Spatha Naruto Roleplay
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Civilian Rules

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Civilian Rules Empty Civilian Rules

Post by Admin Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:58 am


The world of Shinobi is much more than just shinobi. Civilians make their way through their lives each and everyday. From shopkeepers to clerks, to farmers, to bandits. Civilians work to make their lives fit to the realities of the danger around them. Here on Spatha, ‘Civilian’ is an entire separate class of character from Shinobi. Allowing one to choose whether or not they want to play as one or the other. Or both on different characters. Civilians will have limitations in the skills they may take however will also have access to skills that Shinobi cannot. Civilians will have the same stat raise cap as shinobi but will be unable to raise those stats artificially with the exception of those that come from the martial skills. Civilians will be unable to officially take missions, meaning they will not be able to get paid from them. So they will also gain an increased 'Stipend' which will constitute their 'income' from their various pursuits. They will receive double the stipend per rank of their shinobi counterparts.

Civilians will be unable to take Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Medical, Puppetry, or Sensory as skills. Due to the fact that those skills are far more chakra intensive than others and civilians do not have fully unlocked reserves. Civilians may obtain elements. As every living creature has an affinity toward one or more but for them it means simply being able to utilize that element in crafting. Or channeled in minor amounts in their other skills as necessary. 

The skill options Civilians gain access to are Master Craftsman, Chef, Architect, Politics, and Entertainer, and Business. 

In order of listing

Master Craftsman: This Skill allows the user to create X grade Equipment. This equipment is stronger than normal equipment but the rate in which they can be made is somewhat limited. One may create one each of a weapon, armor, and engineering item every 3 OOC months. It should be noted that only the upgrade from S++ to X is limited by this. Upgrading an item from X to X+ or X+ to X++ does not have a limit and can be done without worry. It’s simply the breaking into the X rank threshold that is limited. 

Chef: Chefs are able to create food, drinks, and other such provisions for themselves and others. These provisions can have a variety of effects that is limited only by the users creativity and what can reasonably be stretched in terms of logic and sense. As a baseline such provisions can provide stat buffs to the one that ingested it for multiple threads after consumption or even a flat amount of stamina that lasts for multiple threads or until the stamina is used. Which comes first. Other effects are more than possible. Provisions follow the crafting guidelines for ‘Chemistry’ for the sake of minimum material requirements. 

Architect: Architects are more specialized than engineers, focusing on buildings and is the only skill that is able to create village upgrades beyond B rank. As well as increasing the amount of Village Upgrades the village can have by two for a total of five. Making an Architect incredibly important for any village to have on hand if they can manage it. 

Politics: Politicians have the ability to travel with shinobi to other nations and use their natural statesmanship to increase the amount of ‘Influence’ gained from missions in that nation by +5 per politician with the group. Allowing the potential rapid gaining of territory with their natural charisma and all around effectiveness in negotiation…Or Intimidation, whichever is preferred. 

Entertainer: Entertainers encompass any kind of ‘art’ be it music, dance, the creation of artwork, even a stand up comedy act. They are capable of giving buffs to others just like the chef skill can. Though these buffs will tend to be lesser because there are no mat requirements. Durations of the buffs will depend on the rank of entertainment used. For the sake of clarity the thread the entertainment is gained in will not count unless combat is started. The buffs will not take effect until the individual that has been buffed has left the thread and the next thread they enter will begin the count. So one must be careful of one's threads when relying on buffs from entertainers. There is however no limit to how many people the entertainer can buff in a given thread. Allowing them to host a concert, a show, be a street performer, or simply pick up a lute and sing in a taver-Wrong game, sorry. 

C = 1 Thread
B = 2 Threads
A = 2 Threads
S = 3 Threads

As you see, there is no such thing as a ‘D rank’ form of entertainment. This is simply because creating entertainment that actually ‘inspires’ and ‘enhances’ individuals would need to be certainly better than average. For the sake of clarity the following table will denote how much each rank of entertainment can increase stats. 

C = ‘+’ to one stat 
B = ‘++’ spread between up to two stats. 
A = ‘1 Tier’ Spread between up to two stats 
S = ‘1 Tier and 1 +’ spread between up to two stats. 

Entertainers will app their various musical scores, dance numbers, or other such entertainments using the following template. 


Entertainers will of course have varying levels of ability and this is denoted by their coordination and intelligence stats. For physical entertainers coordination will be used and for more mental entertainers intelligence will be used. For clarity's sake musicians and singers will use intelligence. One may not utilize a form of apped entertainment that exceeds the statistic in question. 

Business: Shopkeepers, investors, real estate agents, a lemonade stand, there are various forms of business one can get into as a civilian. Narratively one may write whatever one wishes. Mechanically the Business skill will give you an increased monthly stipend, and access to free materials. The stipend increase will be as follows 

D = 5,000 Ryo 
C = 5,000 Ryo 
B = 10,000 Ryo 
A = 20,000 Ryo 
S = 30,000 Ryo

This ryo is claimable when one normally claims their stipend once per month. With the rank equating to the character's rank. 

Businessmen and women will also gain 1 single legendary grade material each month the acquisition of which is up to them. That they can then choose to break down following the same rules of upgrading materials. So 1 higher grade material becomes 3 of the grade below it. Of course they can also choose to save them and upgrade them as they accrue them. 

It should be noted that while these 6 skills are limited to only being taken by Civilians they are not the only skills Civilians may take. There is some overlap between Shinobi and Civilians with that overlap tending to be in the martial areas. That focuses on the usage of the body. Such as Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Bukijutsu, and Kyuujutsu. These martial skills will still provide their buffs to Civilians. Of course they may also benefit from provisions and the entertainment of others. Allowing them to still be capable physical combatants. However Civilians do not have access to restricted slots. 

Civilians of course can choose to work to become Shinobi and vice versa. Shinobi will simply let their chakra degrade and will take the skills they choose. This will effectively act as a reset for the shinobi in question. Civilians can choose to learn how to deepen their reserves and access more of it and in the doing lose access to their Civilian only skills due to the time investment necessary in learning the shinobi related ones. This will also constitute a reset where said Civilian’s player reallocates experience, and such. One can only choose to change once per character. 

Should a Civilian reach S class and then switch to a Shinobi they will still get their free restricted claim.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2023-01-30

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