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Village and Mission Rules

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Village and Mission Rules Empty Village and Mission Rules

Post by Admin Sat Apr 06, 2024 1:39 am

Village Rules

The village system will go into detail of how the villages work. How shinobi get paid, and how villages can be upgraded and how taking over minor nations works for those who endeavor to do so. The villages consist of the five great nations of Konohagakure, Kirigakure, Kumogakure, Iwagakure, and Sunagakage. These consist of the major hot points of shinobi and civilian life. In the past conflicts between them have been common and brutal. The future? Who knows what that may entail. The minor nations all have their own smaller villages of course. With the ability to take them over and add them to a major nations own power base and eventually forming an empire being entirely possible. 

As a baseline each Major Village will gain 50,000 Ryo a month. That the leader may do with as they wish. To further increase major nation profits each mission completed once properly turned in will bring in revenue to the village. It is important for missions to be properly turned in so that the shinobi that partook in them will gain their renown and credit toward potential in character rank up. The amount of Ryo each mission rank will give to the nation is listed below. 

D rank = 5,000
C Rank = 10,000
B Rank = 15,000 

The village is able to use the funds gained from this for anything the kage of the village see’s fit. Be it stockpiling it to buy upgrades for the village, distributing it out to their shinobi to help them with equipment. Using it to fund various personal projects. Whatever they might wish. 

Each village will have access to three Village Upgrade slots. These slots are typically some sort of building or defensive structure that can be bought by the Kage to add some sort of utility to the village as a whole. The ability to app these Village Upgrades is solely the Kage’s unless they of course deputize someone to do so. Initially each Major Village will have three slots that can have up to B rank upgrades. However having an Architect on staff will increase the slots to five and allow up to S rank upgrades. These upgrades will cost materials and/or raw Ryo, to be decided by staff on a case by case basis. Some upgrades might require people of certain skills be in the village. 

Each Village will have Unique NPC’s that the Kage, or one deputized by the Kage, can control in order to assist with the defense of the village. These NPC’s are apped and maintained by the Kage. Unique NPC’s cannot gain experience and each village is limited to those of certain ranks. 

Major Nations have the following ranks of Unique NPC’s 

S: 2
A: 3
B: 4

Minor Nations will have the following ranks of Unique NPC’s

S: 1
A: 2
B: 3

This brings us to Minor Nations. Each Minor Nation will generate 25,000 Ryo a month into their coffers. This will create a raidable fund for people to sack and steal should they desire. However one will need to compete against the nations Unique NPC’s to do that. But more on that in a moment. Some Minor Nations will have various exclusive jutsu and even Artifacts to be gained. So obtaining the allegiance or subservience of Minor Nations might very well be worth the while. 

There are three methods to obtain one or more of these artifacts, exclusives, or the money in the nations vault. 

The first is by raiding the nation. This can be done by launching a raid on the nation in question by creating a thread in the nations main gate labeled ‘Raid for…’ somewhere. It can be in the description or simply make it the title but the goal of the raid must be clear. A raid will allow you to select a single artifact/exclusive or the money in the vault of the nation in question. Said raid will be defended by either the village leader or the S rank NPC’s attached to the nation. Any raid is a potentially lethal attack and one must be prepared for that possibility when enacting one. 

The second options is outright conquering the nation in question. This will give you all of the rewards and force the nation to be your subject. Meaning their 25,000 Ryo income each month will become yours instead. Conquering a nation outright will force you to fight all of the potential defenders. NPC and player character both.

The final method is via diplomacy. This is of course the less violent method of gaining a new nation under your control. This is done by traveling to the nation in question and gaining ‘Influence’. Influence is the measure of how much a nation may or may not like you. Influence is gained by performing missions in the country you are trying to get influence for. The amount of influence gained from each rank is listed below. 

D = 5
C = 10
B = 15

The influence goal is 300 for minor nations and 600 for major nations so long as that nation is not a player run nation. Once a player or player run village has successfully reached the threshold, taking it over requires the use of conquest or bartering with the owners of the nation. It should be noted that just because a nation has started toward the influence goal does mean another nation cannot do so. The threshold is a finish line and the first nation/player to get to the 300/600 goal point successfully gets the ‘allegiance’ of the nation in question. Politicians become useful here because they increase the amount of influence gained from missions by 5 per politician involved. 

Now to discuss the regular stipend for players. Shinobi and Civilians each get a monthly stipend. For shinobi it’s simply their pay checks. For Civilians it can be profits from their various works, donors, charity, or perhaps they discovered gold in their backyard. Stipend pay is decided by IC rank for shinobi and by class for civilians, since they’d have no in character rank. 

Genin/D Rank = 5,000 Ryo a month 
Chuunin/C Rank = 10,000 Ryo a month
Jounin/B Rank = 20,000 Ryo a month 
ANBU/A Rank = 40,000 Ryo a month

The Kage does not receive a monthly stipend any longer, they simply receive access to the village funds and have broad ability to do with it as they please.

Artifact/Exclusive Locations

Below are the locations of the Artifacts and Exclusives one may obtain In-Character from various nations. Control of the Artifact/Exclusive falls to the leader of the village that owns the nation unless it has otherwise been raided for successfully or simply been distributed already. 


Mission Rules

Missions on Spatha come down to three types. NPC Missions, In-Character (IC) Missions and Event Missions. Event Missions only come up during events and can have special rules attached to them that normally would not apply. Along with special rewards. IC Missions are assigned and taken completely in character. The reward is given from one player/organization to another and it is fully funded and handled in character. These missions can be any rank but A and S rank missions are only IC missions. NPC Missions are the ones people will do more than any other. They consist of missions D through B rank and the rewards from them are simply claimed in updates and do not come from another player/organization's coffers. 

Missions do not need to be apped previously before doing them. Instead there will be a list of guidelines below for each rank of mission. Players partaking will fill out the template below at the top of the first post in the thread the mission is being done, or assigned if it’s an IC one. They will then do the mission and when they claim the rewards from it on their updates page it will be double checked and approved fully. 

One can do multiple missions in a thread. However each mission needs to have the same posted template in either the first post of the thread or the post that particular mission is starting in within the thread. 

Mission payouts are flat for NPC missions but do vary depending on how many players participate in the mission. The following list will show the rank of NPC mission with the payouts for each member of the mission depending on the number of people participating. 

D: 1 = 10,000 Ryo, 2 = 8,000 Ryo, 3 = 6,000 Ryo, and 4 = 4,000 Ryo. 
C: 1 = 15,000 Ryo, 2 = 12,000 Ryo, 3 = 9,000 Ryo, and 4 = 6,000 Ryo. 
B: 1 = 25,000 Ryo, 2 = 20,000 Ryo, 3 = 15,000 Ryo, and 4 = 10,000 Ryo

As you can see the more people participating in the mission the less ryo each individual will get. This is because the mission pay would need to be split IC. But it’s also to compensate for the fact that the more people in a thread the more exp will be generated per post in that thread. 

Missions of all ranks will give renown. Allowing players to slow increase their fame or infamy over time. Below you will find the amount of renown per mission rank. 

D = 20
C = 40 
B = 60

These values do change as one ranks up however. If someone was to do a mission one rank below theirs then the renown reward would be halved. If they did a mission at least two ranks below them they would no longer gain renown at all from that mission. With the single exception of Senseis. Sensei’s will gain half the renown of their students in any mission thread they do regardless of rank. 

So if Team 7 were to go on a D rank missions will all three genin being C rank then Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura would each get 10 Renown. Kakashi would get 15. As half the renown from each of his students would be 5 from each of them. 

Missions will have a word count requirement in order to complete them. These requirements will be for the thread in total. For each mission, not per player in the thread. More on this below. 

D = 500 words 
C = 1,000 words 
B = 1,500 words

If two shinobi decide to do a D rank missions they still only need the thread to get to 500 words. They do not EACH need to do 500 words. This is simply to ensure some effort is put into the work. One can choose to do a mission with more people and have to put in less effort, but get less ryo, though potentially more exp. Or they can choose to do them solo put in more effort, get more ryo, but less exp. The route one takes is up to them. 

One is able to train jutsu within that same word count. it does not need to be all dedicated to the completion of the mission so long as a portion of it is and it makes sense. But feel free to use the opportunities to also train jutsu that you might need to get trained. 

Now for the guidelines for each rank of mission that was mentioned previously. 

D Rank = Chores, or hard labor, no danger involved beyond what can reasonably be expected from a worksite or people’s pets. 

C Rank = These start becoming a little dangerous, wild animals, bandits, kidnappers, bank robbers. These will tend to involve no one with shinobi training above genin level. 

B Rank = These start getting more dangerous. Large bandit groups, cults, organized parties of threats. Rogue summons, shinobi levels of C and potentially B rank will encompass this rank of mission. 

In-Character Only Ranks 

A Rank = Diplomatic missions would typically be A rank, time sensitive threat removal, guard detail against high level shinobi, assassination missions of officials or dignitaries that one can reasonably expect to get away from. Boss summon rampages. Things that start to affect things on a larger scale will start being A ranks. 

S Rank = These would typically be suicide missions. Attacking a nation, large shinobi organizations, high profile assassinations, mass poisonings, facing bijuu, typically these are issued to people when one is prepared to see them not return. Even if it’s necessary to send them anyway. 

Below you will the mission template fill this out at the beginning of each mission thread following the guidelines listed above. 



Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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