Spatha Naruto Roleplay
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Miko Chiaki

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Miko Chiaki Empty Miko Chiaki

Post by Colt Wed Apr 17, 2024 12:13 am

Name: Miko Chiaki
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Genin (Subject to Change)
Title: N/A
Class: A
EXP: 5900 (6000 for S)
EXP Calculations:
Clan: N/A
Bloodline: Nature
Skill(s): [7/10]
  • Trade
  • Trade
  • Trade
  • Nature
  • Ninjutsu
  • Bukijutsu
  • Lightning Release

Stats: (18/23) [6,150]
  • Strength: C (2) [450]
  • Constitution: C (2) [450]
  • Stamina: A (4) [1950] {260 CP, 60 NCP}
  • Speed: C (2) [450]
  • Coordination: C (2) [450]
  • Intelligence: C (2) [450]
  • Perception: A (4) [1950]

Unique Abilities:
Blood Lotus: Miko's chakra usage no longer emits smoke with things like clone technique and such, but instead blood red flower petals.
Claiming Chimera for transfer Restricted

Miko is a very beautiful, graceful, and fairly tall young woman with a slender, curvaceous frame. She has long, straight, black hair reaching her mid-back with short bangs framing her forehead and blood-red eyes.  In her civilian outfit, Miko generally wears a semi-backless red off-shoulder sweater with black tights, a red skirt, and brown-heeled ankle boots. She wears a white headband and a pair of dangling gold earrings in the shape of small spikes. When going outside, she typically wears a long beige coat with black buttons over her clothes. She splits her hair into two parts and crosses it over her head, securing it with a headband and forming two thick locks of hair that reach below her chest.  When on mission, Miko wears a form-fitting halter-style black dress that shows off her shoulders and chest, with a rose choker and a red rose pattern on the inside of her skirt. The front of the skirt is mid-thigh length, while the back reaches below her knees. She also wears a pair of black thigh-high boots with a lotus symbol at the bottom of their sole and black fingerless gloves. The headband she wears is gold colored with a rose and two spikes on each side. Her weapons are of the same color as well. Her hairstyle is similar to the one she wears as a civilian but in a more elaborate updo formed from braids wrapping around her head.  She stands at 5'10" and generally appears to be fairly normal by all standards.

For the first six years of her life, Miko's day to day was much like anyone else in the Konohagakure.  Her parents, both regular people who were not ninja, worked hard to provide for her and her twin sister Mira, and they loved every bit of time they could spend with them.  That was until when Miko and Mira got into an argument with their parents regarding becoming a shinobi.  Their parents didn't want to risk them, but Miko and Mira idolized them, fed propaganda naturally during school, and wanted to be the heroes.  The argument turned from a heated debate to something more, and the girls became scared a bit as their parents tried to use fear as a means of making them not want to pursue that line of work.  Unfortunately, that was when Miko's blood manifested as a weird mutation, and she emitted an ooze from her body that tried to consume her mother and father.  This terrified the parents, and only Mira was able to calm her down, showing she wasn't afraid.  The incident drew the attention of the shinobi as a matter of course, and the girls were whisked away to a black-site so that Miko could be tested and experimented upon in quiet.  No one knows what happened to her parents, but Mira was brought as both a safety measure to make Miko calm down in her rage, but also as a bargaining chip; if Miko resisted, they would punish the both of them.

This became the normal for Miko.  A round of experiments, training, eat, sleep, repeat.  Only one really took, but not even the doctors were entirely certain what the possibility of it could be, but Miko was able to accept other bloodlines far easier than most, at least that was what the tests indicated.  The Hokage at the time thought she would make for a good new bloodline of the village, a hidden cache of rabid warriors dropped onto the front lines to tear apart the enemy, and thus began to line up a few candidates, himself included, that would attempt to have Miko have as many children as possible.  Iyashi Koju, her mentor and for all intents and purposes, her parental figure, took a liking to the twins, and did everything in her power to give them some semblance of decent living, vouching for them whenever possible and delaying things like the child-bearing, citing her medical knowledge as the reason and convincing others to listen.  This has been the normal for the twins, but that is about to change.

Personality: Despite being beautiful and powerful, Miko is rather shy and introverted, coming across as a somewhat aloof individual, interacting minimally with her coworkers and being described as almost robotic. Similarly, Miko is remarkably collected, able to keep her composure in the midst of almost any stressful situation. She is incredibly polite to the point of asking her targets if she may take their lives.  Once you gain her trust, Miko becomes more expressive and opens up, asking for help on being a better ninja or with her abysmal cooking skills. She is protective of anyone who gains her trust.

Due to spending most of her life in captivity, Miko's ways of thinking are often highly deviant. She is frequently inclined to solve problems through brute force, such as imagining killing everyone at a social gathering in order to prevent people from knowing a secret.  To this extent, she has an affinity towards weapons, being captivated by a painting of a guillotine and a table knife.  Despite her job, Miko is a genuinely kind person, with a strong maternal and big sister instinct. She's very protective of her sister as her only living relative left.  In a complete idiosyncrasy, Miko is extremely gullible, being easily fooled by the ridiculous lies others tell her, and has a startling lack of common sense.  Miko is a bit insecure about herself and her abilities, believing she is not good at anything apart from killing or cleaning, and she constantly worries that she's not being a good sister.

Roleplay Sample: For me?  Really?

Posts : 3
Join date : 2024-03-22

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