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Chimera Empty Chimera

Post by Colt Tue Apr 09, 2024 7:14 pm

Entity Level
Name: Chimera Technique
Rank: S
Power: S
Activation Cost: -
Upkeep Cost: -
Range: Contact
Speed: N/A
Element: None
Skill: Ninjutsu
Classification: Restricted Entity Technique
Requirements: None
Parent Technique: None
Hand Seals: Ox → Horse → Hare → Touch Target(s) {Imperfect Assimilation}
Ox → Horse → Hare → Boar → Horse  → Technique specific seal  {Perfect Assimilation}
Description: The Chimera Technique was a Kinjutsu originally made to combine separate living bodies of organisms into one combined organism bearing the original characteristics of the organisms, and therefore create a synthetic body for themselves or others. While it can be used to merge oneself or others into one being either temporarily or permanently, by using this technique on themselves, the user can permanently gain the bloodlines of others for themselves and potentially reach immortality.

Chimera Summon Contract - Free
Made to facilitate the various chimeras the user is able to make and summon; the user gains both the Kuchiyose skill if they don't have it alongside a unique summoning contract; the Chimera Contract. This contract's summons do not have a contract home and are created by grafting & mixing animals (including humans), plants, & objects into other living beings; make theoretically infinite combinations. This is reflected in chimeras not being bound by a single skill & element like most contracts, but instead bound by what their constituent part are. While all Chimera Summons have Nin/Tai/Gen, Summons B-rank are whatever skill/element the user chooses for the contract, and summons A-Rank and above may be registered with any combination of 2 skills/elements that are up to their individual registration. (for example, one may have weapon/wind while another summon has fire/water).

Imperfect Assimilation - 500 XP to unlock
A Chimera user may use the technique to temporarily merge summons & Unique NPCs to themselves or to other people. When preformed the two bodies are imperfectly combined (examples from canon include replacing the user's arm with a snake head or merging their legs into the back of a summon). While combined the user gains a single Unique Boost advantage per rank of the one merging into the target (For example, if merging with a B-rank summon or B-class Unique NPC, the user gets 4 +UQ advantages they can distribute to any of their stats). If the merged being is a summon, their unsummoning timer is paused. While merged the user may access the merged being's techniques, skills, elements, & abilities as if they had them. All of this is limited by a 'merge post timer'. This new timer starts at 1 post, but can be increased by 1 post every 50 XP (up to 5 posts max at the start, 10 posts max with 3 bodies absorbed, and no max once 5 bodies are absorbed) invested into this ability. Once the post limit is up, the summon will forcefully unmerge and their original post timer will resume. The CP cost of merging a summon with yourself or others is equal to their Summoning Rank.

Permanent Assimilation - 500 XP to unlock
The user can use this aspect of the technique to integrate the bodies of others with his own or merge bloodlines into other people. This allows the recipient to obtain any kekkei genkai the target possesses, as well as other special physical traits concerning their KKG (ex. Senju, Kaguya physical buffs). When assimilating victims, the users body exudes a large mass of deep blue, viscous fluid that covers a large area (30m). While assimilating victims, they can use the fluid like additional limbs to attack enemies with gelatinous, reforming (and rebounding) extensions. For each body the user absorbs their Chimera Chakra Pool increases. Once they have absorbed their 5th body and obtained 5 KKGs, the user will gain a limited form of immortality. They user will still feel pain, and their limbs are still able to be removed, but the user is immune to natural death, time, and poison. Assimilated implants are treated as if the user was born with the bloodline, and all bloodline advancements require 50% of the normal EXP costs.

A user's starting KKGs do not count towards the user's 5 KKG Implants. The user may use Permanent Assimilation in order to preform/assist with regular implants without the Ijutsu skill. While doing this, the user adds a +10 to the roll. If the user has the Dual KKG Starting Restricted, the user may pay 500 XP to reduce all negative modifiers for future implants by 15.

When absorbing a character who has multiple bloodlines, be it starting or implanted, the user may choose. If a clan has multiple bloodline routes, such as Yokai Paths or Tsuchigumo Castes, each route is considered a separate bloodline.

Chimeric Chakra Pool
A byproduct of permanently assimilating a person into the Chimera user's body, the user is able to expand their personal chakra pool from absorbing bodies. Whenever the user absorbs a body they gains a permanent bonus to their Chakra Pool separate from their Stamina Stat. The amount gained is parallel to getting a ++ in stamina per body (30, 50, 90, 135, & 185 CP; paralleling E+, D, D++, C+, & B Stamina respectively) Unlike a Bijuu's Chakra Access, this CP is always available as it is the user's own CP pool, however it does NOT regenerate 10% CP per post when not in use. (to be clear, this CP is additive to the user's own CP pool and does not increase the user's stamina stat).  This does however effect the maximum amount of possible Nature chakra one may have, if applicable.

NPC KKGs & Bodies
PC's or NPC's may be used to permanently gain KKG Bloodlines. If a character is declared dead, then they can only be consumed within 5 months from the date. Like normal implants, once a user hits 5 KKGs, that's all the user gets.  The user may pay XP instead of needing to wait to hunt down a PC for their bloodline (or lack thereof in the case of Clanless benefits). In order to do so, the user may pay 500 XP each to gain a body with a KKG determined by a D20 roll specified in the table below. This body may only be used for Permanent Assimilation implantation.  If a clan has multiple bloodline routes, such as Yokai Paths or Tsuchigumo Castes, each route is considered a separate bloodline for this ability.  Hiden Clans, as they are not bloodlines and as such do not take up a slot, do not grant the recipient the ability to learn the clan's hiden on their own when absorbed. Absorbing them does allow the user to learn a Hiden Clan's techniques if they normally couldn't, such as the Aburame's Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique due to the preparation a body needs to go through in order to receive bugs transferring, but not the technique itself. While the user can receive a 4th stat trade by absorbing clanless characters, they do not receive a free stat reset.

Any boost to stats from invested KKG upgrades will be considered unique in nature.

Weaknesses: It should be noted that the technique can be stopped (with seemingly relative ease) from the inside out by using a dimension-manipulating technique such as Kamui. While imperfect assimilation takes less then a second to merge due to being a temporary effect, it takes a full post for permanent assimilation to be complete. Any interruption to the technique will cancel it out and must began again from the start. Only the user may gain immortality & Chakra Access from absorbing bodies.

Those receiving an non-Doujutsu implant must pay the necessary experience requirements to achieve advancement in the bloodline as normal although this may be done with pre-existing experience. If it is a Doujutsu based implant then the recipient starts with whatever stage was unlocked by the donor. Max Doujutsu is two. Only the user may achieve immortality when they receive their 5th bloodline.

While the user may be biologically immortal once they have absorbed 5 bodies, that doesn't mean they cannot be killed. Natural death includes heart attack, stroke, cancer, infection, or any other illness; anything not caused by external factors. Time includes keeping the user in their prime and preventing old age, as well as protecting the user from time-based justu if the user desires. Poison is anything mechanically classified as a poison by the site's rules and the negative effects of drugs. Anything not covered by these three can still kill the user.

Bijuu and similar entities cannot be merged with Perfect or Imperfect Assimilation without Moderator approval. Imperfect Assimilation does not grant the user the donor's KKG stat boosts. Perfect Assimilation's ability to let the user preform implant rolls does not grant the user the physician bonus. Imperfect Assimilations merge timer is per thread, not per merge.

Because this is an Entity Level restricted, there is no way to gain an X-Rank stat.  Similarly, this is a restricted level of boost for stats, and cannot be combined with other forms of boosts from restricted techniques such as Sage Mode.

Roll Table:

Posts : 3
Join date : 2024-03-22

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