Spatha Naruto Roleplay
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Nine Empty Nine

Post by Nine Sun Apr 28, 2024 11:31 pm

Name: ‘9’
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Genin

Clan: N/A
Bloodline: -

Melting [url=Naruto: Eclipse -> Shinsui Minamoto (]Shinsui[/url] from Eclipse. Claiming Chimera as he had just earned his freebie restricted but simply had not claimed it yet. 

I’m choosing to hold 4/7 skills points atm. I’ll allocate them and the vast majority of my exp on my update page. 

Element(s): -
Skill(s): -

  • Strength: D
  • Constitution: D
  • Stamina: D
  • Speed: D
  • Coordination: D
  • Intelligence: D
  • Perception: D

1,650 Starting
3,500 Melt Exp 
1,800 from Spendable through C, B, and A rank class ups. 
1,500 from skill  trades
2,450 from Debt
-1,050 for Stats

Unique Abilities: 

Freebie UA: Unsure what I’m taking yet

Debt (2,450): 9 has gained a lot of experience from her own training and as such starts with an additional 2,450. This experience must be paid back before she can gain anymore. 



‘9’ stands at 5’3 and weighs in at about 120 lbs. She hair white colored hair styled in a split bob with the left side being longer than the right. She dyes it in a colorful pastel rainbow gradient. She wears light make up around her eyes and on her lips. Typically she wears a black unitard with red accents under a cropped white jacket. High gray stocking, white shorts and black knee-high boots complete the look. Her natural eye color tends to shine with the same rainbow gradient she dyes her hair. A result of the experimentation on her body. 

History: ‘9’, birth name unknown, birth parents unknown, is the result of a what many would consider an inhumane act of experimentation. Work began with her shortly after she aged out of being a toddler. The intent of the experiment she was involved with was to give people without the benefit of a bloodline  one without needing an organ from the bloodline in question. As such she was drugged at almost all times and remembers very little behind simply being in a listless stupor for most of her years. She was one of twenty prospective projects and so far as she knows is the only one that survived the experimentation. ‘9’ her designation in the program is the only name she has ever known. 

Various medical ninjutsu, regular ninjutsu, drugs, and other such means were u. ed on the children that were held for the purpose of the program but in the end most, if not all, died horrifically. With the singular exception of ‘9’. Though they initially failed to have her gain a bloodline without the benefit of an initial host. They were able to maximize her ability to take in bloodlines and allow her to more easily assimilate them into her body. Not only that but she found early on that she was able to create creatures she could summon to fight by her side using the technique she had gained by taking aspects of other creatures and melding them together. 

In the end, ‘9’ was simply force fed bodies in order to see how much potential she could have. The intention to try to push her past her limit so that they knew where to stop with the next subject. Essentially, she was simply the prototype. However in their attempts to push her past her limits they found she stopped being susceptible to the drugs they were using and she lost her head, falling into a rage and going on a rampage. To this day she has no memories of anything before waking up save for being called ‘9’. By that time she was a girl in her late teens. When she awoke she  was being carried. She had been rescued by people nearby who had not seen that she had been the cause of the destruction of the research facility. They took her to the nearest place she might receive aid, the Land of Fire. Since then memories have come to her bit by bit in flashes. She remembers she has the abilities of multiple bloodlines. However she keeps that information strictly to herself for fear of repercussions. With the recent formation of the village, she has gained the rank of ‘Genin’ and now works to be stronger and gaining the respect she would need to truly come out into the open.

Personality: ‘9’ Is a quiet woman who has a habit of keeping mostly to herself unless she has need to actually speak. Always willing to help out in the village in an effort to gain the respect from her peers to come out into the open with her abilities she can usually be found working. She has developed over the past few years into something of a sarcastic individual with little to no friends. Though she is cognizant of the fact that she probably needs some. If anything else than to combat her fairly constant loneliness. For the time being though she simply tries to keep a low profile and hopes to keep people from pressing too deeply into her past that even she can only remember in flashes. 

Roleplay Sample: (N/A - Unless beginning as B-Class or with a Limited/Restricted Slot)

Posts : 1
Join date : 2024-04-28

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