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Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku (Dead Flesh Pulse

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Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku (Dead Flesh Pulse Empty Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku (Dead Flesh Pulse

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:23 am

Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku
Alias: Sakon & Ukon's Kekkei Genkai
Kekkei Genkai

Clan History/Description

Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku (literally meaning Dead Flesh Pulse) is a relatively recent bloodline appearing roughly two hundred years ago as the result of countless experiments conducted by a mysterious and elusive scientist. While popular myth holds that a single scientist was responsible for the research that lead to this bloodline, contemporary scholars argue that it was in fact a series of experiments each building upon the last going back to the past two hundred years. They argue that no person could live long enough to be responsible for the countless experiments necessary to achieve the abilities inherent in the kekkei genkai. Additionally, the Dead Flesh Pulse kekkei genkai is the work of countless fields each of which
on their own would take years of study and mastery. The contemporary theory is that the experiments were carried out in ways by multiple state and non-state actors although no nation or organization has claimed responsibility for the kekkei genkai's creation.

The mutation responsible for Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku (SNM) can skip entire generations before randomly manifesting. It is assumed that the genetic information responsible for the mutation was placed in a random and unknown number of individuals any which of whom are capable of begetting offspring with the bloodline. Thus the kekkei genkai is completely random with its members often having no familial ties. Those who have it are sometimes reviled as abominations while others consider it a highly coveted and useful ability. The bloodline was strongly clustered around Sunagakure but over the past year there have been instances of the SNM bloodline appearing in countries across the world especially after recent political disturbances in the village.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics

The SNM bloodline manifests only in twins who are often conjoined at birth but over time separate. The Twins have separate stats that are identical. They also each have access to and knowledge of the same Skills, techniques, restricted abilities and unique abilities unless the player controlling the Twins decides otherwise.

The crux of this bloodline has to do with the ability to spontaneously generate invasive and viral stem cells known as Uirusu Cells. These cells are capable of enveloping and co-existing with other organisms but may also act as invasive and viral agents that do damage to the host. At its base levels this allows the Twins to merge their bodies as the cells making up their body meld together allowing them to attack as one unit. This can be used to increase the force and quantity of attacks as the Twins can launch blows from within each other's bodies. Typically one of the Twins is the more "dominant" one which is to say their structural integrity and control over their Uirusu Cells. This dominant Twin usually acts as the host until the other Twin has sufficient control and experience over their Uirusu Cells to operate independently.

Uirusu Cells can be manipulated via chakra and have a wide variety of uses outside of allowing the Twins to host each other. The cells are capable of infecting and doing severe damage to other organisms when transmitted through the proper vector. Additionally, the cells are extremely unique in that they have the ability to grow exponentially in size forming giant virions capable of doing significant damage to organic matter. Uirusu cells also can be used for healing purposes (by replacing lost tissue via stem cell therapy) as well as to supplement one's physical characteristics.

Bloodline Description & Abilities

Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku: Symbiosis - 250

Symbiosis is the initial stage of the SNM bloodline. At this stage, the subservient Twin's body is not strong enough to survive on its own for long periods of time. The subservient Twin is not used to operating independently from the dominant Twin and if removed the subservient Twin will receive a tier penalty in each stat. If any of the subservient Twin's stats fall below E as a result then they will die. If the subservient Twin must act as a host for the dominant Twin this penalty will still apply. The subservient Twin also may not move more than 50 meters from the dominant Twin or else they will faint. At this stage, the Twins are only now beginning to understand how to manipulate their Uirusu cells. They may learn, use and create SNM techniques up to B-Rank.

Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku: Independence - 500 Experience

Independence is the second stage of the SNM bloodline. At this stage, the subservient Twin has learned how to control their Uirusu cells to stabilize their physical integrity. They have more knowledge and practice acting independently from their dominant Twin. They may enter and leave the dominant Twin's body without penalty and their range is extended to encompass that of an entire village. However, the tier penalty remains if the subservient Twin hosts the dominant Twin. Each Twin has learned how to manipulate their Uirusu cells with deftness and skill. They may learn, use and create SNM techniques up to A-Rank.

Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku: Eminence - 1000 Experience

Eminence is the final stage of the SNM and few Twins reach this stage. The distinction between dominant and subservient is no longer meaningful as each Twin can operate with complete independence. The Twins may now host each other and leave each other without penalty irrespective of prior roles. Their range is extended to that of an entire country. Each Twin has learned completely mastered their ability to use their Uirusu cells. They may now learn, use, and create SNM techniques up to S-Rank.

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks

When merged the Twins are vulnerable as one unit. Injury to one will affect the other to the same degree. This also holds true if the Twins merge with another organism making self-harm an effective way to fight back if one finds themselves invaded by a Twin. Uirusu Cells are neutral against all elements except Fire Release to which it is one rank weaker given that fire is the bane of all organic life.

Clan Techniques

Name: Attack of the Twin Demons
Rank: E
Power: N/A
Activation Cost: N/A
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Varies
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: N/A
Classification: Kekkei Genkai
Requirements: Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku
Parent Technique: N/A
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: This is the innate bloodline ability of those who possess the Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku. This technique is foundational and is a natural product of the Twin's physiology meaning that it costs no chakra and is automatically granted just by virtue of having the bloodline. The Twins utilize their Uirusu cells to meld their bodies together allowing a dominant Twin to host the other in his body. This allows for a slew of attacks and counter-attacks. The limitations and benefits of this technique is explained in the general bloodline description.
Weaknesses: Noted in the Bloodline description and limitation sections.

Name: Multiple Connected Feet
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: C
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Close Quarters Combat
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Taijutsu
Classification: Kekkei Genkai
Requirements: Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku
Parent Technique: Attack of the Twin Demons
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The subservient Twin's legs sprout from one of dominant Twin's body and they kick the opponent, tripling the usual damage. Increases Strength by 1 Tier for the purpose of their kicks.
Weaknesses: Damaging either Twin's leg will hurt them both.

Name: Multiple Connected Fists
Rank: C
Power: C
Activation Cost: C
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Close Quarters Combat
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Taijutsu
Classification: Kekkei Genkai
Requirements: Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku
Parent Technique: Attack of the Twin Demons
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The subservient Twin's arms sprout from one of the dominant's and they punch the opponent, tripling the usual damage. Increases Strength by 1 Tier for the purpose of their punches.
Weaknesses: Damaging either Twin's arm will hurt them both.

Name: Multiple Connected Whirlwinds
Rank: A
Power: A
Activation Cost: A
Upkeep Cost: N/A
Range: Close Quarters Combat
Speed: N/A
Element: N/A
Skill: Taijutsu
Classification: Kekkei Genkai
Requirements: Shinda Niku no Myakuhaku
Parent Technique: Attack of the Twin Demons
Hand Seals: N/A
Description: The Twins use their legs to spin with strong force to generate a whirlwind capable of deflecting attacks. It can deflect C-Rank Ninjutsu and below. Generally, the whirlwind moves at a B Rank Speed.  Increases Strength by a tier and two pluses.
Weaknesses: Damaging either Twin's legs will hurt them both. Depending on the opposing Taijutsu user's strength this technique may be entirely ineffective for countering a Taijutsu or Bukijutsu maneuver with greater strength behind it.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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