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Tsuchigumo | Spider Morphology

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Tsuchigumo | Spider Morphology Empty Tsuchigumo | Spider Morphology

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:18 am

[Clan Name] Tsuchigumo Brood
[Clan Location] Unaffiliated
[Bloodline Name & Type] Spider Nature

[Current Clan Leader] The Tyrannis rules the Brood.

Clan History/Description

There are many tales about the origins of the Tsuchigomu. Not dissimilar to that of the genesis of Earth and Humanity. Some tales talk about a divine who granted the spiders sentience. Others hush of dark alchemy combining spider and chakra. Still others assume a natural evolution as chakra spread throughout the world. The truth? Well... Certainly the clan doesn't care that much. To them, the only truth is the matter of survival and a persistent evolution towards more. Towards something better. The evolution towards the perfect predator.

What once started as a handful of chakra spiders has long since developed into a full brood. Their origins may once have laid deep within the forests that now make Konohagakure, but the persistent presence of people and war forced the Tsuchigumo to adapt and move out direction new dreams. A great many died along that road, for spiders are rather frail by nature, but the losses didn't outweigh the gains they procured. What started as forced nomadism as the few looked for survival, was eventually turned into an opportunity. Nomads became travelling merchants, artists and hired forces. They grew more efficient with their natural abilities as their mastery over chakra grew. Then those travelling troops evolved into a small settlement, living as one with nature. They turned the trappings of their webs into desirable silk and their venoms into medicine. Former warriors picked up the arts of the shinobi, and 'mere footfolk' became reputable opponents as they created their own secret arts.

While the Tsuchigumo are far from being a full-fledged civilisation akin to human kind, they have earned some renown throughout history. Their kind is spread across the world, serving minor factions most of all as the greater cities often overlook their 'primitive' talents. But perhaps, as the Tsuchigumo continue to evolve and new spiderlings mature to respectable members, dawn may yet rise upon the wild brood of spiders.

Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics

The Tsuchigumo are, in the simplest of essences, spider shapeshifters. No matter their form - spider or human - they maintain an affinity for the wild and often take a penchant for typical arachnid abilities.

Bloodline Description & Abilities

Merely being born within the Brood as a spider entitles a Tsuchigumo to the following abilities. These abilities form the bread and butter of the clan, and it is expected that spiderlings master these before they attempt to grow further within their caste.

Wall Crawling:

The abilities of the Tsuchigumo are as versatile as there are types of spiders in the world. As such, it is hard to stick a single ability upon the whole clan. Rather, their powers manifest in accordance to their genus and therefore the caste they belong to. As the Tsuchigumo grows stronger, their body evolves to better accommodate their roles in the Brood's society.

XP Cost - Rank 1: 250xp
XP Cost - Rank 2: 250xp
XP Cost - Rank 3: 500xp

A character can only be member of a single Caste.
Rank bonus of the same type do not stack. They are effectively the accumulated total.

Razvij Caste:
Otrovni Caste:
Tkalac Caste:
Voda Caste:

Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks
- A Tsuchigumo must spend their first skill point in Ijutsu. This represents their natural potential for shapeshifting (a physical metamorphosis) and their natural ability to produce poisons and/or webs.
- Being nature-bound, Tsuchigumo may never learn bukijutsu or kenjutsu. The use of weapons is restricted to the non-metallic sort, and metallic armour is considered too cumbersome for their light-weighted bodies.
- Spiders are sensitive to cold temperatures; it tends to send them into hibernation. Tsuchigumo are not an exception though it doesn't necessarily put them to sleep. A Tsuchigumo treading regions with frigid temperatures or hit by Ice techniques suffers a penalty to their Coordination (-) and Speed (-). While this penalty doesn't stack with itself, it remains applied for the remainder of the thread.

Clan Techniques

Spider Contract (Voda Restricted):
Minor Spiderling Horde:

Sea of Nightmares:
Underground Nightmare Eruption:
Ghoulish Devoration:


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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