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Living Expenses

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Living Expenses Empty Living Expenses

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:32 am

Living Expenses UKTw8T8
At the end of the day when your character is done training or completing their mission they would spending their evening unwinding in their own home to rest up and recharge for their next day of work. However, not everybody lives in the same quality of life. Your character's fortune determines whether you live in your standard, government-funded housing or a fabulous castle with your own staff of servants. This quality of living is determined by how much your character is willing to pay and invest into their lifestyle.


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Living Expenses Empty Re: Living Expenses

Post by Admin Mon Feb 13, 2023 12:03 am

Living Expenses JnYvAfU
Lifestyle expenses provide you with a simple way to account for the cost of living in a fantasy world. They cover your accommodations, food and drink, and all your other necessities. At the start of each month, choose a lifestyle from the Expenses table and pay the price to sustain that lifestyle. Maintaining a wealthy lifestyle might help you make contacts with the rich and powerful, though you run the risk of attracting thieves. Likewise, living frugally might help you avoid criminals, but you are unlikely to make powerful connections.

Wretched: You live in inhumane conditions. With no place to call home, you shelter wherever you can, sneaking into barns, huddling in old crates, and relying on the good graces of people better off than you. You are beneath the notice of most people.

Cost of living: Free

●Hides a total of 2,000 renown
●Masks Missing Nin rank up to B-rank
●Access to Underworld Missions 1 rank higher than normal

Squalid: You live in a leaky stable, a mud-floored hut just outside town, or a vermin-infested boarding house in the worst part of town. You have shelter from the elements, but you live in a desperate and often violent environment, in places rife with disease, hunger, and misfortune. You are beneath the notice of most people, and you have few legal protections.
Most people at this lifestyle level have suffered some terrible setback.

Cost of living: 5,000

●Hides a total of 1,000 renown
●Masks Missing Nin rank up to C-rank
●Access to Black Market missions 1 rank higher than normal

Poor:  A poor lifestyle means going without the comforts available in a stable community. Simple food and lodgings and unpredictable conditions result in a sufficient, though probably unpleasant, experience. Your accommodations might be a room in a small apartment or a room in a flophouse.

Cost of living: 10,000 ryo

●Hides a total of 500 renown
●Damaged Equipment is repaired.

Modest: A modest lifestyle keeps you out of the slums and ensures that you can live a comfortable lifestyle. You live in an older part of town in a small home or can afford a decent apartment. You don't go hungry or thirsty, and your living conditions are clean, if simple.

Cost of living: 20,000 ryo

●Damaged Equipment is repaired.

Comfortable: Choosing a comfortable lifestyle means that you can afford nicer clothing and can spend rather carelessly on dining and other expenses to fit your needs. You live in a sizable house in a middle-class neighborhood, a waterfront lake house, or a large apartment.

Cost of living: 35,000 ryo

●Damaged equipment is repaired.
●-25% on all travel time. Does not stack with other modifiers.
●Passive + to any one stat.
●-25% discount at marketplace items. Does not include black market.

Wealthy: Choosing a wealthy lifestyle means living a life of luxury, though you might not have achieved the social status associated with the old money of nobility or royalty. You live a lifestyle comparable to that of a highly successful merchant, a government official, or the owner of a few small businesses. You have respectable lodgings, usually a spacious villa in a good part of town or a comfortable penthouse suite in a high rise.

Cost of living: 60,000 ryo

●Damaged equipment is repaired.
●-25% on all travel time. Does not stack with other modifiers.
●Passive + to any one stat.
●-25% discount at marketplace items. Does not include black market.
●Access to "Secret Shop"

You live a life of plenty and comfort. You move in circles populated by the most powerful people in the community. You have excellent lodgings, perhaps a manor in the nicest part of town, the finest suite, or own multiple vacation homes. You dine at the best restaurants, retain the most skilled and fashionable tailor, and have servants attending to your every need. You receive invitations to the social gatherings of the rich and powerful.

Cost of living: 100,000 ryo

●Damaged equipment is repaired.
●-25% on all travel time. Does not stack with other modifiers.
●Passive + to any one stat.
●-25% discount at marketplace items. Does not include black market.
●Access to "Secret Shop."
●+150 renown a month.

***Note*** Being apart of a Dwelling that has reached the Village size will have all of its residents default with the Modest living expense or lower for free. A Metropolis will have all of its residents default with the Comfortable living expense or lower for free.


Living Expenses stat buffs can only be attuned once per month. You must note where you are allocating your + for that month when you claim living expenses. It cannot be changed for the rest of the month.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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Living Expenses Empty Re: Living Expenses

Post by Admin Mon Feb 13, 2023 12:03 am

Living Expenses SSEdhC5

The expenses and lifestyles described here assume that you are spending your time in a dwelling, availing yourself of whatever services you can afford—paying for food and shelter, paying townspeople to sharpen your sword and repair your armor, and so on. Some characters, though, might prefer to spend their time away from civilization, sustaining themselves in the wild by hunting and foraging.

Maintaining this kind of lifestyle doesn’t require you to spend any ryo, but it requires adequate skills to be successful at. If you have a base Perception and Coordination of C-tier, you can eke out the equivalent of a poor lifestyle. Having a base Perception and Coordination of A-tier lets you live at the equivalent of a comfortable lifestyle.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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