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General Organization and Village Rules Empty Re: General Organization and Village Rules

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:30 am

General Organization and Village Rules C0ir8gr

Every Land has an amount of natural resources that can be harvested for a monthly income. The resources are dependent on the landscape of that actual Land and will cost a considerable amount of funding to begin harvesting, but will eventually yield enough return to compensate the costs and then continue to produce income.

Resources are determined by the conditions of the Land of vary in five different levels, with five being the highest. Each level produces 100,000 Ryo of income per month, and a village is capable of collecting up to three levels of income per resource. Some villages will be better set in their own resources than others, and in the case of excess or lacking resources, trading becomes necessary.

Trading occurs when two or more Lands wish to exchange levels in monthly shipments to each other. For example, the Land of Fire has level five in Wood and the Land of Water only has level one. The Land of Fire can then send up to two levels of Wood in exchange for two levels of Fish, because the Land of Fire only has level one fish and the Land of Water has level five fish. Both lands will have level three in Wood and Fish, in this case, and will receive that level of income for them both for every month that trade is in effect. A nation can only acquire trade routes if they are a registerable village. This means that people can start new characters in their village. Additionally, a nation can only have 5 trade routes active at once.

However, trading can be sabotaged. When two Lands agree to trade, a trade route must be created. This route will lead through a specified path or paths (up to one per resource delivery), which can be targeted and destroyed. If an enemy village, or anyone with the desire to, can manage to discover the trade route(s), they may attack the resource delivery ship or caravan and steal those resources for their village. In this case, that resource level is considered lost and payment will go to the thief. Trade shipments occur once per month near the end of the month. The Kage (or a representative) of the village delivering a resource may make a post in the trade route topic that delivery is being made (although this is not required). There will be a set amount of time (determined by route defenses) that the shipment can be interrupted either by invading the delivery thread, or if none is made, creating a delivery thread and robbing it. The attacker will then combat the shipment's defenses (NPC's or PC's, depending on the Kage's purchases), for capture of those resources. These same rules apply for normal resource shipments, but because of the shorter distance, thieves only have 24 hours to intercept.

Now, in order to receive income for a resource, the Kage of that Land must pay 500,000 Ryo to establish a collection site for that reserve. Each collection site increases the collectable income for that reside by one level. Additional collection sites can be established to increase the income up to the maximum levels listed below, which varies by resource for each Land. These collection sites must be created as topics within the desired and appropriate area in the Land and can be attacked. A destroyed collection site will be unable to collect any resources until it is repaired at the cost of 250,000 Ryo, so defense measures should be used, if possible. You'll find more on defense later on in these rules.

The different resources and each Land's level of them can be found in the spoilers below:

Major Countries

Minor Nations Resources:

A map of all of the different Lands can be found in the below spoiler:


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General Organization and Village Rules Empty Re: General Organization and Village Rules

Post by Admin Mon Feb 13, 2023 12:17 am

General Organization and Village Rules X46VPD0

In order to settle in a Land or to create a legitimate organization, one may wish to construct a base from which to operate. This can vary from a little shack out in the woods to an entire bustling city, depending on your needs and your pocketbook. Each base level has a cost to construct, an upkeep, and a build time; these build times are done in real time, starting from the moment that the registered base is approved. The costs are for building from the ground up; upgrading from one base to the next will deduct the cost of the starting construct from the upgrade level, but not the build time. The population limit determines how many player characters your base can house. There are two types of Bases, which are outlined below:

Complex: This is a single structure that is usually used as a base of operations for an organization. These vary in size from small to vast and can allow the purchase of Buildings (outlined in the next post) as rooms. These rooms cast half the price of the full building, but they will require a PC associated with that building. You'll find more information on that in the next post.

Small: This is a single room structure of similar size to a modern day studio apartment. It may work well as an outlook, but is fairly unimpressive as far as bases go. One room is allowed at this level.
Cost: 50,000 Ryo
Upkeep: 250 Ryo
Build Time: 3 Days
PC Population Limit: 0
NPC Population Limit: 2 squads

Medium: This structure can have up to three rooms, along with a general entryway and whatever else you might design. This base is a bit more functional, but still lacking.
Cost: 100,000 Ryo
Upkeep: 500 Ryo
Build Time: 5 Days
Population Limit: 0
NPC Population Limit: 5 squads

Large: This is where the base becomes more like a hideout, with multiple floors and up to five functional rooms, though you can always design more regular ones. These are often seen situated in a Hidden Village or built into the side of a mountain or cave, to serve as a larger organization's base of operations.
Cost: 200,000 Ryo
Upkeep: 750 Ryo
Build Time: 7 Days
Population Limit: 7
NPC Population Limit: 10 squads

Vast: The absolute limit of a single structure, this size can be as large as you wish, like a skyscraper reaching into the heavens or a massive, sprawling underground maze. Use all of your creativity, for there are no limits to how many rooms this structure can have.
Cost: 1 Million Ryo
Upkeep: 2,000 Ryo
Build Time: 14 Days
Population Limit: 10
NPC Population Limit: 15 squads (additional squad for every room after five)

Resource Center: This is a specialized building designed to collect and distribute resources from a land. This can be constructed as a standalone building or added onto a base of at least Large size. With the Resource Center, the owning organization can collect the maximum of three levels from each resource in the Land from any Resource Collection Sites that it also owns. This is commonly created by Hidden Villages wishing to collect more money from resources in minor countries.
Cost: 1 Million Ryo
Upkeep: 1,000 Ryo
Build Time: 7 Days
Population Limit: N/A

Resource Collection Site: In order to take advantage of a Land's Resource, be it with a Dwelling or with a Resource Center, you will need to build a Resource Collection Site on that Resource. A Resource Collection Site grants access to exactly one Resource, meaning that you'll need to build quite a few of these things to fully manage all of a Land's Resources. Each Resource brings in 100,000 Ryo per month and are the primary source of income for any major village. Resources are delivered to the appropriate Center via a designated route, meaning that they can be sabotaged by the enemy.
Cost: 500,000 Ryo
Upkeep: None
Build Time: 3 Days
Population Limit: N/A

Dwelling: Unlike the Complex, a Dwelling consists of a gathering of buildings and structures, designed to house many more people than might fit into just one organization. These are generally built when large clans settle down or when groups come together in peace, but may also be constructed by organizations and villages to spread their influence throughout the shinobi world.

Outpost: This is comparable in size to a single Clan District, so while it's not very large, it can house quite a few more people than any one Complex, and allows for up to three buildings, as well.
Cost: 350,000
Upkeep: 3,000 Ryo
Build Time: 10 Days
Population Limit: 7
NPC Population Limit: 20 squads

Town: This is the average level of Dwelling, with a building limit of ten and the ability to claim up to a section of a Land (such as Northwestern Land of Fire). Only one Town can be built per section. These are also able to generate a passive income, due to the commerce now taking place with this many people. A single Town earns 150,000 Ryo per month!
Cost: 3 Million Ryo
Upkeep: 15,000 Ryo
Build Time: 15 Days
Population Limit: 15
NPC Population Limit: 50 squads

Village: This is the point at which your organization or group can be considered an official Hidden Village, with a building limit of ten. The size of this is twice that of the town, which is why only one of these can be constructed per Land, as with anything larger than this. Resource Collection Sites can now be constructed within the Land to generate a passive income, without the need of a Resource Center. A Village does have its own income, as well: 200,000 Ryo per month. Residents of your Dwelling can now build their own structures.
Cost: 4 Million Ryo
Upkeep: 20,000 Ryo
Build Time: 20 Days
Population Limit: 20
NPC Population Limit: 80 squads

City: A Village that continues to experience growth will eventually become a City, which functions much like the previous level, only larger. Along with an increased Population Limit, Cities can contain up to thirty buildings and generate 250,000 Ryo per month.
Cost: 5 Million Ryo
Upkeep: 25,000 Ryo
Build Time: 25 Days
Population Limit: 30
NPC Population Limit: 150 squads

Metropolis: The height of civilization. The Dwelling can now contain up to fifty buildings and expands the population limit to fifty! A Metropolis will generate 500,000 Ryo per month on its own.
Cost: 10 Million Ryo
Upkeep: 50,000 Ryo
Build Time: 30 Days
Population Limit: 50
NPC Population Limit: 200 squads

Important Notes:
-Complexes (Small, Medium, Large and Vast) and Dwellings (Outpost, Town, Village, City and Metropolis) have stacking building times, even though upgrading from the previous tier provides a ryo cost deduction.

E.g. Building a Metropolis from the ground up (with no previously registered and approved constructed dwellings) will cost 10 Million Ryo and 100 OOC days to construct (10 OOC days for the Outpost, 15 OOC days for the Town, 20 OOC days for the Village, 25 OOC days for a City and 30 OOC days for a Metropolis). Similarly, building a Vast Complex (with no previously registered and approved constructed complexes) will cost 1 Million Ryo and 29 OOC days to construct (3 OOC days for a Small, 5 OOC days for a Medium, 7 OOC days for a Large and 14 OOC days for a Vast).  
-Any Base, Building, or Defense that is destroyed may be repaired at half the original Cost and half the original Build Time.
-Outposts and bases can benefit from a village's buildings within the same land
-Buildings are refunded at half the cost of purchase. If any investment was put into the building in question then half of the invested amount is returned.
-When the building owner dies or is otherwise incapacitated, ownership falls to the person who owns the base the building was situated in. If the base owner is dead or incapacitated then title falls to the leader of the country where the base is situated in.


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General Organization and Village Rules Empty Re: General Organization and Village Rules

Post by Admin Mon Feb 13, 2023 12:18 am

General Organization and Village Rules L5FgspF

Nobody wants any random person just waltzing on up to their base and wreaking havoc. Defenses are the way to keep out all of the undesirables and securing your hard-earned structures.

Secrecy: This makes your base harder to detect, protecting it from NPC scouts and PCs alike. Secrecy can be assigned to trade routes, Resource Collection Sites, resource routes, Resource Centers, entire Bases, or specific buildings, though each of those requires a separate purchase. You can use whichever methods you can think of to describe your Secrecy, but its effectiveness is determined by the Rank. Any NPC Roles of lower Class than the Rank of Secrecy cannot find it; there are also interactions with Player Characters described more in the NPC post of this topic.
E-Rank: 8,000 Ryo per month
D-Rank: 16,000 Ryo per month
C-Rank: 24,000 Ryo per month
B-Rank: 32,000 Ryo per month
A-Rank: 40,000 Ryo per month

Walls: These are actual, well, walls, designed to resist force and physically keep people out. You can apply walls to anything desired, but, as usual, the cost is applied per thing that is to be protected. Walls prevent NPC Roles of lower Class from entering the protected area and are able to resist up to their Rank in Strength (B-Rank Wall requires over B-Tier Strength to break). The actual type of style of walls can be determined by your registration, and it's your creativity that determines how easy a Wall can be bypassed by other PCs.
E-Rank: 30,000 Ryo
D-Rank: 60,000 Ryo
C-Rank: 90,000 Ryo
B-Rank: 120,000 Ryo
A-Rank: 150,000 Ryo
S-Rank: 200,000 Ryo

Traps: Sometimes having big Walls just isn't enough and maybe Guards are a bit pricey for your taste. The alternative is Traps, devilish little things hidden about whatever object you want to protect that spring up and slay unsuspecting victims. This, above all other fields, is where your creativity is key. A Trap can be anything you imagine that can deal damage to another character, from a lava pit to a snake moat and everything in between. The interactions with Player Characters is determined by the actual Trap, which is influenced by the Rank (An E-Rank lava pit probably won't catch a PC, though even an A-Rank one may not work if that PC is clever), but the primary purpose of Traps is to exterminate invading NPCs. Traps are set until they are triggered, and once triggered, will kill any NPCs of equal or lower Class than the Trap's Rank, but once a Trap is triggered, you'll need to purchase it again, so it may be wise to set plenty of Traps if you don't plan to make use of Guards.
E-Rank: 1,500 Ryo
D-Rank: 3,000 Ryo
C-Rank: 4,500 Ryo
B-Rank: 6,000 Ryo
A-Rank: 7,500 Ryo

Sensing Barrier: This is a special Defense available only to Bases that have built a Sensory Center. This barrier surrounds the Base and notifies NPC sensors within the Sensory Center of anyone that passes it. With this Defense, the Sensory Center will begin recording the Chakra Signature of everyone in the Village and will, therefore, be able to identify any unknown individuals that cross the barrier. The Sensory Center will immediately notify specific authorities in the Village to arrange a response for any such intruders, if necessary. This Barrier cannot be sensed or seen except by Doujutsu capable of visualizing chakra, and can only be bypassed by the Sensing Barrier Pass Technique, which is keyed to each specific Barrier and can be changed as ordered by the Kage, so that old keys no longer work. Only a few select sensors charged with monitoring the barrier, the base leader, and other individuals selected by that leader know the key to use that technique.
Cost: 120,000 Ryo per month

Upgrades: These are things you can buy to increase the functioning of your Land. While these may not provide immediate defensive benefit, they can, potentially, increase the security of your Land simply by minimizing the time it takes for your forces to get somewhere.

Roads: These layer your land with specific paths to certain locations, which expedite travel. You can decide where these roads go and can even have Guards patrol them for enemy forces. Generally, anyone using a road is noticeable by any NPC scouts in the Land or any Guard patrols, so use caution. This does reduce the time it takes to complete a trade or resource shipment.

Dirt: A path has been used so often that it's become more or less permanent and a bit more solid, so it's easier to traverse. Travel time through your land is reduced by 2 hours.
Cost: 500,000 Ryo

Paved: By assigning a crew to pave all of the roads in your Land, you are able to greatly expedite all travel, reducing all travel times by half.
Cost: 10 Million Ryo

Bridges: Every Land has some sections that are simply impassible, so by creating a bridge, you can open up new roads for people to use, which can increase the speed of travel for people throughout your Land. A bridge reduces travel time in its section of the Land by 1 hour, which applies after the half reduction of Paved Roads, if applicable. You may construct as many bridges as you wish, but the travel bonus does not stack.
Cost: 1 Million Ryo


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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General Organization and Village Rules Empty Re: General Organization and Village Rules

Post by Admin Mon Feb 13, 2023 12:18 am

General Organization and Village Rules Mt8zDHF

Once you have your base, you'll probably need buildings to go along with it. These are what give your base functionality, such as purchasing higher Class NPCs. An organization/base can use a larger dwelling's building requirements assuming the larger dwelling's owner is okay with it. For example, a Clan District may make use of B-Class NPCs if the village it is housed in has an Academy, Training Grounds, and Barracks. Buildings do not require any upkeep, but can be costly to construct and are limited by the level of Base. Buildings with large and important functions (ie almost all the buildings found on this list along with significant custom buildings such as factories) will count towards a base's building limit. Buildings of small-scale importance such as PC bought and ran stores that are within a village or higher do not count towards the base's building limit. If the small scale building (PC store) is within a town or outpost then it does count towards the base's building limit. An alternative to a full Building is a Room, a specific room in a Complex dedicated to the same purpose as its Building counterpart. These cost half the price and serve the same function, but will require at least one PC dedicated to leading that Room. This doesn't mean the PC can't leave, but you'll need at least one PC per Room and some may require specific Skills or Classes:

Administration: This is your base's main headquarters and the center for all affairs. This building allows you to receive and post missions, as well as assign NPCs of up to E-Class to all the various roles needed to keep your base functioning.
Cost: 250,000 Ryo
Room Requirements: E-Class

Academy: A large schoolhouse dedicated to training the people in your village the shinobi arts, as well as basic academics. This building allows you to use up to D-Class NPC and also grants your NPCs access to the Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu Skills. Requires Administration.
Cost: 300,000 Ryo
Room Requirements: D-Class and: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, or Taijutsu Skill

Training Area: These vary by location; some are open fields with assorted shuriken targets or stumps, some are closed buildings with several traps hidden about, etc. Use your imagination! This building allows you to use up to C-Class NPCs and gives them access to the five basic elements: Katon, Fuuton, Raiton, Doton, and Suiton. A Training Area is required in order for a village to regenerate their nation's exclusives after they have been stolen or destroyed. Requires Academy.
Cost: 250,000 Ryo
Room Requirement: C-Class and at least once Basic Element

Barracks: Even nameless NPCs need somewhere to live. By providing housing for them, you relieve a great stress from them, which encourages them to go out and focus on their training to better serve the village. That's just a long-winded way of saying you can use up to B-Class NPCs. Requires Training Area.
Cost: 450,000 Ryo
Room Requirements: B-Class

Armory: A simple building designed to store and distribute weapons to the shinobi of your village. All of your NPCs may now carry all weapon types, whereas without this addition, they are limited to only basic kunai and shuriken. NPCs also may now access the Kenjutsu, Bukijutsu, and Kyujutsu Skills. Requires Academy and Market.
Cost: 350,000 Ryo
Room Requirements: Kyujutsu, Bukijutsu, or Kenjutsu Skill

Hospital: The place for all of the sick and wounded to come for healing. This building allows access to the Ijutsu Skill for all of your NPCs and also provides a location for medical procedures to take place. Injured Player Characters and NPCs alike can come here and be patched up by the attending medics free of charge. Player Characters with the Ijutsu Skill may also perform procedures here, such as implantation and other complicated surgeries for an additional 10% chance of success! Requires Administration.
Cost: 500,000 Ryo
Room Requirements: Ijutsu Skill

Market: This is the place where PC's come to purchase items of any type. The market is a fairly large area consisting of many shops and stands from which merchants can sell their wares. This doesn't increase the base's income, but it does allow access to all of the general items found under the Item Purchase List. Requires Administration.
Cost: 250,000 Ryo
Room Requirements: None

Interrogation Center: The one stop shop for all of your torture needs. Interrogation Centers are large buildings equipped to handle any kind of information extraction methods that your devious little mind can think up. They can hold a small jail, but it isn't a substitute for an actual prison. In addition to your personal tastes, all Interrogation Centers come equipped with a Mind Reading Amplification Machine. Requires Armory.
Cost: 500,000 Ryo
Room Requirements: B-Class

Police Station: A structure dedicated to keeping the streets clean of crime and holding the peace in your dwelling. This allows Civilians and Shinobi to create warrants, report crimes, and drop off criminals to be handled by whatever standards your dwelling has set in place. Primarily, though, this structure removes one Criminal Rating every OOC month. A maximum of one removal can be occurred without a Prison.
Cost: 250,000 Ryo
Upkeep: 20,000 ryo
Room Requirements: None

Prison: For those troublesome ne'er do wells that you just can be bothered to having running around freely, we have the perfect solution! It's called a prison. This massive, usually underground, building comes equipped with the world's finest cages designed for holding humans indefinitely, or for some arbitrary length of time, whatever you decide. Requires Interrogation Center.
Cost: 300,000 Ryo
Room Requirements: None

Sensory Center: Often, the best way to keep a village is safe is by monitoring it closely. This is where the sensors come in. By training your NPCs to use the Sensory Skill, this building can offer a constant defensive measure in the form of precise intelligence gathering. By spreading out sensors all across the village and posting them at key points along the border, this building can know about threats happening inside and up to One Kilometer outside of your village. NPCs may now access the Sensory Skill. Requires Defense Coordination Center.
Cost: 500,000 Ryo
Room Requirements: Sensory Skill

Defense Coordination Center: This is the Anbu base of operations, and is responsible for, as the name suggests, coordinating all defensive measures for the village. You may now use up to A-Class NPCs. It's pretty cool stuff, and vital to a village's longevity. Requires Barracks.
Cost: 450,000 Ryo
Room Requirements: A-Class

Vault: A basic defensive structure designed to protect the money of the village. Vaults can be placed underground, beneath either important or unassuming buildings or even in remote locations, or be fashioned into a public bank. Leaders can allow Player Characters to store their money in the Vault as well, if desired, and can select the defense protocols for it, from who is allowed to access it to Guards and Defenses. Use your creativity. Every Vault is made from hardened steel and sealed by a combination locking door. If you wish to take it beyond these levels, simply include them in your registration and we'll see about setting a price to it!
Cost: 250,000 Ryo
Room Requirements: None

Clan District: Most villages are comprised of at least a few clans that decided to come together and make something greater than themselves. Of course, even if you're just a guy with a base, you may want to invite a clan to come and join forces with you for increased power and standing. A Clan District provide a place for a Clan to live and perform their daily functions. The Disticts themselves are run by the Leader of the Clans to which they belong, and may have slightly different laws than are present in the overall village. As such, the upkeep for them is determined by negotiation between the Kage and the Clan Leader, and that upkeep will pay for the various buildings located in that District. Can contain up to five buildings. These buildings do not count towards a base's maximum but rather supplements it. Requires Village or higher. Village NPCs can now be registered with the Clan's Kekkei Genkai or techniques. Note that clan exclusive techniques will still require the Clan Leader's permission. Clan Districts are also unique in that they allow the Clan Leader (or person in control of the Clan Leader NPC) to purchase and control NPC shinobi to preserve their clan's interests. These NPCs follow the standard rules of purchase and roleplay. In addition, the Clan District provides an enhanced quality of life for all clan members. This is represented by the next level to their village's current Living Expense. So this means a village or city, which naturally provides Modest for all of its Shinobi will provide Comfortable for a clan. Likewise, a Metropolis which provides Comfortable for all of its Shinobi will provide Wealthy for a clan.
Cost: 750,000 Ryo
Upkeep: Varies
Room Requirements: Unavailable

Store: This is another personal purchase that players can make for their characters. A Store can be of any business type desired and constructed in any part of the city. They do not count towards the base's building limit for villages, metropolises, or cities. They do count towards the base's building limit for outposts and towns. Stores generate a monthly income for the buyer in the form of an investment return. After paying the cost for construction, the player can invest any sum of money up to 500,000 ryo at max and see a 20% return every month. If the player character is also a Craftsman, that is, possesses the Chemistry, Armor Smithing, Weapon Smithing, or Engineering, they can open up the shop to other player characters in order to purchase the goods that they create. In this case, your Store will have the necessary NPCs to craft for you instantly (no waiting for crafting times) depending on your level of investment. NPCs may craft without you having to first craft it however if you do not craft you do not get experience nor is the NPC-crafted item counted as part of your crafting progression. The Store can automatically instantly craft D-Grade items. At a 50,000 Ryo investment the Store can instantly craft C-Grade items. At a 300,000 Ryo investment the store can instantly craft B-Grade items. You must be able to craft at the appropriate rank before your NPC can. A Store NPC however may not instantly craft A and S-Grade items regardless of the amount invested as their complexity requires a PC to craft it following the normal crafting rules.
Cost: 150,000 Ryo
Upkeep: 5,000 Ryo

Limitations on Store Quantity

Laboratory: The lab features a state-of-the-art aseptic production facility using isolators as the core technology with the highest engineering standards of design and construction. All sorts of vials, flasks, beakers, burners, crucibles, scales, measuring devices, and other alchemical equipment fill this space (used for mixing, not storing). The walls of this place is covered with blackboards upon which all sorts of obscure notes can be scrawled. This building allows for increasing the yields Chemistry products created within it's walls by x3. (This cannot be stacked with a Chemistry station)
Cost: 500,000 Ryo
Room Requirements: None

Agricultural Center: An Agricultural Center is built onto a resource site leaving it vulnerable to attack if and when the resource site is attacked. The center is in charge of overseeing and educating the workers to increase production. A nation can have an Agricultural Center designated to increase income in a single Resource site related to Agriculture (Crops, Wood, Livestock). Each Center increases the income of the single designated resource site by 50% of its base income (so a 100k ryo income will become 150k ryo income with a Center devoted to it, and if it's base was 300k ryo it becomes 450k ryo). There's a cap of 1 per Resource, can only effect Crops, Wood, Livestock. Cannot be used with other modifiers that effect the same Resource.
Cost: 500,000 (limit 3 per Nation)
Requires: Resource Site

Amphitheater: Large, tiered viewing areas, typically circular, open-air structures that are used for public displays and public meetings. They are often constructed from stone and can be converted to fortifications during sieges due to the strength of their construction. Renown rewards for Rank-Ups announced in this room are doubled. Also allows for Award Ceremony events where the owner can can hand out metals and/or titles that grant renown.
Cost: 500,000 Ryo
Requires: Administration

Shipyard: Provides dry docks for the village allowing easier maintenance on ships, resulting in 25% reduction to their upkeep cost.
Cost: 500,000 Ryo
Upkeep: 25,000 Ryo
Requires: Barracks

Barbican: Addition to the Wall, It features murder holes/arrow slits into the wall, through which the guards can attack would be invaders. This results in NPC guards acting as +1 rank higher (to a maximum of B-Rank) when defending attacks from outside the wall.
Cost: 100,000 Ryo
Requires: Wall

Aviary: A building that houses the village's messenger birds, allowing communication between villages. Each aviary comes with messenger birds that are capable of taking messages to other hidden villages or locations so long as the location is known to the sender.  
Requires: Administration.
Cost: 150,000
Upkeep: 5,000

Stables: Houses village owned horses, reduces the upkeep requirements for owned horses by 1 rank. i.e. instead of needing C-Rank maintenance they only need D-Rank.
Requires: None
Cost: 250,000
Upkeep: 5,000

Advanced Shipyard: Improvements can be made to the ship yard allowing (in addition to upkeep reduction) a building time reduction on ships. Requires village to have shipyard, and an engineer to follow normal crafting guidelines. Results in a  25% reduction to ship build times. (takes up 2 of the village's building slots and replaces the former shipyard in the village)
Requires: Shipyard, Engineering Skill
Cost: 500,000 Ryo
Upkeep: 50,000 Ryo

Clocktower: Rising high above a central point and easily visible to all, the stylized yet simple face of this enormous clock hides a complex assembly of gigantic gears, all turning in unison with an expertly synchronized motion. The presence of a clock tower greatly increases the efficiency of your workforce and thus your entire Organization, requiring you to spend less on maintenance and wages to achieve the same effect. Reduce the total amount the villages NPC's monthly upkeep cost by 25%.
Requires: None
Cost: 500,000 Ryo
Upkeep: 25,000 Ryo

Coliseum: A place for entertaining the masses with bouts of strength and endurance, as well as public displays of punishments or events such as shinobi fights. Chuunin exams and Shinobi fights within this subforum would grant double Renown.
Cost: 1,000,000
Requires: None

Armed East Indiaman: While this structure is not a building in the traditional sense, it does operate a tactical boon to whatever village or faction owns them. Armed East Indiamen are armed trading vessels, with a large cargo hold. Their purpose is trading, but it can hold its own in a battle. It is slower than most ships because it usually carries a lot of valuable goods. These ships grant a flat 300,000 Ryo bonus to every trade route they are applied to. Only a single ship can be applied to a single trading resource.
Cost: 700,000 Ryo
Upkeep: 40,000 Ryo
Build Time: 10 Days (Up to 2 at the same time)
Requires: None

Tartane: A Tartane is a small ship used both as a fishing ship and for coastal trading. It has a single mast on which is rigged a large lateen sail, and with a bowsprit and fore-sail. When the wind is aft a square sail is generally hoisted like a cross jack. These ships grant a flat 75,000 Ryo bonus to every fishing resource they are applied to. Only a single ship can be applied to a single fishing resource. You cannot apply the ship boosts to resources that have been traded away.
Cost: 100,000 Ryo
Upkeep: 15,000 Ryo
Build Time:  10 days (Up to 5 at the same time)
Requires: None

Corvette: A corvette is a small warship. It is traditionally the smallest class of vessel considered to be a proper (or "rated") warship. These ships cut water travel times in half.
Cost: 600,000 Ryo
Upkeep: 30,000 Ryo
Build Time: 10 days (Up to 5 at the same time)
Requires: None

Note: Except where explicitly noted otherwise, all Buildings have a 5 Day build time, which is reduced to 3 Days for Rooms.


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Join date : 2023-01-30

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General Organization and Village Rules Empty Re: General Organization and Village Rules

Post by Admin Mon Feb 13, 2023 12:18 am

General Organization and Village Rules ASTmF1z

NPCs are separated into Classes. When you use an NPC with the guide on the next section of this post, you will be able to choose its class according to how much you are willing to pay and how well upgraded your village is. Below are the different Classes you can choose and what each level provides:

E-Class: These are non-combat NPCs that are used for menial tasks and labor. Basically any shinobi can autohit them. These come in groups of 20.

D-Class: Roughly Genin level. You'll have 600 Experience Points to distribute among their stats, 2 Techniques up to D-Rank, and 1 Skill Point. These can be autohit by shinobi of C-Class or higher. These come in groups of 10.

C-Class: Roughly Chuunin level. These guys have 1650 Experience Points to distribute to their stats, 4 Techniques up to C-Rank, and 2 Skill Points. B-Class shinobi can autohit them. These come in groups of 8.

B-Class: Roughly Jounin level. Up to 3050 Experience Points can go into their stats, 6 Techniques up to B-Rank, along with 3 Skill Points. Shinobi of A-Class or higher can autohit them. This is generally a good level for a strong fighting force. These come in groups of 6.

A-Class: If you just want to have a bunch of badasses running around, this is the level for you. These ninjas are roughly Anbu level and can distribute up to 5150 Experience Points to their stats, 8 Techniques up to A-Rank, as well as 4 Skill Points. If you can find an S-Class shinobi, that's who can autohit these guys. These come in groups of 3.

S-Class: If you manage to hire one of these powerhouses, never. let. him. go. S-Class NPCs are pretty rare, with power comparable to an actual Kage. Yeah, you read that right. They have 7650 Experience points to distribute to their stats, 10 Techniques up to S-Rank, which can include Exclusives, and 5 whole Skill Points to allocate. Whatever Class is above them can autohit them, but like, seriously, that's pretty unlikely. These come in groups of 1.

Notes: Autohitting an NPC means that a player can initiate an attack and connect it in the same post, but only to the NPCs which that player's character out-classes. Being equal in class lets you defeat them after 3 rounds of combat. Being one class lower lets you defeat them after 5 rounds of combat. Any lower and you must defeat normally. Please use some realism in doing this and make it believable. Snapping your fingers and having all the NPCs suddenly fall down dead is a no-go.

When you can't autohit an NPC, it is treated as a PC controlled by the person that registered it or a representative of the person. All normal PC rules apply.

When registering an NPC with an Exclusive, you must have permission from the person in charge of that Exclusive. This would be Kage for Village Exclusives, Clan Leaders for Clan/Bloodline Exclusives, and Players for Player Exclusives. Note that only S-Class NPCs may learn village exclusives.

Every village gets one free group of A-Class guards to protect the location where that village's exclusive techniques are hidden. This location can be designated by the Kage via village update but is assumed to be in the Kage's office if no such place is specified.

NPC Prices
D-Class Purchase Price: 30,000 Ryo
C-Class Purchase Price: 40,000 Ryo

Maintenance Upkeep: 30,000 Ryo

Training your NPCs

Your NPC squads can be trained at any time. But do keep in mind that higher ranked squads require a greater upkeep cost and in the long term this can cause a very large dent in your coffers. So if you're planning a big operation, do train these guys. Otherwise, it might be wiser to keep just a few at hand for emergencies and pay less upkeep.

D>>>C-rank requires 10,000 Ryo and a week.
C>>>B-rank requires 20,000 Ryo and a week.
B>>> A-rank requires 25,000 Ryo and two weeks.

You may train more than one squad at a time as long as you can afford it.

Additional Information:
-See the Village Updates forum for information and the template on registering your NPCs. Keep in mind that you must register NPCs in order to use them.
-NPCs are generally played by the leader/Kage of the organization/village to which those NPCs belong, but may be played by others so long as posted permission from that leader/Kage are given.
-Sometimes, Plot NPCs are introduced into the game. These are characters played by staff that generally do not have any given backstory or Class. They are used for the purpose of propelling a plot and are treated as Player Characters. Be careful when facing one of these, as their abilities, stats, techniques, and even identities may not be revealed immediately.
-Players can use generic NPCs for the purpose of their own story. These NPCs can only be damaged with the permission of the player that created them. However, they are unable to have any impact on other Player Characters until upgraded into a Class of NPC.
-Players that make the necessary Building Purchases may be able to create their own NPC. As with Bases, these NPC are limited only by the common sense of the player. Generic NPCs can be upgraded up to the highest Class available to that player, once the purchase(s) is(are) made.

-Player Characters can seek things out, much like NPCs, but their efficiency in doing so is determined by their Stats. The base level is 2 months In Real Time to find any one thing, such as villages, resource sites, etc. This time frame is reduced by 2 weeks every Tier above C in Intelligence or Perception. Secrecy will prevent a PC from finding a base if the PC does not have either Perception or Intelligence at the same tier as the Secrecy. For instance, A-rank Secrecy would prevent a PC from having any chance of finding the base until they have Intelligence of Perception of at least A-rank.  

-Having Kyujutsu with at least A-tier Perception or a summon with Flight will reduce this time frame by 4 weeks. These cannot stack.

-A PC must spend at least 1 In Real Time week to find anything no matter how many modifiers are in place.

-Individual Unique NPCs gained through plot or renown rewards are special in that they cannot automatically be autohit although all other limitations remain in effect.

-Unique NPCs can do skill/stat trades

-Actions undertaken by NPC including but not limited to: scouting lands, assaulting targets, defending against specific attacks, and countering scouts require appropriate IC posting on the part of the person responsible for controlling those NPCs.

-NPCs may not be civilians nor can they take crafting as a skill. They are not allowed to operating Crafting related abilities outside of the narrow mechanism provided by the Store system.

-Unique NPC’s may have up to 4 Unique Abilities. These must be taken from the Unique Ability Guide and have the following restriction;
  • Unique NPC’s may not take any UA that involves EXP

-UA’s taken from the Unique Ability Guide may be ‘reflavoured’ with ‘fluff’ text, however at their core may not be customs.

-Unique NPC’s do not have stat raises, though they are limited to the 20 stat raise cap. This means that when doing stat/skill trades, they cannot sacrifice stat raises that they could not benefit from. A Stat/Skill Trade on a Unique NPC is strictly sacrificing a Skill Point for 500 spendable EXP.


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General Organization and Village Rules Empty Re: General Organization and Village Rules

Post by Admin Mon Feb 13, 2023 12:19 am

General Organization and Village Rules FZU3WEd

All villages are afforded knowledge of the various Lands, their locations, and their borders. Each of these Lands is governed by an Outpost level base manned by shinobi and civilian NPCs, often including a Kage type figure. In order to conquer another nation, one must first locate this Outpost using the normal Scout comparison. All of these Outposts employ Secrecy, requiring the use of higher level NPCs.

Once NPCs are dispatched to a particular Land, they will return with the location of the Outpost, assuming they are able to do so, and can continue scouting the Land for any activity.

With an Outpost's location, the conquering village can dispatch more NPCs to interact with the Outpost. There are three approaches a Kage can take.

The first is as conquerors, attacking the Outpost directly. The Outpost will be defended by Unique NPCs. Once victory is obtained, the Outpost can either be kept with whatever buildings it had, or be destroyed.

The second option is through buyout. Every Outpost has an attached price that an invading village can pay in order to obtain that Outpost and all of the NPCs in it. This may sound easy, but the prices can be extremely high. Prices are also subject to fluctuation as nations become larger and have more colonies and villages start to take in more money. Logically the minor nations remaining would increase their price as a result. Major fluctuations in Buyout Price are timed to coincide with the end of quarterly activity checks.

For those that want a peaceful method, but can't afford a buyout, there is influence. The invading village can negotiate with the Outpost leader and take on a series of missions, tasks, or favors in order to positively influence that leader and eventually obtain the Outpost and its NPC for free. This is easily the most time consuming method, for each leader is different and is roleplayed by Staff. The missions vary tremendously in difficulty based upon the needs and situation of the Outpost, as well as the general possessions of it and its Land. Generally, you will need to hit a specific experience threshold to have obtain the Minor Nation.

Once you've conquered a Land, you'll be given a list detailing the Artifacts, Techniques, and other unique things exclusive to the Outpost. You'll be given the opportunity to register these things if they haven't been already, and can then do with them as you please.

All actions: buying, doing missions for, or conquering a minor nation requires IC posting and the appropriate roleplaying to occur.  

Once you take over a minor nation then you will receive half of its maximum resource income. If you want the rest you will have to build the necessary resource collection sites. For major nations they have whatever existing resource collection sites the previous government had built.

All income pertaining to village resources (including buildings which generate Ryo based on resource sites) must be collected and claimed from the 1st to the 7th of every month. So if you conquer a country on the 8th of the month you won't get its resources till the first of next month.

However successfully pillaging a base will net an immediate amount of money due to looting and stealing the various objects/items inside. It will be as follows:

Towns - 75,000 ryo
Villages - 100,000 ryo
Cities - 175,000 ryo
Metropolis - 250,000 ryo

This money is taken as a result of disassembling and looting the base in question. Thus if you claim this bonus it is assumed that you have completely destroyed or stripped down the base to the point where it cannot be used at all.

If someone conquers a minor nation with a clan, they may register that clan and lock the clan to their own base. However, if that minor nation is conquered by another group then the clan switches to whoever conquered them.

Minor Nation Assets

When conquering a Minor Nation there are various ways that this can be accomplished, each of these options slightly changes how the Assets that come with a Minor Nation are handled.

  • All NPCs are considered to have been killed in action.
  • Defenses must be purchased again (with the notable exception of certain Defenses that are naturally occurring.)
  • Buildings (including the Outpost itself) may be destroyed or not, this is left to the discretion of the conquerors.

  • NPCs are kept, though they are no longer considered Unique and all S-Rank NPCs (if any) are downgraded to A-Rank, and their upkeep costs must be paid.
  • Defenses are kept, though their upkeep costs (if any) must be paid.
  • Buildings are kept, though their upkeep costs (if any) must be paid.

Because of the nature of this option, the following rules are the base standard, though may not be applicable depending on how the process is roleplayed out.
  • NPCs are kept, though they are no longer considered Unique and all S-Rank NPCs (if any) are downgraded to A-Rank, and their upkeep costs must be paid.
  • Defenses are kept, though their upkeep costs (if any) must be paid.
  • Buildings are kept, though their upkeep costs (if any) must be paid.

Minor Nation Outpost Information


Artifact List

There is a thread that lists the individual player characters that own the artifacts itemized below. It can be found here.



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Join date : 2023-01-30

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General Organization and Village Rules Empty Re: General Organization and Village Rules

Post by Admin Mon Feb 13, 2023 12:19 am

General Organization and Village Rules V3q0n5d
Village/Organization Name: (What is the name of your organization?)
Founder: (Who is the founder?)
Name of Current Leader:  ( Who is its current leader?)
List of Members: (What is the current list of membership?)
Base Size:  (What size base do you plan to buy and use for your organization?)
Lands Settled:  (What lands can your organization be found in?)
Starting Funds: (How much money does your organization have to start out with?)
Insignia: (What is the main symbol or insignia of your organization?)
Attire: (How do your members dress and carry themselves?)
Purpose: (What is the overall purpose, goal, or mission of your organization?)
General Description:  (How does your organization plan to reach that goal or fulfill its purpose? You can feel free to include all sorts of information here including hierarchy, protocols, membership criteria, and whatever else sets your organization a part from all the rest.)
Sources of Revenue: (How does your organization make money to fund its operations?)
Allegiances/Allies:  ( Who is your organization loyal to? Do they owe their allegiance to a larger organization or nation-state? Do they owe their loyalty to a particular individual or deity? Who are their allies and peers?)

[b]Village/Organization Name:[/b] (What is the name of your organization?)
[b]Founder:[/b] (Who is the founder?)
[b]Name of Current Leader:[/b]  ( Who is its current leader?)
[b]List of Members:[/b] (What is the current list of membership?)
[b]Base Size:[/b]  (What size base do you plan to buy and use for your organization?)
[b]Lands Settled:[/b]  (What lands can your organization be found in?)
[b]Starting Funds:[/b] (How much money does your organization have to start out with?)
[b]Insignia:[/b] (What is the main symbol or insignia of your organization?)
[b]Attire:[/b] (How do your members dress and carry themselves?)
[b]Purpose:[/b] (What is the overall purpose, goal, or mission of your organization?)
[b]General Description:[/b]  How does your organization plan to reach their goal )
[b]Sources of Revenue:[/b] (How does your organization make money to fund its operations?)
[b]Allegiances/Allies:[/b]  (Who is your organization loyal to)


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Join date : 2023-01-30

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