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Crafting Empty Crafting

Post by Admin Thu Apr 04, 2024 10:13 pm


Crafting on Spatha is the creation of various equipment be they armor, weapon, or any other potentially lethal and dangerous or protective piece of ‘equipment’. Individuals with one of the four crafting skills may utilize them to create and modify equipment that falls under that skills purview. The four crafting skills are Weaponcrafting, Armorcrafting, Engineering, and Chemistry. The first three require Coordination in order to craft and Chemistry requires intellect in order to craft its goods. In order to craft one must have the necessary materials and a crafter with the required stat at a high enough level. 

Materials come in four different grades and are largely up to the imagination of whoever is purchasing them. They go in order of weakest to strongest, ‘Low Grade’, ‘Medium Grade’, ‘High Grade’, and ‘Legendary Grade’. One can have low grade steel, or even legendary grade steel. One can say their material is Ebony, Damascus Steel, or even the bone of some great and fearsome creature. The material itself is largely up to the imagination of the writer. The grade is what is important.

Weapons and Engineering items that need it  have a ‘Quality’ Statistic that defines its damage ability. Be it from cutting, chopping, piercing, or bludgeoning. That quality is always equal to the rank of the weapon as a baseline and can be modified via augments (more on that in a bit) and jutsu. The ‘Durability’ stat which all creations from Weaponcrafting, Armorcrafting, and Engineering possess is simply the equipment's ability to remain undamaged. Damage begins in as little as 1 disadvantage increments in difference between the durability and whatever the equipment is trying to withstand. Overall damage needs to equate to three tiers of damage in order to break something/render it useless for the remainder of the topic. If the damage reaches four tiers the equipment is destroyed outright and will need to be replaced. Heat based damage either from jutsu or equipment will have a 1 tier bonus when it comes to clashing against equipment.

What this means is if my weapon at A++ durability and gets hit by a weapon or even jutsu (depending on the jutsu) with S rank quality/power the tier difference is one advantage. That means my weapon is fine for the moment. If however some hits my A++ durability weapon with and S rank quality/power heat based piece of equipment or jutsu then the difference would be 1 tier and 1 advantage and the damage is more significant. 

In order to craft a piece of equipment one must begin with the D rank level. From then on, upgrading that equipment requires one to obtain more mats and upgrade them advantage by advantage. So after one makes a D rank piece of equipment. One will then need to upgrade to D+ and then D++ before being able to upgrade to C. The highest rank one may reach with crafting is S++ with the exception of those with the Master Craftsman skill. One may provide all of the mats to craft an S++ if one desires so long as the mats equate to each rank and advantage. Crafting takes no time ooc, simply obtain the mats and do so. Said crafting of course will probably request a fee for their efforts on your behalf of course. 

One may ‘hire’ the shop to craft for you. However the shop can only craft up to A rank equipment and not one advantage higher. The shop will also charge you a fee on top of the cost of the mats equating to 50% of the mat cost for the rank of item you wish to have crafted. The number of mats for each rank are listed before. It should be noted the mat requirements for each advantage is half the mat cost of the base rank.

D = 4 Low Grade Mats
D+ = 2 Low Grade Mats (6 Total)
D++ = 2 Low Grade Mats (8 Total)
C = 4 Low Grade Mats (12 Total)
C+ = 2 Low Grade Mats (14 Total)
C++ = 2 Low Grade Mats (16 Total)
B = 6 Medium Grade Mats 
B+ = 3 Medium Grade Mats (9 Total) 
B++ = 3 Medium Grade Mats (12 Total) 
A = 8 High Grade Mats 
A+ = 4 High Grade Mats (12 Total)
A++ 4 High Grade Mats (16 Total) 
S = 8 Legendary Grade Mats 
S+ = 4 Legendary Grade Mats (12 Total)
S++ = 4 Legendary Grade Mats (16 Total) 

Note: The ‘Totals’ in Parenthesis is to make it easier to know how many of each mat you’ll need in the end. 

For Master Craftsman Only

X = 10 Legendary Grade Mats 
X+ 5 Legendary Grade Mats (15 Total)
X++ = 5 Legendary Grade Mats (20 Total) 

Now that you know the amount of materials needed. You need to know the cost of each rank of material. 

Low Grade Mats = 5,000 Ryo Each
Medium Grade Mats = 10,000 Ryo Each 
High Grade Mats = 25,000 Ryo Each 
Legendary Grade Mats = 50,000 Ryo Each

That means the mat cost for a D rank is simply 20,000 Ryo.
The mat cost for an S++ rank however is 1,400,000 Ryo. Meaning that high quality equipment is an investment one must work hard in order to obtain. 


Augments are abilities worked into equipment by the crafter. These abilities can be anything that might work for the piece of equipment. So no projecting a giant chakra shield from your sword. However augments are where the real individuality of equipment really comes into play. Augments can be as simple as the ability to fire chakra slashes. The an increase in the quality or durability of the equipment it’s on. Certain augments will require be apped at a certain rank. Character stat boosting augments will be limited to A and S rank only and capped at a single augment of that type on the equipment. Elemental augment will require the element by involved in the creation process. 

Each rank of equipment has a cap on the number of augments that can be put upon them. Those caps are as follows. 

D = 1 
C = 2
B = 3
A = 4
S = 5
X = 5 

Furthermore augments can not be a higher rank than the equipment they are on. Augments will carry a ‘power/quality/speed’ equivalent to the rank of the augment and activatable augments will take a chakra cost equivalent to their rank. 

Augments are upgraded in the regular D - S order X rank augments do not exist. Though X rank equipment will have certain restrictions on augments loosened. 

The material requirements for augments are as follows. 

D = 4 Low Grade Materials 
C = 8 Low Grade Materials (12 Total)
B = 8 Medium Grade Materials 
A = 10 High Grade Materials 
S = 10 Legendary Grade Materials

Each augment on a piece of equipment must be upgraded individually. Meaning each piece of equipment is a large time and ryo investment. A fully maxed out, fully upgraded S rank piece of gear will run millions of Ryo (5,850,000 to be precise). This equipment can (and is meant to) grow with you and become more powerful as you invest more and more into it. 

Breaking equipment of course is possible. As previously explained three tiers worth of damage is enough to render a piece of equipment unusable for the remainder of the topic it is in. Four tiers of damage is enough to completely eradicate the equipment in question, necessitating the cost of total replacement. Repairing equipment can be done by any crafter and they might charge you a fee. The shop can also repair equipment for 20,000 Ryo per rank of equipment.

Special Materials

Special materials can be used to create equipment. For the most part equipment can be made using any materials you want narratively. Found a few chunks of iron on a mission? Go ahead. Hunt and kill and animal for the bone in order to have your equipment made? By all means, what matters is the grade of material. However special materials can be apped in order to allow for more esoteric augments on the equipment. A Yuki could create a special ice material that allows one to create ice based augments without needing the element. Just as an example. Anyone can app a material so long as they have the means to obtain that material. 


Artifacts, and for clarification, X Rank equipment of all kinds are considered 'Artifacts' can only be crafted by those with the 'Master Craftsman skill. Artifacts have a couple of additional bonuses that regular S rank equipment and lower simply cannot match. First off their quality/durability is at least a tier higher generally due to them being X rank. Furthermore Artifacts have some of the augment restrictions loosened. For example, normally a piece of equipment can only have '1' player stat boosting augment on it. Artifacts however can have '2'. Allowing the player to gain an additional entirely passive tier to their stats while the artifact is in their possession. Finally, activated augments typically have to have their cost paid from the user's chakra pool. However Artifacts can have an augment that gives them a pool all their own allowing the pool to be upgradable following the augment upgrade system. How much effective chakra is in that pool of course depends on the rank of the augment. 

D = 10 
C = 30
B = 60 
A = 90
S = 150

That pool can be used only to power the Artifact in question and not be drawn into the users reserves. Though there can of course be potential for another augment to allow for that. Overall Artifacts will be the ultimate equipment for a user. Canonical Artifacts can be discovered in character however their augments are less versatile than a player made artifact simply due to the fact that they will need to be as close to canonically accurate as possible. Generally though so long as the artifact in question meets the canonical requirements additional augments can be added to tweak it so long as the total augment numbers do not exceed the cap of 5. 

Last edited by Admin on Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:30 am; edited 1 time in total


Posts : 148
Join date : 2023-01-30

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Crafting Empty Re: Crafting

Post by Admin Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:09 am


The fourth crafting discipline is called Chemistry and it involves the combination of various materials in order to create things such as poison, medicine, or drugs of various kinds. Unlike the other three forms of crafting Chemistry items do not need to be upgraded. You can make the rank of chemistry item immediately without having to build it up or pay overly much for the materials. Chemistry uses the same material system as the other crafting disciplines. However they will typically take far fewer to do what is necessary. Adding more materials would potentially allow one to app more onto a chemistry craft. The minimum material requirements for each rank of craft will be listed below. 

D = 2 Low Grade Materials 
C = 4 Low Grade Materials 
B = 2 Medium Grade Materials 
A = 3 High Grade Materials 
S  = 4 Legendary Grade Materials. 

Poison, Drug, and Medicine guidelines will be posted below. 






Posts : 148
Join date : 2023-01-30

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