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Constructive Discipline Guide

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Constructive Discipline Guide Empty Constructive Discipline Guide

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:44 am

Violation Types

As we know, all violations of the rules should not be treated equally. A small dispute is not to be treated the same as a gore/porn spammer or advertising bot. Below is a short list containing the various offenses that are common and how they should be dealt with:
  • Negative remarks/profanity/"jabs" attacking a member - 1st Warning > Final Warning > 24 hr Discord Ban > Probation
  • Verbal Arguments that are deemed toxic or personal - Final Warning > 24 hr Discord ban > Probation
  • Spamming text/images in the Discord or Site - Final Warning > 48 hr Discord/Site ban > Probation
  • Personal Threats or Sexual Harassment - Indefinite Site and Discord ban (minimum 7 days) > Appeal > Probation
  • Spamming pornographic material, gore, or otherwise inappropriate material in the Discord or Site - Indefinite Site and Discord ban (minimum 14 days) > Appeal > Probation
  • Failing Probation - Indefinite Site and Discord ban (minimum 30 days) > Appeal > Final Probation
  • Failing Final Probation - Permanent Site and Discord Ban
  • Attempted Security Breach or attempting to seize a member's account or Administrative access by malicious means - Permanent Site and Discord Ban

Negative remarks/profanity/"jabbing": This implies the user is making a passing remark to attack another user, or in attempts to provoke an argument. Keep in mind that people do like to "horseplay" with their friends and that warnings should only be issued when the aggressor is not doing this in a playful manner or otherwise has a negative past with the victim. In any case a wrongful warning has been issued, it can be repelled as long as the victim consents to the horseplay.

Toxic/Personal Arguments: Debates happen often, and if parties are passionate about what they're debating, some profanity or negative remarks may be had. If plausible, a 'soft warning' can be issued to get the parties back on track or to settle down. A 'soft warning' will not count towards the discipline progression. However, if the debate spirals into one of personal attacks and negatively, the argument has long expired it sportsmanship nature and must be dealt with immediately by issuing a Final Warning to both parties.

Spamming text/images: Spam is unwanted, consecutive postings of text or images in a short period of time. These are intentional with the purpose of trolling by flooding a forum or Discord with this text or image.

Personal Threats/Sexual Harassment: These violations must be taken seriously, as they not only threaten the safety of our members, but can quickly become a legal issue IRL. These should not be taken lightly and must be dealt with swift and firmly. Only after an appeal can the aggressor be considered for probation.

Spamming gore/porn: Unlike the former, these images are grossly appalling or offensive requiring swift justice. Due to the nature of these images and the impact it may on the members, as well as the potential legal issue, aggressors guilty of this offense may only be considered for probation after an appeal is made.

Security Breach: This implies a member is attempting to seize access to a staff member's account through underhanded means, or attempting to gain access to a member's account without their permission. Forum and member security is very important, and any of these attempts will issue a permanent ban.

Types of Discipline

Soft Warnings may be issued indefinitely. These can be applied whenever a standard warning may be issued (not a Final Warning.) A Soft Warning does not count towards a member's Disciplinary Progression, but is instead a courteous reminder that they are violating a rule. These can be anything from: "Hey, take it easy on that." or "Chill out for a moment."  

An Official Warning is a warning that is counted towards the Constructive Discipline guide. These warnings stay on record for a total of three months before falling off. An Official Warning must be stated professionally to let the member in question know of their offense and it is being counted towards their discipline. This can be anything from: "I told you to relax on the insults. Consider this a warning." or "Stop reviving this argument. You have been warned."

Banning is applicable when warnings have failed, or a warning is not sufficient for the type of offense. Please ensure a ban is issued, and not a 'kick.'


Probation is the period after a ban is issued. Probation will last for only 30 days, however no violation can be had during that period of time. Failing a Probation will result in an extended ban from all site facilities for 30 days. After the 30 days the member can attempt to make an appeal to be allowed back on a Final Probation. Unlike standard probation, a Final Probation will merit a permanent site and Discord ban if failed.


Appeals are applied as a result of a serious offense. Serious offenders are banned for an indefinite amount of time until they make an appeal to a Global Moderator. When making an appeal, the Global Moderator and aggressor should attempt to level with each other. The GM should discuss the offense that was had and try to find reasoning in the aggressor's actions. The GM should then use their best judgement to determine if the member in question is capable of being let back into our facilities. Just because a member makes an appeal does not mean they qualify to be let back in our site, especially if the offenses are as serious as personal threats or sexual harassment. In cases of personal threats or sexual harassment, consent of the victim should be considered when deciding whether or not the offender deserves to be let back in.

Repeatable Offenses

The primary goal is to avoid causing trouble entirely. Keep in mind we do not condone forcing everyone to be a Utopian society. Are you entitled to have your own friends, and although you may not like a particular person, understand that you must tolerate their presence as they have the right to be on the site/discord as much as you do. That being said, passing probation, your warning falling off, or waiting out your ban is not the end of your record. Offenders will be dealt with utilizing a tally system. These tallies will last one year upon their issue date, and will not fall off until that year has passed. If a member accumulates more than twenty tallies they will be banned for an entire year. Below is a short list of the offenses, and the tallies they accumulate.
  • Official Warning - 1 Tally Mark
  • Site/Discord Ban - 5 Tally Marks

As shown, a habitual member who receives bans, no matter if they are from spamming or offensive jabs, will accumulate quite a bit of tally marks. Keep in kind that you are only allowed a maximum of twenty tally marks. Feel free to ask any staff member how many tallies you have accumulated, or how many warnings are currently under your belt. They will be more than willing to help.

Your second ban from the tally system will be permanent.


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Constructive Discipline Guide Empty Re: Constructive Discipline Guide

Post by Admin Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:12 pm

Challenging Staff Judgement

On Spatha we believe in member rights and openly believe that, although we perform our best to give the best service we can provide, ultimately we are human and humans are prone to mistakes and poor judgement.

If you, or someone you know, believe has been wrongfully warned or banned by a staff member you are welcome to request reevaluation on the punishment. Keep in mind that staff will only review close-call cases, or in situations where bias may be had. Cases such as doxing a member or posting pornography in the General chat will result in an immediate ban and will not be reviewed as potential staff bias or poor judgement.

How does it work? Your first step would be to raising the issue to a Global Moderator. If your punishment was brought on by a Global Moderator, seek another GM or if not applicable, seek an Administrator. Present the case and punishment issued, as well as providing evidence with screenshots if required. Note: Text quotes are poor evidence, as they can be much more easily modified than screenshots. The Global Moderator will then view conflict, and in some extreme cases, have other staff members weigh in.

In instances you are proven not guilty, any offense you have suffered will be removed and the staff member who has wrongfully issued your punishment will be handled accordingly. Depending on the severity of the wrongful punishment issued the staff member may face termination from staff and a ban equal to the time you have suffered.

It is important members have their own rights and due process, and have the ability to freely express them. All we request is that you handle the topic seriously and professionally so we can work more efficiently in reviewing your case. Seek justice the proper way and do not attempt to do so in your own hands.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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