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Experience and Class Information

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Experience and Class Information Empty Re: Experience and Class Information

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:28 am

Experience and Class Information EEUX6ll

-Experience Points determine how powerful a character is and allow for the progression of stats, as shown below. There is also a number of redeemable rewards based on how many Points a character has earned, received at each Class.

-Experience Points earned on a per post basis do not stack unless explicitly noted.

- Characters earn 5 Experience Points per post in a solo topic. Experience earned this way is limited to three posts per day. Solo PC missions (a lone ANBU preparing to assassinate a PC Kage for example) are exceptions to this and are not restricted to a post per day.
-Characters earn 10 Experience Points per post in a topic containing multiple players. Going through life with others affords a peak at a different viewpoint in life, enhancing everyone's personal growth and development.
- Characters earn an additional 5 exp per person in a multiplayer topic beyond the first two to a max of +35. (So with two its the standard 10 and then for each person beyond them the posts become +5 more until it reaches 45 exp per post maximum)
-An additional 5 Experience Points are earned per post when training with, on a mission with, or interacting with the character's designated sensei or student.
-100 Experience Points are earned when a character suffers a near-death experience, which is defined as: "an unusual experience taking place on the brink of death...". These experiences must take place at the hands of another Player Character with the opportunity and means to terminate your character. For whatever reason, he/she decided to spare you, and you have grown because of it.
-All Experience Point earnings are halved when the topic is a Flashback. More info on Flashback Topics can be found here.
-To encourage character progression and participation, Staff may occasionally give additional Experience Points to those that have done a particularly good job roleplaying in any given topic, or as a reward for participating in plot-related topics. If you think you've done something worthy of a bonus, don't hesitate to ask for it in your update.
-While there are a variety of ways one can increase the amount of experience points earned per post there is a cap. No player may ever earn more than 50 experience points per post.

- Multiplayer Missions and Quests reward a set amount of 25 Experience Points upon completion regardless of rank. Information on Missions can be found here. For NPC Missions you may only claim completion experience five times every month.

-Staff and/or Members assisting with roleplaying NPCs/Bijuu and the like may be granted 30 EXP per post for their efforts.

As mentioned above, Experience Points must be spent in order to increase a Stat. Stat increases occur one Tier at a time, moving from one solid letter to the next, costing the amounts shown below:
E->D: 150
D->C: 300
C->B: 500
B->A: 1000
A->S: 2000
-More information on Stats can be found here.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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Experience and Class Information Empty Re: Experience and Class Information

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:28 am

Experience and Class Information YKsjvpK
The Class determining a character's overall power is decided by the amount of Experience Points that the character has gathered over the span of his/her time on this site. This amount is kept track of as an 'overall' number, separate from the 'spendable exp' used to raise Stat Tiers or learn Techniques. With enough Experience Points, a character can progress to a new Class and will gain certain new abilities or bonuses, as well as certain drawbacks, as shown below:
D-Class: 0 (E-Rank Techniques cost no Word Count. E-Rank Missions reward no Experience Points. Gain Four Skill Points. C-Rank Techniques can be learned.) -A typical, fairly experienced character at the brink of increasing his/her standing with the respective village.
C-Class: 1000 (D-Rank Techniques no longer cost Word Count. Gain One Skill Point. B-Rank Techniques can be learned.) -Those that are well progressed in their new standing, such as Shinobi that are now experienced Chuunin. Many do not progress beyond this level.
B-Class: 2000 (C-Rank Techniques no longer cost Word Count. Gain One Skill Point. D-Rank Missions no longer reward Experience Points. A-Rank Techniques can be learned.) -Exceptional warriors, capable of great feats and with high standing in their respective areas. These are the Jounin of the world.
A-Class: 3500 (B-Rank Techniques no longer cost Word Count. Gain One Skill Point. S-Rank Techniques can be learned.) -Fighters going above and beyond in their personal training and journey. Few ever reach this point, and fewer still survive combat with them. Anbu Black Ops often recruit their most deadly assassins from those of this caliber. Some Kage are at this prestigious level.
S-Class: 6000 (A-Rank Techniques no longer cost Word Count. Gain One Skill Point. C-Rank Missions no longer reward Experience Points.) -The best of the best. Kage of legend hold this rarest of standing. These are people never seen or heard from but in tales and folklore.
X-Class: 8000 (S-Rank Techniques no longer cost Word Count. Gain Two Skill Points.) -An exclusive level for only the most devout and dedicated. Almost nobody makes it this far in their journey, leaving only such figures as the Sage of the Six Paths in the history books. Most disbelieve their existence. Next to none witness their power. These are the changers of the world.

Characters will normally have to accumulate Experience In Character to progress Classes. However, if a character begins as a Chuunin, that character will begin as C-Class. Those that begin as Jounin will start as B-Class.

Every time that your character classes up they receive a set amount of bonus experience. This bonus experience reflects the additional lessons and growth that your character has received as they reach a new milestone. The higher the class you reach, the higher your bonus experience. This bonus experience is spendable only and cannot be put towards your total experience.

If your character starts as a Jounin, they may not claim their C or B class bonus.

Bonus Chart

C-Class: 400 Bonus Experience
B-Class: 600 Bonus Experience
A-Class: 800 Bonus Experience
S-Class: 1,000 Bonus Experience
X-Class: 2,000 Bonus Experience


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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Experience and Class Information Empty Re: Experience and Class Information

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:29 am

Experience and Class Information Qma2MUd
-Fighting PCs are among one of the most difficult obstacles your character may face. They can vary in skill and most of the time, if the fight is serious, your hard work and character development may be put on the line. Whether you choose to lay your foe or give them the opportunity to live in hope of one day to love, the effort is rewarded with a large sum of experience. When it comes to sparing an opponent this must be done in a serious battle scenario where either you or the other party sought each other out for blood. Training a Genin to near death does not count as sparing their life nor does participating in a tournament where death is enabled.

Killing PC Bonus EXP:

D class: 50 EXP
C class: 150 EXP
B class: 250 EXP
A class: 400 EXP
S class: 600 EXP
X class: 10% their Total

Sparing PC Bonus EXP:

D class: 75 EXP
C class: 225 EXP
B class: 375 EXP
A class: 600 EXP
S class: 900 EXP
X class: 15% their Total


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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Experience and Class Information Empty Re: Experience and Class Information

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:29 am

Experience and Class Information Hlcdise
-Information on Skill Points can be found here.
When a Technique of a certain Rank no longer requires Word Count,  you may automatically claim knowledge of it via your updates without having to post training it. This can be done by noting you now have knowledge of all techniques up to the appropriate rank . Note that you must still fulfill any other additional requirements for the technique including possession of the relevant Skill. Once you post the initial update of claiming all canon techniques up to the appropriate rank you do not have post further updates learning canon techniques of that rank. This is known as a universal technique claim. However, this does not include custom jutsu. You must always post an update for custom jutsu even if it does not require a word count.

-The techniques in the Approved Customs section of the Technique Library must be claimed individually akin to Personal Custom Techniques. They cannot be claimed all at once in the universal technique claim like canon jutsu.

-Intelligence does not increase the amount of techniques you can learn via the Universal Technique Claim. It is not counted for that purpose at all.

-When you reach a certain Class and gain the ability to learn a certain Rank of techniques, you will still need the appropriate Skill to learn it. If you are now B-Class, for example, and wish to learn an A-Rank Taijutsu, but you don't have the Taijutsu Skill, you won't be able to learn it. Conversely, if you have the Taijutsu Skill, but are below B-Class, you won't be able to learn an A-Rank Taijutsu. You can find more information on Jutsu Training Rules here.
-More information on Elements can be found here.
- At any time, you can retire your character. A retired character essentially fades to the background and lives the rest of their life doing whatever the user describes. Retired characters have no effect on the game world after retirement and they may not be brought out of retirement. It is therefore important that before retiring your character, you are certain that you wish to do so. You can only retire one character every six months.
-Whenever a character of yours dies or retires you may take 25% of all earned total experience (starting exp doesn't count) and put that amount towards a new character. This is known as Rollover Experience. This character must be genin (no stacking your Rollover Experience with the experience that starting Jounin get). Your IC rank will be determined by your Kage.
-Every player has the option of retiring a character and having their Rollover Experience apply to an existing character. However, this option may normally be exercised once per player. As in someone on Gladius may do this once and only once during their time on the site.
-There is an exception to this general rule. You may retire a single character and put the 25% rollover experience towards more than one existing character. However, every time you exercise this option, you may not create another alternate character for a period of 8 months.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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