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Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization

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Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization Empty Re: Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:05 pm

Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization DIhD8F8
Certain techniques may boost a character's stats above their current levels. These techniques are generally referred to as boosters. Boosters are separated into two categories: Generic and Unique. Generic boosters are those that often use chakra/stamina and in some way increase your character's stats; these can be of just about any Skill and may be a constant as in Lightning Release Armor or temporary as in most Taijutsu techniques. They can also be styles of combat. Unique boosters are more rare and will sometimes not burn stamina, but may have other sorts of costs associated with their use. These are techniques like the Eight Gates or abilities like the Sage Transformation. Restricteds may not provide Generic boosts to stats. They can only provide unique boosts.

Boosting Guide:
Generally, boosters will follow the guide listed below. However, these are for boosters that only boost and have no other affects or weaknesses. Adding increased costs, requirements, and weaknesses can potentially allow for growth to the boost, while adding effects, reducing costs, adding more stats to boost, and generally making it easier to use will typically reduce the boost. The list is:
E-Rank: +
D-Rank: ++
C-Rank: 1 Tier
B-Rank: 1 Tier+
A-Rank: 1 Tier++
S-Rank: 2 Tiers
In case it wasn't clear already: combining three pluses creates a full tier.

When using more than one booster technique at the same time, the boosts will stack with each other. Just be sure that the two techniques can actually be used together; a character can't simultaneously perform two different Taijutsu moves at once and expect to combine both boosts. Similarly, there are boosters that simply don't mesh well with each other. Think about your combinations before using them, and if you're unsure, ask a member of Staff for clarification.

Stacking Order:
There is an official order in which boosts stack on Gladius. Boosts can come from a variety of sources and so it is important to define which ones are applied first and how many can be applied at once.

Official Boosting Order:

This list does NOT apply to each individual stat but rather all stats as a whole. This means that when we say "Auras" have a maximum of one we do NOT mean you can have one Aura technique/ability for perception and a separate technique/ability for coordination active at the same time. You can have ONE Aura that does either/or. Alternatively, it can be a single technique and ability that boosts both stats, but they cannot be two separate auras active at once. This list is all encompassing and is not limited to boosting a particular stat.

Stacking Limit:
Generic boosters that are combined in this way have their stacking limited to two tiers higher than the base levels of the affected stats. For example, if a character has D-Tier Strength, that character's Strength can then only reach as high as B-Tier, no matter how many generic boosters are stacked together. The only exception to this limit is any boost granted by Unique Abilities; these cannot boost a stat to S-Tier or higher, are always applied first, and are always considered Generic.


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Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization Empty Re: Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:05 pm

Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization KSyqM3Q
Unique Booster Stacking:
Unique boosters are different from this in that they usually improve the parameters of the body either without causing physical strain to the body or doing it in such a way that forces greater heights upon it. These techniques are extremely rare, but they are the exception to the two tier stacking limit. When using a unique booster, the stat that is boosted is considered to have its base level increased. So, when that character with the D-Tier Strength uses a unique booster to bring that Strength on up to B-Tier, it can now use generic boosters to hit as high as S-Tier Strength!

Custom Unique Boosters
Every character is allowed a single custom technique that can count as a Unique Booster. These are boosters which do not count towards the 2-Tier limit on boosts and are typically considered to be raising your base stat higher, allowing your character to reach beyond their previous limits. The maximum boost on this is 2+'s (++) , and when gauging the power of your technique using the Stat Boosting Guide, keep in mind that your Unique Booster must be one rank higher than normal. So to get that full 2+, your boosting technique will generally need to be at least C-Rank. Keep in mind that adding drawbacks and weaknesses to your technique could potentially allow you to have a lower rank, while adding abilities to it would force you to increase the rank. It is possible to designate a canon technique as your single "unique booster". In this case up to 2+'s (++) will be counted as unique for boosting purposes.

Boosting to S-Tier
S-Tier is an elite level of performance and getting to it requires tremendous effort. Therefore, for the purpose of boosting, going from A-Tier to S-Tier requires two tiers. While someone can still get to A++, in order to get to S they must boost a Tier and one +. The descriptive difference between the stats remain the same, it just requires more input to boost to S as opposed to going from C to B or D to C. However, if you have a Unique Booster then you may boost from A to S as though it were only one tier as normal. This is because Unique Boosters are fairly powerful and provide enough input so as to turn an A-Tier to a S-Tier.

Breaking the S-Tier Limit:
Now, you may have seen mentioned in some places on this site an X-Tier of stats. There are a certain few techniques that are tailored to bring a person up to those levels, but this is not easily done. Your character's base stat must be S-Tier in order to hit X-Tier. Unique Boosts do not help in this regard, it must be the actual and complete base stat without any form of boosting. Once you have a base of S, it is possible to boost your character's stat to X-Tier, however doing so requires two tiers worth of boosts. Similar to how going from A to S requires two tiers, the same is true if one wishes to go from S to X. The only difference between the former and the latter is that even a Unique Boost cannot lessen the boosting difference to 1 Tier. For those without a base of S, any boosts that would bring a stat beyond S++ are nullified unless the technique or ability specifically states that it can do so.

Jinchurikki may not reach X-Tier in any stat while their Bijuu abilities are active.


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Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization Empty Re: Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:05 pm

Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization MaJYmfY
There may be certain techniques which function in such a way that they reduce your character's stats. These techniques are called Debuffs. A debuff can be a general reduction over the stat as a whole or specified to affect its boosted level. Those that target whole stats have smaller reductions, but will decrease the target's base level stat, thereby negatively affecting the target's ability to stack boosts. Those that target boosted stats are generally larger reductions, but they do not affect the base level and only work against a stat that is being boosted. The difference between these are simply Base Debuffs and Boost Debuffs. The general guides for the different types of debuffs are listed below. Remember that a technique's specific requirements, effects, weaknesses, cost, how many stats it targets, and so on can either positively or negatively affect how powerful the debuff can actually be. All debuffs are considered base debuffs unless explicitly noted otherwise.

Base Debuffs Guide:
E-Rank: N/A
D-Rank: -
C-Rank: --
B-Rank: -1 Tier
A-Rank: -1 Tier-
S-Rank: -1 Tier--

Boost Debuffs Guide:

E-Rank: -
D-Rank: --
C-Rank: -1 Tier
B-Rank: -1 Tier-
A-Rank: -1 Tier--
S-Rank: -2 Tiers

There is a 2 Tier Cap on debuffs. No individual stat may be debuffed more than 2 Tiers.

Debuffs Past +: Stats go in the order as follows: + > ++ > E > E+ > E++ > D etc etc.  If any stat falls beneath E Rank and is debuffed past + that stat is said to have "hit zero". If you hit zero in any stat you are rendered completely paralyzed physically and are borderline unconscious until such time as you are able to bring it up from zero. The only exception to this is Constitution. If you hit zero in Constitution then you will immediately die.

Long-term Buffs/Debuffs: Certain stat boosts/detriments last a large number of posts which may carry over to the next topic. For instance, buffs granted by Provisions. There are also negative affects associated such as poisons, drugs, and drawbacks from certain technique such as the Eight Gates. To accurately and fairly keep track of these, the buff must be carried on to their next topic. This is the same concept for debuffs as well. A player may not pick or choose which topic is affected by the buff/debuff, but instead is immediately affected in their next posted topic. Because your character will also be suffering/benefiting from an active effect, this topic will also become the top priority in your timeline.

Special Note: Stamina receives Debuffs as normal: by reducing Tiers. This will reduce your currently available and overall Stamina point totals by the difference of those Tiers. When the Debuff is removed, your overall point total will return to normal, but your currently available total will be the same percentage you had when the Debuff was active.

For example, let's say you have B-Tier Stamina. That's 120 points. Then you take a one tier debuff to Stamina, reducing you to C-Tier, which is 80 points. Now let's say your currently available total before you got the debuff was 110 points, because you used a technique. So with the debuff, you now have 70 points (110 - 40, and 40 is the difference of 120 - 80). If you use no techniques while you have the debuff, you'll go back to 110 points when it ends, but let's say you spend 10 of those points on a jutsu. Now you have 60 points. So, when the debuff goes away, you'll need to calculate your percentage with the debuff: 60/80 = 75%. So when the debuff is gone, you'll still be at 75%, which means you need to calculate 75% of 120: 120*0.75 = 90. So now that your debuff is gone, you have 90 points left.


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Join date : 2023-01-30

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Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization Empty Re: Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:06 pm

Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization C3o2z9N
Taijutsu Styles: Taijutsu styles include foundation styles, such as Arhat, Gentle Fist, or Strong Fist, where it serves as the baseline for it's techniques. For instance, Strong Fist serves as the overall Taijutsu style for it's techniques such as Leaf Whirlwind, Primary Lotus, etc etc. You may choose to use a particular style without benefiting from its stat boosts by not exerting yourself as hard, or "pulling punches," to help conserve stamina. By doing so, you may continue to have access to the Taijutsu style's techniques and benefit from any additional perks the Taijutsu style offers, though not benefit from the Taijutsu style's stat boosts. In the same sense, you can add as much power as you want with a Taijutsu style or technique as long as it does not exceed the base rank.

For example, you only want to benefit from + two advantages from Strong Fist instead of a full tier. This would mean you only need to spend as much stamina per post as a D-rank Taijutsu style would. As long as you stay within the guidelines of the technique, you have free rein over how much power you put in your attacks.

Unique Abilities or other effects that make techniques of a certain Skill 1 rank stronger or 1 rank weaker do not effect boosts. This means that a UA or Flaw making Taijutsu 1 rank stronger or weaker would not increase or decrease the boosts you'd get for your style.

Physical Styles (Taijutsu, Bukijutsu, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu etc) are registered with no activation cost only an upkeep. However, this upkeep cost must still be paid in every post it is used including the first post. It is therefore similar to an activation cost except cheaper. This is because the upkeep cost tends to be 1 rank lower than activation. For example, an S-Rank Taijutsu would cost 20 CP in upkeep without having to pay the 30 CP activation cost that would normally be paid in the first post. This benefit doesn't apply to maneuver specific techniques. It ONLY applies to Physical Styles.


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Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization Empty Re: Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:06 pm

Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization XAxI8bB
Flight and Submersion:

Flying is a rare and highly coveted ability in the Naruto world. Therefore its usage is restricted to: Engineering, Summons, Puppetry, Restricteds, certain Artifacts, Exclusives, as well as limited clan abilities. If you are uncertain feel free to ask a member of staff.

All flying and submersion is capped at 500m from ground level. Keep in mind, flight and submersion are unique powers that are to be treated with care and respect. Abuse of these rules will not be tolerated and usages outside the bounds of fair play will be subject to staff review.


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Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization Empty Re: Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:06 pm

Stat Boosting & Skill Specialization SqQOanc
Skill Specialization: When it comes to boosting stats only certain skills are compatible with certain stats. For example, using Fire Element to boost Perception would be impossible just as Taijutsu boosting Intelligence would be. There are three levels a Skill defines a stat by in terms of boosting: Specialization, Secondary, and Impossible. Stats at that defined as Specialization by a skill can be boosted to a full potential of two tiers. Skills that define a stat as Secondary can only boost that stat to a maximum of one tier. Then of course skills that define a stat as Impossible means that stat can never be boosted by that skill. This, of course, may not be the case for custom restricted or restricted/exclusive technique.

Note About Secondary: It is important to notice that skills that have Stats as Secondary must have a narrow boost. For instance, Taijutsu is capable of boosting Constitution as a Secondary feature. However this cannot be acknowledged as a general Constitution boost. It would have to be narrowed downed into "Physical attacks only." Taijutsu can be used to help brace for Physical impact, but cannot be used to grant resistance to Fire.

Restricteds are not beholden to these rules and are evaluated separately.

Primary Skills:


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